Space: Apache OpenOffice Community 
Page: Sidebar Test Plan 

Added by Ji Yan:
h1. *Background*

IBM Louts Symphony has fancy sidebar design, with the sidebar user can easy 
access panels which can be docked to sidebar, it's also help user read set 
property item easily. In AOO 4.0, the sidebar panel will be migrated. \\

{color:#000000}{*}Test Overview{*}{color}

Ensure that property side panel e.g. text properties, paragraph properties and 
slide layout properties, etc... are correctly migrated. 

UI appearance of those side panels should be same as they are designed.

All available property items are functional correctly as in properties dialog.

Property values should be synchronized with the relevant property items in 
property dialog.\\

{color:#000000}{*}Test Object{*}{color}

Properties side panels in sidebar.\\

{color:#000000}{*}Test Approach{*}{color}

UI appearance of properties panel are follow visual design.

Property items works correctly.

Sidebar values are synchronized with that in relevant property dialog.\\

h1. Build Availability

Sidebar feature available in sidebar branch 

Installation package available 

Note: Binary build will be built by build bot lately and could be found 

h1. *Schedule*

Test case development: 3/1 ~ 3/10

Test case execution: 3/11 ~ 3/31\\

 {color:#000000}{*}Reference link{*}{color}

Sidebar wiki:



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