Author: buildbot Date: Wed Apr 20 09:59:20 2016 New Revision: 986159 Log: Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site
Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/download/full_vs_lp.html Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/ (props changed) websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/ (props changed) Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- cms:source-revision (original) +++ cms:source-revision Wed Apr 20 09:59:20 2016 @@ -1 +1 @@ -1739437 +1740083 Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- cms:source-revision (original) +++ cms:source-revision Wed Apr 20 09:59:20 2016 @@ -1 +1 @@ -1739437 +1740083 Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/download/full_vs_lp.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/download/full_vs_lp.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/download/full_vs_lp.html Wed Apr 20 09:59:20 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> + <title>Apache OpenOffice - Full Installation vs. Language Pack</title> + <style type="text/css"> + /* <![CDATA[ */ + /*-------------------- Exceptions on standard css -----------------------*/ + @import "styles.css"; + @import "exceptions.css"; + /* ]]> */ + </style> + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body style="padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;"> +<!--#include virtual="/eu/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/eu/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/download/">download</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + + + <!-- The text in the H1 tag is intentionally shown as not displayable, just to please accessibility tools like a + screen reader. --> + <h1 style="display: none;">Apache OpenOffice</h1> + <h2 style="display: none;">Apache OpenOffice</h2> + + <!--<h3>Apache OpenOffice - Full Installation vs. Language Pack</h3>--> + <h3>Apache OpenOffice - Eraketa osoa vs. Hizkuntz paketea</h3> + + <!--<p>By default Apache OpenOffice is offering a single language when installing a full installation. Full installation means + that all application modules (Write, Calc, Impress, etc.) are available. The term does not belong to languages.</p>--> + <p>Konputagailuan Apache OpenOffice-ren eraketa oso bat jartzen denean hizkuntza bakar bat dago erabilgarri. + "Eraketa osoa"k aplikazioaren modulu guztiak(Write, Calc, Impress, eta abar.) erabili ahal direla esan nahi du. + Izen horrek ez du zer ikusirik hizkuntzekin.</p> + + <!--<p>When you want to use one or more languages in OpenOffice for the user interface (for example, menus, dialogs and + messages ) and help topics then it is recommended to use language packs. The idea is to have a base installation for, + e.g., English (US) and additional languages on top without a need to install a full installation for every language. For + this every language pack has to be installed over a full installation. Important is that the same version number and + platform has to fit to the base installation (for example, it is not possible to install a language pack from release + 4.0.0 over the base installation of 4.1.0).</p>--> + <p>Open Office-ren erabiltzaileentzako interfazeetan (adibidez, menuak, elkarrizketak eta mezuak) eta programarako laguntzan + hizkuntza bat baino gehiago erabili nahi denean hizkuntz paketeak erabiltzea komeni da. Asmoa da eraketa oso bakar bat jarri + konputagailuan, esate baterako euskararena, eta erabili gura diren beste hizkuntzen hizkuntz paketeak haren gainean, + hizkuntz guztien eraketa osoak jarri behar barik. + Horretarako hizkuntz pakete guztiak dagoeneko jarrita dagoen eraketa oso baten gainean jarri behar dira. + Kontuan izan behar da jarri nahi diren hizkuntz paketeen bertsio zenbakia eta plataforma + dagoeneko jarrita dagoen eraketa osoarenak izan behar direla. + (Adibidez, ezin da erabili 4.0.0 bertsioren hizkuntz pakete bat 4.1.0 bertsioaren eraketa oso batekin).</p> + + + <!--<p>Language packs contain only resource files to show menus, dialogs, messages, etc. in your favorite language but there + is no program logic. In case text is not fully localized some elements of the user interface or help topics will display + in English as default language.</p>--> + <p>Hizkuntz paketeek menuak, elkarrizketak, mezuak eta horrelako gauzak gura den hizkuntzan agertarazteko behar den informazioa + baino ez dute; ez programaren logika. Testu guztia itzuli barik badago erabiltzaile-interfazeetan itzuli barik dauden elementuak + ingelesez aurkezten dira. Euskararen kasuan hau, gehien bat, laguntzako testu batzuekin jazoten da.</p> + + <!--<p>After the language pack is installed the new language can be switched via the menu "Tools - Options - Language + Settings - Languages - User Interface".</p>--> + <p>Hizkuntz pakete bat jarri ostean, interfazeen hizkuntza "Tresnak - Aukerak - Hizkuntza-Ezarpenak - Hizkuntzak - Erabiltzaile-interfazea" + menu aukeren bidez aldatu ahal da.</p> + + <!--<p><b>Please note:</b><br /> + Currently dictionaries are not included in language packs, only in full installations. This limitation is a technical + issue still to be fixed, see <a href="">Bug 124473</a> for more details.<br/> + Users who install language packs must take an extra step to manually download the matching dictionary from the + <a href="" title="Get Apache OpenOffice Extensions and Dictionaries" target="_blank">Extensions website</a>.<br/> + Dictionaries get improved independently of the release schedule of OpenOffice + and are offered separately. They can be updated at any time when new + versions are released. + </p>--> + <p><b>Kontuan izan hurrengoa ere:</b><br /> + Oraingoz hizkuntz paketeetan ez dira sartzen hiztegiak, eraketa osoetan baino ez. + + Muga hau oraindino konpondu barik dagoen arazo tekniko bati lotuta dago, + detaile gehiagotarako ikus <a href="">Bug 124473</a> akatsa.<br/> + Hizkuntz paketeak jartzen dituzten erabiltzaileek paketea jartzeaz gain + <a href="" title="Get Apache OpenOffice Extensions and Dictionaries" target="_blank"> + gehigarrien webgune</a>tik dagokion hizkuntzaren hiztegia jaitsi behar dute.<br/> + Hiztegien garapena ez dago lotuta OpenOffice-ren garapenarekin eta ez dira batera jaitsi behar. + Hiztegiak edonoiz eguneratu ahal dira, bertsio berriak prest daudenean. + </p> + + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html>