Author: buildbot
Date: Sun May 18 19:37:36 2014
New Revision: 909204

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun May 18 19:37:36 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun May 18 19:37:36 2014
@@ -1 +1 @@

--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/index_droplist.html 
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/test/index_droplist.html 
Sun May 18 19:37:36 2014
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ screen reader. -->
       + "</form>"
       + "<h3 style='display: inline;'>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_link' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;' href='' 
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_link'   style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;' href='' 
+        + "<a id='dl_f_lnk'  style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;' href='' 
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_lnk' style='padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;' href='' 
       + "</h3>"
       + "<br /><br />"
@@ -264,29 +264,29 @@ screen reader. -->
   document.write( "<div class='sub-green-sel'>"
     + "<div style='float: left; width: 77%;'>"
       + "<p>"
-        + "<a id='dl_rel_data_hl'     style='font-weight: bold; 
text-decoration: none;'>Release data: </a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_rel_data'        style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_rel_dta_hl'    style='font-weight: bold; text-decoration: 
none;'>Release data: </a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_rel_dta'       style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
         + "<br />"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_hl'         style='font-weight: bold; 
text-decoration: none;'>Full installation: </a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_size_hl'    style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_size'       style='text-decoration: none;'></a>      
                 <a id='space1'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_chk_hl'     style='text-decoration: 
none;'>Signatures and hashes: </a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_chk_keys'   style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space2'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_chk_asc'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space3'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_chk_md5'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space4'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_full_chk_sha256' style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space5'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_chk_verify'      style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
+        + "<a id='dl_f_hl'          style='font-weight: bold; text-decoration: 
none;'>Full installation: </a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_size_hl'     style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_size'        style='text-decoration: none;'></a>        
           <a id='space1'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_chk_hl'      style='text-decoration: none;'>Signatures 
and hashes: </a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_chk_keys'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space2'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_chk_asc'     style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space3'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_chk_md5'     style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space4'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_f_chk_sha256'  style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space5'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_chk_verify'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
         + "<br />"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_hl'           style='font-weight: bold; 
text-decoration: none;'>Language pack: </a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_size_hl'      style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_size'         style='text-decoration: none;'></a>      
                 <a id='space6'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_hl'       style='text-decoration: 
none;'>Signatures and hashes: </a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_keys'     style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space7'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_asc'      style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space8'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_md5'      style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>      <a id='space9'></a>"
-        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_sha256'   style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_hl'         style='font-weight: bold; text-decoration: 
none;'>Language pack: </a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_size_hl'    style='text-decoration: none;'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_size'       style='text-decoration: none;'></a>        
           <a id='space6'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_hl'     style='text-decoration: none;'>Signatures 
and hashes: </a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_keys'   style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space7'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_asc'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space8'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_md5'    style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
title=''></a>  <a id='space9'></a>"
+        + "<a id='dl_lp_chk_sha256' style='text-decoration: link;' href='' 
       + "</p>"
     + "</div>"

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