Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: Project Planning 

Edited by Ian C:
h2. Functional Areas

There are some clearly defined functional areas in the project. 
 These are not rooms with walls separating them, but areas of 
focus.  Many project members work in more than one functional area, and 
any member is encouraged to participate across any or all of these areas.
* *Podling PMC* or PPMC.  This is the group of elected PMC members who 
have oversight of the project, who elect new committers and who vote to approve 
* *Dev* includes the C++/Java programmers, including specialists like UI 
design, accessibly, performance, core localization (Bidi, IME, etc.) 
* *QA* includes the testing, manual and automated
* *Translation*/Localization provides the linguistic and 
cultural adaptability of the product
* *Documentation* includes in-product help as well as web-hosted documentation
* *Support* includes the support forums
* *Marketing* includes publicity, events, whitepaper, promotion, etc.
* *Committers* are the group of contributors elected by the PPMC and who have 
submitted an iCLA; they may perform any/many of the roles above, and also have 
the ability to checkin code to the repository and any wiki directly (this is 
not a functional distinction, more of an organizational one)

h2. Project Milestones

There are several near-term milestones for the project that are inherent to the 
Apache Incubation process, and to the this project specifically:

* *First Build* is reached when we have received and stored into the repository 
the code from Oracle necessary to build the current version of 
on Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris;
* *First Release* means that we have a build that is approved by the PPMC and 
IPMC for release.  
* * Website* transfer.  Oracle has offered to keep the 
existing website up for a transition period.  But we must 
develop a plan for how we eventually host that site.
* *Graduate from Incubation* means that we are approved to become an Apache Top 
Level Project (TPL).  This will be the final milestone for Incubation.

h2. Plan Matrix

For each Functional Area and for each Project Milestone, we should have a plan, 
listing tasks that need to be done as well as names of project members who have 
volunteered to help with the task.  Tasks without volunteers are fine. 
 This will help us identify where we need help.  Please link to 
existing information where relevant.

| | *PPMC* \\ | *Dev* \\ | *QA* \\ | *Translation/Localization*  \\ | 
*Documentation* \\ | *Support* \\ | *Marketing* \\ |
| *First Build* | [Build-PPMC-Plan|Build-PPMC-Plan] | 
[Build-Dev-Plan|Build-Dev-Plan] | [Build-QA-Plan|Build-QA-Plan] | 
[Build-Translate-Plan|Build-Translate-Plan] | [Build-Doc-Plan|Build-Doc-Plan] | 
[Build-Support-Plan|Build-Support-Plan] | 
[Build-Marketing-Plan|Build-Marketing-Plan] |
| *First Release* \\ | [Release-PPMC-Plan|Release-PPMC-Plan] | 
[Release-Dev-Plan|Release-Dev-Plan] | [Release-QA-Plan|Release-QA-Plan] | 
[Release-Translate-Plan|Release-Translate-Plan] | 
[Release-Doc-Plan|Release-Doc-Plan] | 
[Release-Support-Plan|Release-Support-Plan] | 
[Release-Marketing-Plan|Release-Marketing-Plan] |
| * Website transfer* \\ | [Site-PPMC-Plan|Site-PPMC-Plan] | 
[Site-Dev-Plan|Site-Dev-Plan] | [Site-QA-Plan|Site-QA-Plan] | 
[Site-Translate-Plan|Site-Translate-Plan] | [Site-Doc-Plan|Site-Doc-Plan] | 
[Site-Support-Plan|Site-Support-Plan] | 
[Site-Marketing-Plan|Site-Marketing-Plan] |

h2. Open Issues (Until we have Bugzilla set up)

# Need to resolve the status of the 
"[contribute|]"; page , before 
Apache takes ownership of the website.

h2. IP clearance

A first overview of what we have to do to make the code base Apache conform in 
case if IP can be found under the 
"[Migration|]"; page.

To track the IP clearance process in more detail we document the ongoing work 
under [IP Clearance|IP_Clearance].

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