This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

airborne pushed a commit to branch branch-2.1
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/branch-2.1 by this push:
     new 08e7d920dbc branch-2.1: [fix](index build) Correct inverted index 
behavior after dynamically adding a column #48389 (#48546)
08e7d920dbc is described below

commit 08e7d920dbc640f7ff2083ea16057aea7b176a7f
Author: github-actions[bot] 
AuthorDate: Wed Mar 5 09:26:54 2025 +0800

    branch-2.1: [fix](index build) Correct inverted index behavior after 
dynamically adding a column #48389 (#48546)
    Cherry-picked from #48389
    Co-authored-by: airborne12 <>
 be/src/olap/task/index_builder.cpp                 |   11 +-
 be/src/olap/task/index_builder.h                   |   18 +-
 be/test/olap/index_builder_test.cpp                | 2401 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../test_index_change_on_new_column.out            |  Bin 245 -> 611 bytes
 .../test_index_change_on_new_column.groovy         |   90 +-
 5 files changed, 2505 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.cpp 
index 94feffcc059..a4646a90d04 100644
--- a/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.cpp
+++ b/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.cpp
@@ -389,14 +389,13 @@ Status 
IndexBuilder::handle_single_rowset(RowsetMetaSharedPtr output_rowset_meta
+            // DO NOT forget inverted_index_file_writer for the segment, 
otherwise, original inverted index will be deleted.
+            _inverted_index_file_writers.emplace(seg_ptr->id(),
             if (return_columns.empty()) {
                 // no columns to read
-                break;
+                continue;
-            _inverted_index_file_writers.emplace(seg_ptr->id(),
             // create iterator for each segment
             StorageReadOptions read_options;
             OlapReaderStatistics stats;
@@ -749,10 +748,12 @@ Status IndexBuilder::modify_rowsets(const 
Merger::Statistics* stats) {
_input_rowsets, true));
+#ifndef BE_TEST
         std::shared_lock rlock(_tablet->get_header_lock());
     return Status::OK();
diff --git a/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.h b/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.h
index 70fdd6cba2f..2e7924b119e 100644
--- a/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.h
+++ b/be/src/olap/task/index_builder.h
@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ public:
     IndexBuilder(const TabletSharedPtr& tablet, const std::vector<TColumn>& 
                  const std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex>& 
                  bool is_drop_op = false);
-    ~IndexBuilder();
+    virtual ~IndexBuilder();
-    Status init();
-    Status do_build_inverted_index();
-    Status update_inverted_index_info();
-    Status handle_inverted_index_data();
-    Status handle_single_rowset(RowsetMetaSharedPtr output_rowset_meta,
-                                std::vector<segment_v2::SegmentSharedPtr>& 
-    Status modify_rowsets(const Merger::Statistics* stats = nullptr);
-    void gc_output_rowset();
+    virtual Status init();
+    virtual Status do_build_inverted_index();
+    virtual Status update_inverted_index_info();
+    virtual Status handle_inverted_index_data();
+    virtual Status handle_single_rowset(RowsetMetaSharedPtr output_rowset_meta,
std::vector<segment_v2::SegmentSharedPtr>& segments);
+    virtual Status modify_rowsets(const Merger::Statistics* stats = nullptr);
+    virtual void gc_output_rowset();
     Status _write_inverted_index_data(TabletSchemaSPtr tablet_schema, int32_t 
diff --git a/be/test/olap/index_builder_test.cpp 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d29f09a25c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/be/test/olap/index_builder_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "olap/task/index_builder.h"
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "olap/olap_common.h"
+#include "olap/rowset/beta_rowset.h"
+#include "olap/rowset/rowset_factory.h"
+#include "olap/rowset/rowset_writer_context.h"
+#include "olap/storage_engine.h"
+#include "olap/tablet_fwd.h"
+#include "olap/tablet_schema.h"
+namespace doris {
+using namespace testing;
+class IndexBuilderTest : public ::testing::Test {
+    void SetUp() override {
+        char buffer[MAX_PATH_LEN];
+        ASSERT_NE(getcwd(buffer, MAX_PATH_LEN), nullptr);
+        _current_dir = std::string(buffer);
+        _absolute_dir = _current_dir + "/" + std::string(dest_dir);
+        std::vector<StorePath> paths;
+        paths.emplace_back(config::storage_root_path, -1);
+        // tmp dir
+        paths.emplace_back(std::string(tmp_dir), 1024000000);
+        auto tmp_file_dirs = std::make_unique<segment_v2::TmpFileDirs>(paths);
+        EXPECT_TRUE(tmp_file_dirs->init().ok());
+        ExecEnv::GetInstance()->set_tmp_file_dir(std::move(tmp_file_dirs));
+        doris::EngineOptions options;
+        options.store_paths = paths;
+        _engine = std::make_unique<StorageEngine>(options);
+        _data_dir = std::make_unique<DataDir>(_absolute_dir);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_data_dir->update_capacity().ok());
+        ExecEnv::GetInstance()->set_storage_engine(_engine.get());
+        _tablet_meta = create_tablet_meta();
+        // Create tablet meta
+        // auto* tablet_schema = _tablet_meta->mutable_tablet_schema();
+        _tablet_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+        create_tablet_schema(_tablet_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS);
+        // Initialize tablet
+        _tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, _tablet_meta, 
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->init().ok());
+    }
+    void TearDown() override {
+        ExecEnv::GetInstance()->set_storage_engine(nullptr);
+        _tablet.reset();
+    }
+    void create_tablet_schema(TabletSchemaSPtr tablet_schema, KeysType 
+                              int num_value_col = 1) {
+        // Set basic properties of TabletSchema directly
+        tablet_schema->_keys_type = keystype;
+        tablet_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format = 
+        // Create the first key column
+        TabletColumn column_1;
+        column_1.set_type(FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
+        column_1.set_unique_id(1);
+        column_1.set_name("k1");
+        column_1.set_is_key(true);
+        tablet_schema->append_column(column_1);
+        // Create the second key column
+        TabletColumn column_2;
+        column_2.set_type(FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT);
+        column_2.set_unique_id(2);
+        column_2.set_name("k2");
+        column_2.set_is_key(false);
+        tablet_schema->append_column(column_2);
+    }
+    TabletMetaSharedPtr create_tablet_meta() {
+        TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
+        tablet_meta_pb.set_table_id(1);
+        tablet_meta_pb.set_tablet_id(15673);
+        tablet_meta_pb.set_schema_hash(567997577);
+        tablet_meta_pb.set_shard_id(0);
+        tablet_meta_pb.set_creation_time(1575351212);
+        TabletMetaSharedPtr tablet_meta(new TabletMeta());
+        tablet_meta->init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb);
+        return tablet_meta;
+    }
+    // Helper to create rowset meta
+    void init_rs_meta(RowsetMetaSharedPtr& rs_meta, TabletSchemaSPtr 
tablet_schema, int64_t start,
+                      int64_t end) {
+        RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta_pb;
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_rowset_id(540081);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_tablet_id(15673);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_tablet_schema_hash(567997577);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_rowset_type(RowsetTypePB::BETA_ROWSET);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_rowset_state(RowsetStatePB::VISIBLE);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_start_version(start);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_end_version(end);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_num_rows(3929);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_total_disk_size(84699);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_data_disk_size(84464);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_index_disk_size(235);
+        rowset_meta_pb.set_num_segments(2);
+        rs_meta->init_from_pb(rowset_meta_pb);
+        rs_meta->set_tablet_schema(tablet_schema);
+    }
+    std::unique_ptr<StorageEngine> _engine;
+    TabletSharedPtr _tablet;
+    TabletMetaSharedPtr _tablet_meta;
+    TabletSchemaSPtr _tablet_schema;
+    std::vector<TColumn> _columns;
+    std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex> _alter_indexes;
+    std::unique_ptr<DataDir> _data_dir = nullptr;
+    std::string _current_dir;
+    std::string _absolute_dir;
+    constexpr static uint32_t MAX_PATH_LEN = 1024;
+    constexpr static std::string_view dest_dir = "./ut_dir/index_builder_test";
+    constexpr static std::string_view tmp_dir = "./ut_dir/index_builder_test";
+    std::string local_segment_path(const std::string& tablet_path, const 
std::string& rowset_id,
+                                   int segment_id) {
+        return tablet_path + "/" + rowset_id + "_" + 
+    }
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, BasicBuildTest) {
+    // 1. Prepare test data
+    TOlapTableIndex index;
+    index.index_id = 1;
+    index.columns.emplace_back("col1");
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index);
+    // 2. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 3. Verify initialization
+    auto status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok());
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, DropIndexTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15676);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    _tablet_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15676);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15676;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 4. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 5. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Verify index exists before dropping
+    EXPECT_TRUE(_tablet_schema->has_inverted_index());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(_tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(1, ""));
+    // 7. Prepare index for dropping
+    TOlapTableIndex drop_index;
+    drop_index.index_id = 1;
+    drop_index.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(drop_index);
+    // 8. Create IndexBuilder with drop operation
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, true);
+    // 9. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 10. Execute drop operation
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 11. Verify the index has been removed
+    // check old tablet path and new tablet path
+    bool exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(exists);
+    // Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> files;
+    bool dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->list(tablet_path, true, &files, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find("15676_0.idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find("15676_0.dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+        if 
(filename.find("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0.idx") !=
+            std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if 
(filename.find("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0.dat") !=
+            std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    // The index should have been removed
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .idx file 
before drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .dat file 
before drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 0) << "Tablet path should have no .idx file 
after drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .dat file 
after drop";
+    //auto tablet_schema = _tablet->tablet_schema();
+    //EXPECT_FALSE(tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(1));
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, BuildIndexAfterWritingDataTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14673);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15673);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15673;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15673);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns according to the schema
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 5. Prepare index for building
+    TOlapTableIndex index1;
+    index1.index_id = 1;
+    index1.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    index1.index_name = "k1_index";
+    index1.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index1);
+    TOlapTableIndex index2;
+    index2.index_id = 2;
+    index2.columns.emplace_back("k2");
+    index2.index_name = "k2_index";
+    index2.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index2);
+    // 6. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 7. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 2);
+    // 8. Build index
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // check old tablet path and new tablet path
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15673);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14673);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int idx_file_count = 0;
+    int dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(idx_file_count, 0) << "Old directory should contain exactly 0 
.idx file";
+    EXPECT_EQ(dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 
.dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 9. Verify the result (indexes should be built successfully)
+    //auto tablet_schema = _tablet->tablet_schema();
+    //EXPECT_TRUE(tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(1));
+    //EXPECT_TRUE(tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(2));
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, AddIndexWhenOneExistsTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14675);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    _tablet_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 3. Create rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15675);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15675;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15675);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 4. Create rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 5. Write data to rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add block to rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add rowset to tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Prepare new index information (only add for k2 column)
+    TOlapTableIndex new_index;
+    new_index.index_id = 2; // New index ID is 2
+    new_index.columns.emplace_back("k2");
+    new_index.index_name = "k2_index";
+    new_index.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(new_index);
+    // 7. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 8. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1); // Only one new index needs 
to be built
+    // 9. Build index
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // check old tablet path and new tablet path
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15675);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14675);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int idx_file_count = 0;
+    int dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(idx_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 
.idx file";
+    EXPECT_EQ(dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 
.dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 10. Verify results (both indexes should exist)
+    // Verify initial index (k1) still exists
+    //EXPECT_TRUE(_tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(1));
+    // Verify newly added index (k2) is successfully built
+    //EXPECT_TRUE(_tablet_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(2));
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, AddIndexWhenOneExistsTestV1) {
+    // 1. Create new schema using V1 format
+    auto v1_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(v1_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS);
+    // 2. Modify to V1 format
+    v1_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format = 
+    // 3. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    v1_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 4. Update schema in tablet
+    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
+    _tablet_meta->to_meta_pb(&tablet_meta_pb);
+    TabletSchemaPB v1_schema_pb;
+    v1_schema->to_schema_pb(&v1_schema_pb);
+    tablet_meta_pb.mutable_schema()->CopyFrom(v1_schema_pb);
+    _tablet_meta->init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb);
+    // Reinitialize tablet to use new schema
+    _tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, _tablet_meta, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->init().ok());
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14674);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 5. Prepare data
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 6. Create rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15674);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15674;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15674);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = v1_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 7. Create rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 8. Write data to rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = v1_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add block to rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add rowset to tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 9. Clear existing index list, prepare new index
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    // 10. Prepare new index information (only add for k2 column)
+    TOlapTableIndex new_index;
+    new_index.index_id = 2; // New index ID is 2
+    new_index.columns.emplace_back("k2");
+    new_index.index_name = "k2_index";
+    new_index.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(new_index);
+    // 11. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 12. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1); // Only one new index needs 
to be built
+    // 13. Build index
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // check old tablet path and new tablet path
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15674);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14674);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int idx_file_count = 0;
+    int dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(idx_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 
.idx file";
+    EXPECT_EQ(dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 
.dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 2) << "New directory should contain exactly 
2 .idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 14. Verify results (both indexes should exist)
+    // Verify initial index (k1) still exists
+    //EXPECT_TRUE(v1_schema->has_inverted_index_with_index_id(1));
+    // Verify newly added index (k2) is successfully built
+    // 15. Confirm storage format is still V1
+    //EXPECT_EQ(v1_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format, 
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, MultiSegmentBuildIndexTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14677);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int rows_per_segment = 500;
+    const int num_segments = 3;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context with segment size set to trigger 
multiple segments
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15677);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15677;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15677);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // Set small segment size to ensure we create multiple segments
+    writer_context.max_rows_per_segment = rows_per_segment;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write data to the rowset in multiple batches to ensure we get 
multiple segments
+    for (int segment = 0; segment < num_segments; segment++) {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < rows_per_segment; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int) - make values different across segments
+            int32_t k1 = (segment * rows_per_segment + i) * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = (segment * rows_per_segment + i) % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush to ensure we create a new segment
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+    }
+    // 5. Build the rowset
+    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+    // Verify we have the expected number of segments
+    ASSERT_EQ(rowset->num_segments(), num_segments)
+            << "Rowset should have " << num_segments << " segments but has "
+            << rowset->num_segments();
+    // 6. Add the rowset to the tablet
+    ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    // 7. Prepare indexes for building
+    TOlapTableIndex index1;
+    index1.index_id = 1;
+    index1.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    index1.index_name = "k1_index";
+    index1.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index1);
+    TOlapTableIndex index2;
+    index2.index_id = 2;
+    index2.columns.emplace_back("k2");
+    index2.index_name = "k2_index";
+    index2.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index2);
+    // 8. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 9. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 2);
+    // 10. Build indexes
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 11. Check paths and files
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15677);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14677);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // 12. Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 0) << "Old directory should contain exactly 
0 .idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, num_segments)
+            << "Old directory should contain exactly " << num_segments << " 
.dat files";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, num_segments)
+            << "New directory should contain exactly " << num_segments << " 
.idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, num_segments)
+            << "New directory should contain exactly " << num_segments << " 
.dat files";
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, NonExistentColumnIndexTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14678);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15678);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15678;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15678);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 5. Prepare indexes for building - including one for a non-existent 
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    // Index for non-existent column "k3"
+    TOlapTableIndex index2;
+    index2.index_id = 2;
+    index2.columns.emplace_back("k3"); // This column doesn't exist in the 
+    index2.index_name = "k3_index";
+    index2.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index2);
+    // 6. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 7. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    // The init should succeed, as we'll skip non-existent columns later
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 8. Build indexes - should only build for existing columns
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 9. Check paths and files
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15678);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14678);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // 10. Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 0) << "Old directory should contain exactly 
0 .idx files";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Should only have index for k1, not for non-existent k3
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 0)
+            << "New directory should contain exactly 0 .idx file for the 
existing column";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 11. Verify logs in the output to confirm k3 index was skipped
+    // This would require examining the log output which isn't easily done in 
unit tests,
+    // but the file count verification above should be sufficient to confirm 
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, AddNonExistentColumnIndexWhenOneExistsTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14679);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    _tablet_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15679);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15679;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15679);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 4. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 5. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Prepare indexes for building - valid k2 and non-existent k3
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    // Index for non-existent column "k3"
+    TOlapTableIndex index2;
+    index2.index_id = 3;
+    index2.columns.emplace_back("k3"); // This column doesn't exist in the 
+    index2.index_name = "k3_index";
+    index2.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index2);
+    // 7. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 8. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1); // Only k1 is considered 
for building
+    // 9. Build indexes - should only build for existing columns
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 10. Check paths and files
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15679);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14679);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // 11. Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 1)
+            << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 .idx file for the 
original k1 index";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Should have 2 index files: original k1 index and new k2 index (k3 
should be skipped)
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 1)
+            << "New directory should contain exactly 1 .idx files (for k1 and 
k2, not k3)";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 12. Verify the tablet schema - would need to examine tablet_schema here
+    // k1 and k2 indexes should exist, k3 index should not
+    // Note: In production code, additional verification of schema would be 
done here
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, AddNonExistentColumnIndexWhenOneExistsTestV1) {
+    // 1. Create new schema using V1 format
+    auto v1_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(v1_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS);
+    // 2. Modify to V1 format
+    v1_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format = 
+    // 3. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    v1_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 4. Update schema in tablet
+    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
+    _tablet_meta->to_meta_pb(&tablet_meta_pb);
+    TabletSchemaPB v1_schema_pb;
+    v1_schema->to_schema_pb(&v1_schema_pb);
+    tablet_meta_pb.mutable_schema()->CopyFrom(v1_schema_pb);
+    _tablet_meta->init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb);
+    // 5. Reinitialize tablet to use new schema
+    _tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, _tablet_meta, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->init().ok());
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14680);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 6. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 7. Create rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15680);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15680;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15680);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = v1_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 8. Create rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 9. Write data to rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = v1_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add block to rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add rowset to tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 10. Prepare indexes for building - valid k2 and non-existent k3
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    // Index for non-existent column "k3"
+    TOlapTableIndex index2;
+    index2.index_id = 3;
+    index2.columns.emplace_back("k3"); // This column doesn't exist in the 
+    index2.index_name = "k3_index";
+    index2.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index2);
+    // Add column information for the non-existent column
+    _columns.clear(); // Clear previous column info
+    TColumn non_existent_column;
+    non_existent_column.column_name = "k3";
+    non_existent_column.column_type.type = TPrimitiveType::INT;
+    _columns.push_back(non_existent_column);
+    // 11. Create IndexBuilder
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 12. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 13. Build indexes - should only build for existing columns
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 14. Check paths and files
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15680);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14680);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // 15. Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : old_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 1)
+            << "Old directory should contain exactly 1 .idx file for the 
original k1 index";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, 1) << "Old directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find(".dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    // Should have 2 index files: original k1 index and new k2 index (k3 
should be skipped)
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 1)
+            << "New directory should contain exactly 1 .idx files (for k1 and 
k2, not k3)";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "New directory should contain exactly 
1 .dat file";
+    // 16. Confirm storage format is still V1
+    EXPECT_EQ(v1_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format, 
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, NonNullIndexDataTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14681);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15681);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15681;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15681);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer with non-null values
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write non-null data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns with no null values
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 5. Prepare indexes for building - only use non-nullable fields
+    TOlapTableIndex index1;
+    index1.index_id = 1;
+    index1.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    index1.index_name = "k1_index";
+    index1.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index1);
+    // 6. Force columns to be treated as non-null by modifying schema
+    TabletSchemaSPtr non_null_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(non_null_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS);
+    // Set the second column to be non-nullable explicitly
+    TabletColumn& k2_column = non_null_schema->mutable_column(1);
+    k2_column.set_is_nullable(false);
+    // 7. Create IndexBuilder with the modified schema
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 8. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 9. Build index - should trigger _add_data rather than _add_nullable
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 10. Verify results
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15681);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14681);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+    // 11. Check files in old and new directories
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> old_files;
+    bool old_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(old_tablet_path, true, &old_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_dir_exists);
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> new_files;
+    bool new_dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()
+                        ->list(new_tablet_path, true, &new_files, 
+                        .ok());
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_dir_exists);
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : new_files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find(".idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 1) << "Should have created 1 index file";
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, NonExistentColumnUniqueIdTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14682);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15682);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15682;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15682);
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 5. First add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    _tablet_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 6. Prepare indexes for building - specifying column by unique_id that 
doesn't exist
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    // Use drop operation to test column_unique_ids path
+    TOlapTableIndex drop_index;
+    drop_index.index_id = 1;
+    drop_index.columns.emplace_back("non_existent_column");
+    drop_index.column_unique_ids.push_back(999); // This unique ID doesn't 
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(drop_index);
+    // 7. Create IndexBuilder with drop operation
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, true);
+    // 8. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 9. Execute drop operation - should handle non-existent column gracefully
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 10. Verify paths exists - operations should complete without errors
+    auto old_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15682);
+    auto new_tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14682);
+    bool old_exists = false;
+    bool new_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(old_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(old_exists);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(new_tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(new_exists);
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, DropIndexV1FormatTest) {
+    // 1. Create new schema using V1 format
+    auto v1_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(v1_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS);
+    // 2. Modify to V1 format
+    v1_schema->_inverted_index_storage_format = 
+    // 3. Add an initial index to the schema (for k1 column)
+    TabletIndex initial_index;
+    initial_index._index_id = 1;
+    initial_index._index_name = "k1_index";
+    initial_index._index_type = IndexType::INVERTED;
+    initial_index._col_unique_ids.push_back(1); // unique_id for k1
+    v1_schema->append_index(std::move(initial_index));
+    // 4. Update schema in tablet
+    TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
+    _tablet_meta->to_meta_pb(&tablet_meta_pb);
+    TabletSchemaPB v1_schema_pb;
+    v1_schema->to_schema_pb(&v1_schema_pb);
+    tablet_meta_pb.mutable_schema()->CopyFrom(v1_schema_pb);
+    _tablet_meta->init_from_pb(tablet_meta_pb);
+    // 5. Reinitialize tablet to use new schema
+    _tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, _tablet_meta, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->init().ok());
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15683);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 6. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 7. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15683);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15683;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = v1_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 8. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 9. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = v1_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 10. Prepare to drop the k1 index
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    TOlapTableIndex drop_index;
+    drop_index.index_id = 1;
+    drop_index.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    drop_index.index_name = "k1_index";
+    drop_index.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(drop_index);
+    // 11. Create IndexBuilder with drop operation
+    IndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, true);
+    // 12. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 13. Execute drop operation
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 14. Verify paths exists
+    bool exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(exists);
+    // 15. Verify the index has been removed
+    std::vector<io::FileInfo> files;
+    bool dir_exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->list(tablet_path, true, &files, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(dir_exists);
+    // Verify no index files in the new directory
+    int new_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int new_dat_file_count = 0;
+    int old_idx_file_count = 0;
+    int old_dat_file_count = 0;
+    for (const auto& file : files) {
+        std::string filename = file.file_name;
+        if (filename.find("15683_0_1.idx") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if (filename.find("15683_0.dat") != std::string::npos) {
+            old_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+        if 
(filename.find("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0_1.idx") !=
+            std::string::npos) {
+            new_idx_file_count++;
+        }
+        if 
(filename.find("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0.dat") !=
+            std::string::npos) {
+            new_dat_file_count++;
+        }
+    }
+    // The index should have been removed
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_idx_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .idx file 
before drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(old_dat_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .dat file 
before drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_idx_file_count, 0) << "Tablet path should have no .idx file 
after drop";
+    EXPECT_EQ(new_dat_file_count, 1) << "Tablet path should have 1 .dat file 
after drop";
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, ResourceCleanupTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(15684);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int num_rows = 1000;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15684);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15684;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 3. Create a rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 4. Write data to the rowset
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 5. Prepare indexes for building
+    TOlapTableIndex index1;
+    index1.index_id = 1;
+    index1.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    index1.index_name = "k1_index";
+    index1.index_type = TIndexType::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(index1);
+    // Create a custom IndexBuilder with a spy function to test resource 
+    class TestIndexBuilder : public IndexBuilder {
+    public:
+        TestIndexBuilder(TabletSharedPtr tablet, const std::vector<TColumn>& 
+                         const std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex>& 
+                         bool is_drop_op)
+                : IndexBuilder(tablet, columns, alter_inverted_indexes, 
is_drop_op) {}
+        ~TestIndexBuilder() override = default;
+        // Override update_inverted_index_info to inject failure
+        Status update_inverted_index_info() override {
+            RETURN_IF_ERROR(IndexBuilder::update_inverted_index_info());
+            // Create a fake error to trigger cleanup
+            return Status::Error<ErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR>("Simulated error 
for testing cleanup");
+        }
+    };
+    // 6. Create our test builder
+    TestIndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    // 7. Initialize and verify
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_EQ(builder._alter_index_ids.size(), 1);
+    // 8. Build index - should fail with our simulated error
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "Expected failure, but got success";
+    EXPECT_TRUE(<ErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR>()) << "Expected internal 
+    EXPECT_EQ(status.to_string(), "[INTERNAL_ERROR]Simulated error for testing 
+            << "Error message doesn't match expected";
+    // Verify the paths haven't been modified since the operation failed
+    bool exists = false;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(tablet_path, 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(exists);
+    auto rowset_id = 
+    EXPECT_TRUE(_engine->check_rowset_id_in_unused_rowsets(rowset_id))
+            << "Rowset id should be in unused rowsets";
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, ArrayTypeIndexTest) {
+    // 1. Prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14685);
+    // 2. Create tablet schema with array type
+    auto tablet_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    TabletColumn column_1(FieldAggregationMethod::OLAP_FIELD_AGGREGATION_NONE,
+                          FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_INT, true);
+    column_1.set_unique_id(1);
+    column_1.set_is_key(true);
+    column_1.set_name("k1");
+    tablet_schema->append_column(column_1);
+    // Array type column
+    TabletColumn column_2;
+    column_2.set_unique_id(2);
+    column_2.set_is_key(false);
+    column_2.set_name("array_col");
+    column_2.set_type(FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_ARRAY);
+    column_2.set_is_nullable(false);
+    // Add a primitive type for array items
+    TabletColumn 
+                                   FieldType::OLAP_FIELD_TYPE_VARCHAR, true);
+    array_item_column.set_is_key(false);
+    array_item_column.set_length(64);
+    column_2.add_sub_column(array_item_column);
+    tablet_schema->append_column(column_2);
+    // 3. Create tablet
+    auto tablet_meta = create_tablet_meta();
+    auto tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, tablet_meta, 
+    tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->init().ok());
+    // 4. Add inverted index for array column
+    _columns.clear();
+    TColumn tc1;
+    tc1.column_name = "array_col";
+    _columns.push_back(tc1);
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    TOlapTableIndex tt_index;
+    tt_index.index_id = 1;
+    tt_index.index_name = "array_index";
+    tt_index.columns.emplace_back("array_col");
+    tt_index.column_unique_ids.push_back(2);
+    tt_index.index_type = TIndexType::type::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(tt_index);
+    // 5. Create a rowset writer
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(14685);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 14685;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // 6. Create rowset writer
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 7. Create data block and write data
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Prepare columns for k1 and array_col
+        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // array_col column
+            // Create array data with 1-5 elements
+            int array_size = i % 5 + 1;
+            // For array type, we need to create a complex nested column 
+            auto& array_col = 
+            vectorized::Array arr;
+            // Add string elements to the array
+            for (int j = 0; j < array_size; j++) {
+                std::string val = "item_" + std::to_string(i) + "_" + 
+                arr.push_back(vectorized::Field(val));
+            }
+            array_col.insert(arr);
+        }
+        // Add block to rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+    }
+    // 8. Build rowset
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+    ASSERT_TRUE(rowset != nullptr);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    // 9. Initialize and build inverted index
+    IndexBuilder builder(tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 10. Verify that the index has been created
+    std::string segment_path = local_segment_path(
+            tablet->tablet_path(),
+            0);
+    if (tablet_schema->get_inverted_index_storage_format() == 
InvertedIndexStorageFormatPB::V1) {
+        // V1 format
+        auto index_path = InvertedIndexDescriptor::inverted_index_file_path(
+                tablet->tablet_path(),
extract_rowset_id("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0.dat"), 0, 
+                "");
+        bool exists = false;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(index_path, 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Index file not found: " << index_path;
+    } else {
+        // V2+ format
+        auto index_path = 
+        bool exists = false;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(index_path, 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Index file not found: " << index_path;
+    }
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, UniqueKeysTableIndexTest) {
+    // 0. prepare tablet path
+    auto tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14688);
+    _tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    _tablet->_tablet_meta->_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    _tablet->_tablet_meta->_schema->_keys_type = KeysType::UNIQUE_KEYS;
+    _tablet->_tablet_meta->_enable_unique_key_merge_on_write = true;
+    // 1. Prepare data for writing
+    RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+    const int rows_per_segment = 500;
+    // 2. Create a rowset writer context with segment size set to trigger 
multiple segments
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id.init(15677);
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 15677;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 567997577;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.rowset_state = VISIBLE;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = _tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    // Set small segment size to ensure we create multiple segments
+    writer_context.max_rows_per_segment = rows_per_segment;
+    std::unique_ptr<RowsetWriter> rowset_writer;
+    auto status = RowsetFactory::create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false, 
+    ASSERT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(_tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Create test class that overrides methods to simulate unique key 
table behavior
+    class TestIndexBuilder : public IndexBuilder {
+    public:
+        TestIndexBuilder(TabletSharedPtr tablet, const std::vector<TColumn>& 
+                         const std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex>& 
+                         bool is_drop_op)
+                : IndexBuilder(tablet, columns, alter_inverted_indexes, 
is_drop_op) {}
+        ~TestIndexBuilder() override = default;
+        // Override to make sure modify_rowsets with UNIQUE_KEYS path is called
+        Status modify_rowsets(const Merger::Statistics* stats = nullptr) 
override {
+            // Call parent method which should use the UNIQUE_KEYS path
+            return IndexBuilder::modify_rowsets(stats);
+        }
+    };
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    TOlapTableIndex tt_index;
+    tt_index.index_id = 1;
+    tt_index.index_name = "k1_index";
+    tt_index.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    tt_index.column_unique_ids.push_back(1);
+    tt_index.index_type = TIndexType::type::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(tt_index);
+    // 7. Initialize and build inverted index
+    TestIndexBuilder builder(_tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false);
+    status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 8. Execute build index, which should go through UNIQUE_KEYS path in 
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // 9. Verify that the index was created successfully
+    std::string segment_path = local_segment_path(
+            _tablet->tablet_path(),
+            0);
+    if (_tablet_schema->get_inverted_index_storage_format() == 
InvertedIndexStorageFormatPB::V1) {
+        auto index_path = InvertedIndexDescriptor::inverted_index_file_path(
+                _tablet->tablet_path(),
extract_rowset_id("020000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000_0.dat"), 0, 
+                "");
+        bool exists = false;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(index_path, 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Index file not found: " << index_path;
+    } else {
+        auto index_path = 
+        bool exists = false;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(io::global_local_filesystem()->exists(index_path, 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(exists) << "Index file not found: " << index_path;
+    }
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, HandleSingleRowsetErrorTest) {
+    // 1. Create a test class that overrides handle_single_rowset to simulate 
error scenarios
+    class TestIndexBuilder : public IndexBuilder {
+    public:
+        TestIndexBuilder(TabletSharedPtr tablet, const std::vector<TColumn>& 
+                         const std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex>& 
+                         bool is_drop_op, bool simulate_non_local_rowset_error 
= false)
+                : IndexBuilder(tablet, columns, alter_inverted_indexes, 
_simulate_non_local_rowset_error(simulate_non_local_rowset_error) {}
+        ~TestIndexBuilder() override = default;
+        // Override to simulate error conditions
+        Status handle_single_rowset(RowsetMetaSharedPtr output_rowset_meta,
+                                    std::vector<segment_v2::SegmentSharedPtr>& 
segments) override {
+            if (_simulate_non_local_rowset_error) {
+                // Simulate the condition where is_local_rowset is false
+                return Status::InternalError("should be local rowset. 
tablet_id={} rowset_id={}",
+                                             123, "test_rowset_id");
+            }
+            // Call parent method for normal processing
+            return IndexBuilder::handle_single_rowset(output_rowset_meta, 
+        }
+    private:
+        bool _simulate_non_local_rowset_error;
+    };
+    // 2. Prepare tablet path
+    std::string tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14687);
+    // 3. Set up tablet schema and tablet
+    TabletSchemaSPtr tablet_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(tablet_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS, 2);
+    auto tablet_meta = create_tablet_meta();
+    tablet_meta->_schema = tablet_schema;
+    auto tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, tablet_meta, 
+    tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->init().ok());
+    // 4. Create inverted index definition
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    TOlapTableIndex tt_index;
+    tt_index.index_id = 1;
+    tt_index.index_name = "k1_index";
+    tt_index.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    tt_index.column_unique_ids.push_back(1);
+    tt_index.index_type = TIndexType::type::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(tt_index);
+    // 5. Create a rowset
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id = _engine->next_rowset_id();
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 14687;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 1111;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.segments_overlap = NONOVERLAPPING;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    auto result = tablet->create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()) << result.error();
+    auto rowset_writer = std::move(result).value();
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = _tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Test error scenario with non-local rowset
+    TestIndexBuilder builder(tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false, true);
+    auto status = builder.init();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+    // Execute build_index, which should fail due to simulated error
+    status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+    EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "Expected failure but got success";
+            << "Expected internal error but got: " << status.to_string();
+    EXPECT_TRUE(status.to_string().find("should be local rowset") != 
+            << "Error message doesn't match expected: " << status.to_string();
+TEST_F(IndexBuilderTest, UpdateInvertedIndexInfoErrorTest) {
+    // 1. Create a test class that overrides update_inverted_index_info to 
simulate error scenarios
+    class TestIndexBuilder : public IndexBuilder {
+    public:
+        TestIndexBuilder(TabletSharedPtr tablet, const std::vector<TColumn>& 
+                         const std::vector<doris::TOlapTableIndex>& 
+                         bool is_drop_op, int error_type = 0)
+                : IndexBuilder(tablet, columns, alter_inverted_indexes, 
+                  _error_type(error_type) {}
+        ~TestIndexBuilder() override = default;
+        // Override update_inverted_index_info to inject errors
+        Status update_inverted_index_info() override {
+            if (_error_type == 1) {
+                // Simulate non-local rowset error in 
+                return Status::InternalError("should be local rowset. 
tablet_id={} rowset_id={}",
+                                             123, "test_rowset_id");
+            } else if (_error_type == 2) {
+                // Simulate size retrieval error
+                return Status::Error<ErrorCode::INIT_FAILED>("debug point: get 
fs failed");
+            }
+            // Call parent method for normal processing
+            return IndexBuilder::update_inverted_index_info();
+        }
+    private:
+        int _error_type; // 0: no error, 1: non-local rowset error, 2: size 
retrieval error
+    };
+    // 2. Prepare tablet path
+    std::string tablet_path = _absolute_dir + "/" + std::to_string(14688);
+    // 3. Set up tablet schema and tablet
+    TabletSchemaSPtr tablet_schema = std::make_shared<TabletSchema>();
+    create_tablet_schema(tablet_schema, KeysType::DUP_KEYS, 2);
+    auto tablet_meta = create_tablet_meta();
+    tablet_meta->_schema = tablet_schema;
+    auto tablet = std::make_shared<Tablet>(*_engine, tablet_meta, 
+    tablet->_tablet_path = tablet_path;
+    ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->init().ok());
+    // 4. Create inverted index definition
+    _alter_indexes.clear();
+    TOlapTableIndex tt_index;
+    tt_index.index_id = 1;
+    tt_index.index_name = "k1_index";
+    tt_index.columns.emplace_back("k1");
+    tt_index.column_unique_ids.push_back(1);
+    tt_index.index_type = TIndexType::type::INVERTED;
+    _alter_indexes.push_back(tt_index);
+    // 5. Create a rowset
+    RowsetWriterContext writer_context;
+    writer_context.rowset_id = _engine->next_rowset_id();
+    writer_context.tablet_id = 14688;
+    writer_context.rowset_dir = tablet_path;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema_hash = 1111;
+    writer_context.partition_id = 10;
+    writer_context.rowset_type = BETA_ROWSET;
+    writer_context.segments_overlap = NONOVERLAPPING;
+    writer_context.tablet_schema = tablet_schema;
+    writer_context.version.first = 10;
+    writer_context.version.second = 10;
+    auto result = tablet->create_rowset_writer(writer_context, false);
+    EXPECT_TRUE(result.has_value()) << result.error();
+    auto rowset_writer = std::move(result).value();
+    // Write data
+    {
+        vectorized::Block block = tablet_schema->create_block();
+        auto columns = block.mutate_columns();
+        // Add data for k1 and k2 columns
+        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
+            // k1 column (int)
+            int32_t k1 = i * 10;
+            columns[0]->insert_data((const char*)&k1, sizeof(k1));
+            // k2 column (int)
+            int32_t k2 = i % 100;
+            columns[1]->insert_data((const char*)&k2, sizeof(k2));
+        }
+        // Add the block to the rowset
+        Status s = rowset_writer->add_block(&block);
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Flush the writer
+        s = rowset_writer->flush();
+        ASSERT_TRUE(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
+        // Build the rowset
+        RowsetSharedPtr rowset;
+        ASSERT_TRUE(rowset_writer->build(rowset).ok());
+        // Add the rowset to the tablet
+        ASSERT_TRUE(tablet->add_rowset(rowset).ok());
+    }
+    // 6. Test error scenarios
+    // 6.1 Test non-local rowset error
+    {
+        TestIndexBuilder builder(tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false, 1);
+        auto status = builder.init();
+        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+        // Execute build_index, which should fail due to simulated error
+        status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+        EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "Expected failure but got success";
+        EXPECT_TRUE(<ErrorCode::INTERNAL_ERROR>())
+                << "Expected internal error but got: " << status.to_string();
+        EXPECT_TRUE(status.to_string().find("should be local rowset") != 
+                << "Error message doesn't match expected: " << 
+    }
+    // 6.2 Test size retrieval error
+    {
+        TestIndexBuilder builder(tablet, _columns, _alter_indexes, false, 2);
+        auto status = builder.init();
+        EXPECT_TRUE(status.ok()) << status.to_string();
+        // Execute build_index, which should fail due to simulated error
+        status = builder.do_build_inverted_index();
+        EXPECT_FALSE(status.ok()) << "Expected failure but got success";
+        EXPECT_TRUE(<ErrorCode::INIT_FAILED>())
+                << "Expected INIT_FAILED but got: " << status.to_string();
+        EXPECT_TRUE(status.to_string().find("debug point: get fs failed") != 
+                << "Error message doesn't match expected: " << 
+    }
+} // namespace doris
diff --git 
index 78a797ead64..d538508a204 100644
Binary files 
diff --git 
index eba77b8396c..45cd76debaa 100644
@@ -99,5 +99,93 @@ suite("test_index_change_on_new_column") {
     assertEquals(show_result[0][2], "idx_s1")
     qt_select2 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName} order by id; """
-    qt_select3 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName} where s1 match 'welcome'; """
+    qt_select3 """ SELECT 
/*+SET_VAR(enable_fallback_on_missing_inverted_index=false) */ * FROM 
${tableName} where s1 match 'welcome'; """
+    tableName = "test_index_change_on_new_column1"
+    sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName} """
+    sql """
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tableName} (
+            `id` INT COMMENT "",
+            `s` STRING COMMENT "",
+            INDEX idx_s(s) USING INVERTED
+        )
+        PROPERTIES ( "replication_num" = "1" );
+        """
+    sql """ INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES
+         (1, 'hello world')
+        """
+    // add new column
+    sql """ alter table ${tableName} add column s1 varchar(50) default null 
after s; """
+    qt_select1 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName}; """
+    // create inverted index on new column
+    sql """ alter table ${tableName} add index idx_s1(s1) USING INVERTED 
PROPERTIES('parser' = 'english')"""
+    wait_for_latest_op_on_table_finish(tableName, timeout)
+    sql """ INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES
+            (2, 'hello wold', 'welcome to the world')
+        """
+    // build inverted index on new column
+    if (!isCloudMode()) {
+        sql """ build index idx_s1 on ${tableName} """
+        wait_for_build_index_on_partition_finish(tableName, timeout)
+    }
+    show_result = sql "show index from ${tableName}"
+"show index from " + tableName + " result: " + show_result)
+    assertEquals(show_result.size(), 2)
+    assertEquals(show_result[0][2], "idx_s")
+    assertEquals(show_result[1][2], "idx_s1")
+    qt_select2 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName} order by id; """
+    qt_select3 """ SELECT 
/*+SET_VAR(enable_fallback_on_missing_inverted_index=false) */ * FROM 
${tableName} where s1 match 'welcome'; """
+    qt_select4 """ SELECT 
/*+SET_VAR(enable_fallback_on_missing_inverted_index=false) */ * FROM 
${tableName} where s match 'hello world'; """
+    tableName = "test_index_change_on_new_column1_index_v1"
+    sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tableName} """
+    sql """
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tableName} (
+            `id` INT COMMENT "",
+            `s` STRING COMMENT "",
+            INDEX idx_s(s) USING INVERTED
+        )
+        PROPERTIES ( "inverted_index_storage_format" = "v1", "replication_num" 
= "1" );
+        """
+    sql """ INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES
+         (1, 'hello world')
+        """
+    // add new column
+    sql """ alter table ${tableName} add column s1 varchar(50) default null 
after s; """
+    qt_select1 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName}; """
+    // create inverted index on new column
+    sql """ alter table ${tableName} add index idx_s1(s1) USING INVERTED 
PROPERTIES('parser' = 'english')"""
+    wait_for_latest_op_on_table_finish(tableName, timeout)
+    sql """ INSERT INTO ${tableName} VALUES
+            (2, 'hello wold', 'welcome to the world')
+        """
+    // build inverted index on new column
+    if (!isCloudMode()) {
+        sql """ build index idx_s1 on ${tableName} """
+        wait_for_build_index_on_partition_finish(tableName, timeout)
+    }
+    show_result = sql "show index from ${tableName}"
+"show index from " + tableName + " result: " + show_result)
+    assertEquals(show_result.size(), 2)
+    assertEquals(show_result[0][2], "idx_s")
+    assertEquals(show_result[1][2], "idx_s1")
+    qt_select2 """ SELECT * FROM ${tableName} order by id; """
+    qt_select3 """ SELECT 
/*+SET_VAR(enable_fallback_on_missing_inverted_index=false) */ * FROM 
${tableName} where s1 match 'welcome'; """
+    qt_select4 """ SELECT 
/*+SET_VAR(enable_fallback_on_missing_inverted_index=false) */ * FROM 
${tableName} where s match 'hello world'; """

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