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dockerzhang pushed a change to branch master
in repository

    from bdf63d50e1 [INLONG-9269][Manager]  Fix get sort standalone cluster 
config empty (#9270)
     add b88685bb08 [INLONG-9246][Sort] Pulsar source support audit when the 
deserialized type is not InlongMsg (#9255)

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .../sort/protocol/node/extract/     |  9 +++++++--
 .../org/apache/inlong/sort/pulsar/ |  6 ++++++
 .../inlong/sort/pulsar/table/  |  7 +++++++
 .../pulsar/table/    | 15 +++++++++++++--
 .../table/    |  5 +++++
 5 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

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