commit d5e6c24f77ac1154d7c486381fc10f51c2d9e087
Author: Aaron LI <>
Date:   Sun Apr 12 20:56:39 2020 +0800

    ifconfig(8): Render non-ASCII SSID names with UTF-8 locales
    Currently ifconfig(8) only prints the hex representation of ssid names
    with non-ASCII characters.  Many modern terminals are able to properly
    render non-ASCII characters.  This change checks if the terminal charmap
    is UTF-8, and if so, will render the characters, rather than the hex
    This behavior is circumvented by running ifconfig(8) in a non-UTF8
    locale; e.g. C or POSIX.
    Obtained from FreeBSD:

Summary of changes:
 sbin/ifconfig/ifieee80211.c | 15 +++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

DragonFly BSD source repository

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