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Aurkituko duzun muga garratzitsu bakarra zera da, dokumentu hauetako makroak ez dabiltzala. Baina mantendu egiten dira, MS-Officekin editatzea nahi duzunerako.</p> + +<p>Gainera, arestian aipatukoa lorpen haundi bat da, zeren eta MS-Officek darabilkien egiturei buruzko informazio edo deskribapen ofizialik ez baitute Microsoft-ekoek zabaldu. MS-Officeko dokumentu bat ezin duenean era zuzen batean ireki, garatzaileei jakinarazi iezaiezu <a href="">"issue" edo arazoa</a> zehaztuz. Bide hau erabiliz, funtizonamendua are eta hobekiago ibiliko da.</p> + + +<p><b><i>eu-OOo taldea</i></b></p> + +<!-- eskuineko zutabea hemen hasten da --> +<p> </p> +<p> </p> + +</td> + +<td width="1%" valign="top"> </td> + +<td width="15%" valign="top"> + +<table width="100%" border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><b> +Euskara +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> +<a href="../index.html">Sarrera</a> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Softwarea +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../softwarea/ooori_buruz.html">Deskripzioa</a><br> + <a href="../softwarea/jeitsi_buruz.html">Deskargatu</a><br> + <a href="../softwarea/cdrom_buruz.html">CD-ROMa</a><br> + <a href="../softwarea/zuzentzailea_buruz.html">Zuzentzaile ortografikoa</a> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Proiektua +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../proiektua/orokorra.html">Orokorra</a><br> + <a href="../proiektua/meg.html">MEG</a> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Laguntza lortu +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../postazerrenda/index.html">Posta-zerrendak</a><br> + <a href="../dokumentazioa/index.html">Dokumentazioa</a> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Nola Lagundu +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../lagundu/lagundu_buruz.html">Nola lagundu?</a><br> + <a href="../lagundu/issuezilla_buruz.html">Akatsak jakinarazi</a><br> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Harremanak +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../postazerrenda/index.html">Posta-zerrendak</a><br> + <a href="../postazerrenda/helbideak.html">Helbideak</a> +</font></td></tr> + +<tr><td bgcolor="#000080"><font color="#ffffff" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><b> +Bestelakoak +</b></font></td></tr> + +<tr><td><font size="2"> + <a href="../bestelakoak/kredituak.html">Kredituak</a><br> + <a href="../bestelakoak/baimenak.html">Baimenak</a><br> +</font></td></tr> + +</table> +</td> +</tr> +</table> + + + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html>
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OpenOffice "gehigarri" eta "txantiloi"-ren bidez osatu ahal da.<br/> +Gehigarriak OpenOffice-ri funtzio berriak betetzeko ahalmena ematen dioten bitarteko pertsonek edo taldeek garatutako lanabesak dira.<br /> +Gehigarriak UNO teknologia erabiliz (Universal Network Objects, Sare-objektu unibertsalak) sortutako paketeren bidez gehitu ahal dira OpenOffice-ra.<br/> +Txantiloiak erabilera espezifikotarako diseinatutako dokumentu-konfigurazioak dira.<br/> +<br/> +<!-- +The native-lang projects are welcomed helping translating all of these resources. The OpenOffice wiki can be used to provide translation of all the materials found here and now contains the majority of information.</p> +<br/>--> +<p> +<a style="margin-left:6em;margin-bottom:5em;" href=""><img border=0 src="/extensions/OOoEx_Banner_60x234_02.png" alt="Get or submit extensions on the OpenOffice Extensions Website"></a> +<br/> +</p> +Lortu edo sartu gehigarriak <a href="">OpenOffice-ren gehigarri-webgunean</a>. +<br/> +Lortu edo sartu txantiloiak <a href="">OpenOffice-ren txantiloi-webgunean</a>. +<br/> + +<h1><a href="">Aurkitu beste gauza asko "wiki"-ren gehigarri-gunean</a></h1> + +<p> +Batu erabiltzaileen posta zerrendakoekin zure gehigarriak eskaini gura badituzu eta horretarako laguntza behar baduzu: <a href=""></a><br/> + <br/> +Batu APIko (Aplikaziorentzako Programa-interfazeko) posta zerrendakoekin gehigarriak garatzeari buruzko edozein galderarentzat: <a href=""></a> +<br/> + <br/> +(Begira ezazu <a href="">Apache OpenOffice-ren posta zerreneden orria</a> beste posta zerrenda onuragarri batzuei eta haien erabilerari buruzko informazioa lortzeko.) +</p> + + + + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/index.html (original) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -2,89 +2,38 @@ <html> <head> <link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> - - <meta name="description" content="The official home page of the Apache OpenOffice open source project, home of OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw and Base." /> - <meta name="keywords" content="OpenOffice, Open Office, Apache OpenOffice, Apache Open Office,, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, ODF, Open Document Format, free office editors" /> - <meta name="google-site-verification" content="x1jl2cGum4kCvj0PgxjTy_pasCsLY_fBT7my88fpKD4" /> - <meta name="p:domain_verify" content="bd1ba1fb9d25b0eb3d64891f89e9195e" /> - <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> - <link href="" rel="publisher" /> - <title>Apache OpenOffice - The Free and Open Productivity Suite</title> - <script type="text/javascript" src="../download/globalvars.js"></script> - <style type="text/css"> - /* <![CDATA[ */ - /*-------------------- Exceptions on standard css -----------------------*/ - @import "../home.css"; - @import "../styles.css"; - @import "../exceptions.css"; - /* ]]> */ - </style> - <script> - function follow( platform ) { - _gaq.push( ['_trackEvent','social', 'followUs', platform] ); - - if ( platform == 'ApacheBlog' ) - "", "_blank" ); - else if ( platform == 'Facebook' ) - "", "_blank" ); - else if ( platform == 'Twitter' ) - "", "_blank" ); - else if ( platform == 'GooglePlus' ) - "", "_blank" ); - } - - function showAlertbox( show ) { - // More see "" - var l10n_alert_box_background_color = "#F5A9A9"; - // Make the whole alert box clickable with a link. - var l10n_alert_box_href = ""; - // Maximum 49 characters. - var l10n_alert_box_headline_text = "We need your help to complete translation into Basque!"; - // Maximum 630 characters. - var l10n_alert_box_text_text = "This note is in English because we have no one to translate this webpage " - + "and others into your language. 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Join us in - celebrating this big achievement!</p> - </div> - - <div class="campaign"> - <h2>Italian region adopts OpenOffice, saves 2 Million Euro</h2> - - <p><em>10 October 2013:</em> - The Italian administrative region of Emilia-Romagna announced plans to move to OpenOffice, - <a href=""> - saving 2 million euro</a>.</p> - </div> - - <div class="campaign"> - <h2>Volunteers, not Amateurs</h2> - - <p><em>8 January 2013:</em> - Apache OpenOffice is developed 100% by volunteers. Apache does not pay for developers, for translators, for QA, for - marketing, for UI, for support, etc. Of course, we're happy to accept - <a href="">donations to the Apache Software Foundation</a>, to keep - our servers runnings and for similar overhead expenses. But our products are developed entirely by volunteers. - - <p>Some users are initially worried by this statement:<br /><strong>How can software for free, developed by volunteers, - be any good?<br /></strong><a href="why/why_volunteers.html">Read on for an answer...</a></p> - </div> - - </div> - -</div> - -<!-- Every new element and text that is defined below the previous DIV will be actually dislayed wrapped below this DIV -(because of "clear: both" instead of floated around the previous DIVs. This is really needed. --> - -<div style="clear: both;"></div> - + +<div id="actionstatements"> + <ul> + <li> + <div class="action-info"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/eu/why/">OpenOffice-ri buruz gehiago jakin gura dut</a></h2> + <p><a href="/eu/why/">Zer da Apache OpenOffice? Eta zergatik erabili beharko nuke?</a></p> + </div> + </div> + </li> + <li> + <hr /> + </li> + <li> + <div class="action-download"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/eu/download/">OpenOffice 4.1.0 jaitsi gura dut</a></h2> + <p><a href="/eu/download/">Jaitsi doan Apache OpenOffice, edo aurkitu bera lortzeko beste bide batzuk.</a></p> + </div> + </div> + </li> <li> + <hr /> + </li> + <li> + <div class="action-help"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/eu/support/">OpenOffice-rako laguntza behar dut</a></h2> + <p><a href="/eu/support/">Behar duzun guztietan daukazu laguntza zure eskura.</a></p> + </div> + </div> + </li> + <li> + <hr /> + </li> + <li> + <div class="action-extend"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/extensions/">OpenOffice-z gauza gehiago egin gura dut</a></h2> + <p><a href="/extensions/">Zabaldu OpenOffice funtzionaltasun, txantiloi eta "clipart" gehiagorekin.</a></p> + </div> + </div> + </li> + <li> + <hr /> + </li> + <li> + <div class="action-participate"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/eu/participate/">OpenOffice-n parte hartu gura dut</a></h2> + <p><a href="/eu/participate/"> + Apache OpenOffice mundu guztiko jenderen laguntzaz egiten da. Gura baduzu lagun diezagukezu.</a></p> + </div> + </div> + </li> + <li> + <hr /> + </li> + <li> + <div class="action-social"> + <div class="action-text action-link"> + <h2><a href="/eu/social/" onclick="javascript:follow('SocialLink');">OpenOffice-ri jarraitu gura diot</a></h2> + <p><a href="/eu/social/" onclick="javascript:follow('SocialLink');"> + Jarraitu OpenOffice-ren bilakaera iragarki-zerrenda, gizarte-harremanerako hedabide-gune eta blogaren bidez.</a></p> + <div class="action-social-extra"> + <p> + <span style="padding:0 5px;cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="javascript:follow('ApacheBlog');" + title="OpenOffice-ren bloga"><img src="/images/logo-rss-16.png" alt="OpenOffice-ren bloga" /> + <a><u>Blog ofiziala</u></a></span> + + <span style="padding:0 5px;cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="javascript:follow('Facebook');" + title="Jarrai gaitzazu Facebook-en."><img src="/images/logo-facebook-16.png" alt="Jarrai gaitzazu Facebook-en." /> + <a><u>Facebook</u></a></span> + + <span style="padding:0 5px;cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="javascript:follow('Twitter');" + title="Jarrai gaitzazu Twitter-en."><img src="/images/logo-twitter-16.png" alt="Jarrai gaitzazu Twitter-en." /> + <a><u>Twitter</u></a></span> + + <span style="padding:0 5px;cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" onclick="javascript:follow('GooglePlus');" + title="Jarrai gaitzazu Google+-en."><img src="/images/logo-googleplus-16.png" alt="Jarrai gaitzazu Google+-en." /> + <a><u>Google+</u></a></span> + </p> + </div> + </div> + </div> + </li> + <li> + <hr /> + </li> + </ul> +</div> + +<div id="news"> + <div class="campaign"> + <h2>Blogeko mezu batzuk</h2> + <p> + <em>2014-04-29:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 released-->OpenOffice-ren 4.1.0 bertsioa eskuragarri</a> + <br/> + <em>2014-04-28:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #2-->Apache OpenOffice-ren astekariaren 2. alea</a> + <br/> + <em>2014-04-25:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--Apache OpenOffice Weekly News #1-->Apache OpenOffice-ren astekariaren 1. alea</a> + <br/> + <em>2014-04-17:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--100 Million downloads-->100 milioi deskarga</a> + <br/> + <em>2014-04-01:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--Apache OpenOffice 4.2 to Bring OpenCash Support-->Apache OpenOffice-ren 4.2 bertsioa OpenCash-ekin bateragarri</a> + <br/> + <!--<em>2014-03-10:</em><br /><a href=""> + Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 Beta</a> + <br/>--> + <em>2014-02-20:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--International Mother Language Day 2014-->2014ko ama-hizkuntzaren nazioarteko eguna</a> + <br/> + <em>2015-12-31:</em><br /><a href=""> + <!--Apache OpenOffice in 2013: a year in review-->Apache OpenOffice 2013an: urte baten laburpena</a> + <br/> + </p> + <p style="text-align:right"><a href="">Mezu guztiak</a></p> + </div> + + <div class="campaign"> + <h2>Berriak</h2> + <p><br /></p> + <h2>Apache OpenOffice-ren 4.1.0 bertsioa eskuragarri</h2> + <p><em>2014ko apirilaren 29a:</em> + Apache OpenOffice proiektuak iragartzen du + <a href="" + title="Apache OpenOffice-ren 4.1.0 bertsioari buruzko mezua blog ofizialean">4.1.0 bertsioaren argitaratze ofiziala</a>. + <a href="" + title="Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0-ren argitaratze oharrak">Argitaratze oharretan</a> aurki dezakezu bere hizkuntza, funtzio + eta ezaugarri berri guztiei buruzko informazioa. <a href="" + title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0">Ez duda bertsio berria jaistean</a> eta bere ezaugarriak zure kabuz aztertzean.</p> + </div> + + <div class="campaign"> + <h2>100 Milioi deskarga</h2> + <p><em>2014ko apirilaren 17a:</em> + Apache OpenOffice proiektuak harrotasunez iragartzen dizu bere OpenOffice softwarea + <a href="" + title="Apache OpenOffice 100 milioi bider baino gehiago jaitsita">100 milioi bider baino gehiago jaitsita</a> izan dela. + Batu gurekin lorpen handi hau ospatzeko!</p> + </div> + + <div class="campaign"> + <h2>Italiako lurralde batek 2 milioi Euro aurreztearren OpenOffice aukeratu du</h2> + <p><em>2013ko urriaren 10a:</em> + Italiako Emilia-Romagna eskualde administratiboak OpenOffice-ra aldatzeko asmoa iragarri du, horrela + <a href=""> + 2 milioi Euro aurrezteko asmoz</a>.</p> + </div> + + <div class="campaign"> + <h2>Boluntarioak, ez Amateurrak</h2> + <p><em>2013ko urtarrilaren 8a:</em> + Apache OpenOffice boluntariok garatzen dute %100ean. Apache-k ez die ordaintzen garatzaileei, itzultzaileei edo + MEGez (Maiz egindako galderez), + EIz (erabiltzaileentzako interfazeez), marketinez edo laguntza zerbitzuez arduratzen direnei, Jakina, atseginez hartzen ditugu + <a href="">Apache Software Foundazioari</a> egindako dohaintzak, + gure zerbitzariak martxan mantentzeko eta antzerako gastu orokorrentzako. + Baina boluntarioek garatzen dituzte gure produktu guztiak %100ean. + <p><strong>"Zelan izan liteke ona boluntariok garatutako doako softwarea?"</strong> galderak<br /> + erabiltzaile batzuk kezkatzen ditu hasieran.<br /> + <a href="why/why_volunteers.html">Irakur ezazu hau erantzun bat izateko...</a></p> + </div> + + <div class="campaign"> + <p><a href="news/index.html">OpenOffice-ren berri gehiago...</a></p> + </div> + +<!-- + <div id="SupportedAndSupporters"> + <a href="" + title="W3C Markup Validation Service - Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) of Web documents"> + <img src="" + alt="W3C Markup Validation Service - Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) of Web documents"/></a> + </div> +--> +</div> </div> <!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/news/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/news/index.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/news/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>News</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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fitxategi hau bakarrik erabili ahal da + Lizentzian finkatutakoaren arabera. + Lizentziaren kopia bat hurrengo helbidean lortu ahal da: + . + + . + Erabili beharreko legeak bestela eskatu edo + idatziz adostutakoa bestelakoa izan ezean, + softwarea Lizentziaren arabera "DEN BEZALA" banatzen da, + EDOZEIN MOTAKO GARANTIA EDO BALDINTZARIK GABE, berariazkoa edo engaiatua.<br /> + Begira Lizentzia hizkuntza jakin bateko + Lizentziaren araberako baimenak eta mugak ikusteko.</p> +<h2 id="todo">TODO<a class="headerlink" href="#todo" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/participate/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Get Involved</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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Some of the more common ones include:</p> +<ul> +<li>To help reduce the "digital divide" by ensuring continued access to free +high-quality free productivity applications world-wide.</li> +<li>To help bring the benefits of OpenOffice to you country or region</li> +<li>To "give back" to open source</li> +<li>To learn or practice a new skill</li> +<li>To enhance a résumé or portfolio, showcasing the work you've done in this project</li> +<li>To support a customer or other commercial venture that relies on OpenOffice</li> +<li>To develop credentials for consulting work related to OpenOffice</li> +<li>To bring something to OpenOffice that you've always wanted to see done</li> +<li>To have fun, working with a close-knit international team of volunteers working +on one of the oldest and most famous open source projects around.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="a-multidisciplinary-open-source-project">A multidisciplinary open source project<a class="headerlink" href="#a-multidisciplinary-open-source-project" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>You don't need to be a programmer to contribute to Apache OpenOffice. Our project +involves a large range of different skills, levels of involvement and degrees of +technical expertise. So, if you want to get involved in Apache OpenOffice, there +is almost certainly a role for you. </p> +<p>We are looking for people to:</p> +<ul> +<li>Write or update documentation</li> +<li>Help support new users</li> +<li>Test the program and report bugs</li> +<li>Fix bugs</li> +<li>Code new features</li> +<li>Design artwork and other marketing materials</li> +<li>Translate to different languages</li> +<li>Maintain the website and develop new materials</li> +<li>Promote OpenOffice and help explain its benefits</li> +<li>anything you can see that needs doing</li> +</ul> +<p>All of these contributions help to keep a project active and strengthen +the community. We welcome and encourage participation, and try to make it +as easy as possible for people to get involved. </p> +<h2 id="how-to-get-started">How to get started<a class="headerlink" href="#how-to-get-started" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>OpenOffice is a large, complex open source project, with a culture developed over +many years as an independent project, combined with our experience at Apache. </p> +<p>If you are familiar with Apache-style open source +development then you might just jump in. Subscribe to a relevant project <a href="">mailing list</a> +and introduce yourself. We'll help you get started. </p> +<p>If, however, you are new to Apache, or want a more methodical approach to getting started, then we have a set +of graduated <a href="">New Volunteer Orientation Modules</a> designed +for new volunteers that takes you through a number of background topics related to Apache OpenOffice and how +we do things.</p> +<p>Which path you take is up to you and is a matter of personal preference. You can even do both.</p> +<p>We also maintain a list of specific areas where we need volunteers on our +<a href="">Help Wanted</a> page of the wiki.</p> +<p>If you are a student, looking to contribute to the project as part of your school work, please also see +our <a href="/students.html">Advice for Students</a> page.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/base.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/base.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/base.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Base</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Base</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/base-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Base" src="/product/pix/base.png" /></a></p> +<p><strong>Base</strong> is a fully featured desktop database management system, designed to +meet the needs of a broad array of users, from</p> +<ul> +<li>just tracking your personal CD collection, to</li> +<li>producing a corporate monthly departmental sales report.</li> +</ul> +<p><strong>Base</strong> offers wizards to help users new to database design (or just new to +<strong>Base</strong>) to create Tables, Queries, Forms and Reports, along with a set of +predefined table definitions for tracking Assets, Customers, Sales Orders, +Invoices and much more.</p> +<p>When a personal use database is all you need, <strong>Base</strong> offers the full HSQL +relational database engine, configured for single user, with the data stored +right in the <strong>Base</strong> file, as well as native support for dBase flat files.</p> +<p>For power users in the enterprise, <strong>Base</strong> delivers native support drivers for +a variety of multi-user database engines: MySQL, Adabas D, MS Access and +PostgreSQL. In addition, support for JDBC and ODBC standard drivers allows you +to connect to virtually any existing database.</p> +<p><strong>Base</strong> integrates seamlessly into the rest of the Apache OpenOffice suite +applications, for example:</p> +<ul> +<li>supplying address book data for mail merge in WRITER using the industry + standard LDAP protocol, or common address book formats such as Microsoft + Outlook, Microsoft Windows and Mozilla; </li> +<li>creating linked data ranges in CALC files for data pilot analysis or as the + basis for charts.</li> +</ul> +<p>For more information on working with <strong>Base</strong>, please see the +<a href="">Apache OpenOffice Wiki Database</a> pages.</p> +<p>For technical information, or to help make <strong>Base</strong> even better, stop by the +<a href=""><strong>Base</strong> project page</a>.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/calc.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/calc.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/calc.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Calc</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Calc</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/calc-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Calc" src="/product/pix/calc.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>The all-purpose spreadsheet</em></p> +<p><strong>Calc</strong> is the spreadsheet program you've always wanted. Newcomers find it +intuitive and easy to learn; professional data miners and number crunchers will +appreciate the comprehensive range of advanced functions.</p> +<p>Advanced <em>DataPilot</em> technology makes it easy to pull in raw data from corporate +databases; cross-tabulate, summarize, and convert it into meaningful information.</p> +<p><em>Natural language formulas</em> let you create formulas using words (e.g. "sales - +costs").</p> +<p>The <em>Intelligent Sum Button</em> inserts a sum function or a subtotal automatically, +depending on context.</p> +<p><em>Wizards</em> guides you through choosing and using a comprehensive range of +advanced spreadsheet functions, or <a href="" title="Download Apache OpenOffice Templates">download templates</a> from our Extensions +repository for ready-made spreadsheet solutions.</p> +<p><em>Styles and Formatting</em> makes it easy to apply flexible cell formatting options, +including freely rotating contents, templates, backgrounds, borders, and many +more. You can be your own spreadsheet expert thanks to <em>templates</em> with built-in +functions, allowing you to concentrate on your real work.</p> +<p><em>Scenario Manager</em> allows "what if ..." analysis at the touch of a button - e.g. +compare profitability for high / medium / low sales forecasts.</p> +<p><strong>Calc</strong>'s <em>solver</em> component allows solving optimization problems where the +optimum value of a particular spreadsheet cell has to be calculated based on +constraints provided in other cells.</p> +<p>Encourage collaborative working on spreadsheets with <strong>Calc</strong>'s multiple users +support. By sharing a spreadsheet other users can easily add their data to the +spreadsheet. The spreadsheet owner can then easily integrate the new data with a +few clicks. This collaboration feature helps avoid editing conflicts.</p> +<p>Save your spreadsheets in OpenDocument format, the new international standard +for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to +<strong>Calc</strong>. You can access your spreadsheets from any OpenDocument compliant +software.</p> +<p>Of course, you are free to use your old Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, or save +your work in Excel format for sending to people who are still locked into +Microsoft products. If all they want to see is your results, then use Portable +Document Format (.pdf) - no need to buy any extra software. Since version 3.0, +<strong>Calc</strong> has been able to read .xlsx files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or +Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/draw.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/draw.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/draw.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Draw</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Draw</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/draw-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Draw" src="/product/pix/draw.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>The powerful graphics package</em></p> +<p><strong>Draw</strong> - from a quick sketch to a complex plan, <strong>Draw</strong> gives you the tools +to communicate with graphics and diagrams. With a maximum page size of 300cm by +300cm, <strong>Draw</strong> is powerful tool for technical or general posters, etc.</p> +<p>'Park' your most commonly used drawing tools around your screen ready for +single-click access.</p> +<p>Use <em>Styles and Formatting</em> to put all your graphics styles at your finger tips.</p> +<p>Manipulate objects, rotate in two or three dimensions; the <em>3D controller</em> puts +spheres, rings, cubes, etc. at your disposal.</p> +<p><em>Arrange objects</em>: group, ungroup, regroup, and edit objects while grouped. +Sophisticated <em>rendering</em> let you create photorealistic images with your own +texture, lighting effects, transparency, perspective, and so on.</p> +<p><em>Smart connectors</em> make short work of flowcharts, organization charts, network +diagrams, etc. Define your own 'glue points' for connectors to 'stick' to.</p> +<p><em>Dimension lines</em> automatically calculate and display linear dimensions as you +draw.</p> +<p>Use the picture <em>Gallery</em> for clipart; create your own art and add it to the +Gallery.</p> +<p>Save your graphics in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for +office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to <strong>Draw</strong>. +You can access your graphics from any OpenDocument compliant software.</p> +<p><em>Import graphics</em> from all common formats (including BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, +and WMF).</p> +<p>Use <strong>Draw</strong>'s free ability to create Flash (.swf) versions of your work.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/impress.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/impress.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/impress.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Impress</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Impress</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/impress-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Impress" src="/product/pix/impress.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>More power to your presentations</em></p> +<p><strong>Impress</strong> is a truly outstanding tool for creating effective multimedia +presentations. Your presentations will stand out with 2D and 3D clip art, +special effects, animation, and high-impact drawing tools.</p> +<p><em>Master Pages</em> simplify the task of preparing your materials. Save even more +time by <a href="" title="Download Apache OpenOffice Templates">downloading templates</a> from our Extensions repository.</p> +<p>A <em>complete range of Views</em> are supported: Drawing / Outline / Slides / Notes / +Handouts to meet all the needs of presenters and audiences, plus an optional +multi-pane view to put all the tools at your fingertips.</p> +<p><strong>Impress</strong> supports multiple monitors, so that presenters can look at something +else while presenting their slides on a projector. Make the most of this With +the free <a href="" title="Download the Presenter Console Extension">Presenter Console Extension</a>, which lets you see your next slides +as well as the time and the speaker notes.</p> +<p><strong>Impress</strong> has a complete range of <em>easy-to-use drawing and diagramming tools</em> +to spice up your presentation.</p> +<p>'Park' your most commonly used drawing tools around your screen ready for +single-click access.</p> +<p><em>Slide show Animation and Effects</em> bring your presentation to life. Fontworks +provides stunning 2D and 3D images from text. Create lifelike 3D images with +astounding speed and response.</p> +<p>Save your presentations in OpenDocument format, the new international standard +for office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to +<strong>Impress</strong>. You can access your presentations from any OpenDocument compliant +software.</p> +<p>Of course, you are free to use your old Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, or +save your work in PowerPoint format for sending to people who are still locked +into Microsoft products. Alternatively, use <strong>Impress</strong>'s built-in ability to +create Flash (.swf) versions of your presentations.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/index.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Product Description</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> +<link href="/product/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Product Description</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p>Compatible with other major office suites, Apache OpenOffice is free to +download, use, and distribute. <a href="/eu/download" title="Download Apache OpenOffice">Download it now</a>, and get:</p> +<p class="rfloatimg"><img alt="Apache OpenOffice?" src="/images/AOO_logos/orb.jpg" /></p> +<ul> +<li class="product-writer "><a href="writer.html" title="Wordprocessor">Writer</a> a word processor you can use for + anything from writing a quick letter to producing an entire book.</li> +<li class="product-calc "><a href="calc.html" title="Spreadsheet">Calc</a> a powerful spreadsheet with all the tools + you need to calculate, analyze, and present your data in numerical reports + or sizzling graphics.</li> +<li class="product-impress "><a href="impress.html" title="Presentation program">Impress</a> the fastest, most powerful + way to create effective multimedia presentations.</li> +<li class="product-draw "><a href="draw.html" title="Vector drawing tool">Draw</a> lets you produce everything from + simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations.</li> +<li class="product-base "><a href="base.html" title="Database">Base</a> lets you manipulate databases seamlessly. + Create and modify tables, forms, queries, and reports, all from within + Apache OpenOffice.</li> +<li class="product-math "><a href="math.html" title="Mathematical function creator">Math</a> lets you create + mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing + your formulas into the equation editor.</li> +</ul> +<h2 class="why " id="why-apache-openoffice">Why Apache OpenOffice?<a class="headerlink" href="#why-apache-openoffice" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>Apache OpenOffice is synonymous with <strong>quality</strong>:</p> +<ul> +<li>The <a href="/about_us/milestones.html">roots of Apache OpenOffice</a> go back twenty years, creating a mature + and powerful product</li> +<li>Many millions of users</li> +<li><a href="reviews.html">Independent reviewers</a> around the world have recommended the product</li> +<li>With a fully open development process, Apache OpenOffice has nothing to + hide - the product stands or falls on its reputation</li> +</ul> +<p>Apache OpenOffice is <strong>easy to use</strong>:</p> +<ul> +<li>The software looks and feels familiar and is instantly usable by anyone who + has used a competitive product</li> +<li>It's easy to change to Apache OpenOffice - the software reads all major + competitors' files</li> +<li>Few <a href="/projects/native-lang.html">language barriers</a> - if it's not yet available in your language, + the chances are it will be soon</li> +<li>Apache OpenOffice is supported by a global community of friendly volunteers, +happy to provide assistance to newcomers and advanced users alike</li> +</ul> +<p>Apache OpenOffice is <strong>free software</strong>:</p> +<ul> +<li>You may download Apache OpenOffice completely free of any license fees</li> +<li>Install it on as many PCs as you like</li> +<li>Use it for any purpose - private, educational, government and public + administration, commercial...</li> +<li>Pass on copies free of charge to family, friends, students, employees, etc.</li> +</ul> +<p>Apache OpenOffice is <strong>standards compliant</strong>:</p> +<ul> +<li>The first software package in the world to use <a href="">OASIS</a> <a href="">OpenDocument Format</a> (ISO/IEC 26300) + as its native file format.</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="find-out-more-or-try-it-today"><a href="/eu/why/">Find out more</a> or <a href="/eu/download" title="Download Apache OpenOffice">try it today</a>!<a class="headerlink" href="#find-out-more-or-try-it-today" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/leftnav.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/leftnav.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/leftnav.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +<div id="leftnav"><style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<h1 id="products">Products<a class="headerlink" href="#products" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h1> +<ul> +<li><a href="/eu/product/writer.html">Writer</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/calc.html">Calc</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/impress.html">Impress</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/draw.html">Draw</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/math.html">Math</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/base.html">Base</a></li> +</ul> +<h1 id="more">More<a class="headerlink" href="#more" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h1> +<ul> +<li><a href="/eu/product/suite.html">Suite</a></li> +<li><a href="/eu/product/reviews.html">Reviews</a></li> +</ul></div> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/linux.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/linux.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/linux.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice for Linux</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice for Linux</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<h2 id="linux-distroversion-support">Linux Distro/Version Support<a class="headerlink" href="#linux-distroversion-support" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>The current Apache OpenOffice supports the following Linux distros and versions...</p> +<p>Specific distro notes:</p> +<ul> +<li>distro a: notes...</li> +<li>distro b: notes...</li> +<li>distro c: notes...</li> +</ul> +<p>In general the following is needed:</p> +<ul> +<li>Linux kernel version 2.6 or higher, glibc2 version 2.11.1 or higher</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="hardware-requirements">Hardware Requirements<a class="headerlink" href="#hardware-requirements" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li><strong>Memory</strong>: Minimum 256 Mbytes RAM (512 MB RAM recommended).</li> +<li><strong>Storage</strong>: At least 400 Mbytes available disk space for a default install via download.</li> +<li><strong>Graphics</strong>: X-Server with 1024 x 768 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="linux-specific-features">Linux-specific Features<a class="headerlink" href="#linux-specific-features" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>Apache OpenOffice has the following special features on Linux:</p> +<ul> +<li>feature 1</li> +<li>feature 2</li> +<li>feature 3</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="additional-resources">Additional Resources<a class="headerlink" href="#additional-resources" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li>Click here to <a href="">download</a></li> +<li>Click here to get <a href="">install intructions for OpenOffice on Linux</a></li> +<li>Click here to get help and support in the <a href="">Community Support Forums</a></li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/mac.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/mac.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/eu/product/mac.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice for MacOS X</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/eu/">eu</a> » <a href="/eu/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Math</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/math-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Math" src="/product/pix/math.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>Create equations and formulae for your documents</em></p> +<p><strong>Math</strong> is Apache OpenOffice's component for mathematical equations. It is most +commonly used as an equation editor for text documents, but it can also be used +with other types of documents or stand-alone. When used inside <strong>Writer</strong>, the +equation is treated as an object inside the text document. Similarly, one can +also insert these into other Apache OpenOffice programs like <a href="calc.html" title="Apache OpenOffice Calc">Calc</a> and +<a href="impress.html" title="Apache OpenOffice Impress">Impress</a>.</p> +<p>Using <strong>Math</strong>, there are three main ways of entering a formula:</p> +<ul> +<li>Type markup in the equation editor.</li> +<li>Right-click on the equation editor and select the symbol from the context menu.</li> +<li>Select a symbol from the <em>Selection</em> toolbox.</li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html>