Space: Apache OpenOffice Community ( Page: Size of Apache OpenOffice Community (
Edited by Rob Weir: --------------------------------------------------------------------- h2. Overview There are many ways of measuring the size of an open source community and any claims, not backed by facts, can easily be dismissed. The following numbers attempt to provide these facts, for many different facets of involvement in the Apache OpenOffice community, from the large number of end users, through various levels of engagement and contribution, to the core contributors who by merit and commitment have been voted as "committers" for the Apache OpenOffice project. h2. Users * The number of downloads of Apache OpenOffice 3.4.x is tracked on our [stats page|]. It is currently over 37 million. * There are also downloads from 3rd party sites, like CNet's or h2. Engaged Users * Announcement list subscribers: 9447 * User list subscribers: * Forum subscribers: 55473 * Twitter followers: 1077 * Facebook followers: 3771 * Google\+ followers: 2009 h2. Ecosystem * Consultants: 11 listed in our [consultants directory|]. * Extension authors: Over 350 extension authors have created over 700 extensions * Template authors: Over 700 authors created over 2500 templates * Book authors: over 20 books on OpenOffice [have been published|] * Downstream consumers: LibreOffice. 3rd party BSD, Solaris and OS/2 ports. h2. Contributors * [Directory of Volunteers|] lists 126 names * Developers, including those who submitted patches: 442 subscribers to the project's main development mailing list. * Bug report authors: In the past 12 months, 678 contributors have submitted 1740 defect reports. * Translators: 55 listed in our [Localization Volunteers|] table. 134 subscribers to our L10n mailing list. * Website design and content: * Graphic design: * Wiki editors: 47 "[Active users|]" (edits within the last 30 days) * Marketing: 176 subscribers to the project's marketing mailing list * Events: ApacheCon, Fosdem, ODF Plugfests, etc. * Forum volunteers: * Contributing to mailing list discussions h2. Committers * 122 volunteers have been voted in as committers in the Apache OpenOffice project and have direct access to change the project's code and website Change your notification preferences: