This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

yiguolei pushed a commit to branch branch-2.1
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/branch-2.1 by this push:
     new 896fd7d6bc7 branch-2.1: [Opt](test) export/outfile case supports 
multi-kerberos env #47189 (#47239)
896fd7d6bc7 is described below

commit 896fd7d6bc73c2b7a7601c36bf50d65dc8388639
Author: github-actions[bot] 
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 23 15:19:44 2025 +0800

    branch-2.1: [Opt](test) export/outfile case supports multi-kerberos env 
#47189 (#47239)
    Cherry-picked from #47189
    Co-authored-by: zgxme <>
 regression-test/conf/regression-conf.groovy        |   1 +
 .../export_p2/test_export_max_file_size.groovy     | 269 +++++++++++----------
 .../test_outfile_orc_max_file_size.groovy          | 218 +++++++++--------
 .../suites/export_p2/test_outfile_p2.groovy        |  95 ++++----
 4 files changed, 301 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)

diff --git a/regression-test/conf/regression-conf.groovy 
index 87f56ae5e75..f275dc63deb 100644
--- a/regression-test/conf/regression-conf.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/conf/regression-conf.groovy
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ dfsNamenodeRpcAddress3=""
 hadoopSecurityAuthentication = ""
 hadoopKerberosKeytabPath = ""
 hadoopKerberosPrincipal = ""
+hadoopSecurityAutoToLocal = ""
 //paimon catalog test config for bigdata
diff --git a/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_export_max_file_size.groovy 
index a9e41ab94ea..ebe89ed3ef5 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_export_max_file_size.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_export_max_file_size.groovy
@@ -15,142 +15,75 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
-suite("test_export_max_file_size", "p2") {
-    // open nereids
-    sql """ set enable_nereids_planner=true """
-    sql """ set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false """
+suite("test_export_max_file_size", "p2,external") {
+    String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableExternalHiveTest")
+    if (enabled != null && enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+        // open nereids
+        sql """ set enable_nereids_planner=true """
+        sql """ set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false """
-    String dfsNameservices=context.config.otherConfigs.get("dfsNameservices")
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
-    String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
-    String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
+        String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
+        String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
+        String hadoopSecurityAutoToLocal 
-    def table_export_name = "test_export_max_file_size"
-    // create table and insert
-    sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_export_name} """
-    sql """
-    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_export_name} (
-        `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
-        `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-        `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-        `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
-        `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
-        `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
-        `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
-        `int_col` int COMMENT "",
-        `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
-        `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
-        `float_col` float COMMENT "",
-        `double_col` double COMMENT "",
-        `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
-        `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
-        )
-        DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-    """
-    // Used to store the data exported before
-    def table_load_name = "test_load"
-    sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_load_name} """
-    sql """
-    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_load_name} (
-        `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
-        `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-        `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-        `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
-        `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
-        `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
-        `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
-        `int_col` int COMMENT "",
-        `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
-        `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
-        `float_col` float COMMENT "",
-        `double_col` double COMMENT "",
-        `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
-        `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
-        )
-        DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-    """
-    def load_data_path = "/user/export_test/exp_max_file_size.csv"
-    sql """ 
-            insert into ${table_export_name}
-            select * from hdfs(
-                "uri" = "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${load_data_path}",
-                "format" = "csv",
-                "" = "integrity",
-                'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
-                'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
-                'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
-                'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
-            );
+        def table_export_name = "test_export_max_file_size"
+        // create table and insert
+        sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_export_name} """
+        sql """
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_export_name} (
+            `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
+            `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+            `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+            `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
+            `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
+            `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
+            `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
+            `int_col` int COMMENT "",
+            `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
+            `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
+            `float_col` float COMMENT "",
+            `double_col` double COMMENT "",
+            `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
+            `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
+            )
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-    def waiting_export = { export_label ->
-        while (true) {
-            def res = sql """ show export where label = "${export_label}" """
-  "export state: " + res[0][2])
-            if (res[0][2] == "FINISHED") {
-                return res[0][11]
-            } else if (res[0][2] == "CANCELLED") {
-                throw new IllegalStateException("""export failed: 
-            } else {
-                sleep(5000)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    def outFilePath = """/user/export_test/test_max_file_size/exp_"""
-    // 1. csv test
-    def test_export = {format, file_suffix, isDelete ->
-        def uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
-        // exec export
+        // Used to store the data exported before
+        def table_load_name = "test_load"
+        sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_load_name} """
         sql """
-            EXPORT TABLE ${table_export_name} TO 
-            PROPERTIES(
-                "label" = "${uuid}",
-                "format" = "${format}",
-                "max_file_size" = "5MB",
-                "delete_existing_files"="${isDelete}"
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_load_name} (
+            `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
+            `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+            `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+            `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
+            `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
+            `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
+            `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
+            `int_col` int COMMENT "",
+            `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
+            `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
+            `float_col` float COMMENT "",
+            `double_col` double COMMENT "",
+            `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
+            `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
-            with HDFS (
-                "" = "integrity",
-                'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
-                'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
-                'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
-                'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
-            );
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-        def outfile_info =
-        def json = parseJson(outfile_info)
-        assert json instanceof List
-        assertEquals("3", json.fileNumber[0][0])
-        def outfile_url = json.url[0][0]
-        for (int j = 0; j < json.fileNumber[0][0].toInteger(); ++j ) {
-            // check data correctness
-            sql """ 
-                insert into ${table_load_name}
+        def load_data_path = "/user/export_test/exp_max_file_size.csv"
+        sql """ 
+                insert into ${table_export_name}
                 select * from hdfs(
-                    "uri" = "${outfile_url}${j}.csv",
+                    "uri" = "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${load_data_path}",
                     "format" = "csv",
                     "" = "integrity",
@@ -161,15 +94,87 @@ suite("test_export_max_file_size", "p2") {
+                    '' = 
+        def waiting_export = { export_label ->
+            while (true) {
+                def res = sql """ show export where label = "${export_label}" 
+      "export state: " + res[0][2])
+                if (res[0][2] == "FINISHED") {
+                    return res[0][11]
+                } else if (res[0][2] == "CANCELLED") {
+                    throw new IllegalStateException("""export failed: 
+                } else {
+                    sleep(5000)
+                }
+            }
-    }
-    // begin test
-    test_export('csv', 'csv', true);
-    order_qt_select """ select * from ${table_load_name} order by user_id 
limit 1000 """
-    order_qt_select_cnt """ select count(*) from ${table_load_name} """
+        def outFilePath = """/user/export_test/test_max_file_size/exp_"""
+        // 1. csv test
+        def test_export = {format, file_suffix, isDelete ->
+            def uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
+            // exec export
+            sql """
+                EXPORT TABLE ${table_export_name} TO 
+                PROPERTIES(
+                    "label" = "${uuid}",
+                    "format" = "${format}",
+                    "max_file_size" = "5MB",
+                    "delete_existing_files"="${isDelete}"
+                )
+                with HDFS (
+                    "" = "integrity",
+                    'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
+                    'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
+                    'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
+                    '' = 
+                );
+            """
+            def outfile_info =
+            def json = parseJson(outfile_info)
+            assert json instanceof List
+            assertEquals("3", json.fileNumber[0][0])
+            def outfile_url = json.url[0][0]
+            for (int j = 0; j < json.fileNumber[0][0].toInteger(); ++j ) {
+                // check data correctness
+                sql """ 
+                    insert into ${table_load_name}
+                    select * from hdfs(
+                        "uri" = "${outfile_url}${j}.csv",
+                        "format" = "csv",
+                        "" = "integrity",
+                        'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
+                        '' = 
+                    );
+                """
+            }
+        }
+        // begin test
+        test_export('csv', 'csv', true);
+        order_qt_select """ select * from ${table_load_name} order by user_id 
limit 1000 """
+        order_qt_select_cnt """ select count(*) from ${table_load_name} """
+    }
diff --git 
index 1c8b3660ed5..f29e05a1867 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_outfile_orc_max_file_size.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_outfile_orc_max_file_size.groovy
@@ -15,105 +15,79 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
-suite("test_outfile_orc_max_file_size", "p2") {
-    // open nereids
-    sql """ set enable_nereids_planner=true """
-    sql """ set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false """
+suite("test_outfile_orc_max_file_size", "p2,external") {
+    String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableExternalHiveTest")
+    if (enabled != null && enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+        // open nereids
+        sql """ set enable_nereids_planner=true """
+        sql """ set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false """
-    String dfsNameservices=context.config.otherConfigs.get("dfsNameservices")
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
-    String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
-    String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
-    // the path used to load data
-    def load_data_path = "/user/export_test/test_orc_max_file_size.orc"
-    // the path used to export data
-    def outFilePath = """/user/export_test/test_max_file_size/test_orc/exp_"""
-    def create_table = {table_name -> 
-        sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_name} """
-        sql """
-            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_name} (
-                `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
-                `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-                `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
-                `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
-                `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
-                `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
-                `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
-                `int_col` int COMMENT "",
-                `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
-                `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
-                `float_col` float COMMENT "",
-                `double_col` double COMMENT "",
-                `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
-                `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
-                )
-            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-        """
-    }
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
+        String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
+        String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
+        String hadoopSecurityAutoToLocal 
-    def table_export_name = "test_outfile_orc_max_file_size"
-    create_table(table_export_name)
+        // the path used to load data
+        def load_data_path = "/user/export_test/test_orc_max_file_size.orc"
+        // the path used to export data
+        def outFilePath = 
+        def create_table = {table_name -> 
+            sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_name} """
+            sql """
+                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_name} (
+                    `user_id` LARGEINT NOT NULL COMMENT "用户id",
+                    `date` DATE NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+                    `datetime` DATETIME NOT NULL COMMENT "数据灌入日期时间",
+                    `city` VARCHAR(20) COMMENT "用户所在城市",
+                    `age` INT COMMENT "用户年龄",
+                    `sex` INT COMMENT "用户性别",
+                    `bool_col` boolean COMMENT "",
+                    `int_col` int COMMENT "",
+                    `bigint_col` bigint COMMENT "",
+                    `largeint_col` largeint COMMENT "",
+                    `float_col` float COMMENT "",
+                    `double_col` double COMMENT "",
+                    `char_col` CHAR(10) COMMENT "",
+                    `decimal_col` decimal COMMENT ""
+                    )
+                DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(user_id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = 
+            """
+        }
-    // load data
-    sql """ 
-            insert into ${table_export_name}
-            select * from hdfs(
-                "uri" = "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${load_data_path}",
-                "format" = "orc",
-                "" = "integrity",
-                'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
-                'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
-                'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
-                'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
-            );
-        """
+        def table_export_name = "test_outfile_orc_max_file_size"
-    def test_outfile_orc_success = {maxFileSize, isDelete, fileNumber, 
totalRows -> 
-        def table = sql """
-            select * from ${table_export_name}
-            into outfile "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${outFilePath}"
-            FORMAT AS ORC
-            PROPERTIES(
-                "max_file_size" = "${maxFileSize}",
-                "delete_existing_files"="${isDelete}",
-                "" = "integrity",
-                'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
-                'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
-                'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
-                'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
-            );
-        """
+        create_table(table_export_name)
-"table = " + table);
-        // assertTrue(table.size() == 1)
-        // assertTrue(table[0].size() == 4)
-"outfile result = " + table[0])
-        assertEquals(table[0][0], fileNumber)
-        assertEquals(table[0][1], totalRows)
-    }
+        // load data
+        sql """ 
+                insert into ${table_export_name}
+                select * from hdfs(
+                    "uri" = "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${load_data_path}",
+                    "format" = "orc",
+                    "" = "integrity",
+                    'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
+                    'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
+                    'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
+                    '' = 
+                );
+            """
-    def test_outfile_orc_fail = {maxFileSize, isDelete -> 
-        test {
-            sql """
+        def test_outfile_orc_success = {maxFileSize, isDelete, fileNumber, 
totalRows -> 
+            def table = sql """
                 select * from ${table_export_name}
                 into outfile "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${outFilePath}"
                 FORMAT AS ORC
@@ -129,24 +103,58 @@ suite("test_outfile_orc_max_file_size", "p2") {
+                    '' = 
-            // other check will not work because already declared a check 
-            exception "max file size should between 5MB and 2GB"
+  "table = " + table);
+            // assertTrue(table.size() == 1)
+            // assertTrue(table[0].size() == 4)
+  "outfile result = " + table[0])
+            assertEquals(table[0][0], fileNumber)
+            assertEquals(table[0][1], totalRows)
+        }
+        def test_outfile_orc_fail = {maxFileSize, isDelete -> 
+            test {
+                sql """
+                    select * from ${table_export_name}
+                    into outfile "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}${outFilePath}"
+                    FORMAT AS ORC
+                    PROPERTIES(
+                        "max_file_size" = "${maxFileSize}",
+                        "delete_existing_files"="${isDelete}",
+                        "" = "integrity",
+                        'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
+                        '' = 
+                    );
+                """
+                // other check will not work because already declared a check 
+                exception "max file size should between 5MB and 2GB"
-            // callback
-            check { result, exception, startTime, endTime ->
-                assertTrue(exception != null)
+                // callback
+                check { result, exception, startTime, endTime ->
+                    assertTrue(exception != null)
+                }
-    }
-    test_outfile_orc_fail('3MB', true)
-    test_outfile_orc_fail('2.1GB', true)
-    test_outfile_orc_success('5MB', true, 3, 2000000)
-    test_outfile_orc_success('63MB', true, 3, 2000000)
-    test_outfile_orc_success('64MB', true, 3, 2000000)
-    test_outfile_orc_success('80MB', true, 2, 2000000)
+        test_outfile_orc_fail('3MB', true)
+        test_outfile_orc_fail('2.1GB', true)
+        test_outfile_orc_success('5MB', true, 3, 2000000)
+        test_outfile_orc_success('63MB', true, 3, 2000000)
+        test_outfile_orc_success('64MB', true, 3, 2000000)
+        test_outfile_orc_success('80MB', true, 2, 2000000)
+    }
diff --git a/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_outfile_p2.groovy 
index 5472273b3eb..a10db954c0e 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_outfile_p2.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/export_p2/test_outfile_p2.groovy
@@ -15,53 +15,58 @@
 // specific language governing permissions and limitations
 // under the License.
-suite("test_outfile_p2", "p2") {
+suite("test_outfile_p2", "p2,external") {
+    String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableExternalHiveTest")
+    if (enabled != null && enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+        // open nereids
+        sql """ set enable_nereids_planner=true """
+        sql """ set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false """
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String 
+        String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
+        String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
+        String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
+        String hadoopSecurityAutoToLocal 
-    String dfsNameservices=context.config.otherConfigs.get("dfsNameservices")
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String 
-    String hadoopSecurityAuthentication 
-    String hadoopKerberosKeytabPath 
-    String hadoopKerberosPrincipal 
+        def table_outfile_name = "test_outfile_hdfs"
+        // create table and insert
+        sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_outfile_name} """
+        sql """
+        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_outfile_name} (
+            `id` int(11) NULL,
+            `name` string NULL
+            )
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
+        """
+        sql """insert into ${table_outfile_name} values(1, 'abc');"""
-    def table_outfile_name = "test_outfile_hdfs"
-    // create table and insert
-    sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${table_outfile_name} """
-    sql """
-    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${table_outfile_name} (
-        `id` int(11) NULL,
-        `name` string NULL
-        )
-        DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(id) PROPERTIES("replication_num" = "1");
-    """
+        qt_sql_1 """select * from ${table_outfile_name} order by id"""
-    sql """insert into ${table_outfile_name} values(1, 'abc');"""
-    qt_sql_1 """select * from ${table_outfile_name} order by id"""
-    // use a simple sql to make sure there is only one fragment
-    // #21343
-    sql """
-        SELECT * FROM ${table_outfile_name}
-        INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}/user/outfile_test/" 
-        FORMAT AS parquet
-        (
-            "" = "integrity",
-            'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
-            'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
-            ''="${hadoopSecurityAuthentication}",
-            'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
-            'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
-        );
-    """
+        // use a simple sql to make sure there is only one fragment
+        // #21343
+        sql """
+            SELECT * FROM ${table_outfile_name}
+            INTO OUTFILE "hdfs://${dfsNameservices}/user/outfile_test/" 
+            FORMAT AS parquet
+            PROPERTIES
+            (
+                "" = "integrity",
+                'dfs.nameservices'="${dfsNameservices}",
+                'dfs.ha.namenodes.hdfs-cluster'="${dfsHaNamenodesHdfsCluster}",
+                'hadoop.kerberos.keytab'="${hadoopKerberosKeytabPath}",   
+                'hadoop.kerberos.principal'="${hadoopKerberosPrincipal}",
+                '' = 
+            );
+            """
+    }

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