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dockerzhang pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new c596091a43 [INLONG-9184][SDK] Update in Golang SDK (#9186)
c596091a43 is described below

commit c596091a4333f81ff07828313e6112466ad422d8
Author: gunli <>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 1 11:09:34 2023 +0800

    [INLONG-9184][SDK] Update in Golang SDK (#9186)
    Co-authored-by: gunli <>
 .../dataproxy-sdk-twins/dataproxy-sdk-golang/   | 16 ++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/inlong-sdk/dataproxy-sdk-twins/dataproxy-sdk-golang/ 
index 5ecb81379c..3273b2a464 100755
--- a/inlong-sdk/dataproxy-sdk-twins/dataproxy-sdk-golang/
+++ b/inlong-sdk/dataproxy-sdk-twins/dataproxy-sdk-golang/
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@ type Options struct {
        URL                     string                // the Manager URL for 
discovering the DataProxy cluster
        UpdateInterval          time.Duration         // interval to refresh 
the endpoint list, default: 5m
        ConnTimeout             time.Duration         // connection timeout: 
default: 3000ms
-       WriteBufferSize         int                   // write buffer size in 
bytes, default: 16M
-       ReadBufferSize          int                   // read buffer size in 
bytes, default: 16M
-       SocketSendBufferSize    int                   // socket send buffer 
size in bytes, default: 16M
-       SocketRecvBufferSize    int                   // socket receive buffer 
size in bytes, default: 16M
+       WriteBufferSize         int                   // write buffer size in 
bytes, default: 8M
+       ReadBufferSize          int                   // read buffer size in 
bytes, default: 1M
+       SocketSendBufferSize    int                   // socket send buffer 
size in bytes, default: 8M
+       SocketRecvBufferSize    int                   // socket receive buffer 
size in bytes, default: 1M
        BufferPool              bufferpool.BufferPool // encoding/decoding 
buffer pool, if not given, SDK will init a new one
        BytePool                bufferpool.BytePool   // encoding/decoding byte 
pool, if not given, SDK will init a new one
        BufferPoolSize          int                   // buffer pool size, 
default: 409600
@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ type Options struct {
        WorkerNum               int                   // worker number, 
default: 8
        SendTimeout             time.Duration         // send timeout, default: 
        MaxRetries              int                   // max retry count, 
default: 2
-       BatchingMaxPublishDelay time.Duration         // the time period within 
which the messages sent will be batched, default: 10ms
-       BatchingMaxMessages     int                   // the maximum number of 
messages permitted in a batch, default: 10
-       BatchingMaxSize         int                   // the maximum number of 
bytes permitted in a batch, default: 4K
-       MaxPendingMessages      int                   // the max size of the 
queue holding the messages pending to receive an acknowledgment from the 
broker, default: 409600
+       BatchingMaxPublishDelay time.Duration         // the time period within 
which the messages sent will be batched, default: 20ms
+       BatchingMaxMessages     int                   // the maximum number of 
messages permitted in a batch, default: 50
+       BatchingMaxSize         int                   // the maximum number of 
bytes permitted in a batch, default: 40K
+       MaxPendingMessages      int                   // the max size of the 
queue holding the messages pending to receive an acknowledgment from the 
broker, default: 204800
        BlockIfQueueIsFull      bool                  // whether Send and 
SendAsync block if producer's message queue is full, default: false
        AddColumns              map[string]string     // addition columns to 
add to the message, for example: __addcol1__worldid=xxx&__addcol2__ip=yyy, all 
the message will be added 2 more columns with worldid=xxx and ip=yyy
        addColumnStr            string                // the string format of 
the AddColumns, just a cache, used internal

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