Author: buildbot
Date: Tue Jul 30 21:15:26 2013
New Revision: 871953

Staging update by buildbot for ooo-site

    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/   (props changed)
    websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/cgi-bin/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Tue Jul 30 21:15:26 2013
@@ -1 +1 @@

Propchange: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Tue Jul 30 21:15:26 2013
@@ -1 +1 @@

Added: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol-nl.html
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol-nl.html 
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol-nl.html 
Tue Jul 30 21:15:26 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!--#include virtual="/doctype.html" -->
+<link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
+<title>End-of-Life for OpenOffice 3.3.0 and earlier
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<!--#include virtual="/google-analytics.js" -->
+<!--#include virtual="/brand.html" -->
+  <div id="topbara">
+    <!--#include virtual="/topnav.html" -->
+    <div id="breadcrumbsa"><a href="/">home</a>&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;<a 
+  </div>
+  <div id="clear"></div>
+  <div id="content">
+    <h1 class="title">End-of-Life for OpenOffice 3.3.0 and earlier
+    <p>With each new release of OpenOffice, users are strongly encouraged to 
upgrade, to benefit from new features, bug fixes and security improvements. 
After a new major release, 
+the Community supports legacy releases for a period of time to allow users to 
upgrade and migrate.  At a later time these legacy releases are declared to be 
 and are no longer suported.</p>
+<p>We have detected that you are running an unsupported version of  We recommend that you upgrade to the current version, 
+<a href="";>Apache OpenOffice 4.0</a>.  
Apache OpenOffice 4.0 is available for download in <a 
href="";>many languages</a>.   </p>
+<p>If your preferred language is not available yet, the following options are 
+<li>Download Apache OpenOffice 4.0 in another language that you are familiar 
+<li>Continue running an unsupported version of OpenOffice.</li>
+<li>Sign up for our <a 
 mailing list</a> so you will be notified of new languages and releases when 
they become available.</li>
+<li>Volunteer to <a href="";>help 
translate</a> OpenOffice into your native language.</li>
+<p>Apache OpenOffice relies on its community of volunteers to write code, 
test, support and translate OpenOffice.  We have many translations that are 
90%+ complete and require only
+a few hours of volunteer effort to complete. If you can help, send an email to 
<a href="";></a> 
and tell us what language you can help with.</p>
+  </div>
+<!--#include virtual="/footer.html" -->

Modified: websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol.html
--- websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol.html 
+++ websites/staging/ooo-site/trunk/content/development/releases/eol.html Tue 
Jul 30 21:15:26 2013
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 <link href="/css/ooo.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
-  <title> - Information about releases that have reached 
"End-Of-Life" status</title>
+  <title>OpenOffice - Information about releases that have reached 
"End-Of-Life" status</title>
@@ -27,40 +27,41 @@
 <h1>Information about releases that have reached "End-Of-Life" status</h1>
-<h2> 2.x series</h2>
-<p><em>22. December 2009:</em> A few weeks before the upcoming release of 3.2, the Community is formally announcing
-"End-Of-Life" (EOL) status for the legacy version 2.x series of its 
productivity suite.
-With each new release, users are strongly encouraged to upgrade, to benefit 
from new features, bug fixes and security improvements.
-After a new major release, the Community supports legacy releases for a period 
of time to help users with upgrading and migrating.
-With version 3.x being available for more than 15 months now, the Community 
has decided it is time to cease maintaining the 2.x software.
-As a consequence, 2.4.3 will be the last release of the legacy 
2.x series and no subsequent bugfixes or security releases will be made
-This EOL policy only applies for the Community version of 
obtained via the
-<a href=""; title=" 
Download">download website</a>. Linux distributors and service companies often 
have their own
-product lifecycle policies and might support the productivity suite for a 
shorter or longer period of time.
-<a href=""; title="Oracle 
commercial support for">Oracle commercial software support</a>
-plans also to continue to support version 2.x.</p>
+<p>With each new release of OpenOffice, users are strongly encouraged to 
upgrade, to benefit from new features, bug fixes and security improvements.
+After a new major release, the Community supports legacy releases for a period 
of time to allow users to upgrade and migrate.</p>
+<p>The following releases are no longer supported by the OpenOffice Community 
and are declared to be at "End-of-Life" status:
+   <ul>
+       <li> 3.3.0 and earlier. 3.3.0 was 
released in January 2011 and its most recent <a 
patch</a> was 
+released by Apache in March 2012.</li>
+   </ul>
+This EOL policy only applies for the version of OpenOffice obtained via the
+<a href="";>OpenOffice download page</a>. 
Linux distributors and service companies often have their own
+product lifecycle policies and might support the productivity suite for a 
shorter or longer period of time.</p>
 <h3>Frequently Asked Questions</h3>
 <p><b>Q:</b> What does EOL status mean? Is the software unusable now?
 <b>A:</b> The EOL status means that support with patches, bugfixes and 
security updates is no longer available from the Community.
-Of course, the software is still usable, and you may still be able to obtain 
product support from Community members via email, mailing lists and forums.
-Please have a look for the <a href=""; 
title=" Support offerings"> Support 
+The software may or may not still be usable, and you may still be able to 
obtain product support from Community members via email, mailing lists and 
+Please take a look at the <a href="";>OpenOffice 
Support page</a>.</p>
 <p><b>Q:</b> So, can I go on using the old version?
 <b>A:</b> Technically, yes. However, due to important bugfixes and security 
improvements found in newer releases of the software, the Community strongly
 encourages every user to upgrade to the latest release.</p>
-<p><b>Q:</b> I'm a Linux user, and my copy of comes from my 
distributor's repository. Am I affected?
+<p><b>Q:</b> I'm a Linux user, and my copy of OpenOffice comes from my 
distributor's repository. Am I affected?
-<b>A:</b> Linux distributors often have their own product lifecycle policy and 
may support their versions of 2.x for a shorter or longer
+<b>A:</b> Linux distributors often have their own product lifecycle policy and 
may support their versions of OpenOffice for a shorter or longer
 period of time by integrating updates and bugfixes from newer versions (aka 
"backporting"). Please check with your distributor.</p>
 <p><b>Q:</b> Why can't the Community support older releases for a longer 
period of time?
@@ -68,9 +69,6 @@ period of time by integrating updates an
 <b>A:</b> Releasing bugfixes, patches and security improvements for older 
releases takes a lot of resources. Releasing legacy versions is as much effort 
 releasing current versions, with localization and QA being involved. As most 
users upgrade to a new version in a short period of time, and as rollout cycles
 in companies usually last from 3 to 12 months, the Community needs to 
concentrate its resources where they are most effective, in new versions.
-There is also a number of independent <a 
href=""; title="Service companies that are 
providing long-term support">
-service companies providing long-term support</a>, who may support EOL'ed 

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