morningman commented on code in PR #48041:

@@ -358,7 +358,45 @@ private boolean created() {
         // 3. check audit table
         optionalStatsTbl = db.getTable(AuditLoader.AUDIT_LOG_TABLE);
-        return optionalStatsTbl.isPresent();
-    }
+        if (!optionalStatsTbl.isPresent()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        // 4. check and update audit table schema
+        OlapTable auditTable = (OlapTable) optionalStatsTbl.get();
+        List<ColumnDef> expectedSchema = InternalSchema.AUDIT_SCHEMA;
+        // 5. check if we need to add new columns
+        List<AlterClause> alterClauses = Lists.newArrayList();
+        for (ColumnDef def : expectedSchema) {
+            if (auditTable.getColumn(def.getName()) == null) {
+                // add column if it doesn't exist
+                try {
+                    ColumnDef columnDef = new ColumnDef(def.getName(),
+                            def.getTypeDef(), def.isAllowNull());
+                    ModifyColumnClause clause = new 
ModifyColumnClause(columnDef, null, null,

Review Comment:
   1. We should add new column to exact place, not just append to the end.
   2. Better find a way to cover this logic by unit test

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