Author: buildbot
Date: Sat Jul  5 16:25:32 2014
New Revision: 915113

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sat Jul  5 16:25:32 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sat Jul  5 16:25:32 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/download.js
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/download.js (original)
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/download.js Sat Jul  5 
16:25:32 2014
@@ -1,77 +1,82 @@
  * Overview of all functions defined below
- * ------------------------------------------
- * function init               ()
- * function initVars           ()
- * function getLanguage                ()
- * function fillOSSel          ()
- * function fillLangSel                ()
- * function fillVerSel         ()
- * function getOSSel           ()
- * function getLangSel         ()
- * function getVerSel          ()
- * function setOSSel           ()
- * function setLangSel         ()
- * function setVerSel          ()
- * function resetElements      ()
- * function showWindow         ( target_url )
- * function showErrorMessage   ( error_text )
- * function isLangSupported    ()
- * function checkLinkExceptions ()
- * function getLinkSel         ()
- * function getPlatform                ()
- * function getReleaseMatrixPos        ()
- * function getFileData                ( ver )
- * function openItem           ( itemid, uri )
- * function alertDbg           ( location )
+ * ----------------------------------------------------
+ * function init                       ()
+ * function initVariables              ()
+ * function getLanguage                        ()
+ * function fillOSSelection            ()
+ * function fillLanguageSelection      ()
+ * function fillVersionSelection       ()
+ * function getOSSelection             ()
+ * function getLanguageSelection       ()
+ * function getVersionSelection                ()
+ * function setOSSelection             ()
+ * function setLanguageSelection       ()
+ * function setVersionSelection                ()
+ * function hideElements               ()
+ * function showWindow                 ( target_link )
+ * function showErrorMessage           ( error_text )
+ * function isLanguageSupported                ()
+ * function checkForLinkExceptions     ()
+ * function getLinkSelection           ()
+ * function getPlatform                        ()
+ * function getReleaseMatrixPosition   ()
+ * function getFileData                        ( version )
+ * function openItem                   ( itemid, uri )
+ * function debug                      ( location )
  * Init function
+ * @param:  release_mode - The release mode (stable, beta, etc.) that the 
scriping should work with
+ * @return: None
-function init( mode ) {
+function init( release_mode ) {
        // Set global variables.
-       initVars( 1 );
+       initVariables( 1 );
        // Fill the OS, language and version select boxes.
-       fillOSSel()
-       fillLangSel();
-       fillVerSel();
+       fillOSSelection();
+       fillLanguageSelection();
+       fillVersionSelection();
-       // Get the platform and language from the browser data.
-       getPlatform();
+       // Get the language and platform from the browser data.
+       getPlatform();
        // Set the recognized platform and language as default.
-       setOSSel();
-       setLangSel();
-       setVerSel();
+       setOSSelection();
+       setLanguageSelection();
+       setVersionSelection();
        // When release mode = 2, it is a beta release. Otherwise assume 
"stable release" as default.
-       if( mode === 2 )
-               R_MODE = mode;
+       if( release_mode === 2 ) {
+               RELEASE_MODE = mode;
+       }
-       getLinkSel();
+       getLinkSelection();
  * Define all global variables with default values
+ * @param:  init_all - Should all variables initialized or just a part?
+ * @return: None
-function initVars( init_all ) {
+function initVariables( init_all ) {
        // Define variables without "var" to make them globally available.
        // The following are used in "download.js". and "index.html".
-       // All elements with ID in the sub-green box.
-       element_ids_sub_green = [ "dl_rel_info", "dl_rel_notes", "dl_f_info", 
"dl_f_chk_keys", "space1", "dl_f_chk_asc",
+       // All elements with ID in the sub-box.
+       element_ids_sub_box = [ "dl_rel_info", "dl_rel_notes", "dl_f_info", 
"dl_f_chk_keys", "space1", "dl_f_chk_asc",
        "space2", "dl_f_chk_md5", "space3", "dl_f_chk_sha256", "dl_lp_info", 
"dl_lp_chk_keys", "space4", "dl_lp_chk_asc",
        "space5", "dl_lp_chk_md5", "space6", "dl_lp_chk_sha256", "dl_hlp_img", 
"dl_hlp", "dl_chk_img", "dl_chk",
        "dl_rpt_img", "dl_rpt" ];
-       // All elements with ID in the green and sub-green box that have a link.
+       // All elements with ID in the green and sub-box that have a link.
        element_ids_links = [ "dl_f_link", "dl_lp_link", "dl_f_chk_keys", 
"dl_f_chk_asc", "dl_f_chk_md5", "dl_f_chk_sha256",
        "dl_lp_chk_keys", "dl_lp_chk_asc", "dl_lp_chk_md5", "dl_lp_chk_sha256", 
"dl_hlp", "dl_chk", "dl_rpt" ];
@@ -79,85 +84,90 @@ function initVars( init_all ) {
        // All global variables.
        if( init_all === 1 ) {
-               R_MODE                          = 1;     // The release mode (1 
= stable release (default), 2 = beta release, etc.).
-               LANG_ISO                        = "";    // The language as ISO 
-               LANG_SEL                        = "";    // The selected 
language as ISO code from select box.
-               UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP              = "";    // The platform as 
readable string, if not supported.
-               PLATFORM_SEL                    = "";    // The selected 
platform from select box.
-               VERSION_SEL                     = "";    // The selected 
version from select box.
-       }
-       UI_PLATFORM                             = "";    // The platform as 
readable string.
-       PLATFORM                                = "";    // The platform in 
short form.
-       PLATFORM_FULL                           = "";    // The platform as 
part of the download URL (full install).
-       PLATFORM_LP                             = "";    // The platform as 
part of the download URL (langpack).
-       RELEASE_PLATFORM_POS_FULL               = -1;    // The position of the 
platform in the release matrix array (full install).
-       RELEASE_PLATFORM_POS_LP                 = -1;    // The position of the 
platform in the release matrix array (langpack).
-       RELEASE_PLATFORM                        = "";    // The platform in the 
release matrix array.
-       RELEASE_LANG                            = "";    // The language 
specific data depending on LANG_ISO.
-       REL_TEXT                                = "";    // The release data 
(milestone, build ID, svn rev, release date).
-       REL_NOTES                               = "";    // The complete URL 
for the release notes (depends on version).
-       FILENAME_FULL                           = "";    // The complete 
filename of the download URL (full install).
-       FILENAME_LP                             = "";    // The complete 
filename of the download URL (langpack).
-       FILESIZE_FULL                           = -1;    // The filesize of the 
download file (full install).
-       FILESIZE_LP                             = -1;    // The filesize of the 
download file (langpack).
-       EXTENSION                               = "";    // The file extension 
of the download URL.
-       SOURCEFORGE_BASE_URL                    = "";    // The base URL for 
all binary files on Sourceforge.
-       SOURCEFORGE_PREV_URL                    = "";    // The base URL for 
all binary files (prev. version) on Sourceforge.
-       ASF_ARC_BASE_URL                        = "";    // The base URL for 
all checksum files on Apache Archive server.
-       ASF_ARC_PREV_URL                        = "";    // The base URL for 
all checksum files (prev. version) on Apache Archive server.
-       ASF_WIKI_URL                            = "";    // The base URL for 
all release notes on Apache Wiki.
-       LINK_FULL                               = "";    // The complete 
download URL (full install).
-       LINK_LP                                 = "";    // The complete 
download URL (langpack).
-       LINK_CHK_KEYS                           = "";    // The KEYS file as 
download URL.
-       LINK_CHK_ASC_FULL                       = "";    // The ASC file as 
download URL (full install).
-       LINK_CHK_MD5_FULL                       = "";    // The MD5 file as 
download URL (full install).
-       LINK_CHK_SHA256_FULL                    = "";    // The SHA256 file as 
download URL (full install).
-       LINK_CHK_ASC_LP                         = "";    // The ASC file as 
download URL (langpack).
-       LINK_CHK_MD5_LP                         = "";    // The MD5 file as 
download URL (langpack).
-       LINK_CHK_SHA256_LP                      = "";    // The SHA256 file as 
download URL (langpack).
-       SUPPORTED                               = false; // Are the selected 
options supported in general (true) or not (false)?
-       ERROR                                   = false; // Is the download URL 
in general correct (true) or not (false)?
+               RELEASE_MODE            = 1;     // The release mode (1 = 
stable release (default), 2 = beta release, etc.).
+               LANG_ISO                = "";    // The language as ISO code.
+               LANG_SEL                = "";    // The selected language as 
ISO code from select box.
+               UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "";    // The platform as readable 
string, if not supported.
+               PLATFORM_SEL            = "";    // The selected platform from 
select box.
+               VERSION_SEL             = "";    // The selected version from 
select box.
+       }
+       UI_PLATFORM                     = "";    // The platform as readable 
+       PLATFORM                        = "";    // The platform in short form.
+       PLATFORM_FULL                   = "";    // The platform as part of the 
download URL (full install).
+       PLATFORM_LP                     = "";    // The platform as part of the 
download URL (langpack).
+       RELEASE_PLATFORM_POS_FULL       = -1;    // The position of the 
platform in the release matrix array (full install).
+       RELEASE_PLATFORM_POS_LP         = -1;    // The position of the 
platform in the release matrix array (langpack).
+       RELEASE_PLATFORM                = "";    // The platform in the release 
matrix array.
+       RELEASE_LANG                    = "";    // The language specific data 
depending on LANG_ISO.
+       REL_TEXT                        = "";    // The release data 
(milestone, build ID, svn rev, release date).
+       REL_NOTES                       = "";    // The complete URL for the 
release notes (depends on version).
+       FILENAME_FULL                   = "";    // The complete filename of 
the download URL (full install).
+       FILENAME_LP                     = "";    // The complete filename of 
the download URL (langpack).
+       FILESIZE_FULL                   = -1;    // The filesize of the 
download file (full install).
+       FILESIZE_LP                     = -1;    // The filesize of the 
download file (langpack).
+       EXTENSION                       = "";    // The file extension of the 
download URL.
+       SOURCEFORGE_BASE_URL            = "";    // The base URL for all binary 
files on Sourceforge.
+       SOURCEFORGE_PREV_URL            = "";    // The base URL for all binary 
files (prev. version) on Sourceforge.
+       ASF_ARC_BASE_URL                = "";    // The base URL for all 
checksum files on Apache Archive server.
+       ASF_ARC_PREV_URL                = "";    // The base URL for all 
checksum files (prev. version) on Apache Archive server.
+       ASF_WIKI_URL                    = "";    // The base URL for all 
release notes on Apache Wiki.
+       LINK_FULL                       = "";    // The complete download URL 
(full install).
+       LINK_LP                         = "";    // The complete download URL 
+       LINK_CHK_KEYS                   = "";    // The KEYS file as download 
+       LINK_CHK_ASC_FULL               = "";    // The ASC file as download 
URL (full install).
+       LINK_CHK_MD5_FULL               = "";    // The MD5 file as download 
URL (full install).
+       LINK_CHK_SHA256_FULL            = "";    // The SHA256 file as download 
URL (full install).
+       LINK_CHK_ASC_LP                 = "";    // The ASC file as download 
URL (langpack).
+       LINK_CHK_MD5_LP                 = "";    // The MD5 file as download 
URL (langpack).
+       LINK_CHK_SHA256_LP              = "";    // The SHA256 file as download 
URL (langpack).
+       SHOW_SUB_BOX                    = true;  // Is the download URL OK to 
show the sub-box (true) or not (false)?
+       ERROR                           = false; // Is the download URL in 
general OK (false) or not (true)?
  * Get array and ISO code for language
- * Depends on $NL_LANG and array-list
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: LANG_ISO - The language as ISO code
 function getLanguage() {
        var language = "";
        // If available, use the manual set ISO code (see "index.html") that 
overrides $LANG_ISO.
-       if( NL_LANG !== "" )
+       if( NL_LANG !== "" ) {
                language = NL_LANG;
        // Else if available, use the selected language from select box.
-       else if( LANG_SEL !== "" )
+       } else if( LANG_SEL !== "" ) {
                language = LANG_SEL;
        // Else try to recognize the language from browser data.
-       else if( navigator.language )
+       } else if( navigator.language ) {
                language = navigator.language;
-       else if( navigator.userLanguage )
+       } else if( navigator.userLanguage ) {
                language = navigator.userLanguage;
-       else if( navigator.browserLanguage )
+       } else if( navigator.browserLanguage ) {
                language = navigator.browserLanguage;
-       else if( navigator.systemLanguage )
+       } else if( navigator.systemLanguage ) {
                language = navigator.systemLanguage;
+       }
        // Assign "en-US" as fall-back language if only "en" is set or nothing 
at all.
-       if( !language || language === "" || language == null || language === 
"en" )
+       if( !language || language === "" || language == null || language === 
"en" ) {
                language = "en-US";
+       }
        // Assign "pt-PT" if only "pt" is set.
-       if( language === "pt" )
+       if( language === "pt" ) {
                language = "pt-PT";
+       }
        // Konqueror uses '_' where other browsers use '-'.
-       if( language.indexOf( "_" ) !== -1 )
+       if( language.indexOf( "_" ) !== -1 ) {
                // Change a contained '_' into a '-'.
                language = language.split( "_" ).join( "-" );
+       }
        language                = language.toLowerCase();       // Change the 
language into lower case.
        var languageCode        = language.split( "-" )[ 0 ];   // Part before 
"-" is the language code.
@@ -174,8 +184,9 @@ function getLanguage() {
        if( regionCode != null ) {
                // Fix for Portuguese (European) downloads as they are named 
only "pt" without region code!
-               if( languageCode === "pt" && regionCode === "pt" )
+               if( languageCode === "pt" && regionCode === "pt" ) {
                        language = languageCode;
+               }
                // If an additional region code was found.
                if( thisLanguageSet[ regionCode ] != null ) {
@@ -207,11 +218,12 @@ function getLanguage() {
  * Set values into the <select> element for OS (select box)
- * Depends on array-list
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function fillOSSel() {
-       var sel_os = document.getElementById( "os" );
-       var option = "";
+function fillOSSelection() {
+       var selection_os = document.getElementById( "os" );
+       var option       = "";
        // Fill the <select> element until all OS's are used.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_OS.length; i < j; i = i + 3 ) {
@@ -220,7 +232,7 @@ function fillOSSel() {
                option.value = SEL_OS[ i ];
                // Assign the UI platform name.
                option.text  = SEL_OS[ i + 1 ];
-               sel_os.appendChild( option );
+               selection_os.appendChild( option );
@@ -228,11 +240,12 @@ function fillOSSel() {
  * Set values into the <select> element for language (select box)
- * Depends on array-list
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function fillLangSel() {
-       var sel_lang = document.getElementById( "lang" );
-       var option   = "";
+function fillLanguageSelection() {
+       var selection_language = document.getElementById( "language" );
+       var option             = "";
        // Fill the <select> element until all languages are used.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
@@ -241,7 +254,7 @@ function fillLangSel() {
                option.value = SEL_LANG[ i ];
                // Assign the UI name like "English (Native) (ISO code)".
                option.text  = SEL_LANG[ i + 1 ];
-               sel_lang.appendChild( option );
+               selection_language.appendChild( option );
@@ -249,11 +262,12 @@ function fillLangSel() {
  * Set values into the <select> element for version (select box)
- * Depends on array-list
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function fillVerSel() {
-       var sel_ver = document.getElementById( "ver" );
-       var option  = "";
+function fillVersionSelection() {
+       var selection_version = document.getElementById( "version" );
+       var option            = "";
        // Fill the <select> element until all versions are used.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_VER.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
@@ -262,7 +276,7 @@ function fillVerSel() {
                option.value = SEL_VER[ i ];
                // Assign the UI version.
                option.text  = SEL_VER[ i + 1 ];
-               sel_ver.appendChild( option );
+               selection_version.appendChild( option );
@@ -270,113 +284,117 @@ function fillVerSel() {
  * Set value in the <select> element for OS (select box)
- * Depends on OS data from browser
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: PLATFORM_SEL - The platform as short code that was set as selected 
in the drop-down box
-function setOSSel() {
+function setOSSelection() {
        // Depending on $PLATFORM assign the platform string of the release 
-       var sel_os = document.getElementById( "os" );
+       var selection_os = document.getElementById( "os" );
        // Set the recognized browser platform as default for the select box.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_OS.length; i < j; i = i + 3 ) {
                // If the platform was found, assign the found index to the 
select box.
                if( SEL_OS[ i ] === PLATFORM ) {
-                       sel_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
+                       selection_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
        // If no selected platform for was set in the select box because it was 
not recognized from browser data,
        // assign "Windows" as default.
-       if( sel_os.selectedIndex === 0 ) {
+       if( selection_os.selectedIndex === 0 ) {
                // Default: Assign "Windows".
                for( var i = 0, j = SEL_OS.length; i < j; i = i + 3 ) {
                        // If the platform was found, assign the found index to 
the select box.
                        if( SEL_OS[ i ] === "Win_x86_install" ) {
-                               sel_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
+                               selection_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
-       PLATFORM_SEL = sel_os.value;
+       PLATFORM_SEL = selection_os.value;
        return PLATFORM_SEL;
  * Set value in the <select> element for language (select box)
- * Depends on language data from browser
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: LANG_SEL - The language as ISO code that was set as selected in 
the drop-down box
-function setLangSel() {
+function setLanguageSelection() {
        // Depending on $LANG_ISO assign the language position of the release 
-       var sel_lang   = document.getElementById( "lang" );
-       var lang_found = false;
+       var selection_language = document.getElementById( "language" );
+       var language_found     = false;
        // Set the recognized browser language as default for the select box.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
                // If the language was found, assign the found index to the 
select box.
                if( SEL_LANG[ i ] === LANG_ISO ) {
-                       sel_lang.selectedIndex = i / 2;
-                       lang_found = true;
+                       selection_language.selectedIndex = i / 2;
+                       language_found = true;
        // If no selected language was set in the select box because it was not 
recognized from browser data,
        // assign "en-US" as default.
-       if( ! lang_found ) {
+       if( ! language_found ) {
                // Default: Assign "en-US".
                for( var i = 0, j = SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
                        // If the language was found, assign the found index to 
the select box.
                        if( SEL_LANG[ i ] === "en-US" ) {
-                               sel_lang.selectedIndex = i / 2;
+                               selection_language.selectedIndex = i / 2;
-       LANG_SEL = sel_lang.value;
+       LANG_SEL = selection_language.value;
        return LANG_SEL;
  * Set value in the <select> element for version (select box)
- * Depends on nothing
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: VERSION_SEL - The version that was set as selected in the 
drop-down box
-function setVerSel() {
+function setVersionSelection() {
        // Depending on $VERSION assign the version.
-       var sel_ver = document.getElementById( "ver" );
+       var selection_version = document.getElementById( "version" );
        // Set the value of $VERSION as default for the select box.
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_VER.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
                // If the version was found, assign the found index to the 
select box.
                if( SEL_VER[ i ] === VERSION ) {
-                       sel_ver.selectedIndex = i/2;
+                       selection_version.selectedIndex = i/2;
        // If no version was set as global variable,
        // assign the most recent version as default.
-       if( sel_ver.selectedIndex === 0 ) {
+       if( selection_version.selectedIndex === 0 ) {
                // Default: Assign "4.1.0".
                for( var i = 0; i < SEL_VER.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                        // If the version was found, assign the found index to 
the select box.
                        if( SEL_VER[ i ] === "4.1.0" ) {
-                               sel_ver.selectedIndex = i / 2;
+                               selection_version.selectedIndex = i / 2;
-       VERSION_SEL = sel_ver.value;
+       VERSION_SEL = selection_version.value;
        return VERSION_SEL;
  * Get values from the <select> element for OS (select box)
- * Depends on chosen OS
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: PLATFORM_SEL - The platform as short code that was selected from 
the drop-down box
-function getOSSel() {
+function getOSSelection() {
        var os_value =[].value;
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen OS is found.
@@ -395,15 +413,16 @@ function getOSSel() {
  * Get values from the <select> element for language (select box)
- * Depends on chosen language
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: LANG_SEL - The language as ISO code that was selected from the 
drop-down box
-function getLangSel() {
-       var lang_value =[].value;
+function getLanguageSelection() {
+       var language_value =[].value;
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen language is 
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_LANG.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
-               if( SEL_LANG[ i ] === lang_value ) {
-                       LANG_SEL = lang_value;
+               if( SEL_LANG[ i ] === language_value ) {
+                       LANG_SEL = language_value;
@@ -414,15 +433,16 @@ function getLangSel() {
  * Get values from the <select> element for version (select box)
- * Depends on chosen version
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: VERSION_SEL - The version that was selected from the drop-down box
-function getVerSel() {
-       var ver_value =[].value;
+function getVersionSelection() {
+       var version_value =[].value;
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen version is 
        for( var i = 0, j = SEL_VER.length; i < j; i = i + 2 ) {
-               if( SEL_VER[ i ] === ver_value ) {
-                       VERSION_SEL = ver_value;
+               if( SEL_VER[ i ] === version_value ) {
+                       VERSION_SEL = version_value;
@@ -431,13 +451,15 @@ function getVerSel() {
- * Reset CSS style for all elements with ID to make them invisible
+ * Hide CSS style for all elements with ID to make them invisible
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function resetElements() {
+function hideElements() {
        // Change CSS styles for all elements with ID in the green and 
sub-green colored boxes.
        // Emtpy the values for all elements, make them invisible.
-       for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_sub_green.length; i < j; i++ ) {
-               document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_green[ i ] 
).style.display = "none";
+       for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_sub_box.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+               document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_box[ i ] 
).style.display = "none";
        for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_links.length; i < j; i++ ) {
@@ -449,10 +471,13 @@ function resetElements() {
  * Show a popup window
- * Depends on received target link
+ * @param:  target_link - The URL that should be opened as popup window
+ * @return: None
 function showWindow( target_link ) {
        // Open a popup window with specific parameters to show the file from 
+       var window;
        window = target_link, "_blank", "location=no, menubar=no, 
resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, titlebar=no, toolbar=no, left=100, 
top=250, width=800, height=550");
@@ -461,58 +486,58 @@ function showWindow( target_link ) {
  * Show error message
- * Depends on set text data
+ * @param:  error_text - The text should should be shown as error message
+ * @return: ERROR      - Set the general error flag to "true"
 function showErrorMessage( error_text ) {
        // The chosen items from select boxes lead to no download link, show an 
error message about reason and alternative.
-       // In general, reset the data for link, text and title of all elements.
-       resetElements();
+       // In general, hide the data for link, text and title of all elements.
+       hideElements();
        // Now set again the values for all elements that should be shown with 
changed data.
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.display        = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.cursor         = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).href                 = 
"javascript:void( 0 )";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).target               = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).innerHTML            = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).title                = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).style.display        = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).style.cursor         = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).href                 = 
"javascript:void( 0 )";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).target               = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).innerHTML            = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).title                = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"    ).src                  = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"    ).title                = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"    ).alt                  = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"    ).style.display        = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err"        ).innerHTML            = "<br 
/>" + error_text;
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err"        ).style.fontSize       = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err"        ).style.cursor         = 
-       document.getElementById( "dl_err"        ).style.display        = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.display  = "inline";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.cursor   = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).href           = 
"javascript:void( 0 )";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).innerHTML      = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).title          = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).style.display  = "inline";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).style.cursor   = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).href           = 
"javascript:void( 0 )";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).innerHTML      = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).title          = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"   ).src            = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"   ).title          = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"   ).alt            = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"   ).style.display  = 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err"       ).innerHTML      = "<br />" + 
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err"       ).style.fontSize = "1.2em";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err"       ).style.cursor   = "default";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_err"       ).style.display  = 
-       document.getElementById( "sub_green_box" ).className            = 
-       document.getElementById( "sub_green_box" ).style.display        = 
+       document.getElementById( "sub_box"      ).className      = 
+       document.getElementById( "sub_box"      ).style.display  = "block";
        // Delete previously set string to get the possibility back to choose a 
different platform
        // and then to assemble a new download link.
        UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP = "";
-       SUPPORTED          = false;
+       SHOW_SUB_BOX       = true;
        ERROR              = true;
        return ERROR;
  * Is flag set for chosen language (y/n)?
- * Depends on array-list of "languages.js"
- * Depends on language and array-list of "release_matrix.js"
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: ERROR - Depending on if the language is supported set the general 
error flag to "true" or "false"
-function isLangSupported() {
+function isLanguageSupported() {
        // Check the flag in "release_matrix.js", 'y' -> provide download link, 
'n' -> redirect to alternative webpage.
-       if( VERSION_SEL === undefined || VERSION_SEL === "" )
+       if( VERSION_SEL === undefined || VERSION_SEL === "" ) {
                VERSION_SEL = VERSION;
+       }
        switch( VERSION_SEL ) {
                case "4.1.0":
@@ -539,35 +564,57 @@ function isLangSupported() {
- * Check links that should be assembled in getLinkSel() for expections that do 
not lead to real download links
- * Depends on chosen OS, language and version
- */
-function checkLinkExceptions() {
-       // If recognized platform is not Windows, Linux or Mac, show the 
none-availability to the user.
+ * Check links that should be assembled in getLinkSelection() for expections 
that do not lead to real download links
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
+ */
+function checkForLinkExceptions() {
+       // If recognized resp. selected platform, language or version does not 
lead to a normal download link,
+       // show the none-availability to the user.
-       var error_text = "";
+       SHOW_SUB_BOX   = true;
+       ERROR          = false;
        // If language is not supported, show the none-availability to the user.
-       if( ! isLangSupported() ) {
+       if( ! isLanguageSupported() ) {
                // Show an error message that the chosen items do not lead to a 
-               error_text = "<b>" + l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>" 
+ l10n_download_error_aoo_text + VERSION_SEL
-                            + l10n_download_error_not_available_for_text + 
"<b>" + RELEASE_LANG[ 1 ] + " ("
-                            + RELEASE_LANG[ 2 ] + ") (" + LANG_SEL + ")</b>."
-                            + "<br /><b>" + l10n_download_error_solution_text 
+ "</b>"
-                            + l10n_download_error_please_select_4_text;
+               // If a customized string is not available in the 
"msg_prop_l10n_XX.js" file.
+               if( l10n_download_error_custom_4_text === "" ) {
+                       // Show the default error text.
+                       var error_text = "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>"
+                                       + l10n_download_error_aoo_text + 
+                                       + 
+                                       + "<b>" + RELEASE_LANG[ 1 ] + " (" + 
RELEASE_LANG[ 2 ] + ") (" + LANG_SEL + ")</b>."
+                                       + "<br />"
+                                       + "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_solution_text + "</b>"
+                                       + 
+               } else {
+                       // Show the customized error text.
+                       var error_text = l10n_download_error_custom_4_text;
+               }
                showErrorMessage( error_text );
-       } else {
-               // If language is supported, assemble the filenames and text 
for download and checksums.
-               // Go on in "getLinkSel().
+       // If the browser-guessed platform is not supported, show the 
none-availability to the user.
        if( UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP !== "" ) {
                // Show an error message that the chosen items do not lead to a 
-               error_text = "<b>" + l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>" 
+ l10n_download_error_aoo_text + VERSION_SEL
-                            + l10n_download_error_not_available_for_text + 
"<b>" + UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP + "</b>."
-                            + "<br /><b>" + l10n_download_error_solution_text 
+ "</b>"
-                            + l10n_download_error_please_select_3_text;
+               // If a customized string is not available in the 
"msg_prop_l10n_XX.js" file.
+               if( l10n_download_error_custom_3_text === "" ) {
+                       // Show the default error text.
+                       var error_text = "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>"
+                                       + l10n_download_error_aoo_text + 
+                                       + 
+                                       + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP + "</b>."
+                                       + "<br />"
+                                       + "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_solution_text + "</b>"
+                                       + 
+               } else {
+                       // Show the customized error text.
+                       var error_text = l10n_download_error_custom_3_text;
+               }
                showErrorMessage( error_text );
@@ -575,93 +622,123 @@ function checkLinkExceptions() {
        // If version is '4.1.0' (or newer) and platform is 'Mac OS X <= 10.6', 
show the none-availability to the user.
        if( VERSION_SEL === "4.1.0" && PLATFORM === "mac32" ) {
                // Show an error message that the chosen items do not lead to a 
-               error_text = "<b>" + l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>" 
+ l10n_download_error_aoo_text + VERSION_SEL
-                            + l10n_download_error_not_available_for_text + 
"<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b>."
-                            + "<br /><b>" + l10n_download_error_solution_text 
+ "</b>"
-                            + l10n_download_error_please_select_1_text;
+               // If a customized string is not available in the 
"msg_prop_l10n_XX.js" file.
+               if( l10n_download_error_custom_1_text === "" ) {
+                       // Show the default error text.
+                       var error_text = "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>"
+                                       + l10n_download_error_aoo_text + 
+                                       + 
+                                       + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b>."
+                                       + "<br />"
+                                       + "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_solution_text + "</b>"
+                                       + 
+               } else {
+                       // Show the customized error text.
+                       var error_text = l10n_download_error_custom_1_text;
+               }
                showErrorMessage( error_text );
        // If version is '4.0.1' (or older) and platform is 'Mac OS X >= 10.7', 
show the none-availability to the user.
        if( ( VERSION_SEL === "4.0.1" || VERSION_SEL === "4.0.0" ) && PLATFORM 
=== "mac64" ) {
-               // Set the values for all elements that should not be empty.
-               error_text = "<b>" + l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>" 
+ l10n_download_error_aoo_text + VERSION_SEL
-                            + l10n_download_error_not_available_for_text + 
"<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b>."
-                            + "<br /><b>" + l10n_download_error_solution_text 
+ "</b>"
-                            + l10n_download_error_please_select_2_text;
+               // Show an error message that the chosen items do not lead to a 
+               // If a customized string is not available in the 
"msg_prop_l10n_XX.js" file.
+               if( l10n_download_error_custom_2_text === "" ) {
+                       // Show the default error text.
+                       var error_text = "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_problem_text + "</b>"
+                                       + l10n_download_error_aoo_text + 
+                                       + 
+                                       + "<b>" + UI_PLATFORM + "</b>."
+                                       + "<br />"
+                                       + "<b>" + 
l10n_download_error_solution_text + "</b>"
+                                       + 
+               } else {
+                       // Show the customized error text.
+                       var error_text = l10n_download_error_custom_2_text;
+               }
                showErrorMessage( error_text );
+       // If version is '3.4.1', create a download link that leads to the 
"other-3.4.1.html" webpage.
+       if( VERSION_SEL === "3.4.1" ) {
+               // In general, hide the data for link, text and title of all 
+               hideElements();
+               // Set the values for the single download text button.
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).href          = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).innerHTML     = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).title         = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.cursor  = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "sub_box"      ).style.display = 
+               SHOW_SUB_BOX = false;
+       }
        // If platform is 'other', create a download link that leads to the 
Porting webpage.
        if( PLATFORM_SEL === "other" ) {
-               // In general, reset the data for link, text and title of all 
-               resetElements();
+               // In general, hide the data for link, text and title of all 
+               hideElements();
                // Set the values for the single download text button.
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).href          = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).target        = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).innerHTML     = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).title         = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.cursor  = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.display = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).style.display = 
-               document.getElementById( "sub_green_box" ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).href          = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).innerHTML     = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).title         = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.cursor  = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "sub_box"      ).style.display = 
-               SUPPORTED = true;
-               ERROR     = false;
+               SHOW_SUB_BOX = false;
        // If version is 'older', create a download link that leads to the 
archive webpage.
        if( VERSION_SEL === "older" ) {
-               // In general, reset the data for link, text and title of all 
-               resetElements();
+               // In general, hide the data for link, text and title of all 
+               hideElements();
                // Set the values for the single download text button.
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).href          = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).target        = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).innerHTML     = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).title         = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.cursor  = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"     ).style.display = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"    ).style.display = 
-               document.getElementById( "sub_green_box" ).style.display = 
-               SUPPORTED = true;
-               ERROR     = false;
-       }
-       // If until now an error occurred then assume that the selected options 
are not supported.
-       if( ERROR )
-               SUPPORTED = false;
-       else
-               SUPPORTED = true;
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).href          = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).innerHTML     = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).title         = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.cursor  = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_link"    ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"   ).style.display = 
+               document.getElementById( "sub_box"      ).style.display = 
-       return ERROR;
+               SHOW_SUB_BOX = false;
+       }
+       return;
  * Get link to mirror system for download file and checksum file
- * Depends on chosen OS, language and version
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function getLinkSel() {
+function getLinkSelection() {
        // Reset all variables that could have been set until now.
-       initVars( 0 );
+       initVariables( 0 );
        // Get the selected data from the select boxes.
-       getOSSel();
-       getLangSel();
-       getVerSel();
+       getOSSelection();
+       getLanguageSelection();
+       getVersionSelection();
        // First check for expections that do not lead to real download links.
-       checkLinkExceptions();
+       checkForLinkExceptions();
-       // If selected options lead to an exception (VERSION_SEL = "older" OR 
-       // then do not overwrite current download links.
-       if( VERSION_SEL !== "older" && SUPPORTED && ! ERROR ) {
+       // If the selected options lead to no download URL, should the sub-box 
shown anyway?
+       // Yes when SHOW_SUB_BOX = "true" and ERROR = "false".
+       if( SHOW_SUB_BOX && ! ERROR ) {
                // Assemble the filenames and text for download and checksums.
-               getReleaseMatrixPos();
+               getReleaseMatrixPosition();
                getFileData( VERSION_SEL );
                SOURCEFORGE_BASE_URL = SOURCEFORGE + VERSION_SEL + "/binaries/";
@@ -680,7 +757,7 @@ function getLinkSel() {
                LINK_CHK_MD5_LP      = ASF_ARC_BASE_URL  + "/binaries/"   + 
LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP   + ".md5";
                LINK_CHK_SHA256_LP   = ASF_ARC_BASE_URL  + "/binaries/"   + 
LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP   + ".sha256";
-               SUPPORTED            = true;
+               SHOW_SUB_BOX         = true;
                ERROR                = false;
                // Set the values for both download text buttons and set the 
focus to the "full install".
@@ -692,12 +769,16 @@ function getLinkSel() {
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"       ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_link"       ).title     = 
l10n_download_langpack_link_title + FILENAME_LP;
-               // Set the values in the sub-green box for the 3 text lines.
-               document.getElementById( "dl_rel_info"      ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_rel_info_headline_text + "</b> " + REL_TEXT + " | ";
+               // Set the values in the sub-box for the 3 text lines.
+               document.getElementById( "dl_rel_info"      ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_rel_info_headline_text
+                                                                       + "</b> 
" + REL_TEXT + " | ";
                document.getElementById( "dl_rel_notes"     ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rel_notes"     ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rel_notes"     ).title     = 
l10n_download_rel_notes_title + VERSION_SEL;
-               document.getElementById( "dl_f_info"        ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_headline_full_text + "</b>" + l10n_download_filesize_text + 
FILESIZE_FULL + l10n_download_megabyte_text + " | " + 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_f_info"        ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_headline_full_text + "</b>"
+                                                                       + 
l10n_download_filesize_text + FILESIZE_FULL
+                                                                       + 
l10n_download_megabyte_text + " | "
+                                                                       + 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys"    ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys"    ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys"    ).title     = 
@@ -713,7 +794,10 @@ function getLinkSel() {
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_sha256"  ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_sha256"  ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_sha256"  ).title     = 
l10n_download_checksum_sha256_title + FILENAME_FULL;
-               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_info"       ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_headline_langpack_text + "</b>" + l10n_download_filesize_text + 
FILESIZE_LP + l10n_download_megabyte_text + " | " + 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_lp_info"       ).innerHTML = "<b>" 
+ l10n_download_headline_langpack_text
+                                                                       + 
"</b>" + l10n_download_filesize_text
+                                                                       + 
FILESIZE_LP + l10n_download_megabyte_text
+                                                                       + " | " 
+ l10n_download_checksum_headline_text;
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_keys"   ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_keys"   ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_keys"   ).title     = 
@@ -730,42 +814,42 @@ function getLinkSel() {
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).title     = 
l10n_download_checksum_sha256_title + FILENAME_LP;
-               // Set the values in the sub-green box below the 3 text lines.
-               document.getElementById( "dl_hlp_img"       ).src       = 
+               // Set the values in the sub-box below the 3 text lines.
+               document.getElementById( "dl_hlp_img"       ).src       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp_img"       ).title     = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp_img"       ).alt       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp"           ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp"           ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp"           ).title     = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_chk_img"       ).src       = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_chk_img"       ).src       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_chk_img"       ).title     = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_chk_img"       ).alt       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_chk"           ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_chk"           ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_chk"           ).title     = 
-               document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img"       ).src       = 
+               document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img"       ).src       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img"       ).title     = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img"       ).alt       = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt"           ).href      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt"           ).innerHTML = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt"           ).title     = 
-               // Reset the CSS styles for the elements in the sub-green 
colored boxes.
-               document.getElementById( "sub_green_box"    ).className        
= "sub-green-sel";
+               // Hide the CSS styles for the elements in the sub-green 
colored boxes.
+               document.getElementById( "sub_box"          ).className        
= "sub-green-sel";
                document.getElementById( "dl_err_img"       ).style.display    
= "none";
                document.getElementById( "dl_err"           ).style.display    
= "none";
                // Change CSS styles for all elements with ID in the green and 
sub-green colored boxes.
                // Set the cursor style for elements to default and make the 
elements visible.
-               for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_sub_green.length; i < j; i++ ) {
-                       document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_green[ i ] 
).style.display = "inline";
-                       document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_green[ i ] 
).style.cursor  = "default";
+               for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_sub_box.length; i < j; i++ ) {
+                       document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_box[ i ] 
).style.display = "inline";
+                       document.getElementById( element_ids_sub_box[ i ] 
).style.cursor  = "default";
                // Set the cursor style for elements with links to pointer and 
make the elements visible.
                for( var i = 0, j = element_ids_links.length; i < j; i++ ) {
-                       document.getElementById( element_ids_links[ i ] 
).style.display     = "inline";
-                       document.getElementById( element_ids_links[ i ] 
).style.cursor      = "pointer";
+                       document.getElementById( element_ids_links[ i ] 
).style.display   = "inline";
+                       document.getElementById( element_ids_links[ i ] 
).style.cursor    = "pointer";
                // Set the cursor style for the 3 links with icon to a help 
@@ -776,28 +860,33 @@ function getLinkSel() {
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img"       ).style.cursor     
= "help";
                document.getElementById( "dl_rpt"           ).style.cursor     
= "help";
-               // Make the sub-green box and therefore all elements visible.
-               document.getElementById( "sub_green_box"    ).style.display    
= "block";
+               // Make the sub-box and therefore all elements visible.
+               document.getElementById( "sub_box"          ).style.display    
= "block";
-       return LINK_FULL;
+       return;
  * Get platform of browser
- * Depends on internal browser data
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
 function getPlatform() {
        // For more help or data see: "";.
-       if( navigator.appVersion )
+       if( navigator.appVersion ) {
                var av     = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();        // Get 
the application version in lower case.
-       if( navigator.platform )
+       }
+       if( navigator.platform ) {
                var os     = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();          // Get 
the platform string in lower case.
-       if( navigator.userAgent )
+       }
+       if( navigator.userAgent ) {
                var ua     = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();         // Get 
the user agent string in lower case.
-       if( navigator.vendor )
+       }
+       if( navigator.vendor ) {
                var ve     = navigator.vendor.toLowerCase();            // Get 
the vendor string in lower case.
+       }
        UI_PLATFORM        = "";                                        // 
Delete previously set string.
        UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP = "";                                        // 
Delete previously set string.
@@ -808,15 +897,19 @@ function getPlatform() {
        // To workaround that MSIE 8 and older do not support this function.
        if( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
                Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) {          // 'i' 
is an optional parameter.
-                       if( i === undefined )
+                       if( i === undefined ) {
                                i = 0;
-                       if( i < 0 )
+                       }
+                       if( i < 0 ) {
                                i+= this.length;
-                       if( i < 0 )
+                       }
+                       if( i < 0 ) {
                                i = 0;
+                       }
                        for( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
-                               if( i in this && this[ i ] === find )
+                               if( i in this && this[ i ] === find ) {
                                        return i;
+                               }
                        return -1;
@@ -827,13 +920,15 @@ function getPlatform() {
                // Recognized but *not supported* platforms/OS, set 
$UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP to show it to the user.
                // Mobile devices.
-               if( ve )
+               if( ve ) {
                    if( ua.indexOf( "android"           ) !== -1 )
                        if( ua.indexOf( "nexus"         ) !== -1 &&
                            ve.indexOf( "google"        ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Google Nexus";
+               }
-               if( ua.indexOf( "android"               ) !== -1 )
+               if( ua.indexOf( "android"               ) !== -1 ) {
                    if( ua.indexOf( "mobile"            ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Mobile Devices (Android)";
+               }
                if( os.indexOf( "arm"                   ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Mobile Devices (ARM processor)";
                if( ua.indexOf( "blackberry"            ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Blackberry Smartphones";
@@ -857,9 +952,10 @@ function getPlatform() {
                if( ua.indexOf( "webos"                 ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Mobile Phones (Palm webOS)";
                if( ua.indexOf( "widerweb"              ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Mobile Phones (WiderWeb)";
                if( os.indexOf( "win"                   ) !== -1 ||
-                   os.indexOf( "windows"               ) !== -1 )
+                   os.indexOf( "windows"               ) !== -1 ) {
                        if( ua.indexOf( "mobile"        ) !== -1 ||
                            ua.indexOf( "phone"         ) !== -1 )      
UI_PLATFORM_NO_SUP      = "Smartphones (Windows Phone)";
+               }
                // Other platforms.
                if( os.indexOf( "aix"                   ) !== -1 )      
@@ -957,7 +1053,7 @@ function getPlatform() {
                            ua.indexOf( "10.4"          ) !== -1 ||
                            ua.indexOf( "10_4"          ) !== -1 ||
                            ua.indexOf( "10.3"          ) !== -1 ||
-                           ua.indexOf( "10_3"          ) !== -1 ) {    
UI_PLATFORM     = "Mac OS X (<= 10.6)";
+                           ua.indexOf( "10_3"          ) !== -1 ) {    
UI_PLATFORM     = "Mac OS X (Version <= 10.6)";
PLATFORM        = "mac32";
@@ -969,14 +1065,15 @@ function getPlatform() {
                ERROR              = true;
-       return PLATFORM;
+       return;
  * Get positions of platform in release matrix
- * Depends on platform and array-list of "release_matrix.js"
+ * @param:  None
+ * @return: None
-function getReleaseMatrixPos() {
+function getReleaseMatrixPosition() {
        // Depending on $PLATFORM, assign the platform position from the 
release matrix.
        switch( PLATFORM ) {
                case "lnx64d":
@@ -1027,23 +1124,24 @@ function getReleaseMatrixPos() {
                        ERROR                     = true;
+       return;
  * Get file name for download file
- * Depends on version and array-list of "release_matrix.js"
+ * @param:  version - The version to use to get the file data
+ * @return: None
-function getFileData( ver ) {
+function getFileData( version ) {
        // Depending on $ver, a different release matrix has to be used to 
assemble the download filenames.
-       switch( ver ) {
+       switch( version ) {
                case "4.1.0":
                        // Assign all values from the release matrix of 
language and platform.
                        RELEASE_PLATFORM = release_410[ LANG_ISO ][ 
                        // Assemble filename: Product name + version + platform 
as URL part + language ISO + file extension.
-                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
-                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
+                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
+                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
                        // Assign the file size (column 2) from the release 
matrix of language and platform.
                        FILESIZE_FULL    = release_410[ LANG_ISO ][ 
@@ -1063,8 +1161,8 @@ function getFileData( ver ) {
                        RELEASE_PLATFORM = release_401[ LANG_ISO ][ 
                        // Assemble filename: Product name + version + platform 
as URL part + language ISO + file extension.
-                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
-                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
+                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
+                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
                        // Assign the file size (column 2) from the release 
matrix of language and platform.
                        FILESIZE_FULL    = release_401[ LANG_ISO ][ 
@@ -1084,8 +1182,8 @@ function getFileData( ver ) {
                        RELEASE_PLATFORM = release_400[ LANG_ISO ][ 
                        // Assemble filename: Product name + version + platform 
as URL part + language ISO + file extension.
-                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
-                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
+                       FILENAME_FULL    = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
+                       FILENAME_LP      = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + version + "_" 
                        // Assign the file size (column 2) from the release 
matrix of language and platform.
                        FILESIZE_FULL    = release_400[ LANG_ISO ][ 
@@ -1103,8 +1201,8 @@ function getFileData( ver ) {
                        FILENAME_FULL    = "";
                        FILENAME_LP      = "";
-                       FILESIZE_FULL    = 0;
-                       FILESIZE_LP      = 0;
+                       FILESIZE_FULL    = -1;
+                       FILESIZE_LP      = -1;
                        REL_TEXT         = 
l10n_download_rel_info_milestone_text + "? | "
                                         + l10n_download_rel_info_buildid_text  
 + "? | "
                                         + l10n_download_rel_info_svn_text      
 + "? | "
@@ -1113,27 +1211,31 @@ function getFileData( ver ) {
                        ERROR            = true;
-       return FILENAME_FULL;
+       return;
  * Set document.location to start the download
+ * @param:  itemid, uri - The ID of the colored box and the URI that should be 
+ * @return: None
 function openItem( itemid, uri ) {
-       var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( "downloadextendedtext" );
-       var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( itemid );
+//     var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( "downloadextendedtext" );
+//     var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( itemid );
        document.location = uri;
  * Output values of variables for debugging
+ * @param:  location - The location where the debug utput should take place
+ * @return: None
-function alertDbg( location ) {
-       if( location === "" )
+function debug( location ) {
+       if( location === "" ) {
                location = "No location named!";
+       }
-       alert( ""
-       + location                                                              
                                + "\n"
+       alert( location                                                         
                                + "\n"
        + "NL_LANG: "                           + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"      + 
NL_LANG                               + "\n"
        + "LANG_ISO: "                          + "\t\t\t\t\t\t"        + 
LANG_ISO                              + "\n"
        + "LANG_SEL: "                          + "\t\t\t\t\t\t"        + 
LANG_SEL                              + "\n"
@@ -1163,9 +1265,8 @@ function alertDbg( location ) {
        + "LINK_CHK_ASC_LP: "                   + "\t\t\t\t\t"          + 
LINK_CHK_ASC_LP                       + "\n"
        + "LINK_CHK_MD5_LP: "                   + "\t\t\t\t\t"          + 
LINK_CHK_MD5_LP                       + "\n"
        + "LINK_CHK_SHA256_LP: "                + "\t\t\t\t"            + 
LINK_CHK_SHA256_LP                    + "\n"
-       + "SUPPORTED: "                         + "\t\t\t\t\t\t"        + 
SUPPORTED                             + "\n"
-       + "ERROR: "                             + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"      + ERROR 
                                + "\n"
-       + "" );
+       + "SHOW_SUB_BOX: "                      + "\t\t\t\t\t"          + 
SHOW_SUB_BOX                          + "\n"
+       + "ERROR: "                             + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"      + ERROR 
                                + "\n" );

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