If you are a newbie and you really want to help the workflow translation of the OpenOffice, consider the following steps:
# You can start your anonymous suggestions right away: [https://translate.apache.org/projects/], with this easy online platform. Please always start translating the last project release available (ex. now is v.4.x). If your language is missing from the last release you can ask [l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org|mailto:l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org] to add it, as soon as possible.
# Take a look on [http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html|http://openoffice.apache.org/translate.html], don't forget the tips.
# You can start your anonymous suggestions right away: [https://translate.apache.org/projects/], with this easy online platform. Please always start translating the last project release available (ex. now is v.4.x). If your language is missing from the last release you can ask [l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org|mailto:l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org] to add it, as soon as possible. Note: some glitches where reported by users using chrome browser, consider using another one.
# Subscribe to the mailing list [l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org|mailto:l10n-subscr...@openoffice.apache.org]. Note: its a list and you will probably get many related mails but its a way to get in touch and communicate each other.
# It's recommended that you should introduce yourself and ask for a pootle account by sending an email like:
| Subject:\\ New Pootle Account\\ | I want to send a big hello to all the OpenOffice volunteers around the globe, my name is \___________\_\\ and I'm from \________. I want to apply for a Pootle account in order to be able to translate the available \\ projects into \__\__language(s)?_\___. I state that my contributions are under the Apache 2 license and if is \\ possible I want a username like: \___\__username?_\__\_ . I understand that a password will be created in a \\ second more private step. \\ \\ Best regards, \\ \__________.\\
| | To: l...@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: New Pootle Account \\ Body: | I want to send a big hello to all the OpenOffice volunteers around the globe, my name is \_________\_\\ and I'm from \________. I want to apply for a Pootle account in order to be able to translate the available\\ projects into \___language(s)?___. I state that my contributions are under the Apache 2 license and if is \\ possible I want a username like: \___username?___. I understand that a password will be created by an \\ admin or by an auto-process, in a second more private step.\\
l...@openoffice.apache.org | |
Best regards,\\ \__________.\\ \\ | |
The administration of the pootle server will contact you for username/password. Note: some glitches where reported by users using chrome browser, consider using another one. username/password as soon as possible.
5. You are almost done.You can start translating as soon as you can... Of course a good idea is to translate the [release notes|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/AOO+4.0+Release+Notes], by using this [copy-template|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33297828]_ _(please check first if it's not already taken by another user and a working language, usually the title is = " * Copy of AOO 4.0 Release Notes (LANGUAGE?) " ; if anything else please wait for us to recreate a copy or ask here to help you)._