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The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 521909ddf5 [INLONG-886][Doc] Update DataProxy Golang SDK docs (#887)
521909ddf5 is described below

commit 521909ddf50ee136f6a9dc2b6d8003224cb5f08e
Author: gunli <>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 1 09:53:34 2023 +0800

    [INLONG-886][Doc] Update DataProxy Golang SDK docs (#887)
 docs/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/                       |  48 +++---
 .../current/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/                | 169 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/ b/docs/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/
index f984109f90..bfeebc45c6 100755
--- a/docs/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/
+++ b/docs/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/
@@ -123,31 +123,31 @@ Some common errors:
 | Option                      | Default value                | Desc            
                                             | Optional                         
 | --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | 
------------------------------------------------------------ | 
------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| WithGroupID()               | ""                           | Sets the Group 
ID.                                            | No                             
-| WithURL()                   | ""                           | Sets the 
Manager URL.                                | No                                
-| WithUpdateInterval()        | 5m                           | Sets the update 
interval of service discoery.                 | Yes                             
-| WithConnTimeout()           | 3000ms                       | Sets the 
connection timeout.                                  | Yes                      
-| WriteBufferSize             | 16M                          | Sets the write 
buffer size.                                   | Yes                            
-| WithReadBufferSize          | 16M                          | Sets the read 
buffer size.                                    | Yes                           
-| WithSocketSendBufferSize    | 16M                          | Sets the socket 
send buffer size.                             | Yes                             
-| WithSocketRecvBufferSize    | 16M                          | Sets the socket 
receive buffer size.                          | Yes                             
-| WithBufferPool              | nil                          | Sets the buffer 
pool to use.                                  | Yes, if the application has 
one, use the same one is recommended.                                     |
-| WithBytePool                | nil                          | Sets the byte 
pool to use.                                   | Yes, if the application has 
one, use the same one is recommended.                                    |
-| WithBufferPoolSize          | 409600                       | Sets the buffer 
pool size.                                   | Yes                              
-| WithBytePoolSize            | 409600                       | Sets the byte 
pool size.                                     | Yes                            
-| WithBytePoolWidth           | equals to BatchingMaxSize    | Sets the byte 
pool width.                                    | Yes                            
-| WithLogger                  | std.out                      | Sets the debug 
logger.                                       | Yes, but the default one is not 
recommended, as it has no log levels control.                       |
+| WithGroupID()               | ""                           | Sets the Group 
ID.                                           | No                              
+| WithURL()                   | ""                           | Sets the 
Manager URL.                                        | No                        
+| WithUpdateInterval()        | 5m                           | Sets the update 
interval of service discoery.                | Yes                              
+| WithConnTimeout()           | 3000ms                       | Sets the 
connection timeout.                                 | Yes                       
+| WriteBufferSize             | 8M                           | Sets the write 
buffer size.                                  | Yes                             
+| WithReadBufferSize          | 1M                           | Sets the read 
buffer size.                                   | Yes                            
+| WithSocketSendBufferSize    | 8M                           | Sets the socket 
send buffer size.                            | Yes                              
+| WithSocketRecvBufferSize    | 1M                           | Sets the socket 
receive buffer size.                         | Yes                              
+| WithBufferPool              | nil                          | Sets the buffer 
pool to use.                                 | Yes, if the application has one, 
use the same one is recommended. |
+| WithBytePool                | nil                          | Sets the byte 
pool to use.                                   | Yes, if the application has 
one, use the same one is recommended. |
+| WithBufferPoolSize          | 409600                       | Sets the buffer 
pool size.                                   | Yes                              
+| WithBytePoolSize            | 409600                       | Sets the byte 
pool size.                                     | Yes                            
+| WithBytePoolWidth           | equals to BatchingMaxSize    | Sets the byte 
pool width.                                    | Yes                            
+| WithLogger                  | std.out                      | Sets the debug 
logger.                                       | Yes, but the default one is not 
recommended, as it has no log levels control. |
 | WithMetricsName             | "dataproxy-go"               | Sets the 
metrics name of this client.                        | Yes, if there are more 
than one client instance in one application, the metrics names must be 
different. |
-| WithMetricsRegistry         | prometheus.DefaultRegisterer | Sets the 
metrics registry.                                               | Yes           
-| WithWorkerNum               | 8                            | Sets the worker 
number.                                               | Yes                     
-| WithSendTimeout             | 30000ms                      | Sets the send 
timeout.                                                 | Yes                  
-| WithMaxRetries              | 2                            | Sets the max 
retry count.                                             | Yes                  
-| WithBatchingMaxPublishDelay | 10ms                         | Sets how long a 
message to wait for batching.        | Yes                                      
-| WithBatchingMaxMessages     | 10                           | Sets the 
message number of a batch.                         | Yes                        
-| WithBatchingMaxSize         | 4K                           | Sets the batch 
size in Bytes of a batch.                     | Yes                             
-| WithMaxPendingMessages      | 409600                       | Sets the queue 
length of each worker.                        | Yes                             
-| WithBlockIfQueueIsFull      | false                        | Sets if block 
if the queue is full.                          | Yes                            
-| WithAddColumns              | nil                          | Sets the added 
columns to all the messages, DataProxy supports add addtional columns at 
specific positions to all messages,for example:\_\_addcol1\_\_worldid=xxx will 
add a column named 'worldid' at position 1 and its value is 'xxx'. | Yes        
+| WithMetricsRegistry         | prometheus.DefaultRegisterer | Sets the 
metrics registry.                                   | Yes                       
+| WithWorkerNum               | 8                            | Sets the worker 
number.                                      | Yes                              
+| WithSendTimeout             | 30000ms                      | Sets the send 
timeout.                                       | Yes                            
+| WithMaxRetries              | 2                            | Sets the max 
retry count.                                    | Yes                           
+| WithBatchingMaxPublishDelay | 20ms                         | Sets how long a 
message to wait for batching.                | Yes                              
+| WithBatchingMaxMessages     | 50                           | Sets the 
message number of a batch.                          | Yes                       
+| WithBatchingMaxSize         | 40K                          | Sets the batch 
size in Bytes of a batch.                     | Yes                             
+| WithMaxPendingMessages      | 204800                       | Sets the queue 
length of each worker.                        | Yes                             
+| WithBlockIfQueueIsFull      | false                        | Sets if block 
if the queue is full.                          | Yes                            
+| WithAddColumns              | nil                          | Sets the added 
columns to all the messages, DataProxy supports add addtional columns at 
specific positions to all messages,for example:\_\_addcol1\_\_worldid=xxx will 
add a column named 'worldid' at position 1 and its value is 'xxx'. | Yes        
 options refers to 
diff --git 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5423db8965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/sdk/dataproxy-sdk/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+title: Golang SDK
+sidebar_position: 4
+## 新建实时同步任务
+在 Dashboard 或者通过命令行工具创建任务,数据源类型使用 `Auto Push` (自主推送)。
+## 引入 Golang SDK
+需要在项目中导入 SDK 的包,进行 SDK 的使用。导入方式如下:
+## 数据上报流程
+导入 SDK 后,通过实例化一个 
 接口对象后,调用相关的同步( `Send()` )或 异步( `SendAsync()` )接口来完成单条数据的上报任务,SDK 内部会根据 
StreamID 将相同 StreamID 的数据批量上报。发送 Demo 可参考 
+### 初始化 SDK
+client, err := dataproxy.NewClient(
+       dataproxy.WithGroupID("test"),                  
+       dataproxy.WithMetricsName("test"),
+if err != nil {
+       fmt.Println(err)
+       return
+- `dataproxy.WithGroupID("test")` 设置了 GroupID ;
 设置了 Manager 的 URL ;
+- `dataproxy.WithMetricsName("test")` 设置了这个 `Client` 的指标中标签 "name" 的值;
+### 调用发送接口进行数据上报
+SDK 的数据发送接口是协程安全的,支持以同步或者异步模式发送单条数据。Demo 里有同步的方式,也有异步的方式。
+for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
+    err := client.Send(context.Background(), dataproxy.Message{
+               GroupID:  "test",
+               StreamID: "test",
+               Payload:  []byte("test|a|b|c"),
+       })
+    if err !=nil {
+        fmt.Println(err)
+    }
+var success atomic.Uint64
+var failed atomic.Uint64
+for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
+       client.SendAsync(context.Background(),
+               dataproxy.Message{
+                       GroupID:  "test",
+                       StreamID: "test",
+                       Payload:  []byte("test|a|b|c"),
+               },
+               func(msg dataproxy.Message, err error) {
+                       if err != nil {
+                               success.Add(1)
+                       } else {
+                               failed.Add(1)
+                       }
+               })
+// wait async send finish
+time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
+fmt.Println("success:", success.Load())
+fmt.Println("failed:", failed.Load())
+### 关闭 SDK 
+关闭 SDK 只需要简单的调用 `Close()` 方法:
+## 注意事项
+- `GroupID` 和 `URL` 是 SDK 初始化必选的配置,你可以使用 `dataproxy.WithGroupID()` 和 
+  `dataproxy.WithURL()` 来设置这些配置;
+- 当你在一个进程里初始化多个 `Client` 实例时,`MetricsName` 必须配置不同的名称,否则指标查询将会失败,你可以使用 
`dataproxy.WithMetricsName()` 来设置它;
+- SDK 的默认配置已经能够满足运营需求,除非你需要调大或者调小配置,一般不需要更改其他配置,配置的默认值请参考后面的章节;
+- SDK 的同步发送方法 `Send()` 是无并发的,在发送一个消息后,需要等待响应或者等待到超时才会返回,非必要的情况下不建议使用同步方法;
+- SDK 默认会对消息进行2次重传,如果依然失败,需要调用者来决定如何做下一步处理。
+## 错误
+| 错误                                                         | 描述              
+| ------------------------------------------------------------ | 
---------------------------------- |
+| errors.New("URL is not given")                               | Manager URL  
未设置。             |
+| errors.New("group ID is not given")                          | GroupID未设置。   
+| errors.New("invalid URL")                                    | Manager URL 
非法,可能为空。      |
+| errors.New("invalid group ID")                               | GroupID 
非法,可能为空。           |
+| errors.New("service has no endpoints")                       | 服务无端点,服务发现失败  
+| errors.New("no available worker")                            | 没有可用工作者,工作者忙。 
+| errNo{code: 10001, strCode: "10001", message: "message send timeout"} | 
发送超时。                         |
+| errNo{code: 10002, strCode: "10002", message: "message send failed"} | 发送失败。 
+| errNo{code: 10003, strCode: "10003", message: "producer already been 
closed"} | 生产者已关闭。                     |
+| errNo{code: 10004, strCode: "10004", message: "producer send queue is full"} 
| 发送队列满。                       |
+| errNo{code: 10005, strCode: "10005", message: "message context expired"} | 
发送队列满,超时都未等到空闲位置。 |
+| errNo{code: 10010, strCode: "10010", message: "input log is invalid"} | 
输入的数据非法,可能为空。         |
+## 配置项
+| 配置项                      | 默认值                       | 描述                    
                                     | 可选                                       
+| --------------------------- | ---------------------------- | 
------------------------------------------------------------ | 
------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| WithGroupID()               | ""                           | 设置GroupID       
                                           | 否                                  
+| WithURL()                   | ""                           | 设置 Manager 的URL 
                                          | 否                                   
+| WithUpdateInterval()        | 5m                           | 设置服务发现的更新时间     
                                  | 是                                           
+| WithConnTimeout()           | 3000ms                       | 设置连接超时          
                                       | 是                                      
+| WriteBufferSize             | 8M                           | 设置写缓冲区大小        
                                     | 是                                        
+| WithReadBufferSize          | 1M                           | 设置读缓冲区大小        
                                     | 是                                        
+| WithSocketSendBufferSize    | 8M                           | 设置网络发送缓冲区大小     
                                  | 是                                           
+| WithSocketRecvBufferSize    | 1M                           | 设置网络接收缓冲区大小     
                                  | 是                                           
+| WithBufferPool              | nil                          | 设置缓冲池           
                                        | 是,如果应用有,建议共用                          
+| WithBytePool                | nil                          | 设置内存池           
                                        | 是,如果应用有,建议共用                          
+| WithBufferPoolSize          | 409600                       | 设置缓冲池大小         
                                      | 是                                       
+| WithBytePoolSize            | 409600                       | 设置内存池大小         
                                      | 是                                       
+| WithBytePoolWidth           | 同BatchingMaxSize            | 设置内存池宽度          
                                     | 是                                        
+| WithLogger                  | std.out                      | 设置调试日志          
                                       | 是,不建议,默认的日志没有日志级别控制                    
+| WithMetricsName             | "dataproxy-go"               | 设置指标名           
                                        | 是,如果一个应用实例化了多个 client 
,必须配置不一样的指标名,否则指标获取会失败 |
+| WithMetricsRegistry         | prometheus.DefaultRegisterer | 设置指标存储器         
                                      | 是                                       
+| WithWorkerNum               | 8                            | 设置工作者数量         
                                      | 是                                       
+| WithSendTimeout             | 30000ms                      | 设置发送超时          
                                       | 是                                      
+| WithMaxRetries              | 2                            | 设置量大重试次数        
                                     | 是                                        
+| WithBatchingMaxPublishDelay | 20ms                         | 
设置消息发送延迟,超过该时间,不能构成一个批次也会发送       | 是                                           
+| WithBatchingMaxMessages     | 50                           | 
设置批次消息条数,达到条数即批量发送                         | 是                                  
+| WithBatchingMaxSize         | 40K                          | 
设置批次大小,达到该大小即批量发送                           | 是                                 
+| WithMaxPendingMessages      | 204800                       | 设置每个工作者队列大小     
                                  | 是                                           
+| WithBlockIfQueueIsFull      | false                        | 设置队列满是否阻塞       
                                    | 是                                         
+| WithAddColumns              | nil                          | 
设置附加字段,DataProxy 支持在消息指定的位置增加字段,如 \_\_addcol1\_\_worldid=xxx 表示所有的消息的第一列都是 
worldid,值为 xxx 的 | 是                                                           |
+## 指标
+| 指标名                       | 类型      | 标签                              | 描述   
+| ---------------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------- 
| -------------------------------- |
+| data_proxy_error_count       | counter   | name:名称<br />code:错误码      | 
统计发生的错误次数及错误码       |
+| data_proxy_retry_count       | counter   | name:名称<br />worker:工作者 ID | 
统计发生的重试次数及工作者 ID    |
+| data_proxy_timeout_count     | counter   | name:名称<br />worker:工作者 ID | 
统计发生的超时次数及工作者ID     |
+| data_proxy_msg_count         | counter   | name:名称<br />code:错误码      | 
统计处理的消息数量和处理结果     |
+| data_proxy_update_conn_count | counter   | name:名称<br />code:错误码      | 
统计发生的连接更新次数和错误码   |
+| data_proxy_pending_msg_gauge | gauge     | name:名称<br />worker:工作者 ID | 
统计排队中的消息数量及工作者  ID |
+| data_proxy_batch_size        | histogram | name:名称<br />code:错误码      | 
统计每个批次的大小和错误码       |
+| data_proxy_batch_time        | histogram | name:名称<br />code:错误码      | 
统计每个批次的延迟和错误码       |
\ No newline at end of file

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