Author: arielch
Date: Sat Dec  3 11:51:39 2016
New Revision: 1772462

i127236 - Use libwww-perl to download dependencies

Cherrypicked some changes from Revision 1761352


Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/bootstrap.1
--- openoffice/trunk/main/bootstrap.1 (original)
+++ openoffice/trunk/main/bootstrap.1 Sat Dec  3 11:51:39 2016
@@ -54,14 +54,6 @@ chmod +x "$SRC_ROOT/solenv/bin/build_cli
 chmod +x "$SRC_ROOT/solenv/bin/"
 chmod +x "$SRC_ROOT/solenv/bin/"
-# build the AOOJavaDownloader
-mkdir -p "$SOLARENV/$INPATH/class"
-"$JAVACOMPILER" "$SOLARENV/javadownloader/" -d 
-if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-    echo "*** Failed to build AOOJavaDownloader, aborting! ***"
-    exit 1
 # fetch or update external tarballs
 if [ "$DO_FETCH_TARBALLS" = "yes" ]; then
 # check perl include locations

Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/
--- openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/ 
+++ openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/ Sat Dec  
3 11:51:39 2016
@@ -507,45 +507,92 @@ sub DownloadFile ($$$)
     my $URL = shift;
     my $checksum = shift;
-    if (defined $checksum)
+    my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'TARFILE_LOCATION'}, $name);
+    my $temporary_filename = $filename . ".part";
+    print "downloading to $temporary_filename\n";
+    my $out;
+    open $out, ">$temporary_filename";
+    binmode($out);
+    # Prepare checksum
+    my $digest;
+    if (defined $checksum && $checksum->{'type'} eq "SHA1")
+    {
+        # Use SHA1 only when explicitly requested (by the presence of a 
"SHA1=..." line.)
+        $digest = Digest::SHA->new("1");
+    }
+    elsif ( ! defined $checksum || $checksum->{'type'} eq "MD5")
-        system(
-            $ENV{'JAVAINTERPRETER'},
-            "-cp",
-            File::Spec->catfile(
-                File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'SOLARENV'}, $ENV{'INPATH'}),
-                "class"),
-            "AOOJavaDownloader",
-            $name,
-            $URL,
-            $checksum->{'type'},
-            $checksum->{'value'});
+        # Use MD5 when explicitly requested or when no checksum type is given.
+        $digest = Digest::MD5->new();
-        system(
-            $ENV{'JAVAINTERPRETER'},
-            "-cp",
-            File::Spec->catfile(
-                File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'SOLARENV'}, $ENV{'INPATH'}),
-                "class"),
-            "AOOJavaDownloader",
-            $name,
-            $URL);
+        die "checksum type ".$checksum->{'type'}." is not supported";
-    my $rc = $? >> 8;
-    if ($rc == 0)
+    # Download the extension.
+    my $success = 0;
+    my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+    $agent->env_proxy;
+    my $response = $agent->get($URL);
+    $success = $response->is_success;
+    if ($success)
-        return 1;
+        my $content = $response->content;
+        open $out, ">$temporary_filename";
+        binmode($out);
+        print $out $content;
+        $digest->add($content);
-    elsif ($rc == 1)
+    else
-        return 0;
+        print "download from $URL failed (" . $response->status_line . ")\n";
+    }
+    close($out);
+    # When download was successful then check the checksum and rename the 
.part file
+    # into the actual extension name.
+    if ($success)
+    {
+        my $file_checksum = $digest->hexdigest();
+        if (defined $checksum)
+        {
+            if ($checksum->{'value'} eq $file_checksum)
+            {
+                printf("%s checksum is OK\n", $checksum->{'type'});
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                unlink($temporary_filename);
+                printf("    %s checksum does not match (%s instead of %s)\n",
+                       $checksum->{'type'},
+                       $file_checksum,
+                       $checksum->{'value'});
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            # The datafile does not contain a checksum to match against.
+            # Display the one that was calculated for the downloaded file so 
+            # it can be integrated manually into the data file.
+            printf("checksum not given, md5 of file is %s\n", $file_checksum);
+            $filename = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'TARFILE_LOCATION'}, 
$file_checksum . "-" . $name);
+        }
+        rename($temporary_filename, $filename) || die "can not rename 
$temporary_filename to $filename";
+        return 1;
-        exit $rc;
+        unlink($temporary_filename);
+        print "    download failed\n";
+        return 0;

Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/modules/
--- openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/modules/ (original)
+++ openoffice/trunk/main/solenv/bin/modules/ Sat Dec  3 
11:51:39 2016
@@ -468,19 +468,53 @@ sub Download (@)
         my ($protocol, $name, $URL, $md5sum) = @{$entry};
-        system(
-            $ENV{'JAVAINTERPRETER'},
-            "-cp",
-            File::Spec->catfile(
-                File::Spec->catfile($ENV{'SOLARENV'}, $ENV{'INPATH'}),
-                "class"),
-            "AOOJavaDownloader",
-            $name,
-            $URL,
-            'MD5',
-            $md5sum);
+        # Open a .part file for writing.
+        my $filename = File::Spec->catfile($download_path, $name);
+        my $temporary_filename = $filename . ".part";
+        print "downloading to $temporary_filename\n";
-        if ($? != 0)
+        # Prepare md5
+        my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
+        # Download the extension.
+        my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+        $agent->timeout(120);
+        $agent->env_proxy;
+        my $last_was_redirect = 0;
+        my $response = $agent->get($URL);
+        # When download was successfull then check the md5 checksum and rename 
the .part file
+        # into the actual extension name.
+        if ($response->is_success())
+        {
+            my $content = $response->content;
+            open $out, ">$temporary_filename";
+            binmode($out);
+            print $out $content;
+            $md5->add($content);
+            close $out;
+            if (defined $md5sum && length($md5sum)==32)
+            {
+                my $file_md5 = $md5->hexdigest();
+                if ($md5sum eq $file_md5)
+                {
+                    print "md5 is OK\n";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    unlink($temporary_filename) if ! $Debug;
+                    die "downloaded file has the wrong md5 checksum: $file_md5 
instead of $md5sum";
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                print "md5 is not present\n";
+                printf "   is %s, length is %d\n", $md5sum, length(md5sum);
+            }
+            rename($temporary_filename, $filename) || die "can not rename 
$temporary_filename to $filename";
+        }
+        else
             die "failed to download $URL";

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