Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Sep 14 22:02:01 2014
New Revision: 922203

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun Sep 14 22:02:01 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun Sep 14 22:02:01 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/scripts/ooo.js
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/scripts/ooo.js (added)
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/scripts/ooo.js Sun Sep 14 22:02:01 
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+ * Overview of all methods (functions) defined below of the global object "DL"
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * function follow       ( platform )
+ * function showEventBox ()
+ * function showAlertBox ()
+ * function setRedirect  ()
+ */
+ * Link AOO to a social media
+ * @param:  platform - The social media (Apache Blog, Facebook, Twitter, 
Google+) that the scriping should link to
+ * @return: None
+ */
+function follow( platform ) {
+       _gaq.push( ['_trackEvent', 'social', 'followUs', platform] ); 
+       if ( platform == 'ApacheBlog' ) {
+      "";, "_blank" );
+       } else if ( platform == 'Facebook' ) {
+      "";, "_blank" );
+       } else if ( platform == 'Twitter' ) {
+      "";, "_blank" );
+       } else if ( platform == 'GooglePlus' ) {
+      "";, "_blank" );
+       }
+       return;
+ * Show an event box with colored background (e.g., to announce the Apache 
Conference Europe)
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
+ */
+function showEventBox() {
+       // The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
+       // Show the event box or not?
+       if( l10n.index_event_box_show ) {
+               // Show the banner logo and text with link and cursor as poiner.
+               document.write( "<div id='event_box' onclick=' \"" 
+ l10n.index_event_box_text_href
+                       + "\", \"_blank\" ); return false;'>"
+                       + "<ul>"
+                         + "<li>"
+                           // Event banner logo on the left hand side.
+                           + "<p style='float: left;'>"
+                             + "<a href='" + l10n.index_event_box_graphic_href
+                               + "' title='" + 
l10n.index_event_box_graphic_title + "' target='_blank'>"
+                                 + "<img src='" + 
+                                 + "' alt='" + 
l10n.index_event_box_graphic_alt + "' />"
+                             + "</a>"
+                           + "</p>"
+                           // Event text on the right hand side.
+                           + "<p>"
+                             + "<a style='color: black; text-decoration: 
+                               + "' title='" + l10n.index_event_box_text_title 
+ "' target='_blank'>"
+                               + l10n.index_event_box_text_text
+                             + "</a>"
+                           + "</p>"
+                         + "</li>"
+                       + "</ul>"
+               + "</div>" );
+       }
+       return;
+ * Show an alert box with colored background (e.g., to announce an outage of 
an AOO service)
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
+ */
+function showAlertBox() {
+       // The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
+       // Show the alert box or not?
+       if( l10n.index_alert_box_show ) {
+               // Depending if link is available, make the whole DIV clickable 
or not.
+               if( l10n.index_alert_box_href ) {
+                       // Show the text with link and cursor as poiner.
+                       document.write( "<div id='alert_box' 
onclick=' \"" + l10n.index_alert_box_href
+                       + "\", \"_blank\" ); return false;'><ul><li>" );
+                       // Show headline.
+                       document.write( "<h2 style='cursor: pointer;'>"
+                       + l10n.index_alert_box_headline_text + "</h2>" );
+                       // Show text.
+                       if( l10n.index_alert_box_text_text ) {
+                               document.write( "<p style='cursor: pointer;'>"
+                               + l10n.index_alert_box_text_text + "</p>" );
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       // Show the text without link and normal cursor.
+                       document.write( "<div id='alert_box'><ul><li>" );
+                       // Show headline.
+                       document.write( "<h2 style='cursor: default;'>"
+                       + l10n.index_alert_box_headline_text + "</h2>" );
+                       // Show text.
+                       if( l10n.index_alert_box_text_text ) {
+                               document.write( "<p style='cursor: default;'>"
+                               + l10n.index_alert_box_text_text + "</p>" );
+                       }
+               }
+               document.write( "</li></ul></div>" ); // Alert box.
+       return;
+       }
+ * Show a redirect box with colored background to give the user a message that 
a localized NL webpage is available
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
+ */
+function setRedirect() {
+       // The text is defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js".
+       DL.NL_LANG      = "";                                   // Set to empty 
as both variables ...
+       DL.LANG_SEL     = "";                                   // ... must not 
be used in following function.
+       var lang_iso    = DL.getLanguage();                     // Get the 
language ISO code from browser guessed data.
+       var lang_mode   = "";                                   // Customized 
redirect mode.
+       var lang_text   = "";                                   // Customized 
message text that can be shown.
+       var link        = "";                                   // Override 
redirect mode.
+       // Add ECMA262-5 Array methods if not supported natively.
+       // To workaround that MSIE 8 and older do not support this function.
+       if( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
+               Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) {  // 'i' is an 
optional parameter.
+                       if( i === undefined ) {
+                               i = 0;
+                       }
+                       if( i < 0 ) {
+                               i+= this.length;
+                       }
+                       if( i < 0 ) {
+                               i = 0;
+                       }
+                       for( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
+                               if( i in this && this[ i ] === find ) {
+                                       return i;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return -1;
+               };
+       }
+       // Fix for Portuguese (European) as they are named only "pt" without 
region code!
+       if( lang_iso === "pt-pt" || lang_iso === "pt-PT" ) {
+               lang_iso = "pt";
+       }
+       // Query if the browser language is one of the released languages.
+       // The array has 3 elements per language (defined in 
+       for( var i = 0, j = DL.SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 3 ) {
+         // If the ISO code is found in the language array.
+         if( DL.SEL_LANG[ i ] === lang_iso ) {
+           // Query for the redirect method (defined in "/msg_prop_l10n.js", 
column 0).
+           lang_mode   = l10n.index_redirect_text[ i / 3 * 2 ];
+           lang_text   = l10n.index_redirect_text[ i / 3 * 2 + 1 ];
+           break;
+         }
+       }
+       // Convert the browser URL into a string.
+       link = String( document.location );
+       // Does the browser URL contain already a redirect mode?
+       // If yes, set the new redirect mode to override the customized mode.
+       if( link.indexOf( "hard" ) !== -1 ) {
+           lang_mode = "hard";
+       } else if( link.indexOf( "soft" ) !== -1 ) {
+           lang_mode = "soft";
+       } else if( link.indexOf( "none" ) !== -1 ) {
+           lang_mode = "none";
+       }
+       switch( lang_mode ) {
+               case "hard":
+                       // Do not show a message, just redirect. 
+              ""; + lang_iso , 
"_self" );
+                       break;
+               case "soft":
+                       // Show a message and redirect only on user's click.
+                       // Assign the message text that is defined in:
+                       // "/msg_prop_l10n.js", array 
"l10n.index_redirect_text", column 1),
+                       document.write( "<div id='redirect_box'"
+                       + " onclick=' \""; 
+ lang_iso + "\", \"_self\" );"
+                       + "return false;'>"
+                       + "<ul><li>"
+                       + "<p>" + lang_text + "</p>"
+                       + "</li></ul>"
+                       + "</div>" ); // Redirect box.
+                       break;
+               case "none":
+               default:
+                       // Do nothing and show nothing.
+       }
+       return;

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