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liuxun pushed a commit to branch main
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The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/main by this push:
     new aa4fc6084 [#6110] doc(authz): Add document for chain authorization 
plugin (#6115)
aa4fc6084 is described below

commit aa4fc6084371e21b6403f2ea30cdc649c26fb160
Author: roryqi <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 10 15:51:10 2025 +0800

    [#6110] doc(authz): Add document for chain authorization plugin (#6115)
    ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
    Add document for chain authorization plugin
    ### Why are the changes needed?
    Fix: #6110
    ### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
    Just document.
    ### How was this patch tested?
    No need.
    Co-authored-by: Xun <>
    Co-authored-by: Qiming Teng <>
 docs/security/ | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/security/ 
index fe42a0955..9c8e97219 100644
--- a/docs/security/
+++ b/docs/security/
@@ -21,12 +21,16 @@ In order to use the Ranger Hadoop SQL Plugin, you need to 
configure the followin
 | `authorization-provider`            | Providers to use to implement 
authorization plugin such as `ranger`.                                          
                                       | (none)        | No       | 
0.6.0-incubating |
 | `authorization.ranger.admin.url`    | The Apache Ranger web URIs.            
                              | (none)        | No       | 0.6.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.ranger.service.type` | The Apache Ranger service type, 
Currently only supports `HadoopSQL` or `HDFS`                                   
                                     | (none)        | No       | 
0.8.0-incubating |
 | `authorization.ranger.auth.type`    | The Apache Ranger authentication type 
`simple` or `kerberos`.                                                         
                               | `simple`      | No       | 0.6.0-incubating |
 | `authorization.ranger.username`     | The Apache Ranger admin web login 
username (auth type=simple), or kerberos principal(auth type=kerberos), Need 
have Ranger administrator permission. | (none)        | No       | 
0.6.0-incubating |
 | `authorization.ranger.password`     | The Apache Ranger admin web login user 
password (auth type=simple), or path of the keytab file(auth type=kerberos)     
                              | (none)        | No       | 0.6.0-incubating |
-| `authorization.ranger.service.type` | The Apache Ranger service type.        
                              | (none)        | No       | 0.8.0-incubating |
 | `` | The Apache Ranger service name.        
                              | (none)        | No       | 0.6.0-incubating |
+The Gravitino Ranger authorization plugin only supports the Apache Ranger 
HadoopSQL Plugin and Apache Ranger HDFS Plugin.
 Once you have used the correct configuration, you can perform authorization 
operations by calling Gravitino [authorization RESTful 
 Gravitino will initially create three roles in Apache Ranger:
@@ -55,4 +59,49 @@
 Gravitino 0.8.0 only supports the authorization Apache Ranger Hive service , 
Apache Iceberg service and Apache Paimon Service. 
 Spark can use Kyuubi authorization plugin to access Gravitino's catalog. But 
the plugin can't support to update or delete data for Paimon catalog.
 More data source authorization is under development.
\ No newline at end of file
+### chain authorization plugin
+Gravitino supports chaining multiple authorization plugins to secure one 
+The authorization plugin chain is defined in the `authorization.chain.plugins` 
property, with the plugin names separated by commas.
+When a user performs an authorization operation on data within a catalog, the 
chained plugin will apply the authorization rules for every plugin defined in 
the chain.
+In order to use the chained authorization plugin, you need to configure the 
following properties:
+| Property Name                                             | Description      
                                                                      | Default 
Value | Required                    | Since Version    |
+| `authorization-provider`                                  | Providers to use 
to implement authorization plugin such as `chain`                     | (none)  
      | No                          | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.plugins`                             | The 
comma-separated list of plugin names, like 
`${plugin-name1},${plugin-name2},...`   | (none)        | Yes if you use chain 
plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.${plugin-name}.ranger.admin.url`     | The Ranger 
authorization plugin properties of the `${plugin-name}`                     | 
(none)        | Yes if you use chain plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.${plugin-name}.ranger.service.type`  | The Ranger 
authorization plugin properties of the `${plugin-name}`                     | 
(none)        | Yes if you use chain plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.${plugin-name}`  | The Ranger 
authorization plugin properties of the `${plugin-name}`                     | 
(none)        | Yes if you use chain plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.${plugin-name}.ranger.username`      | The Ranger 
authorization plugin properties of the `${plugin-name}`                     | 
(none)        | Yes if you use chain plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+| `authorization.chain.${plugin-name}.ranger.password`      | The Ranger 
authorization plugin properties of the `${plugin-name}`                     | 
(none)        | Yes if you use chain plugin | 0.8.0-incubating |
+The Gravitino chain authorization plugin only supports the Apache Ranger 
HadoopSQL Plugin and Apache Ranger HDFS Plugin.
+The properties of every chained authorization plugin should use 
`authorization.chain.${plugin-name}` as the prefix.
+#### Example of using the chain authorization Plugin
+Suppose you have an Apache Hive service in your datacenter and have created a 
`hiveRepo` in Apache Ranger to manage its permissions.
+The Apache Hive service will use HDFS to store its data. You have created a 
`hdfsRepo` in Apache Ranger to manage HDFS's permissions.
\ No newline at end of file

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