This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

morningman pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 9bc82542fd [test] add bitmap index regression test (#10008)
9bc82542fd is described below

commit 9bc82542fdb459677ea1aaeacaceec6fd5608985
Author: zy-kkk <>
AuthorDate: Thu Jun 9 12:19:07 2022 +0800

    [test] add bitmap index regression test (#10008)
 regression-test/data/index/test_bitmap_index.out   |  91 ++++++++
 .../suites/index/test_bitmap_index.groovy          | 236 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../suites/rollup/test_materialized_view.groovy    |  58 +++--
 .../suites/rollup/test_rollup_agg.groovy           |  45 ++--
 .../schema_change/test_alter_table_column.groovy   | 129 +++++------
 5 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)

diff --git a/regression-test/data/index/test_bitmap_index.out 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9962c5bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression-test/data/index/test_bitmap_index.out
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+-- This file is automatically generated. You should know what you did if you 
want to edit this
+-- !sql --
+k1     TINYINT Yes     true    \N      
+k2     SMALLINT        Yes     true    \N      
+k3     INT     Yes     true    \N      
+k4     BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k5     CHAR(1) Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k6     VARCHAR(1)      Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k7     DATE    Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k8     DATETIME        Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k9     LARGEINT        Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k10    DECIMAL(9,0)    Yes     false   \N      NONE
+k11    BOOLEAN Yes     false   \N      NONE
+-- !sql --
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index1          
k1                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index2          
k2                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index3          
k3                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index4          
k4                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index5          
k5                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index6          
k6                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index7          
k7                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index8          
k8                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index9          
k9                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index10         
k10                                             BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_dup          index11         
k11                                             BITMAP  
+-- !sql --
+1      1       1       1       1       1       2022-05-31      
2022-05-31T10:00        1       1       true
+-- !sql --
+k1     TINYINT Yes     true    \N      
+k2     SMALLINT        Yes     true    \N      
+k3     INT     Yes     true    \N      
+k4     BIGINT  Yes     true    \N      
+k5     CHAR(1) Yes     true    \N      
+k6     VARCHAR(1)      Yes     true    \N      
+k7     DATE    Yes     true    \N      
+k8     DATETIME        Yes     true    \N      
+k9     LARGEINT        Yes     true    \N      
+k10    DECIMAL(9,0)    Yes     true    \N      
+k11    BOOLEAN Yes     true    \N      
+v1     INT     Yes     false   \N      SUM
+-- !sql --
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index1          
k1                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index2          
k2                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index3          
k3                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index4          
k4                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index5          
k5                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index6          
k6                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index7          
k7                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index8          
k8                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index9          
k9                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index10         
k10                                             BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_agg          index11         
k11                                             BITMAP  
+-- !sql --
+1      1       1       1       1       1       2022-05-31      
2022-05-31T10:00        1       1       true    1
+-- !sql --
+k1     TINYINT Yes     true    \N      
+k2     SMALLINT        Yes     true    \N      
+k3     INT     Yes     true    \N      
+k4     BIGINT  Yes     true    \N      
+k5     CHAR(1) Yes     true    \N      
+k6     VARCHAR(1)      Yes     true    \N      
+k7     DATE    Yes     true    \N      
+k8     DATETIME        Yes     true    \N      
+k9     LARGEINT        Yes     true    \N      
+k10    DECIMAL(9,0)    Yes     true    \N      
+k11    BOOLEAN Yes     true    \N      
+v1     INT     Yes     false   \N      REPLACE
+-- !sql --
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index1  
        k1                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index2  
        k2                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index3  
        k3                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index4  
        k4                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index5  
        k5                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index6  
        k6                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index7  
        k7                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index8  
        k8                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index9  
        k9                                              BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index10 
        k10                                             BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index11 
        k11                                             BITMAP  
+default_cluster:regression_test.test_bitmap_index_unique               index12 
        v1                                              BITMAP  
+-- !sql --
+1      1       1       1       1       1       2022-05-31      
2022-05-31T10:00        1       1       true    1
diff --git a/regression-test/suites/index/test_bitmap_index.groovy 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e58be4d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression-test/suites/index/test_bitmap_index.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+suite("test_bitmap_index", "index") {
+    def tbName1 = "test_bitmap_index_dup"
+    def getJobState = { tableName ->
+        def jobStateResult = sql """  SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE 
TableName='${tableName}' ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT 1 """
+        return jobStateResult[0][9]
+    }
+    sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName1}"
+    sql """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tbName1} (
+                k1 TINYINT,
+                k2 SMALLINT,
+                k3 INT,
+                k4 BIGINT,
+                k5 CHAR,
+                k6 VARCHAR,
+                k7 DATE,
+                k8 DATETIME,
+                k9 LARGEINT,
+               k10 DECIMAL,
+               k11 BOOLEAN
+            )
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" = 
+        """
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName1}
+                ADD INDEX index1 (k1) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index2 (k2) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index3 (k3) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index4 (k4) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index5 (k5) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index6 (k6) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index7 (k7) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index8 (k8) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index9 (k9) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index10 (k10) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index11 (k11) USING BITMAP;
+        """
+    int max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED", res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    sql "insert into ${tbName1} 
values(1,1,1,1,'1','1','2022-05-31','2022-05-31 10:00:00',1,1.0,1);"
+    qt_sql "desc ${tbName1};"
+    qt_sql "SHOW INDEX FROM ${tbName1};"
+    qt_sql "select * from ${tbName1};"
+    sql "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS index1 ON ${tbName1};"
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED", res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName1};"
+    def tbName2 = "test_bitmap_index_agg"
+    sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName2}"
+    sql """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tbName2} (
+                k1 TINYINT,
+                k2 SMALLINT,
+                k3 INT,
+                k4 BIGINT,
+                k5 CHAR,
+                k6 VARCHAR,
+                k7 DATE,
+                k8 DATETIME,
+                k9 LARGEINT,
+               k10 DECIMAL,
+               k11 BOOLEAN,
+                v1 INT SUM
+            )
+            AGGREGATE KEY(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k10,k11)
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" = 
+        """
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName2}
+                ADD INDEX index1 (k1) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index2 (k2) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index3 (k3) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index4 (k4) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index5 (k5) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index6 (k6) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index7 (k7) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index8 (k8) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index9 (k9) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index10 (k10) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index11 (k11) USING BITMAP;
+        """
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName2)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    test{
+        sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName2} ADD INDEX index12 (v1) USING BITMAP;"
+        exception "errCode = 2, detailMessage = BITMAP index only used in 
columns of DUP_KEYS/UNIQUE_KEYS table"
+    }
+    sql "insert into ${tbName2} 
values(1,1,1,1,'1','1','2022-05-31','2022-05-31 10:00:00',1,1.0,1,1);"
+    qt_sql "desc ${tbName2};"
+    qt_sql "SHOW INDEX FROM ${tbName2};"
+    qt_sql "select * from ${tbName2};"
+    sql "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS index1 ON ${tbName2};"
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName2)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName2};"
+    def tbName3 = "test_bitmap_index_unique"
+    sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName3}"
+    sql """
+            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tbName3} (
+                k1 TINYINT,
+                k2 SMALLINT,
+                k3 INT,
+                k4 BIGINT,
+                k5 CHAR,
+                k6 VARCHAR,
+                k7 DATE,
+                k8 DATETIME,
+                k9 LARGEINT,
+               k10 DECIMAL,
+               k11 BOOLEAN,
+               v1  INT
+            )
+            UNIQUE KEY(k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,k10,k11)
+            DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" = 
+        """
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName3}
+                ADD INDEX index1 (k1) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index2 (k2) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index3 (k3) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index4 (k4) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index5 (k5) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index6 (k6) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index7 (k7) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index8 (k8) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index9 (k9) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index10 (k10) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index11 (k11) USING BITMAP,
+                ADD INDEX index12 (v1) USING BITMAP;
+        """
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName3)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    sql "insert into ${tbName3} 
values(1,1,1,1,'1','1','2022-05-31','2022-05-31 10:00:00',1,1.0,1,1);"
+    qt_sql "desc ${tbName3};"
+    qt_sql "SHOW INDEX FROM ${tbName3};"
+    qt_sql "select * from ${tbName3};"
+    sql "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS index1 ON ${tbName3};"
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName3)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+            break
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(1000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName3};"
diff --git a/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_materialized_view.groovy 
index 1a801d01c2..761c47b30a 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_materialized_view.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_materialized_view.groovy
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
 suite("test_materialized_view", "rollup") {
     def tbName1 = "test_materialized_view1"
     def tbName2 = "test_materialized_view2"
+    def getJobState = { tableName ->
+        def jobStateResult = sql """  SHOW ALTER TABLE MATERIALIZED VIEW WHERE 
TableName='${tableName}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1; """
+        return jobStateResult[0][8]
+    }
     sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName1}"
     sql """
             CREATE TABLE ${tbName1}(
@@ -40,24 +45,32 @@ suite("test_materialized_view", "rollup") {
             DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(record_id) properties("replication_num" = "1");
     sql "CREATE materialized VIEW amt_sum AS SELECT store_id, sum(sale_amt) 
FROM ${tbName1} GROUP BY store_id;"
-    String res = "null"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    int max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
     sql "CREATE materialized VIEW seller_id_order AS SELECT 
store_id,seller_id, sale_amt FROM ${tbName2} ORDER BY store_id,seller_id;"
-    res = "null"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
TableName='${tbName2}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName2)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
@@ -67,7 +80,7 @@ suite("test_materialized_view", "rollup") {
     sql "insert into ${tbName1} values(2, 1, 1, '2020-05-30',100);"
     sql "insert into ${tbName2} values(1, 1, 1, '2020-05-30',100);"
     sql "insert into ${tbName2} values(2, 1, 1, '2020-05-30',100);"
-    Thread.sleep(5000)
+    Thread.sleep(1000)
         sql("SELECT store_id, sum(sale_amt) FROM ${tbName1} GROUP BY store_id")
         contains("rollup: amt_sum")
@@ -77,18 +90,21 @@ suite("test_materialized_view", "rollup") {
     qt_sql "SELECT * FROM ${tbName2} order by record_id;"
     qt_sql "SELECT store_id, sum(sale_amt) FROM ${tbName2} GROUP BY store_id 
order by store_id;"
     sql "CREATE materialized VIEW amt_count AS SELECT store_id, 
count(sale_amt) FROM ${tbName1} GROUP BY store_id;"
-    res = "null"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED") || !res.contains("amt_count")){
TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    sql "SELECT store_id, count(sale_amt) FROM ${tbName1} t GROUP BY store_id;"
+    sql "SELECT store_id, count(sale_amt) FROM ${tbName1} GROUP BY store_id;"
     sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName1}"
     sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName2}"
diff --git a/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_rollup_agg.groovy 
index 6d420602d6..f880abd7f2 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_rollup_agg.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/rollup/test_rollup_agg.groovy
@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
 // under the License.
 suite("test_rollup_agg", "rollup") {
     def tbName = "test_rollup_agg"
+    def getJobRollupState = { tableName ->
+        def jobStateResult = sql """  SHOW ALTER TABLE ROLLUP WHERE 
TableName='${tableName}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1; """
+        return jobStateResult[0][8]
+    }
+    def getJobColumnState = { tableName ->
+        def jobStateResult = sql """  SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE 
TableName='${tableName}' ORDER BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1; """
+        return jobStateResult[0][9]
+    }
     sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName}"
     sql """
             CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tbName}(
@@ -28,31 +37,39 @@ suite("test_rollup_agg", "rollup") {
             AGGREGATE KEY (siteid,citycode,username)
             DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(siteid) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" 
= "1");
-    String res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName} ADD ROLLUP rollup_city(citycode, pv);"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE ROLLUP WHERE TableName='${tbName}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    sql """ALTER TABLE ${tbName} ADD ROLLUP rollup_city(citycode, pv);"""
+    int max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobRollupState(tbName)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    res = "null"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobColumnState(tbName)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
     sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE ROLLUP WHERE TableName='${tbName}';"
     qt_sql "DESC ${tbName} ALL;"
     sql "insert into ${tbName} values(1, 1, 'test1', 100,100,100);"
     sql "insert into ${tbName} values(2, 1, 'test2', 100,100,100);"
-    explain{
+    explain {
         sql("SELECT citycode,SUM(pv) FROM ${tbName} GROUP BY citycode")
         contains("rollup: rollup_city")
diff --git 
index 948dd239d1..3cd3fdb6b7 100644
--- a/regression-test/suites/schema_change/test_alter_table_column.groovy
+++ b/regression-test/suites/schema_change/test_alter_table_column.groovy
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
 suite("test_alter_table_column", "schema_change") {
     def tbName1 = "alter_table_column_dup"
+    def getJobState = { tableName ->
+        def jobStateResult = sql """  SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE 
TableName='${tableName}' ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT 1 """
+        return jobStateResult[0][9]
+    }
     sql "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${tbName1}"
     sql """
             CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${tbName1} (
@@ -26,67 +31,46 @@ suite("test_alter_table_column", "schema_change") {
             DUPLICATE KEY (k1)
             DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" = 
-    String res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} ADD COLUMN k2 INT KEY AFTER k1"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
-            break
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    }
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} ADD COLUMN value2 VARCHAR(255) AFTER value1"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
-            break
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    }
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} ADD COLUMN value3 VARCHAR(255) AFTER value2"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
-            break
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    }
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} MODIFY COLUMN value2 INT AFTER value3;"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
-            break
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    }
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} ORDER BY(k1,k2,value1,value2,value3);"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} 
+            ADD COLUMN k2 INT KEY AFTER k1,
+            ADD COLUMN value2 VARCHAR(255) AFTER value1,
+            ADD COLUMN value3 VARCHAR(255) AFTER value2,
+            MODIFY COLUMN value2 INT AFTER value3;
+        """
+    int max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName1} DROP COLUMN value3;"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName1}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName1}   
+            ORDER BY(k1,k2,value1,value2,value3),
+            DROP COLUMN value3;
+        """
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName1)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
     sql "insert into ${tbName1} values(1,1,10,20);"
     sql "insert into ${tbName1} values(1,1,30,40);"
     qt_sql "desc ${tbName1}"
@@ -103,26 +87,25 @@ suite("test_alter_table_column", "schema_change") {
             AGGREGATE KEY (k1)
             DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 5 properties("replication_num" = 
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName2} ADD COLUMN k2 INT KEY AFTER k1"
-    res = "null"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName2}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
-            break
-        }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
-    }
-    res = "null"
-    sql "ALTER TABLE ${tbName2} ADD COLUMN value2 INT SUM AFTER value1"
-    while (!res.contains("FINISHED")){
-        res = sql "SHOW ALTER TABLE COLUMN WHERE TableName='${tbName2}' ORDER 
BY CreateTime DESC LIMIT 1;"
-        if(res.contains("CANCELLED")){
-            print("job is cancelled")
+    sql """
+            ALTER TABLE ${tbName2} 
+            ADD COLUMN k2 INT KEY AFTER k1,
+            ADD COLUMN value2 INT SUM AFTER value1;
+        """
+    max_try_secs = 60
+    while (max_try_secs--) {
+        String res = getJobState(tbName2)
+        if (res == "FINISHED") {
+        } else {
+            Thread.sleep(2000)
+            if (max_try_secs < 1) {
+                println "test timeout," + "state:" + res
+                assertEquals("FINISHED",res)
+            }
-        Thread.sleep(1000)
     sql "insert into ${tbName2} values(1,1,10,20);"
     sql "insert into ${tbName2} values(1,1,30,40);"
@@ -130,5 +113,3 @@ suite("test_alter_table_column", "schema_change") {
     qt_sql "select * from ${tbName2}"
     sql "DROP TABLE ${tbName2}"

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