Space: Apache OpenOffice Community ( Page: AOO4 - Application And Launcher (
Edited by Samer Mansour: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The splash screen and application launcher are the first things the user will see when starting up Apache OpenOffice. They will also see it everyday. It is important its usable and again consistent with branding. h2. Application Artifacts || || Current 3.4.1 \\ || 3.4.1 Current Shape\\ || 4.0 Proposed Shape\\ || Comments \\ || | Splash Screen \\ | !splash-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | !splash-screen-shape-current.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | !splash-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent with standard logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ Refers to Incubation\!\\ \- - -\\ Make brand large single placement.\\ Move verbiage up.\\ Affiliation above loading bar.\\ Move progress bar to bottom, make longer. \\ | | Start Screen \\ | !start-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | !start-screen-shape-current.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | !start-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement and size. \\ \- - -\\ Make brand large single placement.\\ Make the modules slightly larger. \\ | | About Screen \\ | !about-screen.png|thumbnail,border=1! | !about-screen-share-current.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | !about-screen-shape-proposed.png|thumbnail,border=1!\\ | Inconsistent logo. \\ Inconsistent branding / placement.\\ \- - -\\ Make brand large single placement; Center it.\\ Replace area with scrollable text area.\\ Change Window Title to "Apache OpenOffice" \\ | Change your notification preferences: