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dockerzhang pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 98c84917a3 [INLONG-9944][Dashboard] Add Agent and Installer for Agent 
Cluster Node (#9945)
98c84917a3 is described below

commit 98c84917a35a1e78e60d99e5d6c587abb7d01163
Author: haifxu <>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 10 12:01:41 2024 +0800

    [INLONG-9944][Dashboard] Add Agent and Installer for Agent Cluster Node 
 inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/cn.json            |  2 +
 inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/en.json            |  2 +
 .../src/ui/pages/Clusters/NodeEditModal.tsx        | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 80 insertions(+)

diff --git a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/cn.json 
index 69eebbcb5a..614a2e73cd 100644
--- a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/cn.json
+++ b/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/cn.json
@@ -751,6 +751,8 @@
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Name": "节点",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Port": "端口",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.ProtocolType": "协议类型",
+  "pages.Clusters.Node.Agent": "Agent",
+  "pages.Clusters.Node.AgentInstaller": "Installer",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status": "状态",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status.Normal": "正常",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status.Timeout": "心跳超时",
diff --git a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/en.json 
index 06a27fb7e8..87198b1e8d 100644
--- a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/en.json
+++ b/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/locales/en.json
@@ -751,6 +751,8 @@
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Name": "Node",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Port": "Port",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.ProtocolType": "Protocol type",
+  "pages.Clusters.Node.Agent": "Agent",
+  "pages.Clusters.Node.AgentInstaller": "Installer",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status": "Status",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status.Normal": "Normal",
   "pages.Clusters.Node.Status.Timeout": "Timeout",
diff --git a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/pages/Clusters/NodeEditModal.tsx 
index 9ced80eb68..cfdb663439 100644
--- a/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/pages/Clusters/NodeEditModal.tsx
+++ b/inlong-dashboard/src/ui/pages/Clusters/NodeEditModal.tsx
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ const NodeEditModal: React.FC<NodeEditModalProps> = ({ id, 
type, clusterId, ...m
       manual: true,
       onSuccess: result => {
+        if (type === 'AGENT') {
+          // Only keep the first element and give the rest to the 'installer'
+          result.installer = result?.moduleIdList.slice(1);
+          result.moduleIdList = result?.moduleIdList.slice(0, 1);
+        }
@@ -59,6 +64,14 @@ const NodeEditModal: React.FC<NodeEditModalProps> = ({ id, 
type, clusterId, ...m = id;
       submitData.version = savedData?.version;
+    if (type === 'AGENT') {
+      if (submitData.installer !== undefined) {
+        submitData.moduleIdList = 
+      }
+      if (isUpdate === undefined) {
+        submitData.isInstall = true;
+      }
+    }
     await request({
       url: `/cluster/node/${isUpdate ? 'update' : 'save'}`,
       method: 'POST',
@@ -145,6 +158,69 @@ const NodeEditModal: React.FC<NodeEditModalProps> = ({ id, 
type, clusterId, ...m
+      {
+        type: 'select',
+        label: i18n.t('pages.Clusters.Node.Agent'),
+        name: 'moduleIdList',
+        hidden: type !== 'AGENT',
+        props: {
+          options: {
+            requestAuto: true,
+            requestTrigger: ['onOpen'],
+            requestService: keyword => ({
+              url: '/module/list',
+              method: 'POST',
+              data: {
+                keyword,
+                pageNum: 1,
+                pageSize: 9999,
+              },
+            }),
+            requestParams: {
+              formatResult: result =>
+                result?.list
+                  ?.filter(item => item.type === 'AGENT')
+                  .map(item => ({
+                    ...item,
+                    label: `${} ${item.version}`,
+                    value:,
+                  })),
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
+      {
+        type: 'select',
+        label: i18n.t('pages.Clusters.Node.AgentInstaller'),
+        name: 'installer',
+        hidden: type !== 'AGENT',
+        props: {
+          mode: 'multiple',
+          options: {
+            requestAuto: true,
+            requestTrigger: ['onOpen'],
+            requestService: keyword => ({
+              url: '/module/list',
+              method: 'POST',
+              data: {
+                keyword,
+                pageNum: 1,
+                pageSize: 9999,
+              },
+            }),
+            requestParams: {
+              formatResult: result =>
+                result?.list
+                  ?.filter(item => item.type === 'INSTALLER')
+                  .map(item => ({
+                    ...item,
+                    label: `${} ${item.version}`,
+                    value:,
+                  })),
+            },
+          },
+        },
+      },
         type: 'textarea',
         label: i18n.t('pages.Clusters.Description'),

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