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charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/product/leftnav.html" --> + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Math</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/math-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Math" src="/product/pix/math.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>Simple to create equations and formulae for your documents!</em></p> +<p>Math is Apache OpenOffice's component for mathematical equations. It is most +commonly used as an equation editor for text documents, but it can also be used +with other types of documents or stand-alone. When used inside Writer, the +equation is treated as an object inside the text document. Similarly, one can +also insert these into other Apache OpenOffice programs like <a href="calc.html" title="Apache OpenOffice Calc">Calc</a> and +<a href="impress.html" title="Apache OpenOffice Impress">Impress</a>.</p> +<p>Using Math, there are three main ways of entering a formula:</p> +<ul> +<li>Type markup in the equation editor.</li> +<li>Right-click on the equation editor and select the symbol from the context menu.</li> +<li>Select a symbol from the <em>Elements</em> toolbox.</li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/reviews.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/reviews.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/reviews.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Product Reviews</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/product/leftnav.html" --> + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Product Reviews</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p>Please note that Apache OpenOffice does not purchase reprints from +magazines which print favorable reviews. Neither do we buy advertising +space in magazines which are about to review or which have reviewed +Apache OpenOffice. If reviewers say that Apache OpenOffice is a great product, +then that's their genuine, unbiased, uninfluenced opinion.</p> +<h2 id="apache-openoffice-40-reviews">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#apache-openoffice-40-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<h3 id="english"><strong>English</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#english" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>GlobeNewswire</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache(tm) OpenOffice(tm) 4.0</a> <br /> + Leading Open Source office productivity solution introduces major new user experience and improvements</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>PCWorld</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice gets a handy-dandy sidebar</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>GlobeNewswire</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Becomes a Serious Player with Major Overhaul and New Features</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Softpedia</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Becomes a Serious Player with Major Overhaul and New Features</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Facebook</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Please help spread the word: Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is now available for download!</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice Extensions New Site</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Apache Software Foundation</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">A short celebration, and then back to work</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Luis Benitez</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0 is Available Now - Go and Download It!</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4 released: find out what is new</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>ITWorld</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice now comes with a handy sidebar</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>BetaNews</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache releases OpenOffice 4</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">The New OpenOffice 4.0 Available Today! New Side Bar and More</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Slashdot</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Released With Major New Features </a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4 is here</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>ZDNet</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0 arrives</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Phoronix</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 Has A New Sidebar</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Datamation</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache Releases Open Source OpenOffice 4</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>ars technica</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0 overhauls user interface, boosts Microsoft compatibility</a> <br /> + LibreOffice isn't the only open source office in town.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>techradar</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">Apache bolts sidebar onto new OpenOffice</a> <br /> + OpenOffice 4.0 borrows features from IBM's Lotus Symphony software</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>The Register</strong>, 2013-07-25 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 debuts with IBM code side and centre</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Linux Magazine</strong>, 2013-07-30 <br /> + <a href="">Apache Releases OpenOffice 4.0</a> <br /> + The great open source productivity suite settles into its new home with a new look and a little help from IBM.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>ITWorld</strong>, 2013-08-07 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4 vs. LibreOffice 4.1</a> <br /> + Not so fast, LibreOffice -- OpenOffice has a shiny, new, and improved major release of its own</p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="german"><strong>German</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#german" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>Heise Online</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0 mit neuer Seitenleiste</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Openoffice 4.0 erscheint mit Symphony-Funktionen</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 erschienen</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Swiss IT Magazine</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Openoffice 4.0 veröffentlicht</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>CHIP Online</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0: GroÃ-Update mit neuen Funktionen</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>GlobeNewswire</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Alle Neuheiten von Apache OpenOffice 4.0 (Fotogalerie / Picure Gallery)</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-08-16 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4: Was kann das Null-Euro-Büropaket?</a> <br /> + Sie haben die Wahl: Für Microsofts Bürosoftware zahlen oder das kostenlose Apache OpenOffice nutzen â COMPUTER BILD verrät, was Sie wissen müssen.</p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="japanese"><strong>Japanese</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#japanese" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>Forest</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">Apacheãæ°ãããµã¤ããã¼ã追å ãããApache OpenOfficeãv4.0ãå ¬é </a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Japan</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">Apacheããªã¼ãã³ã½ã¼ã¹ããªãã£ã¹ã¹ã¤ã¼ãã®ææ°çãOpenOffice 4ãããªãªã¼ã¹</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Internet Watch</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">ãApache OpenOffice 4.0ãå ¬éãæ°ãããµã¤ããã¼ã追å </a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Mynavi</strong>, 2013-07-25 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0ãªãªã¼ã¹ - Apacheå¯è´å¾ãåã®ã¡ã¸ã£ã¼ãã¼ã¸ã§ã³ã¢ãã</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>bizmash!</strong>, 2013-07-25 <br /> + <a href="">ç¡æãªãã£ã¹ã¢ããªãApache OpenOffice 4.0ãå ¬éããµã¤ããã¼è¿½å ã§ä½¿ãããã</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>@nifty</strong>, 2013-07-25 <br /> + <a href="">ç¡æãªãã£ã¹ã¢ããªãApache OpenOffice 4.0ãå ¬éããµã¤ããã¼è¿½å ã§ä½¿ãããã</a></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="spanish"><strong>Spanish</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#spanish" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>open-office-es</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 ya disponible para su descarga</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>El pingüino tolkiano</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Disponible Apache OpenOffice(TM) 4.0</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Ricardo Berlasso</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Disponible Apache OpenOffice(TM) 4.0</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Disponible Apache OpenOffice(TM) 4.0 </a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>MuyLinux</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">Llegó Apache OpenOffice 4</a></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="galician"><strong>Galician</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#galician" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>Cixug</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache(tm) OpenOffice(tm) 4.0</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Código Cero</strong>, 2013-07-26 <br /> + <a href="">Trasno anuncia novas versións en galego de OpenOffice e LibreOffice ao tempo que se solidariza coas vÃtimas do Alvia </a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Trasno</strong>, 2013-07-26 <br /> + <a href="">Os fillos de OpenOffice 4.0 e LibreOffice 4.1, facéndose maiores</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Mancomun</strong>, 2013-07-26 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 e Libreoffice 4.1 dispoñibles xa en galego</a></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="italian"><strong>Italian</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#italian" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>melablog</strong>, 2013-07-25 <br /> + <a href="">Apache rilascia OpenOffice 4.0, barra laterale e migliore interoperabilità con MS Office</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong></strong>, 2013-07-26 <br /> + <a href="">The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache(tm) OpenOffice(tm) 4.0</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>OneOpenSurce</strong>, 2013-07-26 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 disponibile per il download</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Softonic</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0: update per Windows e Mac con tante novità </a></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="french"><strong>French</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#french" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>TIC & Net</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4 fr est enfin disponible en version définitive</a></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><strong>Denis Sylvain</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 est là !!!</a></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h3 id="dutch"><strong>Dutch</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#dutch" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li><strong></strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice 4.0.0</a></li> +</ul> +<h3 id="polish"><strong>Polish</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#polish" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li><strong>dobreprogramy</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href=",Aktualnosc,42866.html">Apache OpenOffice 4.0 z nowym interfejsem</a></li> +</ul> +<h3 id="malaysian"><strong>Malaysian</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#malaysian" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li><strong>Amanz</strong>, 2013-07-24 <br /> + <a href="">OpenOffice 4.0 Dilancarkan Untuk Pengguna Windows, Mac Dan Linux</a></li> +</ul> +<h3 id="asturian"><strong>Asturian</strong><a class="headerlink" href="#asturian" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h3> +<ul> +<li><strong>Softastur</strong>, 2013-07-23 <br /> + <a href="">A celebralo un poco, y vuelta al trabayu</a></li> +</ul> +<h2 id="apache-openoffice-34-reviews">Apache OpenOffice 3.4 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#apache-openoffice-34-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href="">Apache OpenOffice 3</a> + By: <em>Computerized Investing Staff</em>, 2012-10-27, <strong>American Association of Individual Investors</strong></p> +<p><em>Those who believe free products lack quality will undoubtedly find Apache OpenOffice a pleasant surprise, especially if they put in the time to familiarize themselves.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=";1">CNET Editors' review of 3.4.1</a> + By: CNet Staff, 2012-10-16, <strong>CNet</strong></p> +<p><em>CNet Rating: 5 Stars, Spectacular</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=",essential-downloads-apache-openoffice-34-released.aspx">Essential downloads: Apache OpenOffice 3.4 released</a> + By: Chris Jager, 2012-05-09, <strong>PC & Tech Authority</strong></p> +<p><em>Apache OpenOffice is a free, feature-packed office suite for PC, Mac and Linux. The latest version adds a host of improvements including zippier load times and AES256 encryption support.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="ooo-32-reviews">OOo 3.2 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#ooo-32-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href=""> 3.2 Offers Modest Update, Better Startup Speed</a> + By: Jason Brooks, 2010-02-23, <strong>eWeek</strong></p> +<p><em>After testing 3.2 on both Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux +systems, I found the new release to be a worthwhile upgrade. The suite is +freely downloadable, and version 3.2 contains no changes that would require +retraining.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.2 - now with less Microsoft envy</a> + By Scott Gilbertson, 13th February 2010 07:45 GMT, <strong>The Register</strong></p> +<p><em>OpenOffice 3.2 - now available for Windows, Mac and Linux - boasts faster +start-up times than before. But the really big news is that now - finally - +this open-source suite offers full compatibility with files created using +Microsoft's Office 2007.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="ooo-31-reviews">OOo 3.1 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#ooo-31-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href="">The 10 Coolest Open-Source Products Of 2009</a> + 23 Dec 2009, <strong>ChannelWeb</strong>:</p> +<p><em>(One hundred million downloads is) a telling example of the popularity of +the open source alternative to Microsoft Office and its continued +advancements in features and functionality.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=",open-source-software-an-all-star-lineup--feature.html">Open source software: An all-star lineup</a> + By Luc Feys Fri, 25 Sep 2009, <strong>Earth Times</strong>:</p> +<p><em>No surprise here: OpenOffice is the undisputed king of open source office +software. Boasting most of what you get with the big commercial packages - +a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation application - the individual +applications in OpenOffice are even compatible with the file formats used +by MS Office and other leading fee-based software.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.1 deep dive</a> + By Simon Jones 12 Aug 2009, <strong>PC Pro</strong>:</p> +<p><em> has recently released version 3.1 of its eponymous +software suite, a minor upgrade that brings some welcome features and some +much needed polish to the nearest thing Microsoft Office has to a +competitor.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">Microsoft feels pressure for 'free' software</a> + By James Derk July 15, 2009, <strong>The Star Press</strong>:</p> +<p><em>Anyone can download OpenOffice today for free at The +open-source site offers a full-featured Office suite for nothing: no +advertising support, no nothing. Just download it, install it and go. Some +colleges and businesses have already moved to OpenOffice to save money, and +I expect others to give it a look.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=""> 3.1: Better Performance</a> + By Jason Brooks 18-05-2009, <strong>eWeek</strong>:</p> +<p><em>The 3.0 release of OpenOffice left some issues in the productivity suite. +This new version makes a good job of fixing them</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=";taxonomyName=&amp;articleId=9132829&amp;taxonomyId=&amp;intsrc=kc_feat"> 3.1: The next generation</a> + By Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols, May 11 2009, <strong>Computerworld</strong>:</p> +<p><em>The latest version of the open-source office suite 3.1 +has just arrived, and it's a good one. While some of the improvements are +visible to the naked eye, I found that the most important changes were +hidden under the hood.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.1 ready to lick Microsoft's suite?</a> + By Scott Gilbertson, 11th May, 2009 04:14 GMT, <strong>The Register</strong>:</p> +<p><em> remains the most popular open source answer to +Microsoft's ubiquitous Office suite, and in these recessionary times, the +appeal of "free" software is stronger than ever.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.1 goes to bat against Office 2007 SP2</a> + By Angela Gunn, May 13, 2009, 10:33 AM, <strong>betanews</strong>:</p> +<p><em>Seven things that make the latest iteration of the free productivity-apps +suite a necessary download.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="ooo-30-reviews">OOo 3.0 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#ooo-30-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.0 a fresh blow for Microsft</a> + By Adam Turner November 25, 2008, <strong>The Sydney Morning Herald</strong>:</p> +<p><em>If you're spending a fortune on MS Office licenses, you should at least be +evaluating OpenOffice to see if it meets the needs of your basic users, if +not your power users. Microsoft Office still has a place in many +organisations, but OpenOffice 3.0 is a viable alternative for many people.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=",2817,2332504,00.asp"> 3.0</a> + Full Review by Edward Mendelson, <strong>PC Magazine</strong>:</p> +<p><em>But for the first time, I'm ready to recommend this new version as a viable +alternative to Microsoft's offering. It still has rough edges, but it has an +impressive feature set, a generally lucid interface, pure open-source +credentials, and - in the current economic climate - the decisive advantage +of being absolutely free.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice offers end run around Microsoft</a> + By René A. Guzman - Express-News Web Posted: 10/17/2008 12:00 CDT, + <strong>My San Antonio Life</strong>:</p> +<p><em>In these tough economic times, it's nice to know you can still get quality +for free. Take 3, the new office suite sure to give Microsoft +nothing but further grief.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">Review: 3.0</a> + By Dave Bailey, 24 Oct 2008, <strong></strong>:</p> +<p><em>Version 3.0 of does add significant new features, and since +in these financially turbulent times it costs nothing to install, it could +reduce bottom line expenditure significantly if deployed extensively. We +experienced few problems with the suite that couldn't be circumvented with +workarounds. We think system administrators should give it a close look, +especially if they're rolling out thousands of minimally used copies of +Microsoft Office with only features like basic formatting, spell checking, +and word count really being needed.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3: Faster, uninspired interface</a> + Posted by Seth Rosenblatt, October 13, 2008 4:59 PM PDT, <strong>CNET Download</strong>:</p> +<p><em>After using OpenOffice's MS Word analog, Writer, all day, I can confirm +that this update is worth it for the improvement in response and load times, +if nothing else. The installation is still enormous, with an installer about +130MB for Windows users and 160MB for Mac, but the installation process +is smoother. From start to finish, it clocked in at around 5 minutes, +significantly faster than installing OpenOffice 2. People who use OpenOffice +as their primary productivity suite should take advantage of the OpenOffice +Quickstarter, which noticeably accelerates program launch times and has been +made even faster in version 3.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=";name=News&amp;file=article&amp;sid=751&amp;mode=thread&amp;order=0&amp;thold=0">The LXF Test: 3.0</a> + Monday, October 13, 2008 - 11:59 AM - Posted by M-Saunders, + <strong>Linux Format</strong>:</p> +<p><em>Overall, does 3.0 provide a step forward? Yes, with extra +features and some performance improvements at startup, although in use it +still feels sluggish and clunky in places. Does it justify the jump in major +version number? We're not convinced, but the 2.x series has been around for +a while and this release does present a fresh face, and more scope for +extensions with the internal changes. On balance, the new +release is a step forward, and if they can speed it up a bit for 3.1 we'll +be more than happy.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">Treat yourself to a suite alternative: 3.0</a> + October 12, 1:30 PM by Jason Brooks, <strong>S.F. Technology Examiner</strong>:</p> +<p><em> 3.0 is a great suite of office productivity applications +(word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and database) that's very similar +to Microsoft Office in function, and very different in price. Where pricing +for Microsoft Office 2007 starts around $100, you can download and use 3.0 for free.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=";pagtype=al">OpenOffice 3.0 is available now</a> + Monday, 13 October 2008 Jonny Evans, <strong>Macworld</strong>:</p> +<p><em>Microsoft faces serious challenge as well-featured free productivity +software ships. After three years development has introduced +OpenOffice 3.0, the most advanced version yet of its completely free +Microsoft Office competitor</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3.0 is out</a> + Sunday, 12 October 2008, 12:58 PM By Charlie Demerjian, <strong>The Inquirer</strong>:</p> +<p><em>Overall, OpenOffice 3.0 seems like a great step forward, and for the low +low price of free, how can you complain? Grab a copy and have at thee, it is +everything you could need in an office pack without the $500 price tag, +ever-changing UI, and forced file formats that people don't want.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href=""> 3.0 Reviewed</a> + 13 October 2008, 10:32 Dj Walker-Morgan, <strong>Heise Open Source UK</strong>:</p> +<p><em> is ... a reasonably competent office productivity suite for +a large number of users and the various extensions, including the new Import +PDF Extension for 3.0, mean it can be, at least, sufficient for many tasks.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="ooo-30-pre-release-reviews">OOo 3.0 Pre-Release Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#ooo-30-pre-release-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href=""> Grows Up</a> + By Jason Brooks, 2008-10-02, <strong></strong>:</p> +<p><em>Nine years after Sun Microsystems bought StarOffice, the resulting project is ready to roll out its 3.0 release. Enhanced format +compatibility and features put it on par with Microsoft Office.</em></p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="">OpenOffice 3: a preview</a> + By Prashant Rao, <strong>Express India</strong>:</p> +<p><em>OpenOffice is free, and for organizations that want to stay legal and yet +provide an office suite to all their workers. it is an excellent solution. +A mixed environment with power users on Office 2007 and the rest on +OpenOffice works well, as some of Indiaâs biggest banks and BPO outfits have +found out to their advantage.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="ooo-2-reviews">OOo 2 Reviews<a class="headerlink" href="#ooo-2-reviews" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li> +<p><strong>PC Pro Magazine</strong> delivers its verdict on Version 2:</p> +<p><em>Our pick of the low-cost office suites has had a much-needed overhaul, and +now battles Microsoft in terms of features, not just price.</em></p> +<p> 2 earns <img alt="Six stars" src="/product/pix/6stars.gif" /> in +<a href="">Issue 135, Jan 06</a>. The magazine's reviewer concludes:</p> +<p><em>OpenOffice certainly doesn't lack features compared to the market leader, +and most of its ease-of-use issues stem from people's familiarity with +Microsoft Office rather than an inherent problem with the program itself. +As such, you should certainly try OpenOffice's offering before donating +another UKP100 or more to Microsoft's coffers. After all, it's free.</em></p> +</li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/suite.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/suite.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/suite.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>The Suite Advantage</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/product/leftnav.html" --> + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">The Suite Advantage</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p>Apache OpenOffice is more than a collection of six superb tools.</p> +<p>Unlike some competitors, this suite was not created from a collection of +separate pieces of software. From the start, it was designed as one complete +office package.</p> +<ul> +<li> +<p>All the packages have a similar "look and feel" making them very easy to use, + with common "learn once use everywhere" tools like the Styles and Formatting. + Apache OpenOffice takes its "look and feel" from your computer - if you change + your desktop, Apache OpenOffice will change to match.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>The same tools are used consistently across the suite - for example, the tools + you use to work with graphics within Writer are also found in Impress and Draw.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>You don"t need to know which application was used to create a particular + file - you can "File Open" any Apache OpenOffice file from anywhere and the + correct application will be launched.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>All the packages share a common spell-checker, etc.; and if you change an + "Option" in one package, it"s changed in them all.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>Information can be transferred easily between all the packages.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>All the components save in OpenDocument format, the new international standard + for office documents. This XML based format offers substantial disk savings + compared to common competitors' formats. It also means you can access your + data from any OpenDocument compliant software.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>All the packages are installed in one single operation, using the installation + process you are used to on your computer.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p>All the packages are released under the same open licensing model - there are + no hidden charges now or in the future.</p> +</li> +</ul> +<p>Everything you need in an office productivity suite - +<a href="/download/" title="Download Apache OpenOffice">get it today</a>!</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/windows.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/windows.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/windows.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice for Windows</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/product/leftnav.html" --> + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice for Windows</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<h2 id="windows-version-support">Windows Version Support<a class="headerlink" href="#windows-version-support" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>The current Apache OpenOffice supports Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.</p> +<p>Specific platform version notes:</p> +<ul> +<li><strong>Windows 2000</strong>: OpenOffice may work on Windows 2000, but we don't test or recommend it.</li> +<li><strong>Windows XP</strong>: Tested, stable, no platform-specific problems known.</li> +<li><strong>Windows Vista</strong>: Tested, stable, no platform-specific problems known.</li> +<li><strong>Windows 7</strong>: Tested, stable.</li> +<li><strong>Windows 8</strong>: We run as a "desktop application", not a Metro "App". Requires x86 or 64-bit Windows. + We do not support Windows RT, the ARM-based version, intended for tablets.</li> +</ul> +<p><strong>Please note</strong>: Apache OpenOffice is distributed as a 32-bit application. It will run successfully in +32-bit mode on 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and Windows 8. But in those cases a 32-bit JVM is required +for some functionality. Details are +<a href="">here</a>.</p> +<h2 id="hardware-requirements">Hardware Requirements<a class="headerlink" href="#hardware-requirements" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>Hardware demands are quite modest and even older machines should be able to run OpenOffice:</p> +<ul> +<li><strong>Memory</strong>: Minimum 256 Mbytes RAM (512 MB RAM recommended).</li> +<li><strong>Storage</strong>: At least 650 Mbytes available disk space for a default install via download. After installation and deletion of temporary installation files, Apache OpenOffice will use approximately 440 Mbytes disk space.</li> +<li><strong>Graphics</strong>: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution with at least 256 colours.</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="windows-specific-features">Windows-specific Features<a class="headerlink" href="#windows-specific-features" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>Apache OpenOffice has the following special features on Windows:</p> +<ul> +<li>Mail client integration via Messaging Application Programming Interface + <a href="">(MAPI)</a></li> +</ul> +<h2 id="additional-resources">Additional Resources<a class="headerlink" href="#additional-resources" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li>Click here to + <a href="">download</a></li> +<li>Click here to get + <a href="">Install intructions for OpenOffice on Windows</a></li> +<li>Click here to get help and support in the + <a href="">Community Support Forums</a></li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/writer.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/writer.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/product/writer.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>Apache OpenOffice Writer</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/product/">product</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/product/leftnav.html" --> + + <div id="content"> + + <h1 class="title">Apache OpenOffice Writer</h1> + <style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; +} +h2:hover > .headerlink, h3:hover > .headerlink, h1:hover > .headerlink, h6:hover > .headerlink, h4:hover > .headerlink, h5:hover > .headerlink, dt:hover > .elementid-permalink { visibility: visible }</style> +<p class="rfloatimg"><a href="/product/pix/writer-big.png" title="Click for bigger version"><img alt="Screendump of Apache OpenOffice Writer" src="/product/pix/writer.png" /></a></p> +<p><em>Letting you concentrate on writing your ideas</em></p> +<p><strong>Writer</strong> has everything you would expect from a modern, fully equipped word +processor.</p> +<p>It is simple enough for a quick memo, yet powerful enough to create complete books +with contents, diagrams, indexes, etc. You're free to concentrate on your +ideas while Writer makes them look great.</p> +<p><em>Wizards</em> take all the hassle out of producing standard documents such as +letters, faxes, agendas, minutes, or carrying out more complex tasks such as +mail merges. Of course, you are also free to create your own templates, or +<a href="" title="Download Apache OpenOffice Templates">download templates</a> from our Templates repository.</p> +<p><em>Styles and Formatting</em> puts the power of style sheets into the hands of every +user.</p> +<p><em>AutoCorrect dictionary</em> can trap typing mistakes on the fly, +checking your spelling as you type. Writer can handle the use of different languages in your +document too.</p> +<p><em>AutoComplete</em> reduces typing effort, it will suggest common words and +phrases to complete what you are typing.</p> +<p><em>Text frames</em> and <em>linking</em> give you the power to tackle desktop publishing +tasks for newsletters, flyers, etc. laid out exactly the way you want them to +be.</p> +<p><em>Table of Contents & References</em> - Increase the usefulness of your long, complex documents +by generating a table of contents or indexing terms, bibliographical references, illustrations, +tables, and other objects.</p> +<p><em>Multi-page display</em> - Writer can also display multiple pages while you edit - ideal for complex +documents. Works well with large and multiple monitors.</p> +<p><em>Notes</em> - The notes feature displays notes and comments on the side of the document. This +makes notes a lot easier to read. In addition, notes from different users are +displayed in different colors together with the editing date and time.</p> +<p><em>HTML, PDF, MediaWiki formats</em> - Make your documents freely available with Writer's HTML export to the web, +or export in MediaWiki format for publishing to wikis. Publish in Portable +Document Format (.pdf) to guarantee that what you write is what your reader +sees. The PDF export feature in Apache OpenOffice provides a huge set of formatting +and security options; so that PDF files can be customized for many different +scenarios, including ISO standard PDF/A files.</p> +<p><em>.odt Standard</em> - Save your documents in OpenDocument format, the new international standard for +office documents. This XML based format means you're not tied in to Writer. +You can access your documents from any OpenDocument compliant software.</p> +<p><em>.docx & .doc support</em> - Writer can of course read all your older Microsoft Word documents, or save +your work in Microsoft Word format for sending to people who are still using +Microsoft products. Writer can also open .docx files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/social/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/social/index.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/social/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + +<title>OpenOffice News Sources</title> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" /> + +<!-- Supports the Google+ badge --> +<script type="text/javascript"> +window.___gcfg = {lang: 'en'}; +(function() +{var po = document.createElement("script"); +po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true;po.src = ""; +var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; +s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); +})();</script> + + + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/social/">social</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + + +<h1>Official Announcements</h1> +<p> +The announce mailing list is the official avenue for announcements from the OpenOffice project. This is a low-volume list. All users and interested parties are encouraged to subscribe in order to receive release announcements, security bulletins and other important updates. +</p> +<p> +To subscribe to the announce list, send an email to <a href=""></a> and respond to the confirmation email you will receive. +</p> +<p> +We also have an <a href="">official project blog</a>, which features more in depth stories about Apache OpenOffice, + previews of upcoming features and interviews with project members. +</p> +<h1>Social Media</h1> +<p> +The Apache OpenOffice project provides occasional news updates and announcement via a variety of popular social media outlets. We invite you to follow us on any of these social networks, and to share our posts with friends in your network. +</p> +<p> +Recommended hashtags for Twitter and are: #aoo #apacheoo +</p> + + +<table width="500" border="0"> +<tr> +<td> +<script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> +<script> +new TWTR.Widget({ + version: 2, + type: 'profile', + rpp: 4, + interval: 30000, + width: 250, + height: 300, + theme: { + shell: { + background: '#333333', + color: '#ffffff' + }, + tweets: { + background: '#000000', + color: '#ffffff', + links: '#4aed05' + } + }, + features: { + scrollbar: false, + loop: false, + live: true, + behavior: 'all' + } +}).render().setUser('ApacheOO').start(); +</script> +</td> +<td style="vertical-align:middle"> +<g:plus href="" rel="publisher" width="300" height="131" theme="light"></g:plus> +</td> +<td style="vertical-align:middle"> +<!-- Facebook Badge START --><a href="" target="_TOP" style="font-family: "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-variant: normal; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; color: #3B5998; text-decoration: none;" title="Apache OpenOffice">Apache OpenOffice</a><br/><a href="" target="_TOP" title="Apache OpenOffice"><img src="" style="border: 0px;" /></a><!-- Facebook Badge END --> + +</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td><a href=""></a></td> +<td><a href="">Facebook Group</a></td> +<td><a href="">Xing</a></td> +</table> + + + + + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/support/index.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/support/index.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/support/index.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" --> +<html> +<head> +<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> + + <title>Apache OpenOffice Support</title> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" /> + <style> + @import url(/support/print.css); + </style> + +<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" --> +<!--#include virtual="/scripts/entourage.js" --> +</head> +<body> +<!--#include virtual="/no-test/brand.html" --> + <div id="topbara"> + <!--#include virtual="/no-test/topnav.html" --> + <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a> » <a href="/no-test/">no-test</a> » <a href="/no-test/support/">support</a></div> + </div> + <div id="clear"></div> + + + <div id="content"> + + + +<h1 class="welcometitle">Welcome to Apache OpenOffice Support</h1> + +<p> +Welcome to the Apache OpenOffice Support area. Listed here are links to: +<ul> + <li> + <a href="#community-support">Community support</a> + </li> + <li> + <a href="#rtfm">Product documentation</a> + </li> + <li> + <a href="#professional-services">Professional services</a> + </li> + <li> + <a href="#books">Books about OpenOffice</a>. + </li> + <li> + <a href="#online-resources">Other Online resources</a> + </li> +</ul> +</p> + + + <a name="community-support" id="community-support"></a> + <span class="supporthead">OpenOffice Community Support </span> + <div class="support"> + <ul> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a href="">The Apache OpenOffice Community Forum</a> + </span> + <br/> + The premier forum for OpenOffice users; immensely useful and recommended. Get free help from volunteers in the community. The forum volunteers can help with everything from installation to "how tos" on advanced topics. + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a href="">Users Mail List</a> + </span> + (<a href="">Subscribe</a> + / <a href="">Archives</a>) + <br> + Another community support option, via a public mailing list. You must subscribe to the list if you want to view responses to your question. + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a href="">Apache OpenOffice Native Language Mailing Lists</a> + </span> + <br /> + Mailing lists for several native languages. + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a href="">Issue Tracker (bug reporting and lookup)</a> + </span> + <br /> + A good place to check to see if a bug is already known. Anyone can search for bugs, but you must register to submit a new issue. <br /><em>Note:</em> This is not the way to get help for general problems. Please use the Forums or Users mailing list for these types of problems. + </li> + </ul> + + </div> + +<a name="rtfm" id="rtfm"></a> +<span class="supporthead">OpenOffice Documentation</span> +<div class="support"> + <ul> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a href="">OpenOffice Wiki: Documentation area</a> + </span> + <br /> + FAQs, User Guides, How-To's, Tutorials, Installation, etc. Highly recommended + as initial source of self-support for new users. + </li> + </ul> + </div> + + + <a name="professional-services" id="professional-services"></a> + <span class='supporthead'>Professional Services</span> + <div class="support"> + <p>On our <a href="../../bizdev/consultants.html">Consultants page</a> you will find a listing of individuals and companies that offer professional services related to OpenOffice.</p> + </div> + + <a name="books" id="books"></a> + <span class='supporthead'>Books about OpenOffice</span> + <div class="support"> + <p>On our <a href="books.html">Books page</a> you will find a listing of the many books written about OpenOffice topics, for general and specialized use.</p> + + <a name="online-resources" id="online-resources"></a> + <span class='supporthead'>Online Resources</span> + <div class="support"> + <p>The following websites are not operated by the Apache OpenOffice project, but have content that may be of interest to users.</p> + <ul> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a rel="nofollow" href="">The (Unofficial) OpenOffice Forum - <em>currently unstable</em></a> + </span> + <br /> + Discussion site for all things related OpenOffice + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a rel="nofollow" href="">Tutorials for OpenOffice</a> + </span> + <br /> + Tutorials for anyone learning or teaching OpenOffice + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> + </span> + <br /> + Free lessons in Calc + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a rel="nofollow" href="">8daysaweek</a> + </span> + <br /> + General help for users of OpenOffice + </li> + <li> + <span class='title'> + <a rel="nofollow" href="">Macro Guide</a> + </span> + <br /> + Free guide to OpenOffice macros. + </li> + + </ul> + </div> + + + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/topnav.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/topnav.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/topnav.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +<div id="topnava"><style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; 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Den er tilgjengelig for <strong>mange sprÃ¥k</strong> og fungerer med alle <strong>vanlige datamaskiner</strong>. Den lagrer alle dine data i et <strong>internasjonalt standardisert, Ã¥pent format</strong> og kan ogsÃ¥ lese og skrive filer fra andre venlige office-pakker. Den kan lastes ned og brukes helt <strong>gratis</strong> for <strong>alle formÃ¥l</strong>.</p> +<ul> +<li> +<p><a href="why_great.html">Utmerket programvare</a></p> +<p>Apache OpenOffice er resultatet av over tyve Ã¥rs programvare-utvikling. Helt fra starten er den utviklet som en integrert programpakke, som gir den en konsekventhet andre produkter ikke kan matche. En helt Ã¥pen utviklingsprosess betyr at hvem som helst kan rapportere feil, be om ny funksjonalitet, eller forbedre programvaren. Resultatet: Apache OpenOffice gjør alt du ønsker at din offce-pakke skal gjøre, pÃ¥ den mÃ¥ten du vil ha det.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="why_easy.html">Enkel Ã¥ bruke</a></p> +<p>Apache OpenOffice er enkel Ã¥ lære seg, og hvis du allerede benytter en annen office-pakke vil du forstÃ¥ OpenOffice fra første stund. VÃ¥rt globale fellesskap av sprÃ¥k-kyndige gjør at OpenOffice sannsynligvis er tilgjengelig og støttet pÃ¥ ditt sprÃ¥k allerede. Og hvis du allerede har filer fra en annen office-pakke vil OpenOffice sannsynligvis lese de uten problemer.</p> +</li> +<li> +<p><a href="why_free.html">og den er gratis</a></p> +<p>Det beste av alt er at Apache OpenOffice can lastes ned og brukes helt <strong>gratis</strong> og uten noen form for lisensavgifter. PÃ¥ samme mÃ¥te som for annen programvare fra Apache Software Foundation, er Apache OpenOffice <a href="">gratis Ã¥ bruke</a>. Apache OpenOffice er utgitt under <a href="">Apache 2.0 Lisensen</a>. Dette betyr at du kan benytte den for alle formÃ¥l - hjemme, pÃ¥ jobb, til utdanning, offentlig administrasjon. Du kan installere den pÃ¥ sÃ¥ mange datamaskiner du ønsker. Du kan kopiere og gi den bort til familie, venner, studenter, ansatte - til hvem du mÃ¥tte ønske.</p> +</li> +</ul> +<h2 id="hvor-brukes-apache-openoffice">Hvor brukes Apache OpenOffice?<a class="headerlink" href="#hvor-brukes-apache-openoffice" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<ul> +<li><a href="why_gov.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for Offentlig administrasjon">Det offentlige</a></li> +<li><a href="why_edu.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for Utdanning">Utdanning</a></li> +<li><a href="why_sme.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for Næringslivet">Næringslivet</a></li> +<li><a href="why_nfp.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for Ideelle organisasjoner">Ideelle organisasjoner</a></li> +<li><a href="why_oem.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for IKT-bransjen">IKT-bransjen</a></li> +<li><a href="why_foss.html" title="Hvorfor Apache OpenOffice for FOSS profesjonelle">FOSS profesjonelle (Free/Open Source Software)</a></li> +</ul> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html> Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/why/leftnav.html ============================================================================== --- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/why/leftnav.html (added) +++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/no-test/why/leftnav.html Thu Feb 11 02:42:16 2016 @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +<div id="leftnav"><style type="text/css"> +/* The following code is added by + It was originally lifted from */ +/* + * Hide class="elementid-permalink", except when an enclosing heading + * has the :hover property. + */ +.headerlink, .elementid-permalink { + visibility: hidden; 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Rewards can range up to $1 million.</p> +<p>As you probably already know, you don't own software in the same way you own a chair or a desk. Instead, you license the software from the publisher, and this license gives you +permission to use the software, but only under terms specified by the license. These terms typically say how many users or PC's may access the software. The terms might even include +a clause allowing the vendor to audit your usage of the software.</p> +<p>In order to avoid the expense and penalties of a BSA audit, organizations are increasingly adopting Software Asset Management (SAM) practices to ensure that their use of commercial +software complies with the applicable licenses. These practices generally include employee education along with the purchase of software to track licenses and software use within +the organization.</p> +<p>The combined cost of these SAM practices is the "cost of compliance" for using commercial software. It is an expense that does not make your organization more productive, does not +benefit your customers and adds nothing to the bottom line. It is purely risk mitigation. Along with license, maintenance and training costs, it is one of the expenses of using +commercial software.</p> +<h2 id="open-source-compliance-costs">Open Source Compliance Costs<a class="headerlink" href="#open-source-compliance-costs" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>As opposed to commercial software licenses, open source software have licenses that explicitly permit free redistribution. This reduces the cost of compliance for many +organizations, since tracking application usage is not needed.</p> +<p>However, organizations that use open source software and also develop and distribute their own proprietary software, can find themselves in trouble due to the viral nature (copyleft) +of some open source licenses. If one of your employees or contractors inadvertently includes some copyleft code in your proprietary product, then you could be required by that license +to make the source code for your entire product freely available to the public.</p> +<p>This is not just a theoretical concern. As aggressively as the BSA protects the interests of its commercial members, the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) protects the GPL license +in <a href="">high-profile lawsuits against large corporations</a>. The Free Software Foundation (FSF), in their <a href="">November 2012 Bulletin</a>, writes about their expansion of +"active license enforcement".</p> +<p>So the cost of compliance with copyleft code can be even greater than the use of proprietary software, since an organization risks being forced to make the source code +for their proprietary product public and available for anyone to use, free of charge. To mitigate this risk requires more employee education, more approval cycles, more internal audits +and more worries. This is the increased cost of compliance when copyleft software is brought into an organization. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It is just the reality of +using open source software under these licenses, and must be weighed in considered as one cost-driver among many.</p> +<h2 id="the-apache-advantage">The Apache Advantage<a class="headerlink" href="#the-apache-advantage" title="Permanent link">¶</a></h2> +<p>However, not all open source licenses are copyleft license. Not all of them have that viral quality that radically increases the risk for an organization. A subset of open source +licenses, generally called "permissive" licenses, are much more friendly for corporate use. These licenses include the MIT and BSD licenses, as well as the +<a href="">Apache Software License 2.0</a> that we use for Apache OpenOffice.</p> +<p>Like other open source licenses, the Apache License explicitly allows you to copy and redistribute the covered product, without any license fees or royalties. But because it is a +permissive license, it also allows you to prepare and distribute derivative products, without requiring you to make your own source code public. So both BSA and SFLC/FSF risks +are eliminated, and the cost, to your business, of license compliance is greatly reduced.</p> + </div> +<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> +</body> +</html>