Purpose of this page is provide information on the solution for Issue 33737 . This information should serve the corresponding quality assurance efforts. It can be also used as the source to document the corresponding changes for the users.
*0. Overall test information:
Test build: AOO 4.1 development build (see more in *1)
Test platform: Linux 64-bit, Win 7, Win 8, MaxOS(see platform coverage in *2)
Test execution: Assignment in TestLink (see more in *3)
Test plan: AOO 4.1 FVT (see test coverage in *4)
Test report: Report your execution result in cwik or gmail and Report AOO bugs in Bugzilla (see more in *5)
*1. Download AOO 4.1 build and install AOO 4.1:
Builds (revision 1549864) could be downloaded from following URL which has the latest 4.1 development build: http://ci.apache.org/projects/openoffice/
*2. Platform coverage matrix
Platform Coverage(FVT)
Windows 7 100%
Windows 8 100%
Ubuntu Linux 64bit 100%
MacOS 10.8 100%
Total 400%
*3. Execute test cases in TestLink:
(1) Register in TestLink and login with your account http://aootesting.adfinis-sygroup.org/index.php
(2) Select Test Project as "Apache OpenOffice testproject" in the right top corner and select test cases AOO Writer->Field->Input Field
(3) Execute the test case according to the test case description
(4) Record test case execution result in gmail or cwiki
More instructions on TestLink could be found at http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/QA/Testlink
*4. Test coverage matrix
We will cover following areas
(1)Edit content of Input Fields
(2)Enter/Leaving Input Fields
(3)Traveling between Input Fields
(4)Selection of Input Fields
(5)No Field Names for Input Fields
(6)Microsoft Word binary filter (WW8 filter)
(7)Documents in read-only mode
*5.Test report and Open bugs in Bugzilla
Issues :
Bug 123827- [Accessibility][IA2]Focus value of Field function type list can't be identified in writer
Bug 123828 - [Accessibility]Tab Key can't travel in input field dialogue in writer
Bug 123825 - The content change when importing .docx with “Date" field
Bug 123826 - The content lost when importing .docx with “Fill-in" field