Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: AOO 4.0 Release Planning 

Edited by Shenfeng Liu:
The following table is intended to collect and document new features, 
enhancements or other working areas related to the next major release AOO 4.0.

The status can be tracked highlevel for example by using the colors 
{highlight:green}ok/done,{highlight}{highlight:yellow}in progress{highlight}and 

More detailed description or potential specifications (as base for 
documentation, QA, development) should be provided on demand on linked feature 
sub-pages. And a corresponding Bugzilla ID should be provided for detailed 

h3. Proposed Release Schedule

03/01 function verification test will start, define test case, prepare tests 
04/04 integrate sidebar branch in trunk, other new features should be finished 
by this date as well.
04/05 - 05/15 regression testing will be start on trunk
04/05 - 05/15 bugfix and stabilization, no feature development
04/08 - 05/15 translation \-> \~5 weeks for updating the new strings
05/21 RC1
06/04 RC2
06/18 RC3 (optional), can be GA already
*06/25 GA*

h3. Proposed Release Contents

|| Component || Feature/Enhancement || Abstract || Volunteer(s) || Status || 
Task-ID ||
| Interop \\ | MS Office interoperability enhancements \\ | Many MS Office 
interoperability enhancement and defect fixes across Writer, Calc and Impress. 
Here is the [wiki of 
 . \\
For complete list, please refer to the query 
 \\ | | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to close in 4.0. Further enhancement in 4.1. \\ | |
| Common | Accessibility support | integrate iAccessibiltiy2 support to improve 
the usability | Yin Bing | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest not to include in 4.0, since can not finish all the migration work 
before June. \\
Keep in the IA2 branch and target to 4.1. \\ | A [wiki|OOOUSERS:AOO 4.0 
IAccessible2] for this feature. |
| | Performance improvements for loading and saving of documents | General 
performance improvements, especially on document loading and saving. The 
content of .odt and .odp files can be displayed before the whole document is 
loaded. Better usability by improved application response. | Ma Yong Lin | 
{highlight:yellow}In progress \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
Suggest to close in 4.0. Further enhancement in 4.1. | Completed tasks: \\
Saving odt \\
120030 \\  \\
Loading xls \\
121190 \\
120586 \\
120575 \\  \\
Saving xls \\
120168 \\ |
| | Property Sidebar | A user interface improvement to allow easy and fast 
access to manage object properties. A concept to replace or as an alternative 
to toolbars. Task panes are used to allow more vertical space for the document 
area and to make use of current common wide screen displays. | Andre Fischer \\
Wang Lei \\
Kevin Grignon (UX design) | {highlight}{highlight:yellow}In 
progress{highlight}\\  \\
Delivered to Trunk. Testing and bug fix on going. \\ | 
created for this feature. \\  [UX Design 
 created on AOO UX wiki for this feature. [Implementation wiki 
|] created 
for this feature. \\ |
| | enhanced extensions manager | The extensions manager should support 
multiple repositories. Either via UI or via configuration only. | jsc | 
{highlight:red}Proposed \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to move to backlog. Low priority. \\ | \\ |
| | OpenSocial support | Enable 'sharing' to OpenSocial container's Activity 
Streams for document, chart, or spreadsheet review & comment | Kevin Grignon 
(UX design) | {highlight:red}Proposed{highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to move to backlog. Can leverage extensions to implement the support of 
Activity Streams. | |
| | Encryption GUI | Allow users to choose SHA256/AES or SHA1/Blowfish when 
saving ODF1.2 files. Design required, discussion recommended. See [Issue 
119090|]. | | 
{highlight:red}Proposed{highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to move to 4.1. | TJ Frazier requested. UI design discussion on going. 
No dev volunteer now. \\ |
| | Patch Mechanism in Windows \\ | Enable the patch mechanism in Window, so 
that AOO can provide small and accumulated patches to customers. \\ | Andre 
Fischer \\ | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to move to 4.1. | |
| | More Gallery \\ | Build in more cliparts from Symphony into the gallery \\ 
| Armin Le Grand \\ | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to close in 4.0. Further enhancement in 4.1. | |
| | Add Symphony gradients | when looking at Symphony I saw that there are some 
much nicer default \\
gradients provided for user's convenience. Our current ones are medium \\
usable (maybe created by developers), but still present in Symphony, \\
too. To easily see what I'm talking about I have created two files: \\
\- [A Impress doc|]\\
\- [The same as png|]\\
I propose to do the same as in Symphony: Add the lower symphony ones \\
additionally. It's not much space (in the install set \;-)) and offers \\
much nicer to-go gradients. \\
Detailed proposal in dev mail 
 \\ | Armin Le Grand \\ | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to close in 4.0. Further enhancement in 4.1. | |
| | Adopt palette to Symphony palette partially | Detailed proposal in dev mail 
 \\ | Armin Le Gran \\ | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Suggest to close in 4.0. Further enhancement in 4.1. | |
| | MacOS support with Java dropped \\ | | Herbert Duerr \\ | 
{highlight:red}Proposed \\  \\  \\
\\  \\
\\  \\
\\ \\
 {highlight}\\  \\
Development work on going. | |
| Common | "" \--> "Apache OpenOffice" | Adapt naming from 
"" (and its variants) to "Apache OpenOffice" | Oliver-Rainer 
Wittmann | {highlight:green}done{highlight} | See [Issue 
121388|]. |
| Writer | Interoperabilty improvement with MS Word on Table of Contents | # 
The TOC data of a MS Word document is not parsed completely.And actual TOC data 
is from silently updating once a MS Word Document loaded.Thus,the fidelity can 
not be ensured especially when the document contents that impact TOC have been 
changed after creating TOC in MS Word.So,we propose to implement the TOC 
loading process to replace the update action.
# The tab between chapter number and TOC entry lost when loading a MS Word 
document,which leads to different gap between chapter number and TOC entry.That 
looks different from MS Word.
# Jump info will be lost when loading MS Word TOC created by un-checking "Use 
hyperlinks instead of page numbers". For this kind of TOC,end users can only 
press ctrl+mouse to click the page number of the TOC entry for jumping in MS 
# The customized character attributes will be lost when loading MS Word TOC 
created by un-checking "Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers". To this kind 
of TOC,the customized character attributes of the target paragraphs can be 
collected into TOC in MS Word. | Fan Zheng, \\
Oliver-Rainer Wittmann, \\
Cheng Jian Hong | {highlight:green}done{highlight} | Feature design 
 . \\
Tasks: \\
120879 \\
120938 \\
120874 \\
121351 \\ |
| Writer \\ | Implement Draw features \\ | Implement image rotation and some 
other existing draw features in Writer. \\ | ericb2 (other volunteers welcome) 
\\ | {highlight:yellow}started{highlight}Suggest to move to 4.1. \\ | |
| Draw (and others) | Fundamental changes needed for further bug fixing and 
features | Rework internal representation of drawing objects to use double 
precision and transformation matrix | Armin Le Grand | 
{highlight:yellow}started \\
branch alg/AW080{highlight}Suggest to move to 4.1. | |
| Common \\ | 3layer drop \\ | 
 | jsc \\ | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\
\\ \\
 {highlight} | |
| | new logo\\ |
 | | {highlight:yellow}In progress \\

{highlight} | |
| ... | ... | | | | |

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