This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

github-bot pushed a change to branch auto-pick-41994-branch-3.0
in repository

    from f5f1f8c5aab branch-3.0: [fix](ngram bloomfilter) fix narrow conversion 
for ngram bf_size (#43645)
     add 9a5c0edfaf1 [opt](http) enable auth token with BE http request (#41994)

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 be/src/agent/agent_server.cpp                      | 34 ++++++------
 be/src/agent/agent_server.h                        |  8 +--
 be/src/agent/heartbeat_server.cpp                  | 63 +++++++++++++---------
 be/src/agent/heartbeat_server.h                    | 13 ++---
 be/src/agent/task_worker_pool.cpp                  | 40 +++++++-------
 be/src/agent/task_worker_pool.h                    | 16 +++---
 be/src/agent/utils.cpp                             | 49 ++++++++---------
 be/src/agent/utils.h                               | 10 ++--
 be/src/cloud/cloud_meta_mgr.cpp                    |  2 +-
 be/src/common/utils.h                              |  3 +-
 .../schema_active_queries_scanner.cpp              |  2 +-
 .../schema_scanner/schema_partitions_scanner.cpp   |  2 +-
 .../exec/schema_scanner/schema_routine_scanner.cpp |  4 +-
 .../schema_table_options_scanner.cpp               |  2 +-
 .../schema_table_properties_scanner.cpp            |  2 +-
 .../schema_workload_group_privileges.cpp           |  4 +-
 .../schema_workload_groups_scanner.cpp             |  4 +-
 .../schema_workload_sched_policy_scanner.cpp       |  4 +-
 be/src/http/action/compaction_score_action.cpp     |  2 +-
 be/src/http/action/http_stream.cpp                 |  8 +--
 be/src/http/action/stream_load.cpp                 |  2 +-
 be/src/http/http_client.cpp                        |  4 ++
 be/src/http/http_client.h                          |  8 +++
 be/src/http/http_common.h                          |  2 +-
 be/src/http/http_handler_with_auth.cpp             | 19 ++++++-
 be/src/http/http_headers.cpp                       |  3 +-
 be/src/http/http_headers.h                         |  3 +-
 be/src/http/utils.cpp                              | 11 +++-
 be/src/io/fs/multi_table_pipe.cpp                  |  2 +-
 be/src/olap/olap_server.cpp                        |  6 +--
 be/src/olap/task/engine_clone_task.cpp             |  6 +--
 be/src/olap/task/engine_clone_task.h               |  6 +--
 be/src/olap/wal/wal_manager.cpp                    |  6 +--
 be/src/olap/wal/wal_table.cpp                      | 14 +++--
 .../cluster_info.h}                                | 36 +++++++------
 be/src/runtime/exec_env.cpp                        | 15 ++++--
 be/src/runtime/exec_env.h                          | 12 +++--
 be/src/runtime/exec_env_init.cpp                   |  6 +--
 be/src/runtime/fragment_mgr.cpp                    |  4 +-
 be/src/runtime/group_commit_mgr.cpp                | 26 +++++----
 .../routine_load/routine_load_task_executor.cpp    |  2 +
 be/src/runtime/runtime_query_statistics_mgr.cpp    |  6 +--
 be/src/runtime/small_file_mgr.cpp                  |  6 +--
 be/src/runtime/snapshot_loader.cpp                 |  2 +-
 .../runtime/stream_load/stream_load_executor.cpp   | 12 ++---
 .../workload_group/workload_group_manager.cpp      |  2 +-
 be/src/service/backend_service.cpp                 |  2 +-
 be/src/service/doris_main.cpp                      |  8 ++-
 be/src/service/internal_service.cpp                |  2 +-
 be/src/vec/exec/scan/vmeta_scanner.cpp             |  2 +-
 be/src/vec/sink/autoinc_buffer.cpp                 |  4 +-
 be/src/vec/sink/vrow_distribution.cpp              |  4 +-
 be/test/agent/heartbeat_server_test.cpp            | 12 ++---
 be/test/agent/mock_utils.h                         |  2 +-
 be/test/agent/task_worker_pool_test.cpp            |  7 +--
 be/test/http/http_client_test.cpp                  | 34 +++++++++++-
 be/test/olap/wal/wal_manager_test.cpp              | 12 ++---
 .../runtime/routine_load_task_executor_test.cpp    |  6 +--
 be/test/vec/exec/vfile_scanner_exception_test.cpp  | 13 ++---
 be/test/vec/exec/vwal_scanner_test.cpp             | 13 ++---
 .../main/java/org/apache/doris/catalog/    |  8 +++
 .../{load/loadv2 => catalog}/     | 10 +++-
 .../org/apache/doris/httpv2/rest/   |  2 +-
 .../org/apache/doris/load/loadv2/  |  9 +---
 .../apache/doris/load/loadv2/ |  6 +--
 .../doris/load/sync/canal/    |  2 +-
 .../trees/plans/commands/insert/   |  2 +-
 .../org/apache/doris/plugin/audit/ |  2 +-
 .../java/org/apache/doris/qe/     |  4 +-
 .../apache/doris/service/  | 18 +++----
 .../java/org/apache/doris/system/ |  1 +
 .../apache/doris/transaction/ |  2 +-
 .../apache/doris/load/loadv2/ |  1 +
 gensrc/thrift/FrontendService.thrift               | 24 ++++-----
 gensrc/thrift/HeartbeatService.thrift              |  1 +
 75 files changed, 414 insertions(+), 292 deletions(-)
 copy be/src/{vec/exprs/table_function/table_function_factory.h => 
runtime/cluster_info.h} (58%)
 rename fe/fe-core/src/main/java/org/apache/doris/{load/loadv2 => 
catalog}/ (95%)

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