Author: marcus
Date: Thu Aug  1 21:43:33 2013
New Revision: 1509437

#122905# Updated text


Modified: openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/checksums.html
--- openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/checksums.html (original)
+++ openoffice/ooo-site/trunk/content/download/checksums.html Thu Aug  1 
21:43:33 2013
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ unauthorized third party, and has not be
   <li><pre>cd &lt;path_to_AOO_and_ASC_file&gt;</pre></li>
   <li><pre>C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe --import KEYS</pre></li>
-  <li><pre>C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe --verify &lt;PGP/ASC 
+  <li><pre>C:\Program Files\Gnu\GnuPg\gpg.exe --verify 
   <li>When both signatures match it is indicated with an "Good signature from 
&lt;Person who has created the signature&gt;
   statement. <br /> Otherwise "BAD signature from ...".</li>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ unauthorized third party, and has not be
   <li><pre>cd &lt;path_to_AOO_and_ASC_file&gt;</pre></li>
   <li><pre>gpg --import KEYS</pre></li>
-  <li><pre>gpg --verify &lt;PGP/ASC file&gt;.asc</pre></li>
+  <li><pre>gpg --verify &lt;installation_file&gt;.asc</pre></li>
   <li>When both signatures match it is indicated with an "Good signature from 
&lt;Person who has created the signature&gt;
   statement. <br /> Otherwise "BAD signature from ...".</li>
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ unauthorized third party, and has not be
   <li><pre>cd &lt;path_to_AOO_and_ASC_file&gt;</pre></li>
   <li><pre>curl -o KEYS</pre></li>
   <li><pre>gpg --import KEYS</pre></li>
-  <li><pre>gpg --verify &lt;PGP/ASC file&gt;.asc</pre></li>
+  <li><pre>gpg --verify &lt;installation_file&gt;.asc</pre></li>
   <li>When both signatures match it is indicated with an "Good signature from 
&lt;Person who has created the signature&gt;
   statement. <br /> Otherwise "BAD signature from ...".</li>
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ title="How to use MD5 hashes">how to use
   Provider is allowing this. Or enable it if it is disabled at the moment. 
Please consult the respective help topics for
   the used Internet browser where to find this setting. Then try again to 
download and verify the file.</li>
   <li>If you still get no matching values and you are sure it is not caused by 
an error during downloading, please
-  notify the Apache OpenOffice project. Before doing this, make sure you have 
the following information at hand:<br />
-  1) exact file name of the downloaded file<br />
-  2) the downloaded signature/hash file<br />
-  3) the processed signature/hash from your computer<br />
-  4) the exact file size in byte<br />
-  5) have you used a proxy server (yes/no)?<br />
-  6) the server or source from where the files was downloaded.</li>
+  notify the Apache OpenOffice project. Before doing this, make sure you have 
the following information at hand:<br /><br />
+  <b>1)</b> The exact file name of the downloaded installation file.<br />
+  <b>2)</b> The value of the downloaded signature/hash file.<br />
+  <b>3)</b> The processed signature/hash from your computer.<br />
+  <b>4)</b> The exact size of the installation file in byte.<br />
+  <b>5)</b> Have you used a proxy server (yes/no)?<br />
+  <b>6)</b> The exact URL from the server from where the files was 
downloaded.</li><br />
   <li>With this information send a mail via the following ways:</li>
   <li><a href="";
   title="User's mailing list (to receive answers you need to be 
subscribed)">User's mailing list</a>&nbsp;<b>*)</b></li>

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