Author: buildbot
Date: Sun May 18 21:39:31 2014
New Revision: 909216

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun May 18 21:39:31 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun May 18 21:39:31 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/download_droplist.js 
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/download_droplist.js 
Sun May 18 21:39:31 2014
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ function alertDbg( location ) {
        if( location == "" )
                location = "No location named!";
-       alert ( ""
+       alert( ""
        + location                                                              
                                + "\n"
        + "NL_LANG: "                           + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"      + 
NL_LANG                               + "\n"
        + "LANG_ISO: "                          + "\t\t\t\t\t\t"        + 
LANG_ISO                              + "\n"
@@ -148,28 +148,28 @@ function getLanguage() {
        + "" );
        // If available, use the manual set ISO code (see "index.html") that 
overrides $LANG_ISO.
-       if ( NL_LANG != "" )
+       if( NL_LANG != "" )
                language = NL_LANG;
        // If available, use the selected language form drop-down-box.
-       if ( LANG_SEL != "" )
+       if( LANG_SEL != "" )
                language = LANG_SEL;
-       else if ( navigator.language )
+       else if( navigator.language )
                language = navigator.language;
-       else if ( navigator.userLanguage )
+       else if( navigator.userLanguage )
                language = navigator.userLanguage;
-       else if ( navigator.browserLanguage )
+       else if( navigator.browserLanguage )
                language = navigator.browserLanguage;
-       else if ( navigator.systemLanguage )
+       else if( navigator.systemLanguage )
                language = navigator.systemLanguage;
        // Convert "en" to "en-US" as well as setting it as fall-back language
-       if ( !language || language == "" || language == "null" || language == 
"en" )
+       if( !language || language == "" || language == "null" || language == 
"en" )
                language = "en-US";
-       if ( language == "pt" )
+       if( language == "pt" )
                language = "pt-PT";
        // Konqueror uses '_' where other browsers use '-'
-       if ( language.indexOf( "_" ) != -1 )
+       if( language.indexOf( "_" ) != -1 )
                language = language.split( "_" ).join( "-" );
        language                = language.toLowerCase();
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ function getLanguage() {
        var regionCode          = language.split( "-" )[ 1 ];
        var thisLanguageSet     = languages[ languageCode ];
-       if ( thisLanguageSet == null ) {
+       if( thisLanguageSet == null ) {
                // Language code not found inside array
                language        = "en-US";
                languageCode    = "en";
@@ -185,20 +185,20 @@ function getLanguage() {
                thisLanguageSet = languages[ languageCode ];
-       if ( regionCode != null ) {
+       if( regionCode != null ) {
                // Fix for Portuguese pt-PT downloads named only pt without 
region code!
-               if ( regionCode == "pt" && languageCode == "pt" )
+               if( regionCode == "pt" && languageCode == "pt" )
                        language = languageCode;
                // If an additional region code was found
-               if ( thisLanguageSet[ regionCode ] != null ) {
+               if( thisLanguageSet[ regionCode ] != null ) {
                        // Choose langCode-regionCode
                        language     = languageCode + "-" + 
                        thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[ regionCode ];
                } else {
                        // Choose the default langCode
                        thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[ "-" ];
-                       if ( languageCode == "en" ) {
+                       if( languageCode == "en" ) {
                                // Special case, default is en-US for en-XX
                                language        = "en-US";
                                regionCode      = "us";
@@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ function getLanguage() {
                thisLanguage = thisLanguageSet[ "-" ];
-       LANG_ISO                        = language;
-       LANG_ARRAY                      = thisLanguage;
+       LANG_ISO                 = language;
+       LANG_ARRAY               = thisLanguage;
-       var thisReleaseMatrixSet        = release_matrix_410[ LANG_ISO ];
-       RELEASE_MATRIX_LANG             = thisReleaseMatrixSet[ 0 ];
+       var thisReleaseMatrixSet = release_matrix_410[ LANG_ISO ];
+       RELEASE_MATRIX_LANG      = thisReleaseMatrixSet[ 0 ];
        alert( ""
        + "getLanguage() : End"   + "\n\n"
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ function setOSSel() {
        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_OS.length; i = i + 3 ) {
                // If the platform was found, assign the found index to the 
 //             alert( "i: " + i / 2 + "\n" + "SEL_OS[ i ]: " + SEL_OS[ i ] );
-               if ( SEL_OS[ i ] == URL_PLATFORM ) {
+               if( SEL_OS[ i ] == URL_PLATFORM ) {
                        sel_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
 //                     alert( "Assigned: " + i / 3 );
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ function setOSSel() {
                for( var i = 0; i < SEL_OS.length; i = i + 3 ) {
                        // If the platform was found, assign the found index to 
the drop-down-box.
 //                     alert( "i: " + i / 2 + "\n" + "SEL_OS[ i ]: " + SEL_OS[ 
i ] );
-                       if ( SEL_OS[ i ] == "Win_x86_install" ) {
+                       if( SEL_OS[ i ] == "Win_x86_install" ) {
                                sel_os.selectedIndex = i / 3;
 //                             alert( "Assigned: " + i / 3 );
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ function setOSSel() {
-       switch ( URL_PLATFORM ) {
+       switch( URL_PLATFORM ) {
                case "Linux_x86-64_install-deb":
                        sel_os.selectedIndex = 3;
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ function setOSSel() {
                        // Default: Assign Windows.
                        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_OS.length; i = i + 3 ) {
                                // If the platform was found, assign the found 
index to the drop-down-box.
-                               if ( SEL_OS[ i ] == "Win_x86_install" ) {
+                               if( SEL_OS[ i ] == "Win_x86_install" ) {
                                        sel_os.selectedIndex = i/3;
@@ -415,12 +415,12 @@ function setOSSel() {
        PLATFORM_SEL = sel_os.value;
        alert( ""
-       + "setOSSel() : After switch"                                           
+ "\n\n"
-       + "URL_PLATFORM: "              + "\t\t\t"      + URL_PLATFORM          
+ "\n"
-       + "sel_os.selectedIndex: "      + "\t"          + sel_os.selectedIndex  
+ "\n"
-       + "sel_os.value: "              + "\t\t\t"      + sel_os.value          
+ "\n"
-       + "sel_os_text: "               + "\t\t\t"      + sel_os_text           
+ "\n"
-       + "PLATFORM_SEL: "              + "\t\t\t"      + PLATFORM_SEL          
+ "\n"
+       + "setOSSel() : After switch"                                           
        + "\n\n"
+       + "URL_PLATFORM: "              + "\t\t\t"      + URL_PLATFORM          
        + "\n"
+       + "sel_os.selectedIndex: "      + "\t"          + sel_os.selectedIndex  
        + "\n"
+       + "sel_os.value: "              + "\t\t\t"      + sel_os.value          
        + "\n"
+       + "sel_os_text: "               + "\t\t\t"      + sel_os_text           
        + "\n"
+       + "PLATFORM_SEL: "              + "\t\t\t"      + PLATFORM_SEL          
        + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ function setLangSel() {
        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_LANG.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                // If the language was found, assign the found index to the 
 //             alert( "i: " + i / 2 + "\n" + "SEL_LANG[ i ]: " + SEL_LANG[ i ] 
-               if ( SEL_LANG[ i ] == LANG_ISO ) {
+               if( SEL_LANG[ i ] == LANG_ISO ) {
                        sel_lang.selectedIndex = i / 2;
 //                     alert( "Assigned: " + i / 2 );
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ function setLangSel() {
                for( var i = 0; i < SEL_LANG.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                        // If the language was found, assign the found index to 
the drop-down-box.
 //                     alert( "i: " + i / 2 + "\n" + "SEL_LANG[ i ]: " + 
SEL_LANG[ i ] );
-                       if ( SEL_LANG[ i ] == "en-US" ) {
+                       if( SEL_LANG[ i ] == "en-US" ) {
                                sel_lang.selectedIndex = i / 2;
 //                             alert( "Assigned: " + i / 2 );
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ function setLangSel() {
-       switch ( LANG_ISO ) {
+       switch( LANG_ISO ) {
                case "ast":
                        sel_lang.selectedIndex = 2;
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ function setLangSel() {
                        // Default: Assign en-US.
                        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_LANG.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                                // If the language was found, assign the found 
index to the drop-down-box.
-                               if ( SEL_LANG[ i ] == "en-US" ) {
+                               if( SEL_LANG[ i ] == "en-US" ) {
                                        sel_lang.selectedIndex = i/2;
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ function setVerSel() {
        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_VER.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                // If the version was found, assign the found index to the 
 //             alert( "i: " + i / 2 );
-               if ( SEL_VER[ i ] == VERSION ) {
+               if( SEL_VER[ i ] == VERSION ) {
                        sel_ver.selectedIndex = i/2;
 //                     alert( "Assigned: " + i / 2 );
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ function setVerSel() {
                for( var i = 0; i < SEL_VER.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                        // If the version was found, assign the found index to 
the drop-down-box.
 //                     alert( "i: " + i / 2 + "\n" + "SEL_VER[ i ]: " + 
SEL_VER[ i ] );
-                       if ( SEL_VER[ i ] == "4.1.0" ) {
+                       if( SEL_VER[ i ] == "4.1.0" ) {
                                sel_ver.selectedIndex = i / 2;
 //                             alert( "Assigned: " + i / 2 );
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ function setVerSel() {
-       switch ( VERSION ) {
+       switch( VERSION ) {
                case "4.1.0":
                        sel_ver.selectedIndex = 2;
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ function setVerSel() {
                        // Search for the index value of the most recent 
                        for( var i = 0; i < SEL_VER.length; i = i + 2 ) {
                                // If the version was found, assign the found 
index to the drop-down-box.
-                               if ( SEL_VER[ i ] == "4.1.0 ) {
+                               if( SEL_VER[ i ] == "4.1.0 ) {
                                        sel_ver.selectedIndex = i/2;
@@ -603,40 +603,40 @@ function getOSSel() {
        var i        = 0;
        alert( ""
-       + "getOSSel() : Before if + for"                                        
+ "\n\n"
-       + "os_value: "                          + "\t\t\t"      + os_value      
+ "\n"
+       + "getOSSel() : Before if + for"                                + "\n\n"
+       + "os_value: "          + "\t\t\t"      + os_value              + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
 //     alertDbg( "getOSSel() : Before if + for" );
        // If one of the first 2 <select> elements was chosen, let the user 
chose again.
-       if ( os_value == "e0" || os_value == "e1" ) {
-               PLATFORM_SEL    = "";
-               UI_PLATFORM     = "";
-               URL_PLATFORM    = "";
-               EXTENSION       = "";
-               sel_os.selectedIndex = 0;
+       if( os_value == "e0" || os_value == "e1" ) {
+               PLATFORM_SEL            = "";
+               UI_PLATFORM             = "";
+               URL_PLATFORM            = "";
+               EXTENSION               = "";
+               sel_os.selectedIndex    = 0;
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen OS is found.
        for( i = 0; i < SEL_OS.length; i = i + 3 ) {
-               if ( SEL_OS[ i ] == os_value ) {
+               if( SEL_OS[ i ] == os_value ) {
                        PLATFORM_SEL    = SEL_OS[ i ];
                        UI_PLATFORM     = SEL_OS[ i + 1 ];
                        EXTENSION       = SEL_OS[ i + 2 ];
        alert( ""
-       + "getOSSel() : Within 'for'"                                           
+ "\n\n"
-       + "i: "                                 + "\t\t\t\t\t"  + i             
+ "\n"
-       + "os_value: "                          + "\t\t\t"      + os_value      
+ "\n"
-       + "SEL_OS[ i ]: "                       + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i ]   
+ "\n"
-       + "SEL_OS[ i + 1 ]: "                   + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i + 1 
]       + "\n"
-       + "SEL_OS[ i + 2 ]: "                   + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i + 2 
]       + "\n"
-       + "PLATFORM_SEL: "                      + "\t\t"        + PLATFORM_SEL  
+ "\n"
-       + "UI_PLATFORM: "                       + "\t\t"        + UI_PLATFORM   
+ "\n"
-       + "EXTENSION: "                         + "\t\t\t"      + EXTENSION     
+ "\n"
+       + "getOSSel() : Within 'for'"                                   + "\n\n"
+       + "i: "                 + "\t\t\t\t\t"  + i                     + "\n"
+       + "os_value: "          + "\t\t\t"      + os_value              + "\n"
+       + "SEL_OS[ i ]: "       + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i ]           + "\n"
+       + "SEL_OS[ i + 1 ]: "   + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i + 1 ]       + "\n"
+       + "SEL_OS[ i + 2 ]: "   + "\t\t"        + SEL_OS[ i + 2 ]       + "\n"
+       + "PLATFORM_SEL: "      + "\t\t"        + PLATFORM_SEL          + "\n"
+       + "UI_PLATFORM: "       + "\t\t"        + UI_PLATFORM           + "\n"
+       + "EXTENSION: "         + "\t\t\t"      + EXTENSION             + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ function getOSSel() {
        alert( ""
        + "getOSSel() : After if + for"                                 + "\n\n"
-       + "os_value: "                  + "\t\t\t"      + os_value      + "\n"
+       + "os_value: "          + "\t\t\t"      + os_value              + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
@@ -670,15 +670,15 @@ function getLangSel() {
        alert( ""
-       + "getLangSel() : Before if + for"                                      
        + "\n\n"
-       + "lang_value: "                        + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value    
        + "\n"
+       + "getLangSel() : Before if + for"                              + "\n\n"
+       + "lang_value: "        + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value            + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
 //     alertDbg( "getLangSel() : Before if + for" );
        // If one of the first 2 <select> elements was chosen, let the user 
chose again.
-       if ( lang_value == "e0" || lang_value == "e1" ) {
+       if( lang_value == "e0" || lang_value == "e1" ) {
                LANG_SEL = "";
                sel_lang.selectedIndex = 0;
@@ -686,15 +686,15 @@ function getLangSel() {
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen language is 
        for( i = 0; i < SEL_LANG.length; i = i + 2 ) {
-               if ( SEL_LANG[ i ] == lang_value ) {
+               if( SEL_LANG[ i ] == lang_value ) {
                        LANG_SEL = lang_value;
        alert( ""
        + "getLangSel() : Within 'for'"                                 + "\n\n"
-       + "i: "                         + "\t\t\t\t\t"  + i             + "\n"
-       + "lang_value: "                + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value    + "\n"
-       + "SEL_LANG[ i ]: "             + "\t\t"        + SEL_LANG[ i ] + "\n"
-       + "LANG_SEL: "                  + "\t\t"        + LANG_SEL      + "\n"
+       + "i: "                 + "\t\t\t\t\t"  + i                     + "\n"
+       + "lang_value: "        + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value            + "\n"
+       + "SEL_LANG[ i ]: "     + "\t\t"        + SEL_LANG[ i ]         + "\n"
+       + "LANG_SEL: "          + "\t\t"        + LANG_SEL              + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
@@ -709,8 +709,8 @@ function getLangSel() {
 //     alertDbg( "getLangSel() : After if + for" );
        alert( ""
-       + "getLangSel() : After if + for"                                       
        + "\n\n"
-       + "lang_value: "                        + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value    
        + "\n"
+       + "getLangSel() : After if + for"                               + "\n\n"
+       + "lang_value: "        + "\t\t\t"      + lang_value            + "\n"
        + "\n\n"
        + "" );
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ function getVerSel() {
        var i         = 0;
        // If one of the first 2 <select> elements was chosen, let the user 
chose again.
-       if ( ver_value == "e0" || ver_value == "e1" ) {
+       if( ver_value == "e0" || ver_value == "e1" ) {
                VERSION_SEL = "";
                sel_ver.selectedIndex = 0;
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ function getVerSel() {
        // Search through the <select> element until the chosen version is 
        for( i = 0; i < SEL_VER.length; i = i + 2 ) {
-               if ( SEL_VER[ i ] == ver_value ) {
+               if( SEL_VER[ i ] == ver_value ) {
                        VERSION_SEL = ver_value;
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ function getVerSel() {
 function getTypeSel() {
        var type_value =[].value;
-       switch ( type_value ) {
+       switch( type_value ) {
                case "full":
                        // If install type == 'install', then exchange it in 
the 'URL_PLATFORM' variable.
                        TYPE            = "install";
@@ -773,27 +773,42 @@ function getTypeSel() {
  * Reset all 3 select elements (drop-down-boxes)
 function resetSel() {
-       var elements = document.getElementsByTagName( "select" );
+//     var elements = document.getElementsByTagName( "select" );
        // Set the first option as default for all <select> elements.
-       // for ( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
+       // for( var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
        //      elements[i].selectedIndex = 0;
        // }
-       var element_names = [ "dl_full_link", ... ];
-       for ( var i = 0; i < element_names.length; i++ ) {
-               if( document.getElementById.indexOf( element_names[ i ] == 
"img" ) {
-                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).src  = "";
-                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).title = 
-                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).alt = "";
-               } else {
+       // List all elements that should be empty.
+       var element_names = ["dl_f_lnk", "dl_lp_lnk", "dl_rel_dta_hl", 
"dl_rel_dta", "dl_f_hl", "dl_f_size_hl", "dl_f_size",
+       "space1", "dl_f_chk_hl", "dl_f_chk_keys", "space2", "dl_f_chk_asc", 
"space3", "dl_f_chk_md5", "space4",
+       "dl_f_chk_sha256", "space5", "dl_chk_verify", "dl_lp_hl", 
"dl_lp_size_hl", "dl_lp_size", "space6", "dl_lp_chk_hl",
+       "dl_lp_chk_keys", "space7", "dl_lp_chk_asc", "space8", "dl_lp_chk_md5", 
"space9", "dl_lp_chk_sha256", "dl_hlp",
+       "dl_hlp_img", "dl_rpt", "dl_rpt_img", "dl_hlp", "dl_hlp_img", "dl_rpt", 
"dl_rpt_img" ];
+       // Emtpy the values for all elements in the green and sub-green colored 
+       for( var i = 0; i < element_names.length; i++ ) {
+               if( element_names[ i ].indexOf( "img" ) < 0 ) {
+                       // Emtpy the values for all image elements.
                        document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).href  = 
                        document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).title = 
                        document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).text  = 
+               } else {
+                       // Emtpy the values for all text elements.
+                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).src   = 
+                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).title = 
+                       document.getElementById( element_names[ i ] ).alt   = 
-       // Emtpy the text and URLs below for the both download text buttons.
+       // Set the values for all elements that should not be empty.
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).text              = "No full 
install selected";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).title             = "Please 
select correct items form the select boxes.";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).text             = "No language 
pack selected";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).title            = "Please 
select correct items form the select boxes.";
+       // Emtpy the values for the both download text buttons.
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).href              = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).text              = "No full 
install available";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).title             = "";
@@ -801,25 +816,25 @@ function resetSel() {
        document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).text             = "No language 
pack available";
        document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).title            = "";
-       // Emtpy the text and URLs in the sub-green box on the right hand side.
-       document.getElementById( "dl_rel_dta_hl" ).text = "";
+       // Emtpy the values in the sub-green box on the left hand side.
+       document.getElementById( "dl_rel_dta_hl" ).text         = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_rel_dta" ).text            = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_hl" ).text               = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_size_hl" ).text  = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_size_hl" ).text          = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_size" ).text             = "";
        document.getElementById( "space1" ).text                = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_hl" ).text   = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys" ).href = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys" ).text = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_hl" ).text           = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys" ).href         = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys" ).text         = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_keys" ).title        = "";
        document.getElementById( "space2" ).text                = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).href  = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).text  = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).title = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).href          = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).text          = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_asc" ).title         = "";
        document.getElementById( "space3" ).text                = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).href  = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).text  = "";
-       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).title = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).href          = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).text          = "";
+       document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_md5" ).title         = "";
        document.getElementById( "space4" ).text                = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_sha256" ).href       = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_f_chk_sha256" ).text       = "";
@@ -849,7 +864,8 @@ function resetSel() {
        document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).text      = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).title     = "";
-       // Emtpy the text and URLs in the sub-green box on the left hand side.
+       // Emtpy the values in the sub-green box on the right hand side.
        document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).href                = 
        document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).text                = "What is a 
language pack?";
@@ -864,6 +880,7 @@ function resetSel() {
        document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img" ).title           = "Broken 
download link? Click here to report.";
        document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img" ).alt             = "Broken link 
        document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).href                = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).text                = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).title               = "";
@@ -876,6 +893,7 @@ function resetSel() {
        document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img" ).src             = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img" ).title           = "";
        document.getElementById( "dl_rpt_img" ).alt             = "";
@@ -902,8 +920,8 @@ function showWindow( target_link ) {
 function isLangSupported() {
        // Check the flag in "languages.js", 'y' -> provide download link, 'n' 
-> redirect to alternative webpage.
        // Check the flag in "release_matrix.js", 'y' -> provide download link, 
'n' -> redirect to alternative webpage.
-//     if ( LANG_ARRAY[ 3 ] == 'y' ) {
-       if ( RELEASE_MATRIX_LANG[ 3 ] == 'y' ) {
+//     if( LANG_ARRAY[ 3 ] == 'y' ) {
+       if( RELEASE_MATRIX_LANG[ 3 ] == 'y' ) {
                return true;
        } else {
                ERROR = true;
@@ -920,27 +938,31 @@ function getLink( rel_mode ) {
        // If no release mode was given, assume it is about the stable release.
-       if ( rel_mode == undefined )
+       if( rel_mode == undefined )
                rel_mode = 1;
-       if ( isLangSupported() ) {
+       if( isLangSupported() ) {
        // If language is supported, provide a download link. 
-       if ( isLangSupported() ) {
+       if( isLangSupported() ) {
                // If platform is too old, provide a general download link to 
the archive.
-               if ( OLD_PLATFORM ) {
+               if( OLD_PLATFORM ) {
                        // If platform is 'Mac OS X <= 10.6', provide a 
download link with previous AOO version.
-                       if ( UI_PLATFORM == "Mac OS X (10.6 or older)" ) {
-                               LINK_FULL                 = 
+                       if( UI_PLATFORM == "Mac OS X (10.6 or older)" ) {
+                               LINK_FULL                 = 
+                               LINK_FULL                 = LINK_FULL + 
getFilename( PRE_VERSION ) + "/download";
                                LINK_CHECKSUM_KEYS        = 
-                               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( 
PRE_VERSION ) + ".asc";
-                               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( 
PRE_VERSION ) + ".md5";
-                               LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( 
PRE_VERSION ) + ".sha256";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = 
LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL + getFilename( PRE_VERSION ) + ".asc";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = 
LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL + getFilename( PRE_VERSION ) + ".md5";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = 
APACHE_DIST_PREVIOUS_URL + "/binaries/" + LANG_ISO + "/";
+                               LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = 
LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL + getFilename( PRE_VERSION ) + ".sha256";
                                SOURCEFORGE     = false;
                                OTHER           = false;
@@ -949,10 +971,10 @@ function getLink( rel_mode ) {
                                return LINK_FULL;
                        // If platform is Solaris, FreeBSD or OS/2, provide a 
download link to the porting webpage.
-                       } else if ( UI_PLATFORM == "Solaris x86 (PKG)"   ||
-                               UI_PLATFORM == "Solaris SPARC (PKG)" ||
-                               UI_PLATFORM == "FreeBSD (PKG)"       ||
-                               UI_PLATFORM == "OS/2" ) {
+                       } else if( UI_PLATFORM == "Solaris x86 (PKG)"   ||
+                                  UI_PLATFORM == "Solaris SPARC (PKG)" ||
+                                  UI_PLATFORM == "FreeBSD (PKG)"       ||
+                                  UI_PLATFORM == "OS/2" ) {
                                LINK_FULL       = 
@@ -981,9 +1003,9 @@ function getLink( rel_mode ) {
                // If language is supported but no platform was recognized, 
provide a general download link
                // to the "other.html" webpage.
-               } else if ( URL_PLATFORM == "" ) {
+               } else if( URL_PLATFORM == "" ) {
                        // If no UI string was set, show it to the user.
-                       if ( UI_PLATFORM == "" ) {
+                       if( UI_PLATFORM == "" ) {
                                UI_PLATFORM = "unknown platform/OS";
                        LINK_FULL       = 
@@ -1000,9 +1022,12 @@ function getLink( rel_mode ) {
                LINK_FULL                 = SOURCEFORGE_BASE_URL + LANG_ISO + 
"/" + getFilename( VERSION ) + "/download";
                LINK_CHECKSUM_KEYS        = 
-               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION ) + ".asc";
-               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION ) + ".md5";
-               LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION ) + ".sha256";
+               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION );
+               LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL + ".asc";
+               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION );
+               LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL + ".md5";
+               LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + "/binaries/" 
+ LANG_ISO + "/" + getFilename( VERSION );
                SOURCEFORGE     = true;
                OTHER           = false;
@@ -1012,7 +1037,7 @@ function getLink( rel_mode ) {
                return LINK_FULL;
        } else {
                // If language is not supported, provide an alternative 
download link.
-               if ( rel_mode == 1 ) {
+               if( rel_mode == 1 ) {
                        // Release mode
                        // Provide the link from the Native Language (NL) group.
 //                     LINK_FULL = LANG_ARRAY[ 4 ];
@@ -1039,7 +1064,7 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
        var rel_data = "";
        // If no release mode was given, assume it is about the stable release.
-       if ( rel_mode == undefined )
+       if( rel_mode == undefined )
                rel_mode = 1;
        // Get the selected data from the drop-down-boxes.
@@ -1049,15 +1074,15 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
 //     alert( "getLinkSel()" + "\n\n" + "NL_LANG: " + NL_LANG );
 /*     alert( ""
-       + "getLinkSel() : Begin" + "\n\n"
+       + "getLinkSel() : Begin"  + "\n\n"
        + "NL_LANG: "  + NL_LANG  + "\n\n"
        + "LANG_ISO: " + LANG_ISO + "\n\n"
        + "LANG_SEL: " + LANG_SEL + "\n\n"
        + "" );
-//     if ( URL_PLATFORM == "" || LANG_ISO == "" ) {
-//     if ( URL_PLATFORM == "" || LANG_ISO == "" || VERSION_SEL == "" ) {
-       if ( PLATFORM_SEL == "" || LANG_SEL == "" || VERSION_SEL == "" ) {
+//     if( URL_PLATFORM == "" || LANG_ISO == "" ) {
+//     if( URL_PLATFORM == "" || LANG_ISO == "" || VERSION_SEL == "" ) {
+       if( PLATFORM_SEL == "" || LANG_SEL == "" || VERSION_SEL == "" ) {
                // When OS or language was not chosen, let the user choose 
                // When OS, language or version was not chosen, let the user 
choose again.
                // resetSel();
@@ -1068,11 +1093,11 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
        getFilename( VERSION_SEL );
-//     if ( URL_PLATFORM != "" && LANG_ISO != "" ) {
-//     if ( URL_PLATFORM != "" && LANG_ISO != "" && VERSION_SEL != "" ) {
-       if ( PLATFORM_SEL != "" && LANG_SEL != "" && VERSION_SEL != "" ) {
+//     if( URL_PLATFORM != "" && LANG_ISO != "" ) {
+//     if( URL_PLATFORM != "" && LANG_ISO != "" && VERSION_SEL != "" ) {
+       if( PLATFORM_SEL != "" && LANG_SEL != "" && VERSION_SEL != "" ) {
-               if ( LANG_SEL != "" && RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL > -1 ) {
+               if( LANG_SEL != "" && RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL > -1 ) {
                        // If language and platform are recognized, assemble 
the filenames for download and checksums.
                        // Assign the file name (column 3) from the release 
matrix of language and platform.
@@ -1080,23 +1105,30 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
                        LINK_LP                   = SOURCEFORGE_BASE_URL + 
LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP   + "/download";
                        LINK_CHECKSUM_KEYS        = 
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL + ".asc";
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL + ".md5";
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL + ".sha256";
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_LP      = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP + ".asc";
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_LP      = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP + ".md5";
-                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_LP   = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP + ".sha256";
-                       SOURCEFORGE             = true;
-                       OTHER                   = false;
-                       ARCHIVE                 = false;
-                       ERROR                   = false;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL    = LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_FULL + 
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL    = LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_FULL + 
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_FULL;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL = LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_FULL + 
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_LP      = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_LP      = LINK_CHECKSUM_ASC_LP + 
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_LP      = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_LP      = LINK_CHECKSUM_MD5_LP + 
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_LP   = APACHE_DIST_BASE_URL + 
"/binaries/" + LANG_SEL + "/" + FILENAME_LP;
+                       LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_LP   = LINK_CHECKSUM_SHA256_LP + 
+                       SOURCEFORGE               = true;
+                       OTHER                     = false;
+                       ARCHIVE                   = false;
+                       ERROR                     = false;
-               rel_data = "Milestone " + MILESTONE + " | Build ID " + BUILD + 
" | SVN " + SVN_REV + " | Released: " + REL_DATE;
+               rel_data = "Milestone " + MILESTONE + " | Build ID " + BUILD + 
" | SVN " + SVN_REV + " | Released: ";
+               rel_data = rel_data + REL_DATE;
-               // Set the text and URLs below for the both download text 
+               // Set the values for the both download text buttons.
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).href              = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).text              = 
"Download full install";
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_lnk" ).title             = 
"Click to download: " + FILENAME_FULL;
@@ -1104,7 +1136,7 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).text             = 
"Download language pack";
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_lnk" ).title            = 
"Click to download: " + FILENAME_LP;
-               // Set the text and URLs in the sub-green box on the left hand 
+               // Set the values in the sub-green box on the left hand side.
                document.getElementById( "dl_rel_dta_hl" ).text         = 
"Release data: ";
                document.getElementById( "dl_rel_dta" ).text            = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_f_hl" ).text               = "Full 
installation: ";
@@ -1152,7 +1184,7 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).text      = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_lp_chk_sha256" ).title     = 
"SHA256 hash for: " + FILENAME_LP;
-               // Set the text and URLs in the sub-green box on the right hand 
+               // Set the values in the sub-green box on the right hand side.
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).href                = 
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).text                = "What 
is a language pack?";
                document.getElementById( "dl_hlp" ).title               = "What 
is the difference between full installation and language pack?";
@@ -1179,99 +1211,99 @@ function getLinkSel( rel_mode ) {
 function getPlatform() {
        // For more help or data see: "";.
-       var os          = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();     // Get the 
platform string in lower cases
-       var ua          = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    // Get the User 
Agent string in lower cases
-       var av          = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();   // Get the 
application version in lower cases
-       UI_PLATFORM     = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string
-       URL_PLATFORM    = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string
-       EXTENSION       = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string
+       var os          = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();     // Get the 
platform string in lower cases.
+       var ua          = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    // Get the User 
Agent string in lower cases.
+       var av          = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();   // Get the 
application version in lower cases.
+       UI_PLATFORM     = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string.
+       URL_PLATFORM    = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string.
+       EXTENSION       = "";                                   // Delete any 
previously set string.
        // Add ECMA262-5 Array methods if not supported natively.
        // To workaround that MSIE 8 and older do not support this function.
-       if ( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
-               Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) {  // 'i' is an 
optional parameter
-                       if ( i === undefined )
+       if( !( 'indexOf' in Array.prototype ) ) {
+               Array.prototype.indexOf= function( find, i ) {  // 'i' is an 
optional parameter.
+                       if( i === undefined )
                                i = 0;
-                       if ( i < 0 )
+                       if( i < 0 )
                                i+= this.length;
-                       if ( i < 0 )
+                       if( i < 0 )
                                i = 0;
-                       for ( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
-                               if ( i in this && this[ i ] === find )
+                       for( var n = this.length; i < n; i++ ) {
+                               if( i in this && this[ i ] === find )
                                        return i;
                        return -1;
-       if ( os ) {
+       if( os ) {
                // Recognized but not supported platforms/OS, set $UI_PLATFORM 
to show it to the user.
-               if ( os.indexOf( "aix"                  ) != -1 )       
-               if ( os.indexOf( "alphaserver"          ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "AlphaServer";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "amiga"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "AmigaOS";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "android"              ) != -1 ||
+               if( os.indexOf( "aix"                   ) != -1 )       
+               if( os.indexOf( "alphaserver"           ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "AlphaServer";
+               if( os.indexOf( "amiga"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "AmigaOS";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "android"               ) != -1 ||
                     av.indexOf( "android"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Android mobile devices";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "arm"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "ARM mobile devices";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "blackberry"           ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Blackberry smartphones";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "brew"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "smartphones (BREW)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( ""               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Windows CE)";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "darwin"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Darwin";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "dragonfly"            ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "DragonFly BSD";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "freebsd"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "FreeBSD (PKG)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "hiptop"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "smartphones (Hiptop)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "ipad"                 ) != -1 ||
+               if( os.indexOf( "arm"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "ARM mobile devices";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "blackberry"            ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Blackberry smartphones";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "brew"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "smartphones (BREW)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( ""                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Windows CE)";
+               if( os.indexOf( "darwin"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Darwin";
+               if( os.indexOf( "dragonfly"             ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "DragonFly BSD";
+               if( os.indexOf( "freebsd"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "FreeBSD (PKG)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "hiptop"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "smartphones (Hiptop)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "ipad"                  ) != -1 ||
                     ua.indexOf( "iphone"               ) != -1 ||
                     ua.indexOf( "ipod"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "irix"                 ) != -1 )       
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "kindle"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Kindle mobile devices";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "netbsd"               ) != -1 )       
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "nintendo"             ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nintendo game console";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "nokia"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nokia mobile devices";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "openbsd"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OpenBSD";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "os/2"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OS/2";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "palm"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Palm OS)";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "pcbsd"                ) != -1 )       
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "pike"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Pike)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "playstation"          ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Sony Playstation";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "power_pc"             ) != -1 ||
+               if( os.indexOf( "irix"                  ) != -1 )       
+               if( ua.indexOf( "kindle"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Kindle mobile devices";
+               if( os.indexOf( "netbsd"                ) != -1 )       
+               if( ua.indexOf( "nintendo"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nintendo game console";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "nokia"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nokia mobile devices";
+               if( os.indexOf( "openbsd"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OpenBSD";
+               if( os.indexOf( "os/2"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OS/2";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "palm"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Palm OS)";
+               if( os.indexOf( "pcbsd"                 ) != -1 )       
+               if( ua.indexOf( "pike"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Pike)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "playstation"           ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Sony Playstation";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "power_pc"              ) != -1 ||
                     ua.indexOf( "ppc"                  ) != -1 ) {     
OLD_PLATFORM    = true;
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "psp"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Sony Playstation Portable";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "qnx"                  ) != -1 )       
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "s60"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Series60/S60)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "series60"             ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Series60/S60)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "sun4u"                ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Solaris SPARC (PKG)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "psp"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Sony Playstation Portable";
+               if( os.indexOf( "qnx"                   ) != -1 )       
+               if( ua.indexOf( "s60"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Series60/S60)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "series60"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Series60/S60)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "sun4u"                 ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Solaris SPARC (PKG)";
OLD_PLATFORM    = true;
-               if ( os.indexOf( "sunos"                ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Solaris x86 (PKG)";
+               if( os.indexOf( "sunos"                 ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Solaris x86 (PKG)";
OLD_PLATFORM    = true;
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "symbian"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Symbian OS)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "symbos"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Symbian OS)";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "vms"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OpenVMS";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "webos"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Palm webOS)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "widerweb"             ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (WiderWeb)";
-               if ( ua.indexOf( "wii"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nintendo Wii game console";
-               if ( os.indexOf( "x11"                  ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "unknown OS (X11 support)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "symbian"               ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Symbian OS)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "symbos"                ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Symbian OS)";
+               if( os.indexOf( "vms"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "OpenVMS";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "webos"                 ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (Palm webOS)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "widerweb"              ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "mobile phones (WiderWeb)";
+               if( ua.indexOf( "wii"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Nintendo Wii game console";
+               if( os.indexOf( "x11"                   ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "unknown OS (X11 support)";
                // If the $UI_PLATFORM variable is already filled, something 
was recognized and no more work is need.
-               if ( UI_PLATFORM != "" )
+               if( UI_PLATFORM != "" )
                // Windows, x86 or mobile?
-               if ( os.indexOf( "win"                  ) != -1 ||
+               if( os.indexOf( "win"                   ) != -1 ||
                     os.indexOf( "windows"              ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Windows (EXE)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "Win_x86_install";
EXTENSION       = ".exe";
-                    if ( ua.indexOf( "mobile"          ) != -1 ||
+                    if( ua.indexOf( "mobile"           ) != -1 ||
                          ua.indexOf( "phone"           ) != -1 )       
UI_PLATFORM     = "Windows Mobile device";
                // Linux, x86 or x86-64, DEB or RPM?
-               if ( os.indexOf( "linux"                ) != -1 ) {
+               if( os.indexOf( "linux"                 ) != -1 ) {
                        // 32-bit, DEB or RPM?
-                       if ( os.indexOf( "x86"          ) != -1 ||
+                       if( os.indexOf( "x86"           ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "i686"         ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "i586"         ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "i486"         ) != -1 ||
@@ -1283,7 +1315,7 @@ function getPlatform() {
                             av.indexOf( "i386"         ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Linux 32-bit (RPM)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "Linux_x86_install-rpm";
EXTENSION       = ".tar.gz";
-                            if ( ua.indexOf( "debian"    ) != -1 ||
+                            if( ua.indexOf( "debian"     ) != -1 ||
                                  ua.indexOf( "iceweasel" ) != -1 ||
                                  ua.indexOf( "ubuntu"    ) != -1 ) {   
UI_PLATFORM     = "Linux Debian 32-bit (DEB)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "Linux_x86_install-deb";
@@ -1291,7 +1323,7 @@ function getPlatform() {
                        // 64-bit, DEB or RPM?
-                       if ( os.indexOf( "_64"          ) != -1 ||
+                       if( os.indexOf( "_64"           ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "-64"          ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "x64"          ) != -1 ||
                             os.indexOf( "amd64"        ) != -1 ||
@@ -1301,7 +1333,7 @@ function getPlatform() {
                             av.indexOf( "amd64"        ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "Linux 64-bit (RPM)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "Linux_x86-64_install-rpm";
EXTENSION       = ".tar.gz";
-                            if ( ua.indexOf( "debian"    ) != -1 ||
+                            if( ua.indexOf( "debian"     ) != -1 ||
                                  ua.indexOf( "iceweasel" ) != -1 ||
                                  ua.indexOf( "ubuntu"    ) != -1 ) {   
UI_PLATFORM     = "Linux Debian 64-bit (DEB)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "Linux_x86-64_install-deb";
@@ -1311,11 +1343,11 @@ function getPlatform() {
                // Mac OS X?
-               if ( os.indexOf( "mac"                  ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "OS X 64-bit Intel (DMG)";
+               if( os.indexOf( "mac"                   ) != -1 ) {     
UI_PLATFORM     = "OS X 64-bit Intel (DMG)";
URL_PLATFORM    = "MacOS_x86-64_install";
EXTENSION       = ".dmg";
                        // OS X is 10.6 or older?
-                       if ( ua.indexOf( "10.6"         ) != -1 ||
+                       if( ua.indexOf( "10.6"          ) != -1 ||
                             ua.indexOf( "10_6"         ) != -1 ||
                             ua.indexOf( "10.5"         ) != -1 ||
                             ua.indexOf( "10_5"         ) != -1 ||
@@ -1330,7 +1362,7 @@ function getPlatform() {
        // If nothing was recognized until now, set $UI_PLATFORM to show it to 
the user.
-       if ( UI_PLATFORM == "" ) {
+       if( UI_PLATFORM == "" ) {
                UI_PLATFORM = "unknown platform/OS";
                ERROR       = true;
@@ -1345,8 +1377,10 @@ function getPlatform() {
 function getFilename( ver ) {
        // Assemble the filename for download from the release matrix of 
language and platform (column 0).
        // Product name + version + platform as URL part + language ISO + file 
-       FILENAME_FULL   = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
release_matrix_410[ LANG_ISO ][ RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL ][ 0 ] + "_" + 
-       FILENAME_LP     = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + 
release_matrix_410[ LANG_ISO ][ RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   ][ 0 ] + "_" + 
+       FILENAME_FULL = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + release_matrix_410[ 
+       FILENAME_LP   = "Apache_OpenOffice_" + ver + "_" + release_matrix_410[ 
        return FILENAME_FULL;
@@ -1357,49 +1391,49 @@ function getFilename( ver ) {
 function getFilesize() {
        // Depending on $URL_PLATFORM assign the platform position of the 
release matrix.
-       switch ( URL_PLATFORM ) {
+       switch( URL_PLATFORM ) {
                case "Linux_x86-64_install-deb":
                case "Linux_x86-64_langpack-deb":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 1;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 2;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 1;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 2;
                case "Linux_x86-64_install-rpm":
                case "Linux_x86-64_langpack-rpm":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 3;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 4;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 3;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 4;
                case "Linux_x86_install-deb":
                case "Linux_x86_langpack-deb":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 5;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 6;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 5;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 6;
                case "Linux_x86_install-rpm":
                case "Linux_x86_langpack-rpm":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 7;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 8;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 7;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 8;
                case "MacOS_x86-64_install":
                case "MacOS_x86-64_langpack":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 9;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 10;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 9;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 10;
                case "MacOS_x86_install":
                case "MacOS_x86_langpack":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 9;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 10;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 9;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 10;
                case "Win_x86_install":
                case "Win_x86_langpack":
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = 11;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = 12;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = 11;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = 12;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL        = -1;
-                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP          = -1;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_FULL = -1;
+                       RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM_POS_LP   = -1;
        // If a platform was found and no error occurred, assign the array data 
and filesize from the release matrix.
                // Assign all values from the release matrix of language and 
                RELEASE_MATRIX_PLATFORM = release_matrix_410[ LANG_ISO ][ 
                // Assign the file size (column 2) from the release matrix of 
language and platform.
@@ -1418,8 +1452,8 @@ function getFilesize() {
  * Set document.location to start the download
 function openItem( itemid, uri ) {
-       var thisDocument        = document.getElementById( 
"downloadextendedtext" );
-       var thisDocument        = document.getElementById( itemid );
-       document.location       = uri;
+       var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( "downloadextendedtext" );
+       var thisDocument  = document.getElementById( itemid );
+       document.location = uri;

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