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yiguolei pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 3b3debf5a4 [build] Fix nested resource path error when as maven 
project from eclipse (#10427)
3b3debf5a4 is described below

commit 3b3debf5a4ae6a49836f84d8e921f385f949c288
Author: Compilation Success <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 1 18:03:54 2022 +0800

    [build] Fix nested resource path error when as maven project from eclipse 
    1. Fix nested resource path error when as maven project from eclipse
    2. Add instructions of "Eclipse import FE as maven project" in developer 
 .../en/developer/developer-guide/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../developer/developer-guide/    | 69 +++++++++++++++++++++-
 fe/fe-core/pom.xml                                 |  8 +++
 3 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/en/developer/developer-guide/ 
index 1445ec24b3..dbbb130a80 100644
--- a/docs/en/developer/developer-guide/
+++ b/docs/en/developer/developer-guide/
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ under the License.
 The FE module requires part of the generated code, such as Thrift, Protobuf, 
Jflex, CUP and other frameworks. 
+#### Windows
 1. Under Linux, enter the source code directory `fe` and execute the following 
@@ -53,8 +55,43 @@ The FE module requires part of the generated code, such as 
Thrift, Protobuf, Jfl
     cd /path/to/doris/fe/fe-core/target/ && tar xzf java.tar.gz
+#### MacOS
+We can use maven to do code generation or in other words build FE project
+directly on MacOS.
+1. Install apache thrift from source code or `brew` if you don't have one
+2. Create a directory `thirdparty/installed/bin`, and link command thrift into
+        it.
+       ```
+       mkdir -p thirdparty/installed/bin
+       ln -s ${thrift_installed_full_path} thirdparty/installed/bin/thrift
+       ```
+3. Call `maven` to build FE project, if something went wrong, check you
+        `$JAVA_HOME`, java version and newly installed command `thrift` work
+        correctly.
+       ```
+       cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64
+       ```
+Option `-Dos.arch=x86_64` in step 3 is for compatibility of Apple's M series
+0. cup and jfex use java jar to do code generation, the process is platform
+        independent.
+1. Code generation of protobuf is done by `protoc-jar-maven-plugin`, which 
+        precompiled binaries of different archs to make it seems platform 
+2. thrift is the only one relies on `thirdparty/installed`, which needs to be
+        built from source. We will make it independent on 
+        someday (TODO).
 ## Import FE project
+### Import as eclipse project
 1. In the `fe/` directory of the development environment, execute the 
following command to generate the Eclipse project file:
     `cd /path/to/doris/fe/ && mvn -npr eclipse:eclipse -Dskip.plugin=true`
@@ -74,6 +111,18 @@ At this point, FE project import is complete. The project 
directory in Eclipse i
+### Import as maven project
+We are able to build FE with maven, if we have done all the operations related
+to MacOS. And we are now of course able to import FE project as a maven project
+in eclipse.
+In eclipse menu `File` select `Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects`,
+Choose doris fe directory to finish import. It's recommended to use working set
+to manage the all modules of FE.
+Enjoy developing and debugging FE in eclipse!
 ## Run Unit Test
 Right-click on the unit test file you want to run and select `Run As -> JUnit 
Test`. (If you want to debug, select `Debug As -> JUnit Test`).
@@ -128,6 +177,7 @@ To run a UT, a FE service will be started at first. And 
then, UT cases execute a
 ## Code Update
+### Imported as eclipse project
 1. Update lexical and grammar files or proto and thrift files
     If you modified `fe/src/main/cup/sql_parser.cup` or 
`fe/src/main/jflex/sql_scanner.flex` file or proto and thrift files. You need 
to execute the following commands in the `fe/` directory:
@@ -146,6 +196,17 @@ To run a UT, a FE service will be started at first. And 
then, UT cases execute a
     Then refresh the project in Eclipse. If it cannot be updated, it is 
recommended to delete the project and import it again according to this 
+### Imported as maven project
+1. Update lexical and grammar files or proto and thrift files
+       ```
+       cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64
+       ```
+2. Update maven dependencies, in eclipse `Package Explorer` right click on the
+        project `maven -> update project...`
+3. Refresh project in eclipse
 ## Imports Order
 In order to maintain the Imports order of Java, please perform the following 
operations to set the Imports Order of the project.
diff --git a/docs/zh-CN/developer/developer-guide/ 
index 099a2ab970..dc2b155982 100644
--- a/docs/zh-CN/developer/developer-guide/
+++ b/docs/zh-CN/developer/developer-guide/
@@ -36,11 +36,14 @@ under the License.
 FE 模块需要部分生成代码,如 Thrift、Protobuf, jflex, cup 等框架的生成代码。这部分需要在 Linux 或者 Mac环境生成。
+#### windows下开发获取生成代码步骤
 1. 在 Linux 下, 进入 `fe 目录下执行以下命令:
    mvn  generate-sources
 2. 如果使用window开发 需要将生成的 `fe/fe-core/target/generated-sources` 目录打包:
     `fe/fe-core/target/ && tar czf java.tar.gz generated-sources/`
@@ -52,12 +55,47 @@ FE 模块需要部分生成代码,如 Thrift、Protobuf, jflex, cup 等框架
     cd /path/to/doris/fe/fe-core/target/ && tar xzf java.tar.gz
+#### mac下开发获取生成代码步骤
+mac下可以直接使用maven构建的步骤生成代码, 或者说可以直接编译. 
+1. 安装thrift的解释器(0.13.0), 如果没有的话到官网下载源码进行编译安装或者直接时
+        使用`brew` 安装一个.
+2. 创建一个文件夹`thirdparty/installed/bin`, 然后将thrift 命令建立一个软链到这个
+        路径下(当然你可以copy二进制).
+       ```
+       mkdir -p thirdparty/installed/bin
+       ln -s ${thrift_installed_full_path} thirdparty/installed/bin/thrift
+       ```
+3. 调用maven直接进行构建, 如果出现一些错误请检查`$JAVA_HOME`路径以及java版本以及
+        thrift是否能正常正确运行.
+       ```
+       cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64
+       ```
+上述第3步中`-Dos.arch=x86_64` 是为了兼容苹果的m系列处理器(`os.arch=aarch64`),
+protobuf会使用x86_64架构的protoc二进制进行代码生成, 如果是使用m系列处理器的mac,
+0. cup和jfex均使用java的jar包程序进行编译, 代码生成的流程可以平台无关
+1. protobuf文件使用了现成的开源插件`protoc-jar-maven-plugin`进行跨平台的生成,
+        本质上是下载已经编译好的对应平台二进制, 进行protobuf代码生成.
+2. thrift是目前(2022-06-26-Sun) FE在maven构建上唯一一个依赖
+        `thirdparty/installed`的工具. 目前还没有使用类似protobuf的生成插件替换(TODO).
 ## 导入 FE 工程
+### 使用eclipse工程导入
 1. 在开发环境的 `fe/` 目录下,执行以下命令生成 Eclipse 工程文件:
     `cd /path/to/doris/fe/ && mvn -npr eclipse:eclipse -Dskip.plugin=true`
     执行完成后,会在 `fe/` 目录下生成 `.project` 和 `.classpath` 文件
 2. 导入 FE 工程
@@ -69,10 +107,22 @@ FE 模块需要部分生成代码,如 Thrift、Protobuf, jflex, cup 等框架
     * 在 `Java Build Path` 对话框中,选择 `Source` 标签页,点击 `Add Folder`,勾选添加之前拷贝并解压的 
`java/` 目录。
     * 点击 `Apply and Close` 完成。
 至此,FE 导入完成。Eclipse 中的工程目录大致如下:
+### 使用maven工程导入
+经过前边mac相关的操作之后, 我们应该能够直接本地maven构建了. 能够maven构建的项目
+是可以使用eclipse m2e 插件直接导入的.
+在eclipse File 菜单中依次选择`Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects`
+然后选择doris fe文件夹即可完成导入. 导入时建议选择working set管理FE的多个module.
+至此, 我们已经可以使用eclipse进行FE的开发调试.
 ## 运行单元测试
 在想要运行的单元测试文件上右击,选择 `Run As -> JUnit Test`。(如果要单步调试,则选择 `Debug As -> JUnit 
@@ -99,7 +149,7 @@ java.lang.Exception: Method xxxx should have no parameters
 之后在运行 `Run/Debug` 即可。
 ## 运行 FE
@@ -127,6 +177,8 @@ FE的单元测试会首先启动一个FE服务,然后由测试用例作为客
 ## 代码更新
+### eclipse工程
 1. 更新词法、语法文件或者thrift 和proto 文件
     如果修改了 `fe/fe-core/src/main/cup/sql_parser.cup` 或者 
`fe/fe-core/src/main/jflex/sql_scanner.flex`文件或者proto 和thrift 文件。则需在 `fe` 
@@ -145,6 +197,17 @@ FE的单元测试会首先启动一个FE服务,然后由测试用例作为客
     之后在 Eclipse 中刷新工程即可。如无法更新,建议删除工程,并按照该文档重新导入一遍即可。
+### maven工程
+1. 更新词法、语法文件或者thrift 和proto 文件 在fe目录下命令行执行一次
+       ```
+       cd fe && mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dos.arch=x86_64
+       ```
+2. 更新maven依赖, 直接在eclipse里`Package Explorer` 右键选中maven项目
+        `maven -> update project...`
+3. 在eclipse中刷新工程.
 ## Import 顺序
 为了保持 Java 的 Import 顺序,请执行如下操作设定项目的 Import Order
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/pom.xml b/fe/fe-core/pom.xml
index 0fd782241f..ccbc7e9c9e 100644
--- a/fe/fe-core/pom.xml
+++ b/fe/fe-core/pom.xml
@@ -652,6 +652,14 @@ under the License.
+        <resources>
+            <resource>
+                <directory>target/generated-sources</directory>
+                <excludes>
+                    <exclude>cup</exclude>
+                </excludes>
+            </resource>
+        </resources>

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