This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

yiguolei pushed a commit to branch branch-2.1
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/branch-2.1 by this push:
     new 64195d79ee7 [refactor](metrics) Remove IntAtomicCounter & CoreLocal 
#45742 (#45870)
64195d79ee7 is described below

commit 64195d79ee7fd9ce07f73c9ced385b908dda014d
Author: zhiqiang <>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 24 23:13:48 2024 +0800

    [refactor](metrics) Remove IntAtomicCounter & CoreLocal #45742 (#45870)
    cherry pick from #45742
 be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.cpp |   6 +-
 be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.h   |   6 +-
 be/src/io/cache/block/block_lru_file_cache.cpp     |   7 +-
 be/src/olap/lru_cache.cpp                          |   8 +-
 be/src/olap/lru_cache.h                            |   4 +-
 be/src/util/core_local.cpp                         | 129 ----------------
 be/src/util/core_local.h                           | 162 ---------------------
 be/src/util/doris_metrics.cpp                      |  14 +-
 be/src/util/doris_metrics.h                        |  14 +-
 be/src/util/metrics.h                              | 128 +++-------------
 be/src/util/system_metrics.cpp                     | 130 ++++++++---------
 be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp                   | 122 ----------------
 be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp                |  10 +-
 be/test/util/metrics_test.cpp                      |  17 +--
 14 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 632 deletions(-)

diff --git a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.cpp 
index ef245be3505..345a53a48fa 100644
--- a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.cpp
+++ b/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.cpp
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@ void FileCacheMetric::register_entity() {
     entity = DorisMetrics::instance()->metric_registry()->register_entity(
             {{"table_id", table_id_str}, {"partition_id", partition_id_str}});
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_total);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_from_cache);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_from_remote);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_total);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_from_cache);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, num_io_bytes_read_from_remote);
diff --git a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.h 
index fcc9ea503dd..f78de2d179a 100644
--- a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.h
+++ b/be/src/io/cache/block/block_file_cache_profile.h
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ struct FileCacheMetric {
     int64_t table_id = -1;
     int64_t partition_id = -1;
     std::shared_ptr<MetricEntity> entity;
-    IntAtomicCounter* num_io_bytes_read_total = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* num_io_bytes_read_from_cache = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* num_io_bytes_read_from_remote = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* num_io_bytes_read_total = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* num_io_bytes_read_from_cache = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* num_io_bytes_read_from_remote = nullptr;
 struct FileCacheProfile {
diff --git a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_lru_file_cache.cpp 
index 33c0e3474b7..5b448503212 100644
--- a/be/src/io/cache/block/block_lru_file_cache.cpp
+++ b/be/src/io/cache/block/block_lru_file_cache.cpp
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 #include "io/fs/local_file_system.h"
 #include "io/fs/path.h"
 #include "util/doris_metrics.h"
+#include "util/metrics.h"
 #include "util/slice.h"
 #include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
 #include "vec/common/hex.h"
@@ -101,9 +102,9 @@ LRUFileCache::LRUFileCache(const std::string& 
             "lru_file_cache", {{"path", _cache_base_path}});
std::bind(&LRUFileCache::update_cache_metrics, this));
-    INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio);
-    INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio_5m);
-    INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio_1h);
+    DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio);
+    DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio_5m);
+    DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_hits_ratio_1h);
     INT_UGAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_removed_elements);
     INT_UGAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, file_cache_index_queue_max_size);
diff --git a/be/src/olap/lru_cache.cpp b/be/src/olap/lru_cache.cpp
index 741c2423915..fbaf51979fb 100644
--- a/be/src/olap/lru_cache.cpp
+++ b/be/src/olap/lru_cache.cpp
@@ -544,10 +544,10 @@ ShardedLRUCache::ShardedLRUCache(const std::string& name, 
size_t total_capacity,
     INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_capacity);
     INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_usage);
     INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_element_count);
-    INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_usage_ratio);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_lookup_count);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_hit_count);
-    INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_hit_ratio);
+    DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_usage_ratio);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_lookup_count);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_hit_count);
+    DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, cache_hit_ratio);
     _hit_count_bvar.reset(new bvar::Adder<uint64_t>("doris_cache", _name));
     _hit_count_per_second.reset(new bvar::PerSecond<bvar::Adder<uint64_t>>(
diff --git a/be/src/olap/lru_cache.h b/be/src/olap/lru_cache.h
index 059020deab5..d031e531ae4 100644
--- a/be/src/olap/lru_cache.h
+++ b/be/src/olap/lru_cache.h
@@ -436,8 +436,8 @@ private:
     IntGauge* cache_usage = nullptr;
     IntGauge* cache_element_count = nullptr;
     DoubleGauge* cache_usage_ratio = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cache_lookup_count = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cache_hit_count = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* cache_lookup_count = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* cache_hit_count = nullptr;
     DoubleGauge* cache_hit_ratio = nullptr;
     // bvars
     std::unique_ptr<bvar::Adder<uint64_t>> _hit_count_bvar;
diff --git a/be/src/util/core_local.cpp b/be/src/util/core_local.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c4b1dd0471..00000000000
--- a/be/src/util/core_local.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/core_local.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <iterator>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/compiler_util.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "util/spinlock.h"
-#include "util/sse_util.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-constexpr int BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
-struct alignas(CACHE_LINE_SIZE) CoreDataBlock {
-    void* at(size_t offset) { return data + offset; }
-    char data[BLOCK_SIZE];
-    static void* operator new(size_t nbytes) {
-        void* p = nullptr;
-        if (posix_memalign(&p, alignof(CoreDataBlock), nbytes) == 0) {
-            return p;
-        }
-        throw std::bad_alloc();
-    }
-    static void operator delete(void* p) { free(p); }
-template <size_t ELEMENT_BYTES>
-class CoreDataAllocatorImpl : public CoreDataAllocator {
-    virtual ~CoreDataAllocatorImpl();
-    void* get_or_create(size_t id) override {
-        size_t block_id = id / ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK;
-        {
-            std::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(_lock);
-            if (block_id >= _blocks.size()) {
-                _blocks.resize(block_id + 1);
-            }
-        }
-        CoreDataBlock* block = _blocks[block_id];
-        if (block == nullptr) {
-            std::lock_guard<SpinLock> l(_lock);
-            block = _blocks[block_id];
-            if (block == nullptr) {
-                block = new CoreDataBlock();
-                _blocks[block_id] = block;
-            }
-        }
-        size_t offset = (id % ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK) * ELEMENT_BYTES;
-        return block->at(offset);
-    }
-    static constexpr int ELEMENTS_PER_BLOCK = BLOCK_SIZE / ELEMENT_BYTES;
-    SpinLock _lock; // lock to protect the modification of _blocks
-    std::vector<CoreDataBlock*> _blocks;
-template <size_t ELEMENT_BYTES>
-CoreDataAllocatorImpl<ELEMENT_BYTES>::~CoreDataAllocatorImpl() {
-    for (auto block : _blocks) {
-        delete block;
-    }
-CoreDataAllocatorFactory* CoreDataAllocatorFactory::instance() {
-    static CoreDataAllocatorFactory _s_instance;
-    return &_s_instance;
-CoreDataAllocator* CoreDataAllocatorFactory::get_allocator(size_t cpu_idx, 
size_t data_bytes) {
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_lock);
-    auto pair = std::make_pair(cpu_idx, data_bytes);
-    auto it = _allocators.find(pair);
-    if (it != std::end(_allocators)) {
-        return it->second;
-    }
-    CoreDataAllocator* allocator = nullptr;
-    switch (data_bytes) {
-    case 1:
-        allocator = new CoreDataAllocatorImpl<1>();
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        allocator = new CoreDataAllocatorImpl<2>();
-        break;
-    case 3:
-    case 4:
-        allocator = new CoreDataAllocatorImpl<4>();
-        break;
-    case 5:
-    case 6:
-    case 7:
-    case 8:
-        allocator = new CoreDataAllocatorImpl<8>();
-        break;
-    default:
-        DCHECK(false) << "don't support core local value for this size, size=" 
<< data_bytes;
-    }
-    _allocators.emplace(pair, allocator);
-    return allocator;
-CoreDataAllocatorFactory::~CoreDataAllocatorFactory() {
-    for (auto& it : _allocators) {
-        delete it.second;
-    }
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/src/util/core_local.h b/be/src/util/core_local.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1610ae5a0bb..00000000000
--- a/be/src/util/core_local.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#pragma once
-#include <butil/macros.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <deque>
-#include <map>
-#include <mutex>
-#include <new>
-#include <thread>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common/compiler_util.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
-namespace doris {
-class CoreDataAllocator {
-    virtual ~CoreDataAllocator() {}
-    virtual void* get_or_create(size_t id) = 0;
-class CoreDataAllocatorFactory {
-    CoreDataAllocatorFactory() {}
-    ~CoreDataAllocatorFactory();
-    CoreDataAllocator* get_allocator(size_t cpu_id, size_t data_bytes);
-    static CoreDataAllocatorFactory* instance();
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CoreDataAllocatorFactory);
-    std::mutex _lock;
-    std::map<std::pair<size_t, size_t>, CoreDataAllocator*> _allocators;
-template <typename T>
-class CoreLocalValueController {
-    CoreLocalValueController() {
-        int num_cpus = static_cast<int>(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
-        _size = 8;
-        while (_size < num_cpus) {
-            _size <<= 1;
-        }
-        _allocators.resize(_size, nullptr);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
-            _allocators[i] = 
CoreDataAllocatorFactory::instance()->get_allocator(i, sizeof(T));
-        }
-    }
-    ~CoreLocalValueController() {}
-    int get_id() {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_lock);
-        int id = 0;
-        if (_free_ids.empty()) {
-            id = _next_id++;
-        } else {
-            id = _free_ids.back();
-            _free_ids.pop_back();
-        }
-        return id;
-    }
-    void reclaim_id(int id) {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_lock);
-        _free_ids.push_back(id);
-    }
-    size_t size() const { return _size; }
-    CoreDataAllocator* allocator(int i) const { return _allocators[i]; }
-    static CoreLocalValueController<T>* instance() {
-        static CoreLocalValueController<T> _s_instance;
-        return &_s_instance;
-    }
-    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CoreLocalValueController);
-    std::mutex _lock;
-    int _next_id = 0;
-    std::deque<int> _free_ids;
-    std::vector<CoreDataAllocator*> _allocators;
-    size_t _size;
-template <typename T>
-class CoreLocalValue {
-    CoreLocalValue(const T init_value = T()) {
-        CoreLocalValueController<T>* controller = 
-        _id = controller->get_id();
-        _size = controller->size();
-        _values.resize(_size, nullptr);
-        for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
-            void* ptr = controller->allocator(i)->get_or_create(_id);
-            _values[i] = new (ptr) T(init_value);
-        }
-    }
-    ~CoreLocalValue() {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
-            _values[i]->~T();
-        }
-        CoreLocalValueController<T>::instance()->reclaim_id(_id);
-    }
-    size_t size() const { return _size; }
-    T* access() const {
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-        size_t cpu_id = 0;
-        size_t cpu_id = sched_getcpu();
-        if (cpu_id >= _size) {
-            cpu_id &= _size - 1;
-        }
-        return access_at_core(cpu_id);
-    }
-    T* access_at_core(size_t core_idx) const { return _values[core_idx]; }
-    inline void reset() {
-        for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
-            _values[i]->~T();
-        }
-        _values.clear();
-        _values.resize(_size, nullptr);
-        CoreLocalValueController<T>* controller = 
-        for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i) {
-            void* ptr = controller->allocator(i)->get_or_create(_id);
-            _values[i] = new (ptr) T();
-        }
-    }
-    int _id = -1;
-    size_t _size = 0;
-    std::vector<T*> _values;
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/src/util/doris_metrics.cpp b/be/src/util/doris_metrics.cpp
index 4d68cc6e1f7..65946b406b8 100644
--- a/be/src/util/doris_metrics.cpp
+++ b/be/src/util/doris_metrics.cpp
@@ -302,13 +302,13 @@ DorisMetrics::DorisMetrics() : 
_metric_registry(_s_registry_name) {
     INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, local_file_open_writing);
     INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, s3_file_open_writing);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, query_ctx_cnt);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_ctx_cnt);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_cnt);
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, 
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, 
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, 
-    INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, 
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, query_ctx_cnt);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_ctx_cnt);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_cnt);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_task_cnt);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_task_queued);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, scanner_task_running);
+    INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(_server_metric_entity, 
 void DorisMetrics::initialize(bool init_system_metrics, const 
std::set<std::string>& disk_devices,
diff --git a/be/src/util/doris_metrics.h b/be/src/util/doris_metrics.h
index 6e27dc73441..e272ce12cb1 100644
--- a/be/src/util/doris_metrics.h
+++ b/be/src/util/doris_metrics.h
@@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ public:
     UIntGauge* group_local_scan_thread_pool_queue_size = nullptr;
     UIntGauge* group_local_scan_thread_pool_thread_num = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* query_ctx_cnt = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_ctx_cnt = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_cnt = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_task_cnt = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_task_queued = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_task_submit_failed = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* scanner_task_running = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* query_ctx_cnt = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_ctx_cnt = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_cnt = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_task_cnt = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_task_queued = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_task_submit_failed = nullptr;
+    IntCounter* scanner_task_running = nullptr;
     static DorisMetrics* instance() {
         static DorisMetrics instance;
diff --git a/be/src/util/metrics.h b/be/src/util/metrics.h
index ac7e69a4ef8..cb49884fefb 100644
--- a/be/src/util/metrics.h
+++ b/be/src/util/metrics.h
@@ -19,21 +19,17 @@
 #include <rapidjson/document.h>
 #include <rapidjson/rapidjson.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
 #include <atomic>
 #include <functional>
 #include <map>
 #include <memory>
 #include <mutex>
-#include <sstream>
 #include <string>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <utility>
 #include <vector>
-#include "util/core_local.h"
 #include "util/histogram.h"
 namespace doris {
@@ -67,8 +63,8 @@ using Labels = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
 class Metric {
-    Metric() {}
-    virtual ~Metric() {}
+    Metric() = default;
+    virtual ~Metric() = default;
     virtual std::string to_string() const = 0;
     virtual std::string to_prometheus(const std::string& display_name, const 
Labels& entity_labels,
                                       const Labels& metric_labels) const;
@@ -83,7 +79,7 @@ template <typename T>
 class AtomicMetric : public Metric {
     AtomicMetric() : _value(T()) {}
-    virtual ~AtomicMetric() {}
+    virtual ~AtomicMetric() = default;
     std::string to_string() const override { return std::to_string(value()); }
@@ -101,81 +97,10 @@ protected:
     std::atomic<T> _value;
-template <typename T>
-class LockSimpleMetric : public Metric {
-    LockSimpleMetric() : _value(T()) {}
-    virtual ~LockSimpleMetric() {}
-    std::string to_string() const override { return std::to_string(value()); }
-    T value() const {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_lock);
-        return _value;
-    }
-    void increment(const T& delta) {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(this->_lock);
-        _value += delta;
-    }
-    void set_value(const T& value) {
-        std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(this->_lock);
-        _value = value;
-    }
-    rj::Value to_json_value(rj::Document::AllocatorType& allocator) const 
override {
-        return rj::Value(value());
-    }
-    // We use std::mutex instead of std::atomic is because atomic don't support
-    // double's fetch_add
-    // TODO(zc): If this is atomic is bottleneck, we change to thread local.
-    // performance: on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2450 int64_t
-    //  original type: 2ns/op
-    //  single thread std::mutex: 26ns/op
-    //  multiple thread(8) std::mutex: 2500ns/op
-    mutable std::mutex _lock;
-    T _value;
-template <typename T>
-class CoreLocalCounter : public Metric {
-    CoreLocalCounter() {}
-    virtual ~CoreLocalCounter() {}
-    std::string to_string() const override {
-        std::stringstream ss;
-        ss << value();
-        return ss.str();
-    }
-    T value() const {
-        T sum = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < _value.size(); ++i) {
-            sum += *_value.access_at_core(i);
-        }
-        return sum;
-    }
-    void increment(const T& delta) { __sync_fetch_and_add(_value.access(), 
delta); }
-    void reset() { _value.reset(); }
-    rj::Value to_json_value(rj::Document::AllocatorType& allocator) const 
override {
-        return rj::Value(value());
-    }
-    CoreLocalValue<T> _value;
 class HistogramMetric : public Metric {
-    HistogramMetric() {}
-    virtual ~HistogramMetric() {}
+    HistogramMetric() = default;
+    virtual ~HistogramMetric() = default;
     HistogramMetric(const HistogramMetric&) = delete;
     HistogramMetric& operator=(const HistogramMetric&) = delete;
@@ -208,41 +133,25 @@ protected:
 template <typename T>
 class AtomicCounter : public AtomicMetric<T> {
-    AtomicCounter() {}
-    virtual ~AtomicCounter() {}
+    AtomicCounter() = default;
+    virtual ~AtomicCounter() = default;
 template <typename T>
 class AtomicGauge : public AtomicMetric<T> {
     AtomicGauge() : AtomicMetric<T>() {}
-    virtual ~AtomicGauge() {}
-template <typename T>
-class LockCounter : public LockSimpleMetric<T> {
-    LockCounter() : LockSimpleMetric<T>() {}
-    virtual ~LockCounter() {}
-// This can only used for trival type
-template <typename T>
-class LockGauge : public LockSimpleMetric<T> {
-    LockGauge() : LockSimpleMetric<T>() {}
-    virtual ~LockGauge() {}
+    virtual ~AtomicGauge() = default;
-using IntCounter = CoreLocalCounter<int64_t>;
-using IntAtomicCounter = AtomicCounter<int64_t>;
-using UIntCounter = CoreLocalCounter<uint64_t>;
-using DoubleCounter = LockCounter<double>;
+using IntCounter = AtomicCounter<int64_t>;
+using UIntCounter = AtomicCounter<uint64_t>;
+using DoubleCounter = AtomicCounter<double>;
 using IntGauge = AtomicGauge<int64_t>;
 using UIntGauge = AtomicGauge<uint64_t>;
-using DoubleGauge = LockGauge<double>;
+using DoubleGauge = AtomicGauge<double>;
 using Labels = std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>;
 struct MetricPrototype {
     MetricPrototype(MetricType type_, MetricUnit unit_, std::string name_,
@@ -302,15 +211,12 @@ public:
 #define INT_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
     metric = (IntGauge*)(entity->register_metric<IntGauge>(&METRIC_##metric))
-#define INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
+#define DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
     metric = 
 #define INT_UGAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
     metric = (UIntGauge*)(entity->register_metric<UIntGauge>(&METRIC_##metric))
-#define INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
-    metric = 
 #define HISTOGRAM_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, metric) \
     metric = 
@@ -338,8 +244,8 @@ enum class MetricEntityType { kServer, kTablet };
 class MetricEntity {
-    MetricEntity(MetricEntityType type, const std::string& name, const Labels& 
-            : _type(type), _name(name), _labels(labels) {}
+    MetricEntity(MetricEntityType type, std::string name, Labels labels)
+            : _type(type), _name(std::move(name)), _labels(std::move(labels)) 
     ~MetricEntity() {
         for (auto& metric : _metrics) {
             delete metric.second;
@@ -401,7 +307,7 @@ using EntityMetricsByType =
 class MetricRegistry {
-    MetricRegistry(const std::string& name) : _name(name) {}
+    MetricRegistry(std::string name) : _name(std::move(name)) {}
     std::shared_ptr<MetricEntity> register_entity(
diff --git a/be/src/util/system_metrics.cpp b/be/src/util/system_metrics.cpp
index c1385b6244b..8203be6d6a7 100644
--- a/be/src/util/system_metrics.cpp
+++ b/be/src/util/system_metrics.cpp
@@ -55,16 +55,16 @@ DEFINE_CPU_COUNTER_METRIC(guest_nice);
 // /proc/stat:
 struct CpuMetrics {
     CpuMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_user);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_nice);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_system);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_idle);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_iowait);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_irq);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_soft_irq);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_steal);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_guest);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_guest_nice);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_user);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_nice);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_system);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_idle);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_iowait);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_irq);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_soft_irq);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_steal);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_guest);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, cpu_guest_nice);
         metrics[0] = cpu_user;
         metrics[1] = cpu_nice;
@@ -81,18 +81,18 @@ struct CpuMetrics {
     static constexpr int cpu_num_metrics = 10;
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_user;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_nice;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_system;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_idle;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_iowait;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_irq;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_soft_irq;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_steal;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_guest;
-    IntAtomicCounter* cpu_guest_nice;
-    IntAtomicCounter* metrics[cpu_num_metrics];
+    IntCounter* cpu_user;
+    IntCounter* cpu_nice;
+    IntCounter* cpu_system;
+    IntCounter* cpu_idle;
+    IntCounter* cpu_iowait;
+    IntCounter* cpu_irq;
+    IntCounter* cpu_soft_irq;
+    IntCounter* cpu_steal;
+    IntCounter* cpu_guest;
+    IntCounter* cpu_guest_nice;
+    IntCounter* metrics[cpu_num_metrics];
 #define DEFINE_MEMORY_GAUGE_METRIC(metric, unit) \
@@ -201,25 +201,25 @@ DEFINE_DISK_COUNTER_METRIC(io_time_weigthed, 
 struct DiskMetrics {
     DiskMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_reads_completed);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_bytes_read);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_read_time_ms);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_writes_completed);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_bytes_written);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_write_time_ms);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_io_time_ms);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_io_time_weigthed);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_reads_completed);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_bytes_read);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_read_time_ms);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_writes_completed);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_bytes_written);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_write_time_ms);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_io_time_ms);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, disk_io_time_weigthed);
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_reads_completed;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_bytes_read;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_read_time_ms;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_writes_completed;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_bytes_written;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_write_time_ms;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_io_time_ms;
-    IntAtomicCounter* disk_io_time_weigthed;
+    IntCounter* disk_reads_completed;
+    IntCounter* disk_bytes_read;
+    IntCounter* disk_read_time_ms;
+    IntCounter* disk_writes_completed;
+    IntCounter* disk_bytes_written;
+    IntCounter* disk_write_time_ms;
+    IntCounter* disk_io_time_ms;
+    IntCounter* disk_io_time_weigthed;
 #define DEFINE_NETWORK_COUNTER_METRIC(metric, unit) \
@@ -231,17 +231,17 @@ DEFINE_NETWORK_COUNTER_METRIC(send_packets, 
 struct NetworkMetrics {
     NetworkMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_receive_bytes);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_receive_packets);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_send_bytes);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_send_packets);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_receive_bytes);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_receive_packets);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_send_bytes);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, network_send_packets);
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* network_receive_bytes;
-    IntAtomicCounter* network_receive_packets;
-    IntAtomicCounter* network_send_bytes;
-    IntAtomicCounter* network_send_packets;
+    IntCounter* network_receive_bytes;
+    IntCounter* network_receive_packets;
+    IntCounter* network_send_bytes;
+    IntCounter* network_send_packets;
 #define DEFINE_SNMP_COUNTER_METRIC(metric, unit, desc) \
@@ -255,17 +255,17 @@ DEFINE_SNMP_COUNTER_METRIC(tcp_out_segs, 
MetricUnit::NOUNIT, "All send TCP packe
 // metrics read from /proc/net/snmp
 struct SnmpMetrics {
     SnmpMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_in_errs);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_retrans_segs);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_in_segs);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_out_segs);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_in_errs);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_retrans_segs);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_in_segs);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, snmp_tcp_out_segs);
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* snmp_tcp_in_errs;
-    IntAtomicCounter* snmp_tcp_retrans_segs;
-    IntAtomicCounter* snmp_tcp_in_segs;
-    IntAtomicCounter* snmp_tcp_out_segs;
+    IntCounter* snmp_tcp_in_errs;
+    IntCounter* snmp_tcp_retrans_segs;
+    IntCounter* snmp_tcp_in_segs;
+    IntCounter* snmp_tcp_out_segs;
 #define DEFINE_FD_COUNTER_METRIC(metric, unit) \
@@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ DEFINE_LOAD_AVERAGE_DOUBLE_METRIC(15_minutes);
 struct LoadAverageMetrics {
     LoadAverageMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_1_minutes);
-        INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_5_minutes);
-        INT_DOUBLE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_15_minutes);
+        DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_1_minutes);
+        DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_5_minutes);
+        DOUBLE_GAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, load_average_15_minutes);
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
@@ -314,18 +314,18 @@ DEFINE_PROC_STAT_COUNTER_METRIC(procs_blocked);
 struct ProcMetrics {
     ProcMetrics(MetricEntity* ent) : entity(ent) {
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_interrupt);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_ctxt_switch);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_procs_running);
-        INT_ATOMIC_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_procs_blocked);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_interrupt);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_ctxt_switch);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_procs_running);
+        INT_COUNTER_METRIC_REGISTER(entity, proc_procs_blocked);
     MetricEntity* entity = nullptr;
-    IntAtomicCounter* proc_interrupt;
-    IntAtomicCounter* proc_ctxt_switch;
-    IntAtomicCounter* proc_procs_running;
-    IntAtomicCounter* proc_procs_blocked;
+    IntCounter* proc_interrupt;
+    IntCounter* proc_ctxt_switch;
+    IntCounter* proc_procs_running;
+    IntCounter* proc_procs_blocked;
diff --git a/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp b/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ed87015b189..00000000000
--- a/be/test/util/core_local_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-#include "util/core_local.h"
-#include <gtest/gtest-message.h>
-#include <gtest/gtest-test-part.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <thread>
-#include "common/logging.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest_pred_impl.h"
-#include "testutil/test_util.h"
-#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
-namespace doris {
-// Fixture for testing class Decompressor
-class CoreLocalTest : public ::testing::Test {
-    CoreLocalTest() {}
-    ~CoreLocalTest() {}
-void updater(int64_t loop, CoreLocalValue<int64_t>* value, int64_t* used_ns) {
-    usleep(100);
-    MonotonicStopWatch stopwatch;
-    stopwatch.start();
-    for (int i = 0; i < loop; ++i) {
-        __sync_fetch_and_add(value->access(), 1);
-    }
-    *used_ns = stopwatch.elapsed_time();
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValue) {
-    int64_t loop = LOOP_LESS_OR_MORE(1000, 1000000L);
-    CoreLocalValue<int64_t> value;
-    std::vector<int64_t> used_ns;
-    used_ns.resize(8);
-    std::vector<std::thread> workers;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        workers.emplace_back(updater, loop, &value, &used_ns[i]);
-    }
-    int64_t sum_ns = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        workers[i].join();
-        sum_ns += used_ns[i];
-    }
-    int64_t sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        sum += __sync_fetch_and_add(value.access_at_core(i), 0);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(8 * loop, sum);
-    LOG(INFO) << "time:" << sum_ns / sum << "ns/op";
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreDataAllocator) {
-    CoreDataAllocatorFactory factory;
-    auto allocator1 = factory.get_allocator(1, 8);
-    auto ptr = allocator1->get_or_create(0);
-    EXPECT_TRUE(ptr != nullptr);
-    {
-        auto ptr2 = allocator1->get_or_create(0);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(ptr == ptr2);
-    }
-    {
-        auto ptr2 = allocator1->get_or_create(4096);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(ptr2 != nullptr);
-    }
-    {
-        auto allocator2 = factory.get_allocator(2, 8);
-        EXPECT_TRUE(allocator2 != allocator1);
-    }
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValueController) {
-    CoreLocalValueController<int64_t> controller;
-    auto id = controller.get_id();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, id);
-    controller.reclaim_id(id);
-    id = controller.get_id();
-    EXPECT_EQ(0, id);
-    id = controller.get_id();
-    EXPECT_EQ(1, id);
-TEST_F(CoreLocalTest, CoreLocalValueNormal) {
-    CoreLocalValue<int64_t> value;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(0, *value.access_at_core(i));
-        *value.access_at_core(i) += 1;
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        EXPECT_EQ(1, *value.access_at_core(i));
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
-        *value.access() += 1;
-    }
-    int64_t sum = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
-        sum += *value.access_at_core(i);
-    }
-    EXPECT_EQ(10000 + value.size(), sum);
-} // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp 
index dcba57cb7e9..6e9969b1210 100644
--- a/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp
+++ b/be/test/util/doris_metrics_test.cpp
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ TEST_F(DorisMetricsTest, Normal) {
     auto server_entity = DorisMetrics::instance()->server_entity();
     // check metric
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_requests_total->reset();
+        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_requests_total->set_value(0);
         auto metric = server_entity->get_metric("fragment_requests_total");
         EXPECT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
         EXPECT_STREQ("12", metric->to_string().c_str());
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_request_duration_us->reset();
+        DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_request_duration_us->set_value(0);
         auto metric = 
         EXPECT_TRUE(metric != nullptr);
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ TEST_F(DorisMetricsTest, Normal) {
     // engine request
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->create_tablet_requests_total->reset();
+        DorisMetrics::instance()->create_tablet_requests_total->set_value(0);
         auto metric =
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ TEST_F(DorisMetricsTest, Normal) {
         EXPECT_STREQ("15", metric->to_string().c_str());
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->drop_tablet_requests_total->reset();
+        DorisMetrics::instance()->drop_tablet_requests_total->set_value(0);
         auto metric =
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ TEST_F(DorisMetricsTest, Normal) {
         EXPECT_STREQ("20", metric->to_string().c_str());
-        DorisMetrics::instance()->storage_migrate_requests_total->reset();
+        DorisMetrics::instance()->storage_migrate_requests_total->set_value(0);
         auto metric = 
diff --git a/be/test/util/metrics_test.cpp b/be/test/util/metrics_test.cpp
index 305d17c47ca..4ed8cc89bae 100644
--- a/be/test/util/metrics_test.cpp
+++ b/be/test/util/metrics_test.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ TEST_F(MetricsTest, Counter) {
         EXPECT_STREQ("100", counter.to_string().c_str());
-        IntAtomicCounter counter;
+        IntCounter counter;
         EXPECT_EQ(0, counter.value());
         EXPECT_EQ(100, counter.value());
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ TEST_F(MetricsTest, CounterPerf) {
         EXPECT_EQ(kLoopCount, sum);
         LOG(INFO) << "int64_t: elapsed: " << elapsed << "ns, ns/iter:" << 
elapsed / kLoopCount;
-    // IntAtomicCounter
+    // IntCounter
-        IntAtomicCounter counter;
+        IntCounter counter;
         MonotonicStopWatch watch;
         for (int i = 0; i < kLoopCount; ++i) {
@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ TEST_F(MetricsTest, CounterPerf) {
         uint64_t elapsed = watch.elapsed_time();
         EXPECT_EQ(kLoopCount, counter.value());
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntAtomicCounter: elapsed: " << elapsed
-                  << "ns, ns/iter:" << elapsed / kLoopCount;
+        LOG(INFO) << "IntCounter: elapsed: " << elapsed << "ns, ns/iter:" << 
elapsed / kLoopCount;
     // IntCounter
@@ -139,19 +138,19 @@ TEST_F(MetricsTest, CounterPerf) {
                   << "ns, ns/iter:" << used_time.load() / (8 * 
         EXPECT_EQ(8 * kThreadLoopCount, mt_counter.value());
-    // multi-thread for IntAtomicCounter
+    // multi-thread for IntCounter
-        IntAtomicCounter mt_counter;
+        IntCounter mt_counter;
         std::vector<std::thread> updaters;
         std::atomic<uint64_t> used_time(0);
         for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-            updaters.emplace_back(&mt_updater<IntAtomicCounter>, 
kThreadLoopCount, &mt_counter,
+            updaters.emplace_back(&mt_updater<IntCounter>, kThreadLoopCount, 
         for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
-        LOG(INFO) << "IntAtomicCounter multi-thread elapsed: " << 
+        LOG(INFO) << "IntCounter multi-thread elapsed: " << used_time.load()
                   << "ns, ns/iter:" << used_time.load() / (8 * 
         EXPECT_EQ(8 * kThreadLoopCount, mt_counter.value());

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