Author: buildbot Date: Wed Apr 13 17:33:58 2016 New Revision: 985591 Log: Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site
Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/ (props changed) websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/ (props changed) websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/why/index.html Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- cms:source-revision (original) +++ cms:source-revision Wed Apr 13 17:33:58 2016 @@ -1 +1 @@ -1738358 +1738974 Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- cms:source-revision (original) +++ cms:source-revision Wed Apr 13 17:33:58 2016 @@ -1 +1 @@ -1738358 +1738974 Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/why/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/why/index.html (original) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/why/index.html Wed Apr 13 17:33:58 2016 @@ -33,31 +33,36 @@ visibility: hidden; } h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> -<h2 id="why-should-i-use-apache-openoffice">Why should I use Apache OpenOffice?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-should-i-use-apache-openoffice" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> -<p class="rfloatimg"><img alt="Why Apache OpenOffice" src="/images/AOO_logos/orb.jpg" /></p> -<p>Apache OpenOffice is the leading <strong>open-source</strong> <strong>office software suite</strong> for <strong>word processing</strong>, <strong>spreadsheets</strong>, <strong>presentations</strong>, <strong>graphics</strong>, <strong>databases</strong> and more. It is available in <strong>many languages</strong> and works on all <strong>common computers</strong>. It stores all your data in an <strong>international open standard format</strong> and can also read and write files from other common office software packages. It can be downloaded and used completely <strong>free of charge</strong> for <strong>any purpose</strong>.</p> +<h2 id="zergatik_erabili_beharko_nuke_apache_openoffice">Zergatik_erabili_beharko_nuke_Apache_OpenOffice?<a class="headerlink" href="#zergatik_erabili_beharko_nuke_apache_openoffice" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p class="rfloatimg"><img alt="Zergatik Apache OpenOffice" src="/images/AOO_logos/orb.jpg" /></p> +<p>Apache OpenOffice + <strong>testu-prozesatze</strong>rako, <strong>kalkulu-orriak</strong>, <strong>aurkezpenak</strong> eta <strong>grafikoak</strong> prestatzeko, + <strong>datu-baseak</strong> kudeatzeko eta antzeko atazatarako erabilienetariko <strong>kode ireki</strong>ko <strong>bulegoko software-suitea</strong> da. + <strong>Hizkuntza askotan</strong> eta <strong>ohiko konputagailu</strong> guztietan erabili ahal da. + Datuak <strong>nazioarteko formatu ireki estandar</strong> batean gordetzen ditu eta irakurri eta idatzi ahal ditu bulegoko beste ohiko software-paketeen fitxategiak. + <strong>Ezer ere ordaindu barik</strong> eta <strong>edozertarako</strong> jaitsi eta erabili ahal da.</p> <ul> <li> -<p><a href="why_great.html">Great software</a></p> -<p>Apache OpenOffice is the result of over twenty years' software engineering. Designed from the start as a single piece of software, it has a consistency other products cannot match. A completely open development process means that anyone can report bugs, request new features, or enhance the software. The result: Apache OpenOffice does everything you want your office software to do, the way you want it to.</p> +<p><a href="why_great.html">Software aparta</a></p> +<p>Apache OpenOffice hogei urte baino gehiagoko software-ingeniaritzaren emaitza da. Hasieratik diseinatuta software entitate bakar bat legez, beste produktu batzuek lortu ezin duten koherentzia du. Garatzeko prozesu guztiz irekiarekin, edozeinek ahal du akatsen berri eman, ezaugarri berriak eskatu edo/eta softwarea hobetu. Emaitza: Apache OpenOffice-k egiten du zure bulego-softwareak egitea gura duzun guztia, gura duzun moduan.</p> </li> <li> -<p><a href="why_easy.html">Easy to use</a></p> -<p>Apache OpenOffice is easy to learn, and if you're already using another office software package, you'll take to OpenOffice straight away. Our world-wide native-language community means that OpenOffice is probably available and supported in your own language. And if you already have files from another office package - OpenOffice will probably read them with no difficulty.</p> +<p><a href="why_easy.html">Erabiltzeko erraza</a></p> +<p>Apache OpenOffice erabiltzen erraz ikasten da, eta dagoeneko beste bulegoko software-paketea erabiltzen baduzu, zuzenean lortuko duzu berarekin lan egitea. Munduan zehar OpenOffice hizkuntza askotara itzultzen lan egin dutenei esker, seguru asko, zure ama-hizkuntzan erabili ahal izango duzu, eta baita laguntza lortu ere. Eta beste bulego-pakete baten fitxategiak badituzu, ziur aski, OpenOffice oztopo barik haiek irakurtzeko gauza izango da.</p> </li> <li> -<p><a href="why_free.html">and it's free</a></p> -<p>Best of all, Apache OpenOffice can be downloaded and used entirely free of any license fees. Apache OpenOffice is released under the Apache 2.0 License. This means you may use it for any purpose - domestic, commercial, educational, public administration. You may install it on as many computers as you like. You may make copies and give them away to family, friends, students, employees - anyone you like.</p> +<p><a href="why_free.html">eta doakoa da</a></p> +<p>Onena, Apache OpenOffice jaitsi eta erabili ahal da lizentziagatik ezertxo ere ordaindu barik. Apache Software Fundazioaren software guztia legez, Apache OpenOffice edozeinek erabili ahal du. Apache OpenOffice Apache 2.0 Lizentziapean argitaratzen da. Horrek esan gura du edozein arlotan erabili ahal dela: etxean, enpresatan, hezkuntzan, herri-administraziotan. Gura diren beste konputagailutan jarri ahal da eta bere kopiak nahi den edozeini luza dakizkioke: senideei, lagunei, ikasleei, langileei...</p> </li> </ul> -<h2 id="where-is-apache-openoffice-currently-used">Where is Apache OpenOffice currently used?<a class="headerlink" href="#where-is-apache-openoffice-currently-used" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<h2 id="non-erabiltzen-da-gaur-egun-apache-openoffice">Non erabiltzen da gaur egun Apache OpenOffice?<a class="headerlink" href="#non-erabiltzen-da-gaur-egun-apache-openoffice" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> <ul> -<li><a href="why_gov.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for Public Administration">Governments</a></li> -<li><a href="why_edu.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for Education">Education</a></li> -<li><a href="why_sme.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for Businesses">Businesses</a></li> -<li><a href="why_nfp.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for Not For Profits">Not for profits</a></li> -<li><a href="why_oem.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for IT businesses">IT Businesses</a></li> -<li><a href="why_foss.html" title="Why Apache OpenOffice for Free/Open-Source Systems advocates">F/OSS advocates</a></li> +<li><a href="why_gov.html" title="Zergatik erabili Apache OpenOffice herri-azministraziotan">Gobernutan</a></li> +<li><a href="why_edu.html "Zergatik erabili Apache OpenOffice hezkuntzan">Hezkuntzan</a></li> +<li><a href="why_sme.html" title="Zergatik erabili Apache OpenOffice enpresatan">Enpresatan</a></li> +<li><a href="why_nfp.html" title="Zergatik erabili Apache OpenOffice irabazteko asmorik gabeko erakundetan">IAGko erakundetan</a></li> +<li><a href=""">ITko enpresatan</a></li> +<li><a href="why_foss.html" title="Zergatik erabili Apache OpenOffice iturri irekiko sistemen bultzatzaileen artean">IISko munduan</a></li> </ul> </div> <!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->