Author: marcus
Date: Sat Jul  5 17:21:00 2014
New Revision: 1608070

Updated variables


Modified: openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/it/download/msg_prop_l10n_it.js
--- openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/it/download/msg_prop_l10n_it.js (original)
+++ openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/it/download/msg_prop_l10n_it.js Sat Jul  
5 17:21:00 2014
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 // The following variables are used in the "index.html" file:
 // Set a specific language ISO code to force to assemble a download link with 
a certain language.
-NL_LANG                                                        = "it";
+var NL_LANG                                                    = "it";
 // General:
 var l10n_download_headline_text                                = "Download 
Apache OpenOffice";
@@ -29,21 +29,34 @@ var l10n_download_green_box_selectbox_la
 var l10n_download_green_box_selectbox_ver_title                = "Selezionare 
la versione";
 // Download: Strings in the sub-green box (used in "index.html").
+// Not defined for now.
 // Download: Strings in the yellow box (used in "index.html").
+// Not defined for now.
 // Download: Strings in the sub-yellow box (used in "index.html").
+// Not defined for now.
 // Share: Strings in the light-blue box (used in "index.html").
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_headline_text            = "Parlate di 
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_headline_title           = "Condividete 
OpenOffice con i vostri amici";
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_text_text                        = "Parlate ai 
vostri amici di Apache OpenOffice:";
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_text_title               = "Aiutateci a 
diffondere Apache OpenOffice parlandone ai vostri amici";
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_blog_text                        = "Official 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_blog_title               = "Weblog of 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_blog_src                 = 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_blog_alt                 = "Weblog of 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_facebook_text            = "Facebook";
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_facebook_title           = "Parlate di 
OpenOffice ai vostri amici su Facebook";
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_facebook_src             = 
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_facebook_alt             = "Condividi su 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_twitter_text             = "Twitter";
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_twitter_title            = "Parlate di 
OpenOffice ai vostri amici su Twitter";
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_twitter_src              = 
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_twitter_alt              = "Condividi su 
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_text          = "Google+";
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_title         = "Parlate di 
OpenOffice ai vostri amici su Google+";
+var l10n_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_src           = 
 var l10n_share_light_blue_box_googleplus_alt           = "Condividi su 
 // Extensions: Strings in the blue box (top) (used in "index.html").
@@ -51,69 +64,98 @@ var l10n_ext_blue_box_headline_text                 = 
 var l10n_ext_blue_box_headline_title                   = "Funzionalità 
aggiuntive per il programma";
 var l10n_ext_blue_box_text_text                                = "Per 
estendere OpenOffice con un'ampia gamma di funzioni aggiuntive disponibili come 
 var l10n_ext_blue_box_text_title                       = "Funzionalità 
aggiuntive per il programma";
+var l10n_ext_blue_box_text_href                                = 
 // Templates: Strings in the blue box (bottom) (used in "index.html").
 var l10n_tlp_blue_box_headline_text                    = "Modelli per Apache 
 var l10n_tlp_blue_box_headline_title                   = "Modelli di documento 
 var l10n_tlp_blue_box_text_text                                = "Per 
usufruire di una vasta scelta di modelli di documento per OpenOffice in varie 
 var l10n_tlp_blue_box_text_title                       = "Modelli di documento 
+var l10n_tlp_blue_box_text_href                                = 
 // Strings in the navigation bar (used in "index.html").
 // Release Information
 var l10n_nav_headline_1_text                           = "Informazioni";
-var l10n_nav_release_notes_text                                = 
"Caratteristiche e funzionalità";
-var l10n_nav_release_notes_title                       = "Novità e 
miglioramenti dell'ultima versione";
 var l10n_nav_sysreq_text                               = "Requisiti di 
 var l10n_nav_sysreq_title                              = "Disco: ~300MB free - 
Memoria: >128MB - Processore: >500MHz - OS: Win, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, 
-var l10n_nav_checksum_text                             = "Verifica i file 
-var l10n_nav_checksum_title                            = "Come controllare 
firme e checksum dei file scaricati";
+var l10n_nav_sysreq_href                               = 
 var l10n_nav_license_text                              = "Licenza";
 var l10n_nav_license_title                             = "Licenza di Apache 
+var l10n_nav_license_href                              = 
 var l10n_nav_source_text                               = "Codice sorgente";
 var l10n_nav_source_title                              = "Per sviluppatori ed 
esperti: compilate Apache OpenOffice dal codice sorgente.";
+var l10n_nav_source_href                               = 
 var l10n_nav_build_text                                        = "Guida alla 
 var l10n_nav_build_title                               = "Per sviluppatori ed 
esperti: compilate Apache OpenOffice dal codice sorgente.";
+var l10n_nav_build_href                                        = 
 var l10n_nav_sdk_text                                  = "Software Development 
Kit (SDK)";
 var l10n_nav_sdk_title                                 = "Per sviluppatori: 
Software Development Kit.";
+var l10n_nav_sdk_href                                  = 
+var l10n_nav_devbuilds_text                            = "Development Builds";
+var l10n_nav_devbuilds_title                           = "For QA volunteers: 
Development Builds";
+var l10n_nav_devbuilds_href                            = 
 // Documentation
 var l10n_nav_headline_2_text                           = "Documentation";
 var l10n_nav_schedule_text                             = "Release Schedules";
 var l10n_nav_schedule_title                            = "When are new 
releases planned?";
+var l10n_nav_schedule_href                             = 
 var l10n_nav_hist_schedule_text                                = "Historic 
Release Schedule";
 var l10n_nav_hist_schedule_title                       = "When were old 
releases planned?";
+var l10n_nav_hist_schedule_href                                = 
 var l10n_nav_inst_guide_text                           = "Installation Guides";
 var l10n_nav_inst_guide_title                          = "Instructions for 
installing Apache OpenOffice on Windows, Linux and Mac OS machines";
+var l10n_nav_inst_guide_href                           = 
 var l10n_nav_user_guide_text                           = "User Guides";
 var l10n_nav_user_guide_title                          = "Extensive user 
manuals for every day use";
+var l10n_nav_user_guide_href                           = 
 var l10n_nav_why_java_text                             = "Java and Apache 
 var l10n_nav_why_java_title                            = "Explains why to use 
Java and what it is";
+var l10n_nav_why_java_href                             = 
 var l10n_nav_eol_text                                  = "End-Of-Life 
 var l10n_nav_eol_title                                 = "Information about 
releases that have reached End-Of-Life status";
+var l10n_nav_eol_href                                  = 
 // Additional Resources
 var l10n_nav_headline_3_text                           = "Additional 
 var l10n_nav_support_text                              = "Support";
 var l10n_nav_support_title                             = "If the information 
above did not answer your question: Free and paid support!";
+var l10n_nav_support_href                              = 
 var l10n_nav_local_text                                        = 
 var l10n_nav_local_title                               = "Information and 
support in your favorite language";
+var l10n_nav_local_href                                        = 
 var l10n_nav_stat_text                                 = "Download Statistics";
 var l10n_nav_stat_title                                        = "Download and 
other statistics";
+var l10n_nav_stat_href                                 = 
 var l10n_nav_mirrors1_text                             = "Alternative download 
mirrors #1";
 var l10n_nav_mirrors1_title                            = "Use Apache mirrors 
to download Apache OpenOffice";
+var l10n_nav_mirrors1_href                             = 
 var l10n_nav_mirrors2_text                             = "Alternative download 
mirrors #2";
 var l10n_nav_mirrors2_title                            = "Use Apache mirrors 
to download Apache OpenOffice";
+var l10n_nav_mirrors2_href                             = 
 var l10n_nav_porting_text                              = "3rd party ports and 
 var l10n_nav_porting_title                             = "Ports and 
distributions from 3rd party vendors";
+var l10n_nav_porting_href                              = 
 var l10n_nav_archive_text                              = "Archived and legacy 
 var l10n_nav_archive_title                             = "Download legacy and 
archived releases";
-var l10n_nav_devbuilds_text                            = "Development Builds";
-var l10n_nav_devbuilds_title                           = "For QA volunteers: 
Development Builds";
+var l10n_nav_archive_href                              = 
+// List items in the navigation bar that are not used for now.
+var l10n_nav_release_notes_text                                = 
"Caratteristiche e funzionalità";
+var l10n_nav_release_notes_title                       = "Novità e 
miglioramenti dell'ultima versione";
+var l10n_nav_release_notes_href                                = 
+var l10n_nav_checksum_text                             = "Verifica i file 
+var l10n_nav_checksum_title                            = "Come controllare 
firme e checksum dei file scaricati";
+var l10n_nav_checksum_href                             = 
 // Strings for the logo graphics.
 var l10n_img_sourceforge_title                         = "Sourceforge - 
Download, Develop and Publish Free Open Source Software";
+var l10n_img_sourceforge_href                          = 
+var l10n_img_sourceforge_src                           = 
 var l10n_img_sourceforge_alt                           = "Sourceforge";
 var l10n_img_w3c_title                                 = "W3C Markup 
Validation Service - Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) of Web documents";
+var l10n_img_w3c_href                                  = 
+var l10n_img_w3c_src                                   = 
 var l10n_img_w3c_alt                                   = "W3C Validator";
@@ -155,14 +197,17 @@ var l10n_download_checksum_sha256_text            
 var l10n_download_checksum_sha256_title                        = "SHA256 hash 
for: ";
 var l10n_download_help_img_title                       = "Differenza tra 
installazione completa e language pack";
+var l10n_download_help_img_src                         = 
 var l10n_download_help_img_alt                         = "Informazioni di 
 var l10n_download_help_text                            = "Cos'è un language 
 var l10n_download_help_title                           = "Differenza tra 
installazione completa e language pack";
 var l10n_download_checksum_img_title                   = "Come verificare 
firme e checksum?";
+var l10n_download_checksum_img_src                     = 
 var l10n_download_checksum_img_alt                     = "Verifica";
 var l10n_download_checksum_text                                = "Come 
verificare il download?";
 var l10n_download_checksum_title                       = "Verifica delle 
 var l10n_download_report_img_title                     = "Il link di download 
non funziona? Segnalatelo qui.";
+var l10n_download_report_img_src                       = 
 var l10n_download_report_img_alt                       = "Link non 
 var l10n_download_report_text                          = "Segnalate un link 
non funzionante";
 var l10n_download_report_title                         = "Segnalate un link 
non funzionante.";
@@ -174,6 +219,7 @@ var l10n_download_langpack_link_error_te
 var l10n_download_langpack_link_error_title            = "Cambiate lingua, 
piattaforma o versione.";
 var l10n_download_error_problem_img_title              = "Il file selezionato 
non è disponibile";
+var l10n_download_error_problem_img_src                        = 
 var l10n_download_error_problem_img_alt                        = "Errore";
 var l10n_download_error_problem_text                   = "Problema: ";
 var l10n_download_error_solution_text                  = "Soluzione: ";
@@ -186,6 +232,13 @@ var l10n_download_error_please_select_4_
 var l10n_download_unknown_platform_text                        = "sistema 
operativo sconosciuto";
+// Download: Strings with customized error text in the sub-red box (used in 
+// Can be used when the default text in the variables above cannot be 
translated correctly.
+var l10n_download_error_custom_1_text                  = "";
+var l10n_download_error_custom_2_text                  = "";
+var l10n_download_error_custom_3_text                  = "";
+var l10n_download_error_custom_4_text                  = "";
 // The following variables are used in the "analyze.html" file:
@@ -194,8 +247,8 @@ var l10n_download_unknown_platform_text     
 var l10n_analyze_headline_text                         = "How to report a 
broken download link?";
 var l10n_analyze_instruction_select_text               = "<b>Select your 
favorites</b>: Operating system, language and version in the green below.";
 var l10n_analyze_instruction_verify_text               = "Verify that these 
options <b>still do not</b> lead to valid download links.";
-var l10n_analyze_instruction_click_text                        = "Click on the 
button below the green box:";
-var l10n_analyze_instruction_copy_text                 = "Copy the selected 
table data into the clipboard:";
+var l10n_analyze_instruction_click_text                        = "Click on the 
button below the green box: ";
+var l10n_analyze_instruction_copy_text                 = "Copy the selected 
table data into the clipboard: ";
 var l10n_analyze_instruction_new_mail_text             = "Create a new mail.";
 var l10n_analyze_instruction_problem_text              = "<b>Write a problem 
description</b> (what does not work and what do you expect).";
 var l10n_analyze_instruction_details_text              = "Please also add 
<b>details about the used operating system</b>.";
@@ -215,8 +268,8 @@ var l10n_analyze_update_button_text                 = 
 var l10n_analyze_update_button_title                   = "Put the selected 
options as values into the table below";
 var l10n_analyze_select_button_text                    = "Click to select the 
 var l10n_analyze_select_button_title                   = "Select all data in 
the table below";
-var l10n_analyze_copy_button_text                      = "Copy with [Ctrl] + 
-var l10n_analyze_copy_button_title                     = "Copy the selected 
table data via [Ctrl] + [C] into the clipboard";
+var l10n_analyze_copy_button_text                      = "Copy with [Ctrl]+[C] 
/ [&#8984;]+[C]";
+var l10n_analyze_copy_button_title                     = "Copy the selected 
table data via [ Ctrl ] + [ C ] or [ &#8984; ] + [ C ] into the clipboard";
 // Analyze: Strings for the table (used in "analyze.html").
 var l10n_analyze_table_browser_text                    = "Browser variables";
@@ -229,12 +282,13 @@ var l10n_analyze_table_javascript_text            
 // General: Links to webpage files that could be localized.
-var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo410_link                        = 
-var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo401_link                        = 
-var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo400_link                        = 
+var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo410_link                        = 
+var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo401_link                        = 
+var l10n_download_rel_notes_aoo400_link                        = 
 var l10n_download_help_link                            = 
 var l10n_download_checksum_link                                = 
 var l10n_download_report_link                          = 
 var l10n_download_porting_link                         = 
 var l10n_download_archive_link                         = 
+var l10n_download_aoo341_link                          = 

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