Author: ydario
Date: Sat Feb 22 14:29:08 2014
New Revision: 1570843

#i118923# OS/2 port, report correct error string in case of dlopen() failure, 
rewrote code to use more dl* functions.


Modified: openoffice/trunk/main/sal/osl/os2/module.c
--- openoffice/trunk/main/sal/osl/os2/module.c (original)
+++ openoffice/trunk/main/sal/osl/os2/module.c Sat Feb 22 14:29:08 2014
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
-#include "system.h"
 #include <osl/module.h>
 #include <osl/diagnose.h>
 #include <osl/file.h>
@@ -32,106 +30,97 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <dlfcn.h>
-int UnicodeToText(char *, size_t, const sal_Unicode *, sal_Int32);
+#include "system.h"
-// static data for holding SAL dll module and full path
-static HMODULE hModSal;
-static char    szSalDir[ _MAX_PATH];
-static char    szSalDrive[ _MAX_PATH];
+/* implemented in file.cxx */
+int UnicodeToText(char *, size_t, const sal_Unicode *, sal_Int32);
 /* osl_loadModule */
-ULONG APIENTRY _DosLoadModule (PSZ pszObject, ULONG uObjectLen, PCSZ pszModule,
-    PHMODULE phmod)
-       APIRET  rc;
-       rc = DosLoadModule( pszObject, uObjectLen, pszModule, phmod);
-       // YD 22/05/06 issue again if first call fails (why?)
-       if (rc == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
-               rc = DosLoadModule( pszObject, uObjectLen, pszModule, phmod);
-       return rc;
-oslModule SAL_CALL osl_loadAsciiModule( const sal_Char* pModuleName, sal_Int32 
nRtldMode )
-       rtl_uString* pUniName = NULL;
-       rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pUniName, pModuleName );
-       oslModule aModule = osl_loadModule( pUniName, nRtldMode );
-       rtl_uString_release( pUniName );
-       return aModule;
 oslModule SAL_CALL osl_loadModule(rtl_uString *ustrModuleName, sal_Int32 
-    HMODULE hModule;
-    BYTE szErrorMessage[256];
-    APIRET rc;
     oslModule pModule=0;
     rtl_uString* ustrTmp = NULL;
     OSL_ENSURE(ustrModuleName,"osl_loadModule : string is not valid");
     /* ensure ustrTmp hold valid string */
-    if( osl_File_E_None != osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( ustrModuleName, 
&ustrTmp ) )
-        rtl_uString_assign( &ustrTmp, ustrModuleName );
+    if (osl_File_E_None != osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL(ustrModuleName, 
+        rtl_uString_assign(&ustrTmp, ustrModuleName);
-    if( ustrTmp )
+    if (ustrTmp)
         char buffer[PATH_MAX];
-        if( UnicodeToText( buffer, PATH_MAX, ustrTmp->buffer, ustrTmp->length 
) )
-               {
-                       char drive[_MAX_DRIVE], dir[_MAX_DIR];
-                       char fname[_MAX_FNAME], ext[_MAX_EXT];
-                       char* dot;
-                       // 21/02/2006 YD dll names must be 8.3: since .uno.dll 
-                       // have hardcoded names, I'm truncating names here and 
also in
-                       // the build system
-                       _splitpath (buffer, drive, dir, fname, ext);
-                       if (strlen(fname)>8)
-                               fname[8] = 0;   // truncate to 8.3
-                       dot = strchr( fname, '.');
-                       if (dot)
-                               *dot = '\0';    // truncate on dot
-                       // if drive is not specified, remove starting \ from 
dir name
-                       // so dll is loaded from LIBPATH
-                       if (drive[0] == 0 && dir[0] == '\\' && dir[1] == '\\') {
-                               while( dir[0] == '\\')
-                                       strcpy( dir, dir+1);
-                       }
-                       _makepath( buffer, drive, dir, fname, ext);
+        if (UnicodeToText(buffer, PATH_MAX, ustrTmp->buffer, ustrTmp->length))
+            pModule = osl_loadAsciiModule(buffer, nRtldMode);
+        rtl_uString_release(ustrTmp);
+    }
-                       debug_printf("osl_loadModule module %s", buffer);
+    return pModule;
+/* osl_loadAsciiModule */
+oslModule SAL_CALL osl_loadAsciiModule(const sal_Char *pszModuleName, 
sal_Int32 nRtldMode)
+       char drive[_MAX_DRIVE], dir[_MAX_DIR];
+       char fname[_MAX_FNAME], ext[_MAX_EXT];
+       char buffer[PATH_MAX];
+       char* dot;
+       void* hModule;
+       oslModule pModule = NULL;
+       if (!pszModuleName)
+               return NULL;
+       // 21/02/2006 YD dll names must be 8.3: since .uno.dll files
+       // have hardcoded names, I'm truncating names here and also in
+       // the build system
+       _splitpath (pszModuleName, drive, dir, fname, ext);
+       if (strlen(fname)>8)
+               fname[8] = 0;   // truncate to 8.3
+       dot = strchr( fname, '.');
+       if (dot)
+               *dot = '\0';    // truncate on dot
+       // if drive is not specified, remove starting \ from dir name
+       // so dll is loaded from LIBPATH
+       if (drive[0] == 0 && dir[0] == '\\' && dir[1] == '\\') {
+               while( dir[0] == '\\')
+                       strcpy( dir, dir+1);
+       }
+       _makepath( buffer, drive, dir, fname, ext);
+       debug_printf("osl_loadModule module %s", buffer);
-                       hModule = dlopen( buffer, RTLD_LOCAL);
-                       if (hModule != NULL )
-                               pModule = (oslModule)hModule;
-                       else
-                       {
-                                       sal_Char szError[ PATH_MAX*2 ];
-                                       sprintf( szError, "Module: %s; errno: 
-                                                       "Please contact 
technical support and report above informations.\n\n", 
-                                                       buffer, errno );
+       hModule = dlopen( buffer, RTLD_LOCAL);
+       if (hModule != NULL)
+               pModule = (oslModule)hModule;
+       else
+       {
+               sal_Char szError[ PATH_MAX*2 ];
+               sprintf( szError, "Module: %s;\n error: %s;\n\n"
+                                "Please contact technical support and report 
above informations.\n\n", 
+                                buffer, dlerror() );
-                                       fprintf( stderr, szError);
+               debug_printf("osl_loadModule error %s", szError);
-                                       debug_printf("osl_loadModule error %s", 
 #if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL==0) || !defined(OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL)
-                                       WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,HWND_DESKTOP,
-                                               szError, "Critical error: 
DosLoadModule failed",
-                                               0, MB_ERROR | MB_OK | 
+               WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,HWND_DESKTOP,
+                                         szError, "Critical error: 
DosLoadModule failed",
+                                         0, MB_ERROR | MB_OK | MB_MOVEABLE);
-                       }
-               }
-    }
-    rtl_uString_release( ustrTmp );
+       }
-    return pModule;
+       return pModule;
@@ -143,27 +132,45 @@ osl_getModuleHandle(rtl_uString *pModule
     HMODULE hmod;
     APIRET  rc;
-    rc = DosQueryModuleHandle(pModuleName->buffer, &hmod);
-    if( rc == NO_ERROR)
+    OSL_ENSURE(pModuleName,"osl_loadModule : string is not valid");
+    if (pModuleName)
-        *pResult = (oslModule) hmod;
-        return sal_True;
+        char buffer[PATH_MAX];
+        if (UnicodeToText(buffer, PATH_MAX, pModuleName->buffer, 
+                          pModuleName->length)) 
+        {
+            rc = DosQueryModuleHandle(buffer, &hmod);
+            if( rc == NO_ERROR)
+            {
+                *pResult = (oslModule) hmod;
+                return sal_True;
+            }
+        }
     return sal_False;
 /* osl_unloadModule */
-void SAL_CALL osl_unloadModule(oslModule Module)
+void SAL_CALL osl_unloadModule(oslModule hModule)
-    if (!Module)
-       fprintf( stderr, "osl_unloadModule NULL HANDLE.\n");
-    DosFreeModule((HMODULE)Module);
+       if (hModule)
+       {
+               int nRet = dlclose(hModule);
+        if (nRet != 0)
+        {
+            debug_printf( "osl_unloadModule failed with %s\n", dlerror());
+        }
+        (void) nRet;
+#endif /* if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL */
+    }

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