Author: kschenk
Date: Mon Aug  3 16:03:22 2015
New Revision: 1693925

More explanation on svn merges.


Modified: openoffice/site/trunk/content/svn-basics.mdtext
--- openoffice/site/trunk/content/svn-basics.mdtext (original)
+++ openoffice/site/trunk/content/svn-basics.mdtext Mon Aug  3 16:03:22 2015
@@ -288,26 +288,26 @@ Create the patch file from `svn diff` wh
 ## <a id="merging_changes"></a>Merging changes to a branch
-New development is done in the trunk of the tree. With few exceptions you do 
**NOT** do direct commits to the stable
-branches: you normally only commit your changes to the stable branch after 
other developers have been
-given enough time to test the changes don't break anything in the trunk.
-In case there are impending security issues, or if the code in the branch has 
diverged significantly to the
-code in the trunk you may commit the code directly but it is a good idea to let
-other developers know about such changes.
+New development is done in the "trunk", development area, of the tree. Stable, 
release branches, are specifically named and can be found
+in the [branches] (  area of 
the openoffice svn tree. With few exceptions you do **NOT** do direct commits 
to the stable, release,
+branches. Changes, commits, to stable branch are typically only done during a 
formal release cycle and must be discussed on the "dev" list.
-You usually don't need to apply patches or add new files to merge your 
changes, instead you use the "svn merge"
-command which finds out the specific changes and replays them.  SVN also keeps 
a record
+When a new release is in preparation, bug fixes are reviewed, and fixes that 
have been made to "trunk" get applied to the stable, release, branch. This is 
done using the "svn merge" command which finds  previous changes and replays 
them.  SVN also keeps a record
 of the specific commits that have been merged so the changes are much easier 
to track down.
-The first step is to do a check out of the specific branch. You can do a 
-checkout or you can save some space by using the "--depth=empty" option:
+The first step is to do a check out of the stable, release, branch. The 
following examples use the AOO34 release branch, and assume
+you want to apply changes from trunk for a new release, maybe AOO341.
+You can do a complete checkout of the release branch or you can save some 
space by using the "--depth=empty" option:
      % svn co --depth=empty aoo-stable
      U   aoo-stable
      Checked out revision 1347362.
-You can keep saving space (rather convenient) until you reach the directory 
where you want to make changes:
+This will put a placeholder branch for the AOO34 in directory "aoo-stable".
+In the aoo-stable directory, you can keep saving space (rather convenient) 
until you reach the directory where you want to make changes:
      % svn up --depth=empty main
      Updating 'main':
@@ -318,6 +318,8 @@ You can keep saving space (rather conven
      A    jvmfwk
      Updated to revision 1347366.
+At this point, there are svn placeholder entries for /main/jvmfwk.
 To do a complete checkout from there:
      svn up --set-depth=infinity
@@ -333,8 +335,10 @@ Now merge the specific revision(s) you w
      --- Merging r1333165 into '.':
      U    distributions/OpenOfficeorg/javavendors_unx.xml
+At this point, you have merged r1333165 into r1347366. (For release from trunk 
to a new release, it's likely you would be merging a higher revision to a lower 
existing release revision.)
 After you finish merging, check your changes with "svn status" and "svn diff"
-and commit:
+and commit from the aoo-update directory:
      svn commit -m "Merge r1329539, r1329547, 1333165 - Add Oracle as a Java 
vendor on unix." distributions/OpenOfficeorg/javavendors_unx.xml 
      Sending        distributions/OpenOfficeorg/javavendors_freebsd.xml

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