Author: orcmid
Date: Sat Mar  5 20:25:19 2016
New Revision: 1733759

Addition of AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation text at a stable file location as part of 
policy-folder maintenance

    openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt   (with props)

Added: openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt
--- openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt (added)
+++ openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt [UTF-8] Sat Mar  5 
20:25:19 2016
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt          UTF-8                      2016-03-05
+                        PRACTICE: ROLES OF CHAIR AND PMC
+                        ================================
+                     *******************************
+                     ****        VERSION OF     ****
+                     ****   2016-03-05T20:12Z   ****
+                     *******************************
+        <
+              Policies/AOO-PMC-ROles-Operation.txt>
+        This article identifies an approach to Apache OpenOffice
+        PMC and Chair responsibilities, identifying resources 
+        that expand on how an ASF Project is to operate.
+        The information is intended for review by PMC Chairs
+        (who may revise it), PMC members, and the wider public
+        community for understanding of the relationships of
+        ASF, PMCs and their Chairs, and how Apache projects
+        serve the public good.
+        CONTENT
+         1. The PMC and How It Operates
+         2. The Chair of the PMC
+         3. Beyond the Dry Stuff
+It is useful to know some specifics concerning the role of a Project
+Management Committee (PMC) Chair and how that fits with the responsibilities
+of the PMC and what counts as Project Management for a volunteer-driven
+open-source software project.
+**PLEASE NOTE** It might appear in the material below that the Chair is in a
+position to be the (benevolent?) dictator of the PMC and the project.
+That is not the case.
+The technical decisions and detailed work fall to the PMC, the committers,
+and, for Apache OpenOffice, the community of contributors all the way out to
+end-users who submit bugs, complaints, and requests for assistance in
+difficulties of successful use.
+It is useful to see the Chair as having oversight on how well that activity 
+is managed and fits under the umbrella of the Foundation.  This is not about
+technical direction to the extent there is no collision with over-riding ASF
+policy (e.g., in handling of Intellectual Property).
+Since the PMC Chair is a member of the PMC, an useful place for that important
+context is the "Project Management Committee Guide" at
+The section on "PMC Required Policy" is very brief and to the point.  An
+aspect of PMC activity that is questioned from time to time is where the PMC
+conducts its business.  The final section of the required policy establishes
+*strict, mandatory* limitation on what PMC deliberations are allowed on
+private mailing lists under "Conduct Project Business on Mailing Lists."
+Everyone on the AOO PMC must understand and respect the "PMC Required Policy,"
+including the Chair.
+Neither the Chair nor the PMC have executive powers.  No one can command the
+work of others.  Discussions on technical direction and technical actions
+happen on public lists, with additional information on wikis, forums, and the
+repositories.  Some technical actions do require PMC approval, and for those,
+such as approval of a release, only the PMC members have binding votes.  That
+is because of the accountability of the PMC for assuring the integrity of the
+technical work.  In all respects, the objective is to operate with a clear
+consensus on all matters.
+Furthermore, all participants on ASF Projects, and those who contribute
+via resources and lists are subject to the Apache Software
+Foundation Code of Conduct,
+That applies to the Chair and the PMC along with all other contributors.
+For the Chair, the "PMC FAQ" section of the PMC "Committee Guide"provides two
+additional explanations about what is expected.
+First, all the way down at "Changing the PMC Chair" there is an important link
+to "Why are PMC Chairs officers of the corporation,
+Some general duties are described in the earlier "PMC FAQ" section on "What
+Are the Duties of the PMC Chair and How To Perform Them?"   Beside required
+administrative activities, there is this particular guidance:
+  "Remember, that, as in any meeting, the chair is a
+   facilitator and their role within the PMC is to
+   ensure that everyone has a chance to be heard and
+   to enable meetings to flow smoothly.  There is no
+   concept of 'leader' in the Apache way."
+This section also links to an additional definition of PMC and Chair at
+<>.  This is important
+for understanding the relationship of the Chair to the Board:
+   "The chair of the PMC is appointed by the Board and
+    is an officer of the ASF (Vice President).  The
+    chair has primary responsibility to the Board, and
+    has the power to establish rules and procedures for
+    the day to day management of the communities for which
+    the PMC is responsible, including the composition of
+    the PMC itself."
+Finally, there is reference to section 6.3 of the Bylaws of
+The Foundation.  The section is essentially the origin of
+the description above, in its final statements:
+   "Subject to the direction of the Board of Directors, the
+    chairman of each Project Management Committee shall be
+    primarily responsible for project(s) managed by such
+    committee, and he or she shall establish rules and
+    procedures for the day to day management of project(s)
+    for which the committee is responsible.
+   "The Board of Directors of the corporation may, by
+    resolution, terminate a Project Management Committee
+    at any time."
+It might seem that this could be very heavy-handed and dry.
+In practice, the philosophy on establishment of sustainable communities that
+produce software in the public interest involves very great patience and
+tolerance for how communities come together and ultimately thrive.  The idea
+is for communities to work out a way of working that achieves the purposes of
+the project and the over-arching ASF principles on how the public good is
+served, and being able to sustain the project for as long as that remains
+At the ASF, there is no counterpart of the business-world "public hanging" and
+those who call for them need to understand this is not how the ASF operates.
+Period.  These examples, also from the FAQ, may be informative:
+  <>
+  <>
+If there is any question about actions on the part of the Chair, please check
+this document and linked source documents.  If there is a discrepancy between
+this practice and actual conduct, shout out and assist in having the concern
+addressed.  If it is a personal matter, do not hesitate to communicate to the
+PMC private list, <>.  If the concern is
+about conduct of the Chair or the PMC, rely on the Apache Software Foundation
+Code of Conduct, <>,
+for alternative remedies.
+               *** end of AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt ***

Propchange: openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt
    svn:eol-style = native

Propchange: openoffice/pmc/Policies/AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt
    svn:mime-type = text/plain;charset=UTF-8

Modified: openoffice/pmc/Policies/Policies.txt
--- openoffice/pmc/Policies/Policies.txt [UTF-8] (original)
+++ openoffice/pmc/Policies/Policies.txt [UTF-8] Sat Mar  5 20:25:19 2016
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Policies.txt                         UTF-8                         2015-08-29
+Policies.txt 1.02                    UTF-8                         2016-03-05
                                AOO PMC POLICIES
@@ -8,23 +8,49 @@ Policies.txt                         UTF
+    This folder contains policies that apply to the operation of the
+    Apache OpenOffice project.  It is available to and maintainable
+    by any Chair who finds it useful to sustain.
+    It is the responsibility of the Chair to set policies and 
+    procedures that may be required from time-to-time with respect 
+    to the operation and duties of the PMC.  This does not extent
+    to technical determinations about the software and its develop-
+    ment, only about governance of the project and its conduct.
+    This folder documents policies and procedures beyond the 
+    general ones of the Foundation for its projects.  These are
+    provided specifically for the Apache OpenOffice project.
        This folder explanation and manifest
-    Trademark-Infringement-Allegations-2015-08.txt
-       Policy on handling Trademark-Infringement Allegations
+    AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation.txt
+       Description of General Current Approach to Chair and PMC Roles
+       in operation of the PMC, maintained at a permanent link location
+    RoleOfChair-2015-10.txt
+       Declaration of role by Chair (orcmid) with identification of
+       relationship of PMC to the Foundation and the project.
-  TODO:
-    * Explain what this folder is, for the benefit of any Chair
-      who finds it useful to continue, and for PMC members that
-      review and contribute here.
-    * Reflect that it is the responsibility of the Chair to set policies
-      and procedures that may be required from time-to-time with respect
-      to the operation and duties of the PMC.  This does not extend to
-      technical determinations about the software and its development.
+    Trademark-Infringement-Allegations-2015-08.txt
+       Policy on handling Trademark-Infringement Allegations,
+       emphasizing the discrete, private handling of such 
+       concerns by the PMC and not public discussion.  It
+       reinforces the policies of Apache Brand Management.
+1.02 2016-03-05 Provide stable location for AOO-PMC-Roles-Operation,
+     based on RoleOfChair-2015-10.
+1.01 2015-10-08 Addition of RoleOfChair-2015-10 to clarify and affirm
+     the responsibilities of PMCs and the role of the Chair as an 
+     Officer of the Foundation.
+1.00 2015-08-29 Initial creation with policy on trademark infringement
+     allegations.
                        *** end of Policies.txt ***

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