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commit 07d654007b74a045ad2efeba59d8f50857afe96c
Author: Justin Mclean <>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 15 08:59:09 2024 +1100

    Improve  english  in releaase blog
 blog/2024-11-14-gravitino-0-7-0-release-notes.mdx | 96 +++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blog/2024-11-14-gravitino-0-7-0-release-notes.mdx 
index fb834788..f0c0ea33 100644
--- a/blog/2024-11-14-gravitino-0-7-0-release-notes.mdx
+++ b/blog/2024-11-14-gravitino-0-7-0-release-notes.mdx
@@ -5,49 +5,48 @@ authors: [jerryshao]
 tags: [apache,gravitino,metadata,multicloud]
-Gravitino 0.7.0 is the second major release after entering the ASF. In this 
release, the community
-mainly focuses on strengthening cloud support, to make Gravitino work better 
in the cloud environment.
+Apache Gravitino 0.7.0 is the second major release after entering the ASF. In 
this release, the community
+mainly focused on strengthening cloud support to make Gravitino work better in 
cloud environments.
-This release blog will briefly introduce the new features related to cloud 
support, as well as other
+This release blog will briefly introduce the new features related to cloud 
support and other
 significant features and improvements. Please keep reading to learn more about 
what the community has worked on.
 ## Cloud storage support for Gravitino
-As more and more users run their data stacks on the cloud and use cloud object 
storage, cloud
-storage support becomes an imperative requirement. In this release, the 
community mainly focuses on
-adding cloud storage support for Gravitino and makes sure Gravitino itself and 
its connectors/sources
+As more and more users run their data stacks in the cloud and use cloud object 
storage, cloud
+storage support has become an imperative requirement. In this release, the 
community has mainly focused on
+adding cloud storage support for Gravitino to make sure Gravitino itself and 
its connectors/sources
 can work smoothly with cloud storage.
 In this release:
-* Gravitino Iceberg REST catalog server now supports different cloud storages, 
including AWS S3,
+* Gravitino Iceberg REST catalog server now supports different cloud storage 
services, including AWS S3,
   Google GCS, Aliyun OSS. Users can simply configure it to make it work.
 * Gravitino Fileset catalog now supports managing files (objects) stored in 
S3, GCS, and OSS.
   Gravitino provides both server-side pluggable framework and client-side Java 
/ Python GVFS
   (Gravitino Virtual File System) SDK. Users can easily use their existing 
tools with the
-  Gravitino provided bundled packages to access the data in the cloud storage. 
-  Gravitino also provides a pluggable framework for users to implement their 
own storage support.
+  Gravitino provided bundled packages to access the data in the cloud. Also,
+  Gravitino provides a pluggable framework for users to implement their own 
storage support.
 * Gravitino’s Hive, Paimon, and Iceberg catalogs also adds and verifies the 
support with
-  different cloud storage in this release.
-* Gravitino’s Spark, Trino connector also verifies to work with cloud storage.
+  different cloud storage.
+* Gravitino’s Spark and Trino connectors also verifies cloud storage support.
-Overall, with 0.7.0 release Gravitino could generally support working with 
different cloud storages.
-You can check our issue 
[#4396]( to know more. Also,
-we’re continuing to add more cloud storage support in the following releases, 
please stay tuned.
+Overall, with the 0.7.0 release, Gravitino generally supports working with 
different cloud storage services.
+To know more, you can check our issue 
[#4396]( Also,
+we’re continuing to add more cloud storage support in future releases. Please 
stay tuned.
 ## Credential vending support in Gravitino
-Besides the cloud storage support, credential vending support is also 
important for Gravitino,
-especially to work with cloud storage. The traditional way of using AKSK is 
not convenient and safe,
-with credential vending technology, Gravitino server will help users to get 
the temporary tokens for
-authentication, which will significantly simplify the client side 
configurations and centralized the
+Besides cloud storage support, credential vending support is also vital for 
+especially to work with cloud storage. The traditional way of using AKSK is 
not convenient or safe.
+With credential vending technology, the Gravitino server will help users get 
temporary tokens for
+authentication, significantly simplifying the client-side configurations and 
centralizing authentications.
-In Gravitino 0.7.0, we introduce a framework to support Credential vending, 
also add S3 and GCS
-token support. Besides, we integrated this framework in Gravitino Iceberg REST 
catalog service. So
-users can smoothly access the Iceberg table on S3 and GCS with authentication.
+Gravitino 0.7.0 introduces a framework to support Credential vending and also 
adds S3 and GCS
+token support. This framework is integrated into Gravitino's Iceberg REST 
catalog service. So
+users can smoothly access Iceberg tables on S3 and GCS with authentication.
-But, this is just the first step of credential vending, we will add more 
integrations with Gravitino,
+This is just the first step of credential vending, and we will add more 
integrations with Gravitino,
 like fileset support, connector support, etc, in the next release.
 For the details of credential vending, please check the issue 
@@ -55,21 +54,19 @@ and the [design 
 ## Unified access control improvements
-In Gravitino 0.6.0, we introduced the alpha version of unified access control 
with Apache Ranger
+Gravitino 0.6.0 introduced the alpha version of unified access control with 
Apache Ranger
-but this feature still needs to improve a lot. In the version 0.7.0, we add 
lots of improvements
-and fix bunches of bugs to make this access control end to end workable. Now, 
with the release of
-0.7.0, the Gravitino unified access control can work well with Spark and 
Ranger to secure the table
-from end to end. To see what we have fixed, please check out our issue 
-You can also try our 
[playground]( to experience the
+but this feature still needs improvement. In version 0.7.0, we added many 
improvements and bug fixes to make this end-to-end access control workable. 
Now, with the release of
+0.7.0, the Gravitino unified access control works well with Spark and Ranger 
to secure end-to-end table access. To see what we have fixed, please check out 
our issue [#4615](
+You can also try our 
[playground]( to try out the
 unified access control feature.
 ## Centralized audit log support
-Thanks to the community, Gravitino now supports centralized audit log. With 
this feature enabled,
-users can get the audit log in the centralized place, no matter they’re 
accessing tables or filesets from various sources.
+Thanks to the community, Gravitino now supports centralized audit logs. With 
this feature enabled,
+users can get the audit information in a centralized place, whether they’re 
accessing tables or filesets from various sources.
-Gravitino’s audit log framework also supports to plugin different formatter 
and writer, so users
+Gravitino’s audit log framework also supports different plugin formatters and 
writers, and users
 can implement their own log format and output destinations.
 Please see the issues [#4887](
@@ -78,26 +75,26 @@ centralized audit log.
 ## New data sources support
-As a unified data catalog, the community always pursue the target of adding 
more data sources. In
-this version, Gravitino adds two new data sources, one is [Apache 
-another is [OceanBase]( You can now 
use Gravitino to
+As a unified data catalog, the community always aims to add more data sources. 
+this version, Gravitino adds two new data sources. One is [Apache 
+the other is [OceanBase]( You can now 
use Gravitino to
 manipulate Hudi and Oceanbase metadata in a unified manner.
 ## Various core features
-Apart from the features listed above, this version also improves a lot in its 
core, here lists several important features:
+Apart from the features listed above, this version also improves a lot at its 
core, here are several important features:
 * Add PostgreSQL support for storage backend 
   Gravitino already supports using MySQL, H2 as its backend metadata storage. 
In 0.7.0, the
   community adds the PostgreSQL support to enlarge its adoption.
 * Unify the catalog and metalake drop behavior 
-  In the previous version, we didn’t enforce the behavior of catalog and 
metadata drop operation.
-  In this version, we redefine its behavior and make it much safer to use.
-* Manage the column in Gravitino 
-  In 0.7.0, we introduce the column entity in Gravitino, and can be managed by 
Gravitino versionly.
-  With this feature introduced, Gravitino now can support tagging on columns, 
and in future it
-  can support column level operations.
-* Add event listener for Iceberg REST catalog server 
+  In the previous version, we didn’t enforce the behavior of catalog and 
metadata drop operations.
+  In this version, we redefine its behavior and make it much safer.
+* Manage columns in Gravitino 
+  In 0.7.0, we introduce the column entity in Gravitino, which Gravitino can 
+  With this feature introduced, Gravitino can now support tagging on columns, 
and in future, it
+  will support column-level operations.
+* Add an event listener for Iceberg REST catalog server 
   and support pre-event for event listener 
 ## Other notable enhancements
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ Apart from the features listed above, this version also 
improves a lot in its co
 ### Iceberg REST catalog server
 * Add credential vending for Iceberg REST server. 
-* Add event listener for Iceberg REST server 
+* Add an event listener for Iceberg REST server 
 * Support pre-event for event listener 
 ### Catalog related
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ Apart from the features listed above, this version also 
improves a lot in its co
 * Add OSS support for fileset catalog 
 * Add GCS support for fileset catalog 
 * Add S3 support for fileset catalog 
-* Add pluggable storage support fro fileset catalog 
+* Add pluggable storage support for fileset catalog 
 * Add S3 support for Paimon catalog 
 * Add catalog support for Hudi 
 * Add catalog support for 
@@ -140,16 +137,15 @@ Apart from the features listed above, this version also 
improves a lot in its co
 * Add UI support for operating fileset 
 * Add UI support for operating schema 
-All the resolved issues targeting to the 0.7.0 release can be seen at
+All the resolved issues targeting the 0.7.0 release can be seen at
 ## Overall
-Apache Gravitino 0.7.0 is the second ASF release, this version add bunch of 
new features, we would
-like to show appreciation to the Gravitino community for their continued 
support and valuable
-contributions. Thanks to the feedback of our users, we are able to continue to 
innovate and build,
+Apache Gravitino 0.7.0 is the second ASF release. This version adds a bunch of 
new features. We thank the Gravitino community for their continued support and 
+contributions. Thanks to our users' feedback, we can continue to innovate and 
 so thanks to all those reading this!
-To explore Gravitino 0.7.0 release, please check [the 
+To further explore the Gravitino 0.7.0 release, please check [the 
 Your feedback is invaluable to the community and the project.
 ## Credits

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