Author: hdu
Date: Mon Dec 10 17:19:04 2012
New Revision: 1419594

added a script to extract info from an AOO revision range

    openoffice/devtools/scripts/   (with props)

Added: openoffice/devtools/scripts/
--- openoffice/devtools/scripts/ (added)
+++ openoffice/devtools/scripts/ Mon Dec 10 17:19:04 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Svn2Info - Create a HTML file with info about a revision range
+# Example:
+#      python trunk 1405864 1418409
+import sys
+import re
+import xmlrpclib
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+# string constants for the Apache OpenOffice project
+bzsoap = "";
+issue_pattern = 
+bugref_url = "";
+infoout_name = "izlist.htm"
+svnout_name = "tmp_svn2info_svnout.txt"
+bzout_name = "tmp_svn2info_bzout.txt"
+class Revision(object):
+       """Constructor for a Revision object"""
+       def __init__( self, revnum, author, revlog, dirs_changed):
+               self.revnum = revnum
+      = author
+               self.log    = revlog
+               self.dirs_changed = dirs_changed
+               self.issue  = get_issue( revlog)
+def get_issue( revlog):
+       """Get the issue number referenced in a commit summary"""
+       issue_re = re.compile( issue_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
+       issue_match = revlog)
+       if not issue_match:
+               return None
+       issue_id = int(
+       return issue_id
+def get_svn_log( svnurl, revmin, revmax):
+       """Run the svn log command for the requested revision range"""
+       # check input arguments
+       if int(revmin) > int(revmax):
+               print "start revision %d must be less than end revision %d!" % 
(revmin, revmax)
+               return None
+       revmin_limit = 1162288
+       revmax_limit = 3000000
+       if revmin < revmin_limit:
+               print "revision %d is out of range" % (revmin)
+               return None
+       if revmax_limit < revmax:
+               print "revision %d is out of range" % (revmax)
+               return None
+       svncmd = "svn log -v -r%d:%d %s" % (revmin, revmax, svnurl)
+       svnout = Popen( svncmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
+       open( svnout_name, "wb").write( svnout.encode("utf-8"))
+       return svnout
+def parse_svn_log( svnout):
+       """Parse the output of the svn log command"""
+       all_revs = []
+       s = svnout
+       while True:
+               (s,rev) = parse_svn_rev( s)
+               if not rev:
+                       break
+               all_revs.append( rev)
+       return all_revs
+def parse_svn_rev( s):
+       """Parse a revision from a svn log command"""
+       # parse the seperator line
+       sep_re = re.compile( "-----+")
+       sep_line = sep_re.match( s)
+       if not sep_line:
+               print "SVN revision log separator line not found: \"%s\"" % 
+               return (s, None)
+       s = s[ sep_line.end()+1:]
+       if len(s) == 0:
+               return (s, None)
+       # parse the revision line
+       # :r1418023 | jani | 2012-12-06 19:30:45 +0100 (Thu, 06 Dec 2012) | 2 
+       rev_pattern = "r(\d+) \| (\w+) \| .* \| (\d+) lines?\n"
+       rev_re = re.compile( rev_pattern, re.MULTILINE)
+       m_rev = rev_re.match( s)
+       if m_rev == None:
+               print( "SVN revision header line not found: \"%s\" !!!" % 
+               return (s, None)
+       revnum = int(
+       author =
+       linecnt = int(
+       s = s[ m_rev.end()+1:]
+       # parse changed dirs
+       cdirs = []
+       cpath_re = re.compile( "Changed paths?:\n", re.MULTILINE)
+       cpath_match = cpath_re.match( s)
+       if cpath_match:
+               s = s[ cpath_match.end():]
+               dir_re = re.compile( "\s+([MAD])\s+/?(.*?)$", re.MULTILINE)
+               while True:
+                       m_dir = dir_re.match( s)
+                       if m_dir == None:
+                               break
+                       cdirs.append(
+                       s = s[ m_dir.end(2):]
+       # parse commit comment
+       line_re = re.compile( ".*?$", re.MULTILINE)
+       idx = 0
+       while linecnt > 0:
+               linecnt -= 1
+               m_line = line_re.match(s,idx+1)
+               if m_line == None:
+                       break
+               idx = m_line.end()
+       comment = s[:idx]
+       s = s[idx+2:]
+       return (s,Revision( revnum, author, comment, cdirs))
+def revs2info( htmlname, all_revs, svnurl, revmin, revmax):
+       """Create a HTML file with infos about revision range and its 
referenced issues"""
+       # emit html header to the info file
+       htmlfile = open( htmlname, "wb")
+       branchname = svnurl.split("/")[-1]
+       header = "<html><title>Annotated Log for r%d..r%d</title>\n" % (revmin, 
+       header += "<body><h1>Revisions %d..%d from <a 
href=\"%s\">%s</a></h1>\n" % (revmin, revmax, svnurl, branchname)
+       htmlfile.write( header)
+       # split revisions with issue references from other revisions
+       bugid_map = {}
+       other_revs = []
+       for rev in all_revs:
+               if rev.issue:
+                       bugid_map[ rev.issue] = True
+               else:
+                       other_revs.append( rev.revnum)
+       # emit info about issues referenced in revisions
+       if len(bugid_map):
+               htmlfile.write( "<h2>Issues addressed:</h2>\n<table 
+               proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy( bzsoap, verbose=False)
+                soaprc = proxy.Bug.get( {"ids" : bugid_map.keys()})
+               open( bzout_name, "wb").write( str(soaprc))
+               for bug in soaprc["bugs"]:
+                       idnum = int( bug[ "id"])
+                       bug_url = bugref_url + str(idnum)
+                       bug_desc = bug[ "summary"]
+                       bug_type = bug[ "cf_bug_type"]
+                       bug_target = bug[ "target_milestone"]
+                       bug_status = bug[ "resolution"]
+                       priority = int(bug[ "priority"][1:])
+                       if bug_type == "DEFECT":
+                               color = "#800000"
+                               if priority <= 2:
+                                       color = "#F00000"
+                       elif bug_type == "FEATURE":
+                               color = "#008000#"
+                       elif bug_type == "TASK":
+                               color = "#000080#"
+                       line = "<tr>"
+                       line += "<td><a href=\"%s\">#i%d#</a></td>" % (bug_url, 
+                       line += "<td>%s</td>" % (bug_type)
+                       line += "<td>P%d</td>" % (priority)
+                       line += "<td>%s</td>" % (bug_target)
+                       line += "<td>%s</td>" % (bug_status)
+                       line += "<td>"
+                       if color:
+                               line += "<font color=\"%s\">" % (color)
+                       line += "%s" % (bug_desc.encode('utf-8', 
+                       if color:
+                               line += "</font>"
+                       line += "<td>"
+                       line += "</tr>\n"
+                       htmlfile.write( line)
+               htmlfile.write( "</table>\n")
+       # emit info about other revisions
+       if len(other_revs):
+               htmlfile.write( "<h2>Other Commits:</h2>\n<table 
+               for rev in all_revs:
+                       if rev.issue:
+                               continue
+                       line = "<tr>"
+                       revurl = 
""; % (rev.revnum)
+                       line += "<td><a href=\"%s\">r%d</a></td>" % (revurl, 
+                       summary = rev.log.splitlines()[0]
+                       line += "<td>%s</td>" % (summary.encode('utf-8'))
+                       line += "</tr>\n"
+                       htmlfile.write( line)
+               htmlfile.write( "</table>\n")
+       # emit html footer to the info file
+       htmlfile.write( "</body></html>\n")
+       # print summary of the HTML file created
+       print "Processed %d revisions" % (len(all_revs))
+       print "Found %d issues referenced" % (len(bugid_map))
+       print "Wrote HTML file \"%s\"" % (htmlname)
+def main(args):
+       if len(args) != 4:
+               print "Usage: " + args[0] + "branchname minrev maxrev"
+               sys.exit(1)
+       branchname = args[1]
+       revmin = int(args[2])
+       revmax = int(args[3])
+       svnurl = ""; % 
+       svnout = open( svnout_name, "rb").read()
+       revlist = parse_svn_log( svnout)
+       revs2info( infoout_name, revlist, svnurl, revmin, revmax)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[0:])

Propchange: openoffice/devtools/scripts/
    svn:executable = *

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