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morningman pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new e7f9819168 [chore](tools) Fix NoSuchMethodError while loading data by 
http requests (#17075)
e7f9819168 is described below

commit e7f981916843c1a193ea06dafa7452fdfc5dabfc
Author: Adonis Ling <>
AuthorDate: Sat Feb 25 12:28:35 2023 +0800

    [chore](tools) Fix NoSuchMethodError while loading data by http requests 
    When we used the tool multi-fe to start multiple FEs cluster and loaded 
data by stream load way,
    the request failed. See the following log.
    The issue was caused by the netty libraries.
    There are multiple netty libraries in classpath and the FE used the newer 
version netty library which made these errors.
 tools/single-node-cluster/multi-fe | 6 ++++--
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/single-node-cluster/multi-fe 
index 81821a7c1a..c48ccf1734 100755
--- a/tools/single-node-cluster/multi-fe
+++ b/tools/single-node-cluster/multi-fe
@@ -198,8 +198,10 @@ function start_fe() {
        prepare "${port}" "${doris_home}" "${log_dir}"
-       local classpath
-       read -r -a classpath <<<"$(find "${libs_path}" -exec echo {} \+)"
+       declare -a classpath=("${libs_path}")
+       for lib in "${libs_path}"/*.jar; do
+               classpath+=("${lib}")
+       done
        if [[ "${id}" -gt 1 ]]; then
                helper="-helper$((PORT + 1))"

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