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yunqing pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 7f16fff6a2 [INLONG-702][Doc] Remove unsupported options in MongoDB CDC 
2.3 (#703)
7f16fff6a2 is described below

commit 7f16fff6a28a1ae9a4d91434930d9c8fbb63190b
Author: emhui <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 6 11:18:21 2023 +0800

    [INLONG-702][Doc] Remove unsupported options in MongoDB CDC 2.3 (#703)
    * [INLONG-702][Doc] Remove unsupported options in MongoDB CDC 2.3
    * [INLONG-702][Doc] Modify the default values of some options
 docs/data_node/extract_node/                     | 10 +++-------
 .../current/data_node/extract_node/              | 10 +++-------
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/data_node/extract_node/ 
index 601ef3f9d4..4eca173ad3 100644
--- a/docs/data_node/extract_node/
+++ b/docs/data_node/extract_node/
@@ -125,14 +125,10 @@ TODO: It will be supported in the future.
 | database                  | required     | (none)           | String   | 
Name of the database to watch for changes.                   |
 | collection                | required     | (none)           | String   | 
Name of the collection in the database to watch for changes. |
 | connection.options        | optional     | (none)           | String   | The 
ampersand-separated [connection 
 of MongoDB. eg. `replicaSet=test&connectTimeoutMS=300000` |
-| errors.tolerance          | optional     | none             | String   | 
Whether to continue processing messages if an error is encountered. Accept 
`none` or `all`. When set to `none`, the connector reports an error and blocks 
further processing of the rest of the records when it encounters an error. When 
set to `all`, the connector silently ignores any bad messages. |
-| errors.log.enable         | optional     | true             | Boolean  | 
Whether details of failed operations should be written to the log file. |
 | copy.existing             | optional     | true             | Boolean  | 
Whether copy existing data from source collections.          |
-| copy.existing.pipeline    | optional     | (none)           | String   | An 
array of JSON objects describing the pipeline operations to run when copying 
existing data. This can improve the use of indexes by the copying manager and 
make copying more efficient. eg. `[{"$match": {"closed": "false"}}]` ensures 
that only documents in which the closed field is set to false are copied. |
-| copy.existing.max.threads | optional     | Processors Count | Integer  | The 
number of threads to use when performing the data copy.  |
-| copy.existing.queue.size  | optional     | 16000            | Integer  | The 
max size of the queue to use when copying data.          |
-| poll.max.batch.size       | optional     | 1000             | Integer  | 
Maximum number of change stream documents to include in a single batch when 
polling for new data. |
-|        | optional     | 1500             | Integer  | The 
amount of time to wait before checking for new results on the change stream. |
+| copy.existing.queue.size  | optional     | 10240            | Integer  | The 
max size of the queue to use when copying data.          |
+| poll.max.batch.size       | optional     | 1024             | Integer  | 
Maximum number of change stream documents to include in a single batch when 
polling for new data. |
+|        | optional     | 1000             | Integer  | The 
amount of time to wait before checking for new results on the change stream. |
 |     | optional     | 0                | Integer  | The 
length of time in milliseconds between sending heartbeat messages. Use 0 to 
disa |
 | inlong.metric.labels | optional | (none) | String | Inlong metric label, 
format of value is groupId=`{groupId}`&streamId=`{streamId}`&nodeId=`{nodeId}`. 
 ## Available Metadata
diff --git 
index ad7f76b0a9..c3b94c189b 100644
@@ -125,14 +125,10 @@ TODO: 未来会支持
 | database                  | 必须         | (none)     | String   | 
要监视更改的数据库的名称。                                   |
 | collection                | 必须         | (none)     | String   | 
数据库中要监视更改的集合的名称。                             |
 | connection.options        | 可选         | (none)     | String   | MongoDB的 & 
-| errors.tolerance          | 可选         | none       | String   | 
-| errors.log.enable         | 可选         | true       | Boolean  | 
是否应将失败操作的详细信息写入日志文件。                     |
 | copy.existing             | 可选         | true       | Boolean  | 
是否从源集合中复制现有数据。                                 |
-| copy.existing.pipeline    | 可选         | (none)     | String   | 一组 JSON 
对象,描述在复制现有数据时要运行的管道操作。这可以提高复制管理器对索引的使用,并使复制更有效。例如。`[{"$match": {"closed": 
"false"}}]`确保仅复制已关闭字段设置为 false 的文档。 |
-| copy.existing.max.threads | 可选         | 处理器数量 | Integer  | 执行数据复制时使用的线程数。   
-| copy.existing.queue.size  | 可选         | 16000      | Integer  | 
执行数据复制时使用的线程数。                                 |
-| poll.max.batch.size       | 可选         | 1000       | Integer  | 
轮询新数据时,单个批次中包含的最大更改流文档数。             |
-|        | 可选         | 1500       | Integer  | 
在更改流上检查新结果之前等待的时间量。                       |
+| copy.existing.queue.size  | 可选         | 10240      | Integer  | 
执行数据复制时使用的线程数。                                 |
+| poll.max.batch.size       | 可选         | 1024       | Integer  | 
轮询新数据时,单个批次中包含的最大更改流文档数。             |
+|        | 可选         | 1000       | Integer  | 
在更改流上检查新结果之前等待的时间量。                       |
 |     | 可选         | 0          | Integer  | 
发送心跳消息之间的时间长度(以毫秒为单位)。使用 0 禁用。    |
 | inlong.metric.labels             | 可选         | (none)     | String   | 
inlong metric 

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