This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

morningman pushed a commit to branch branch-3.0
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/branch-3.0 by this push:
     new 2995e8f3b9b [Opt](orc)Optimize the merge io when orc reader read 
multiple tiny stripes. (#42004) (#43467)
2995e8f3b9b is described below

commit 2995e8f3b9bcfda97f0e3c6e3db21d0494e4c001
Author: Mingyu Chen (Rayner) <>
AuthorDate: Sat Nov 9 23:54:03 2024 +0800

    [Opt](orc)Optimize the merge io when orc reader read multiple tiny stripes. 
(#42004) (#43467)
    cherry-pick #42004
    Co-authored-by: daidai <>
    Co-authored-by: kaka11chen <>
    Co-authored-by: daidai <>
 be/src/apache-orc                                  |    2 +-
 be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.cpp                   |  102 +
 be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.h                     |  141 ++
 be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.cpp         |   80 +-
 be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.h           |   15 +-
 be/test/io/fs/buffered_reader_test.cpp             |  108 +
 .../scripts/create_preinstalled_scripts/run67.hql  |   11 +
 .../orc/orc_tiny_stripes/output_60_3.orc           |  Bin 0 -> 19688 bytes
 .../orc/orc_tiny_stripes/output_6_1.orc            |  Bin 0 -> 1902 bytes
 .../orc/orc_tiny_stripes/random_output_60_3.orc    |  Bin 0 -> 24248 bytes
 .../orc/orc_tiny_stripes/random_output_6_1.orc     |  Bin 0 -> 2293 bytes
 .../java/org/apache/doris/qe/  |   76 +
 gensrc/thrift/PaloInternalService.thrift           |    4 +
 .../hive/test_orc_tiny_stripes.out                 | 2311 ++++++++++++++++++++
 .../hive/test_orc_tiny_stripes.groovy              |  203 ++
 15 files changed, 3037 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/be/src/apache-orc b/be/src/apache-orc
index 903ea6ccdc4..db01184f765 160000
--- a/be/src/apache-orc
+++ b/be/src/apache-orc
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 903ea6ccdc463b8a17af2604975107ba7d895380
+Subproject commit db01184f765c03496e4107bd3ac37c077ac4bc5f
diff --git a/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.cpp b/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.cpp
index 20d5684734e..7fd85caa43b 100644
--- a/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.cpp
+++ b/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.cpp
@@ -869,5 +869,107 @@ Result<io::FileReaderSPtr> 
                 return reader;
+Status LinearProbeRangeFinder::get_range_for(int64_t desired_offset,
+                                             io::PrefetchRange& result_range) {
+    while (index < _ranges.size()) {
+        io::PrefetchRange& range = _ranges[index];
+        if (range.end_offset > desired_offset) {
+            if (range.start_offset > desired_offset) [[unlikely]] {
+                return Status::InvalidArgument("Invalid desiredOffset");
+            }
+            result_range = range;
+            return Status::OK();
+        }
+        ++index;
+    }
+    return Status::InvalidArgument("Invalid desiredOffset");
+RangeCacheFileReader::RangeCacheFileReader(RuntimeProfile* profile, 
io::FileReaderSPtr inner_reader,
+                                           std::shared_ptr<RangeFinder> 
+        : _profile(profile),
+          _inner_reader(std::move(inner_reader)),
+          _range_finder(std::move(range_finder)) {
+    _size = _inner_reader->size();
+    uint64_t max_cache_size =
+            std::max((uint64_t)4096, 
+    _cache = OwnedSlice(max_cache_size);
+    if (_profile != nullptr) {
+        const char* random_profile = "RangeCacheFileReader";
+        ADD_TIMER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, random_profile, 1);
+        _request_io =
+                ADD_CHILD_COUNTER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, "RequestIO", 
TUnit::UNIT, random_profile, 1);
+        _request_bytes = ADD_CHILD_COUNTER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, 
"RequestBytes", TUnit::BYTES,
+                                                      random_profile, 1);
+        _request_time = ADD_CHILD_TIMER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, "RequestTime", 
random_profile, 1);
+        _read_to_cache_time =
+                ADD_CHILD_TIMER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, "ReadToCacheTime", 
random_profile, 1);
+        _cache_refresh_count = ADD_CHILD_COUNTER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, 
+                                                            TUnit::UNIT, 
random_profile, 1);
+        _read_to_cache_bytes = ADD_CHILD_COUNTER_WITH_LEVEL(_profile, 
+                                                            TUnit::BYTES, 
random_profile, 1);
+    }
+Status RangeCacheFileReader::read_at_impl(size_t offset, Slice result, size_t* 
+                                          const IOContext* io_ctx) {
+    auto request_size = result.size;
+    _cache_statistics.request_io++;
+    _cache_statistics.request_bytes += request_size;
+    SCOPED_RAW_TIMER(&_cache_statistics.request_time);
+    PrefetchRange range;
+    if (_range_finder->get_range_for(offset, range)) [[likely]] {
+        if (_current_start_offset != range.start_offset) { // need read new 
range to cache.
+            auto range_size = range.end_offset - range.start_offset;
+            _cache_statistics.cache_refresh_count++;
+            _cache_statistics.read_to_cache_bytes += range_size;
+            SCOPED_RAW_TIMER(&_cache_statistics.read_to_cache_time);
+            Slice cache_slice = {, range_size};
+            RETURN_IF_ERROR(
+                    _inner_reader->read_at(range.start_offset, cache_slice, 
bytes_read, io_ctx));
+            if (*bytes_read != range_size) [[unlikely]] {
+                return Status::InternalError(
+                        "RangeCacheFileReader use inner reader read bytes {} 
not eq expect size {}",
+                        *bytes_read, range_size);
+            }
+            _current_start_offset = range.start_offset;
+        }
+        int64_t buffer_offset = offset - _current_start_offset;
+        memcpy(, + buffer_offset, request_size);
+        *bytes_read = request_size;
+        return Status::OK();
+    } else {
+        return Status::InternalError("RangeCacheFileReader read  not in 
Ranges. Offset = {}",
+                                     offset);
+        //                RETURN_IF_ERROR(_inner_reader->read_at(offset, 
result , bytes_read, io_ctx));
+        //                return Status::OK();
+        // think return error is ok,otherwise it will cover up the error.
+    }
+void RangeCacheFileReader::_collect_profile_before_close() {
+    if (_profile != nullptr) {
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_request_io, _cache_statistics.request_io);
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_request_bytes, _cache_statistics.request_bytes);
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_request_time, _cache_statistics.request_time);
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_read_to_cache_time, 
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_cache_refresh_count, 
+        COUNTER_UPDATE(_read_to_cache_bytes, 
+        if (_inner_reader != nullptr) {
+            _inner_reader->collect_profile_before_close();
+        }
+    }
 } // namespace io
 } // namespace doris
diff --git a/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.h b/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.h
index 907ea11b216..67e07665fbf 100644
--- a/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.h
+++ b/be/src/io/fs/buffered_reader.h
@@ -53,6 +53,147 @@ struct PrefetchRange {
             : start_offset(start_offset), end_offset(end_offset) {}
     PrefetchRange() : start_offset(0), end_offset(0) {}
+    bool operator==(const PrefetchRange& other) const {
+        return (start_offset == other.start_offset) && (end_offset == 
+    }
+    bool operator!=(const PrefetchRange& other) const { return !(*this == 
other); }
+    PrefetchRange span(const PrefetchRange& other) const {
+        return {std::min(start_offset, other.end_offset), 
std::max(start_offset, other.end_offset)};
+    }
+    PrefetchRange seq_span(const PrefetchRange& other) const {
+        return {start_offset, other.end_offset};
+    }
+    //Ranges needs to be sorted.
+    static std::vector<PrefetchRange> merge_adjacent_seq_ranges(
+            const std::vector<PrefetchRange>& seq_ranges, int64_t 
+            int64_t once_max_read_bytes) {
+        if (seq_ranges.empty()) {
+            return {};
+        }
+        // Merge overlapping ranges
+        std::vector<PrefetchRange> result;
+        PrefetchRange last = seq_ranges.front();
+        for (size_t i = 1; i < seq_ranges.size(); ++i) {
+            PrefetchRange current = seq_ranges[i];
+            PrefetchRange merged = last.seq_span(current);
+            if (merged.end_offset <= once_max_read_bytes + merged.start_offset 
+                last.end_offset + max_merge_distance_bytes >= 
current.start_offset) {
+                last = merged;
+            } else {
+                result.push_back(last);
+                last = current;
+            }
+        }
+        result.push_back(last);
+        return result;
+    }
+class RangeFinder {
+    virtual ~RangeFinder() = default;
+    virtual Status get_range_for(int64_t desired_offset, io::PrefetchRange& 
result_range) = 0;
+    virtual size_t get_max_range_size() const = 0;
+class LinearProbeRangeFinder : public RangeFinder {
+    LinearProbeRangeFinder(std::vector<io::PrefetchRange>&& ranges) : 
_ranges(std::move(ranges)) {}
+    Status get_range_for(int64_t desired_offset, io::PrefetchRange& 
result_range) override;
+    size_t get_max_range_size() const override {
+        size_t max_range_size = 0;
+        for (const auto& range : _ranges) {
+            max_range_size = std::max(max_range_size, range.end_offset - 
+        }
+        return max_range_size;
+    }
+    ~LinearProbeRangeFinder() override = default;
+    std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> _ranges;
+    size_t index {0};
+ * The reader provides a solution to read one range at a time. You can 
customize RangeFinder to meet your scenario.
+ * For me, since there will be tiny stripes when reading orc files, in order 
to reduce the requests to hdfs,
+ * I first merge the access to the orc files to be read (of course there is a 
problem of read amplification,
+ * but in my scenario, compared with reading hdfs multiple times, it is faster 
to read more data on hdfs at one time),
+ * and then because the actual reading of orc files is in order from front to 
back, I provide LinearProbeRangeFinder.
+ */
+class RangeCacheFileReader : public io::FileReader {
+    struct RangeCacheReaderStatistics {
+        int64_t request_io = 0;
+        int64_t request_bytes = 0;
+        int64_t request_time = 0;
+        int64_t read_to_cache_time = 0;
+        int64_t cache_refresh_count = 0;
+        int64_t read_to_cache_bytes = 0;
+    };
+    RangeCacheFileReader(RuntimeProfile* profile, io::FileReaderSPtr 
+                         std::shared_ptr<RangeFinder> range_finder);
+    ~RangeCacheFileReader() override = default;
+    Status close() override {
+        if (!_closed) {
+            _closed = true;
+        }
+        return Status::OK();
+    }
+    const io::Path& path() const override { return _inner_reader->path(); }
+    size_t size() const override { return _size; }
+    bool closed() const override { return _closed; }
+    Status read_at_impl(size_t offset, Slice result, size_t* bytes_read,
+                        const IOContext* io_ctx) override;
+    void _collect_profile_before_close() override;
+    RuntimeProfile* _profile = nullptr;
+    io::FileReaderSPtr _inner_reader;
+    std::shared_ptr<RangeFinder> _range_finder;
+    OwnedSlice _cache;
+    int64_t _current_start_offset = -1;
+    size_t _size;
+    bool _closed = false;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _request_io = nullptr;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _request_bytes = nullptr;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _request_time = nullptr;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _read_to_cache_time = nullptr;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _cache_refresh_count = nullptr;
+    RuntimeProfile::Counter* _read_to_cache_bytes = nullptr;
+    RangeCacheReaderStatistics _cache_statistics;
+    /**
+     * `RangeCacheFileReader`:
+     *   1. `CacheRefreshCount`: how many IOs are merged
+     *   2. `ReadToCacheBytes`: how much data is actually read after merging
+     *   3. `ReadToCacheTime`: how long it takes to read data after merging
+     *   4. `RequestBytes`: how many bytes does the apache-orc library 
actually need to read the orc file
+     *   5. `RequestIO`: how many times the apache-orc library calls this read 
+     *   6. `RequestTime`: how long it takes the apache-orc library to call 
this read interface
+     *
+     *   It should be noted that `RangeCacheFileReader` is a wrapper of the 
reader that actually reads data,such as
+     *   the hdfs reader, so strictly speaking, `CacheRefreshCount` is not 
equal to how many IOs are initiated to hdfs,
+     *  because each time the hdfs reader is requested, the hdfs reader may 
not be able to read all the data at once.
+     */
diff --git a/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.cpp 
index 6b6639f2feb..e2161d8a6dc 100644
--- a/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.cpp
+++ b/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.cpp
@@ -857,28 +857,79 @@ Status OrcReader::set_fill_columns(
     if (_colname_to_value_range == nullptr || 
!_init_search_argument(_colname_to_value_range)) {
         _lazy_read_ctx.can_lazy_read = false;
+    try {
+        _row_reader_options.range(_range_start_offset, _range_size);
+        _row_reader_options.setTimezoneName(_ctz == "CST" ? "Asia/Shanghai" : 
+        _row_reader_options.include(_read_cols);
+        _row_reader_options.setEnableLazyDecoding(true);
-    if (!_lazy_read_ctx.can_lazy_read) {
-        for (auto& kv : _lazy_read_ctx.predicate_partition_columns) {
-            _lazy_read_ctx.partition_columns.emplace(kv.first, kv.second);
+        uint64_t number_of_stripes = _reader->getNumberOfStripes();
+        auto all_stripes_needed = 
+        int64_t range_end_offset = _range_start_offset + _range_size;
+        // If you set "orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes" = 0, the use tiny 
stripes merge io optimization will not be used.
+        int64_t orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes = 8L * 1024L * 1024L;
+        int64_t orc_once_max_read_bytes = 8L * 1024L * 1024L;
+        int64_t orc_max_merge_distance_bytes = 1L * 1024L * 1024L;
+        if (_state != nullptr) {
+            orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes =
+                    _state->query_options().orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes;
+            orc_once_max_read_bytes = 
+            orc_max_merge_distance_bytes = 
-        for (auto& kv : _lazy_read_ctx.predicate_missing_columns) {
-            _lazy_read_ctx.missing_columns.emplace(kv.first, kv.second);
+        bool all_tiny_stripes = true;
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> tiny_stripe_ranges;
+        for (uint64_t i = 0; i < number_of_stripes; i++) {
+            std::unique_ptr<orc::StripeInformation> strip_info = 
+            uint64_t strip_start_offset = strip_info->getOffset();
+            uint64_t strip_end_offset = strip_start_offset + 
+            if (strip_start_offset >= range_end_offset || strip_end_offset < 
_range_start_offset ||
+                !all_stripes_needed[i]) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (strip_info->getLength() > orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes) {
+                all_tiny_stripes = false;
+                break;
+            }
+            tiny_stripe_ranges.emplace_back(strip_start_offset, 
-    }
+        if (all_tiny_stripes && number_of_stripes > 0) {
+            std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> prefetch_merge_ranges =
+            auto range_finder =
-    _fill_all_columns = true;
+            auto* orc_input_stream_ptr = 
+            orc_input_stream_ptr->set_all_tiny_stripes();
+            auto& orc_file_reader = orc_input_stream_ptr->get_file_reader();
+            auto orc_inner_reader = orc_input_stream_ptr->get_inner_reader();
+            orc_file_reader = 
std::make_shared<io::RangeCacheFileReader>(_profile, orc_inner_reader,
+        }
-    // create orc row reader
-    try {
-        _row_reader_options.range(_range_start_offset, _range_size);
-        _row_reader_options.setTimezoneName(_ctz == "CST" ? "Asia/Shanghai" : 
-        _row_reader_options.include(_read_cols);
+        if (!_lazy_read_ctx.can_lazy_read) {
+            for (auto& kv : _lazy_read_ctx.predicate_partition_columns) {
+                _lazy_read_ctx.partition_columns.emplace(kv.first, kv.second);
+            }
+            for (auto& kv : _lazy_read_ctx.predicate_missing_columns) {
+                _lazy_read_ctx.missing_columns.emplace(kv.first, kv.second);
+            }
+        }
+        _fill_all_columns = true;
+        // create orc row reader
         if (_lazy_read_ctx.can_lazy_read) {
             _orc_filter = std::unique_ptr<ORCFilterImpl>(new 
-        _row_reader_options.setEnableLazyDecoding(true);
         if (!_lazy_read_ctx.conjuncts.empty()) {
             _string_dict_filter = std::make_unique<StringDictFilterImpl>(this);
@@ -2415,6 +2466,9 @@ MutableColumnPtr 
 void ORCFileInputStream::beforeReadStripe(
         std::unique_ptr<orc::StripeInformation> current_strip_information,
         std::vector<bool> selected_columns) {
+    if (_is_all_tiny_stripes) {
+        return;
+    }
     if (_file_reader != nullptr) {
diff --git a/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.h 
index 4aad5637ef5..0807f4949e5 100644
--- a/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.h
+++ b/be/src/vec/exec/format/orc/vorc_reader.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 #include "common/status.h"
 #include "exec/olap_common.h"
 #include "io/file_factory.h"
+#include "io/fs/buffered_reader.h"
 #include "io/fs/file_reader.h"
 #include "io/fs/file_reader_writer_fwd.h"
 #include "olap/olap_common.h"
@@ -642,7 +643,11 @@ public:
               _profile(profile) {}
-    ~ORCFileInputStream() override = default;
+    ~ORCFileInputStream() override {
+        if (_file_reader != nullptr) {
+            _file_reader->collect_profile_before_close();
+        }
+    }
     uint64_t getLength() const override { return _file_reader->size(); }
@@ -655,6 +660,12 @@ public:
     void beforeReadStripe(std::unique_ptr<orc::StripeInformation> 
                           std::vector<bool> selected_columns) override;
+    void set_all_tiny_stripes() { _is_all_tiny_stripes = true; }
+    io::FileReaderSPtr& get_file_reader() { return _file_reader; }
+    io::FileReaderSPtr& get_inner_reader() { return _inner_reader; }
     void _collect_profile_at_runtime() override {};
     void _collect_profile_before_close() override;
@@ -663,10 +674,10 @@ private:
     const std::string& _file_name;
     io::FileReaderSPtr _inner_reader;
     io::FileReaderSPtr _file_reader;
+    bool _is_all_tiny_stripes = false;
     // Owned by OrcReader
     OrcReader::Statistics* _statistics = nullptr;
     const io::IOContext* _io_ctx = nullptr;
     RuntimeProfile* _profile = nullptr;
 } // namespace doris::vectorized
diff --git a/be/test/io/fs/buffered_reader_test.cpp 
index d0a504162d3..658c98ba514 100644
--- a/be/test/io/fs/buffered_reader_test.cpp
+++ b/be/test/io/fs/buffered_reader_test.cpp
@@ -114,6 +114,34 @@ private:
     io::Path _path = "/tmp/mock";
+class TestingRangeCacheFileReader : public io::FileReader {
+    TestingRangeCacheFileReader(std::shared_ptr<io::FileReader> delegate) : 
_delegate(delegate) {};
+    ~TestingRangeCacheFileReader() override = default;
+    Status close() override { return _delegate->close(); }
+    const io::Path& path() const override { return _delegate->path(); }
+    size_t size() const override { return _delegate->size(); }
+    bool closed() const override { return _delegate->closed(); }
+    const io::PrefetchRange& last_read_range() const { return 
*_last_read_range; }
+    Status read_at_impl(size_t offset, Slice result, size_t* bytes_read,
+                        const io::IOContext* io_ctx) override {
+        _last_read_range = std::make_unique<io::PrefetchRange>(offset, offset 
+ result.size);
+        return _delegate->read_at_impl(offset, result, bytes_read, io_ctx);
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<io::FileReader> _delegate;
+    std::unique_ptr<io::PrefetchRange> _last_read_range;
 TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, normal_use) {
     // buffered_reader_test_file 950 bytes
     io::FileReaderSPtr local_reader;
@@ -398,4 +426,84 @@ TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, test_merged_io) {
+TEST_F(BufferedReaderTest, test_range_cache_file_reader) {
+    io::FileReaderSPtr offset_reader = 
std::make_shared<MockOffsetFileReader>(128 * 1024 * 1024);
+    auto testing_reader = 
+    int64_t orc_max_merge_distance = 1L * 1024L * 1024L;
+    int64_t orc_once_max_read_size = 8L * 1024L * 1024L;
+    {
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> tiny_stripe_ranges = {
+                io::PrefetchRange(3, 33),
+                io::PrefetchRange(33, 63),
+                io::PrefetchRange(63, 8L * 1024L * 1024L + 63),
+        };
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> prefetch_merge_ranges =
+                io::PrefetchRange::merge_adjacent_seq_ranges(
+                        tiny_stripe_ranges, orc_max_merge_distance, 
+        auto range_finder =
+        io::RangeCacheFileReader range_cache_file_reader(nullptr, 
testing_reader, range_finder);
+        char data[1];
+        Slice result(data, 1);
+        size_t bytes_read;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(3, result, &bytes_read, 
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(3, 63), testing_reader->last_read_range());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(63, result, &bytes_read, 
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(63, 8 * 1024L * 1024L + 63), 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.close().ok());
+    }
+    {
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> tiny_stripe_ranges = {
+                io::PrefetchRange(3, 33),
+                io::PrefetchRange(33, 63),
+                io::PrefetchRange(63, 8L * 1024L * 1024L + 63),
+        };
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> prefetch_merge_ranges =
+                io::PrefetchRange::merge_adjacent_seq_ranges(
+                        tiny_stripe_ranges, orc_max_merge_distance, 
+        auto range_finder =
+        io::RangeCacheFileReader range_cache_file_reader(nullptr, 
testing_reader, range_finder);
+        char data[1];
+        Slice result(data, 1);
+        size_t bytes_read;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(62, result, &bytes_read, 
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(3, 63), testing_reader->last_read_range());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(63, result, &bytes_read, 
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(63, 8L * 1024L * 1024L + 63),
+                  testing_reader->last_read_range());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.close().ok());
+    }
+    {
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> tiny_stripe_ranges = {
+                io::PrefetchRange(3, 3),
+                io::PrefetchRange(4, 1048576L * 5L + 4),
+                io::PrefetchRange(1048576L * 5L + 4, 1048576L * 3L + 1048576L 
* 5L + 4),
+        };
+        std::vector<io::PrefetchRange> prefetch_merge_ranges =
+                io::PrefetchRange::merge_adjacent_seq_ranges(
+                        tiny_stripe_ranges, orc_max_merge_distance, 
+        auto range_finder =
+        io::RangeCacheFileReader range_cache_file_reader(nullptr, 
testing_reader, range_finder);
+        char data[1];
+        Slice result(data, 1);
+        size_t bytes_read;
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(3, result, &bytes_read, 
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(3, 1 + 1048576 * 5 + 3), 
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.read_at(4 + 1048576 * 5, result, 
&bytes_read, nullptr)
+                            .ok());
+        EXPECT_EQ(io::PrefetchRange(4 + 1048576 * 5, 3 * 1048576 + 4 + 1048576 
* 5),
+                  testing_reader->last_read_range());
+        EXPECT_TRUE(range_cache_file_reader.close().ok());
+    }
 } // end namespace doris
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f84cc11f040
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+use `default`;
+CREATE TABLE `orc_tiny_stripes`(
+    col1 bigint,
+    col2 string,
+    col3 bigint
+LOCATION '/user/doris/preinstalled_data/orc/orc_tiny_stripes';
+msck repair table orc_tiny_stripes;
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34c95840549
Binary files /dev/null and 
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2735240826b
Binary files /dev/null and 
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a3d16f9b44
Binary files /dev/null and 
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7fce353b526
Binary files /dev/null and 
diff --git a/fe/fe-core/src/main/java/org/apache/doris/qe/ 
index 50a3dbf10f9..c745e8913f1 100644
--- a/fe/fe-core/src/main/java/org/apache/doris/qe/
+++ b/fe/fe-core/src/main/java/org/apache/doris/qe/
@@ -470,6 +470,12 @@ public class SessionVariable implements Serializable, 
Writable {
     public static final String ENABLE_ORC_LAZY_MAT = 
+    public static final String ORC_TINY_STRIPE_THRESHOLD_BYTES = 
+    public static final String ORC_ONCE_MAX_READ_BYTES = 
+    public static final String ORC_MAX_MERGE_DISTANCE_BYTES = 
     public static final String ENABLE_PARQUET_FILTER_BY_MIN_MAX = 
     public static final String ENABLE_ORC_FILTER_BY_MIN_MAX = 
@@ -1719,6 +1725,46 @@ public class SessionVariable implements Serializable, 
Writable {
     public boolean enableOrcLazyMat = true;
+    @VariableMgr.VarAttr(
+            description = 
+                    + "我们认为该stripe为 tiny stripe。对于多个连续的tiny 
stripe我们会进行读取优化,即一次性读多个tiny stripe."
+                    + "如果你不想使用该优化,可以将该值设置为0。默认为 8M。",
+                    "In an orc file, if the byte size of a stripe is less than 
+                            + "we consider the stripe to be a tiny stripe. For 
multiple consecutive tiny stripes,"
+                            + "we will perform read optimization, that is, 
read multiple tiny stripes at a time."
+                            + "If you do not want to use this optimization, 
you can set this value to 0."
+                            + "The default is 8M."},
+            needForward = true,
+            setter = "setOrcTinyStripeThresholdBytes")
+    public long orcTinyStripeThresholdBytes  = 8L * 1024L * 1024L;
+    @VariableMgr.VarAttr(
+            name = ORC_ONCE_MAX_READ_BYTES,
+            description = {"在使用tiny stripe读取优化的时候,会对多个tiny stripe合并成一次IO,"
+                    + 
"该参数用来控制每次IO请求的最大字节大小。你不应该将值设置的小于`orc_tiny_stripe_threshold`。默认为 8M。",
+                    "When using tiny stripe read optimization, multiple tiny 
stripes will be merged into one IO."
+                            + "This parameter is used to control the maximum 
byte size of each IO request."
+                            + "You should not set the value less than 
+                            + "The default is 8M."},
+            needForward = true,
+            setter = "setOrcOnceMaxReadBytes")
+    public long orcOnceMaxReadBytes = 8L * 1024L * 1024L;
+    @VariableMgr.VarAttr(
+            name = ORC_MAX_MERGE_DISTANCE_BYTES,
+            description = {"在使用tiny stripe读取优化的时候,由于tiny stripe并不一定连续。"
+                    + "当两个tiny stripe之间距离大于该参数时,我们不会将其合并成一次IO。默认为 1M。",
+                    "When using tiny stripe read optimization, since tiny 
stripes are not necessarily continuous,"
+                            + "when the distance between two tiny stripes is 
greater than this parameter,"
+                            + "we will not merge them into one IO. The default 
value is 1M."},
+            needForward = true,
+            setter = "setOrcMaxMergeDistanceBytes")
+    public long orcMaxMergeDistanceBytes = 1024L * 1024L;
             description = {"控制 parquet reader 是否启用 min-max 值过滤。默认为 true。",
@@ -2774,6 +2820,32 @@ public class SessionVariable implements Serializable, 
Writable {
         this.parallelExecInstanceNum = val;
+    public void setOrcTinyStripeThresholdBytes(String value) throws Exception {
+        long val = checkFieldLongValue(ORC_TINY_STRIPE_THRESHOLD_BYTES, 0, 
+        this.orcTinyStripeThresholdBytes = val;
+    }
+    public void setOrcOnceMaxReadBytes(String value)  throws Exception {
+        long val = checkFieldLongValue(ORC_ONCE_MAX_READ_BYTES, 0, value);
+        this.orcOnceMaxReadBytes = val;
+    }
+    public void setOrcMaxMergeDistanceBytes(String value)  throws Exception {
+        long val = checkFieldLongValue(ORC_MAX_MERGE_DISTANCE_BYTES, 0, value);
+        this.orcMaxMergeDistanceBytes = val;
+    }
+    private long checkFieldLongValue(String variableName, long minValue, 
String value) throws Exception {
+        long val = Long.parseLong(value);
+        if (val < minValue) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                    variableName + " value should greater than or equal " + 
+                            + ", you set value is: " + value);
+        }
+        return val;
+    }
     private int checkFieldValue(String variableName, int minValue, String 
value) throws Exception {
         int val = Integer.valueOf(value);
         if (val < minValue) {
@@ -3839,6 +3911,10 @@ public class SessionVariable implements Serializable, 
Writable {
+        tResult.setOrcTinyStripeThresholdBytes(orcTinyStripeThresholdBytes);
+        tResult.setOrcMaxMergeDistanceBytes(orcMaxMergeDistanceBytes);
+        tResult.setOrcOnceMaxReadBytes(orcOnceMaxReadBytes);
         return tResult;
diff --git a/gensrc/thrift/PaloInternalService.thrift 
index a247cff9323..8d48d717421 100644
--- a/gensrc/thrift/PaloInternalService.thrift
+++ b/gensrc/thrift/PaloInternalService.thrift
@@ -347,6 +347,10 @@ struct TQueryOptions {
   134: optional i32 partition_topn_pre_partition_rows = 1000;
   137: optional bool enable_auto_create_when_overwrite = false;
+  138: optional i64 orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes = 8388608;
+  139: optional i64 orc_once_max_read_bytes = 8388608;
+  140: optional i64 orc_max_merge_distance_bytes = 1048576;
   // For cloud, to control if the content would be written into file cache
   // In write path, to control if the content would be written into file cache.
   // In read path, read from file cache or remote storage when execute query.
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d08eb7c8872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression-test/data/external_table_p0/hive/test_orc_tiny_stripes.out
@@ -0,0 +1,2311 @@
+-- This file is automatically generated. You should know what you did if you 
want to edit this
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
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+1      str_1   10000000001
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+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
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+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
+-- !test_1 --
+-- !test_2 --
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+-- !test_3 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+100    9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100    str_100 10000000100
+2200   tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800   TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700   SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+-- !test_4 --
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+-- !test_5 --
+-- !test_6 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_7 --
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+53     str_53  10000000053
+146    str_146 10000000146
+3961   hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129   qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942   vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349   koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745   1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573   e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614   TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+-- !test_8 --
+-- !test_9 --
+-- !test_10 --
+-- !test_11 --
+0      str_0   10000000000
+0      str_0   10000000000
+1      str_1   10000000001
+1      str_1   10000000001
+2      str_2   10000000002
+2      str_2   10000000002
+3      str_3   10000000003
+3      str_3   10000000003
+4      str_4   10000000004
+4      str_4   10000000004
+5      str_5   10000000005
+5      str_5   10000000005
+6      str_6   10000000006
+7      str_7   10000000007
+8      str_8   10000000008
+9      str_9   10000000009
+-- !test_12 --
+-- !test_13 --
+-- !test_14 --
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc585340fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regression-test/suites/external_table_p0/hive/test_orc_tiny_stripes.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
"p0,external,hive,external_docker,external_docker_hive") {
+    String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableHiveTest")
+    if (enabled == null || !enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
+"diable Hive test.")
+        return;
+    }
+    for (String hivePrefix : ["hive2"]) {
+        try {
+            String hms_port = context.config.otherConfigs.get(hivePrefix + 
+            String catalog_name = "${hivePrefix}_test_orc_tiny_stripes"
+            String externalEnvIp = 
+            sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name}"""
+            sql """create catalog if not exists ${catalog_name} properties (
+                "type"="hms",
+                'hive.metastore.uris' = 'thrift://${externalEnvIp}:${hms_port}'
+            );"""
+            sql """use `${catalog_name}`.`default`"""
+            def orc_configs = [
+                [0,0,0],
+                [0,10230,1024],
+                [1,1,1],
+                [201,130,0],
+                [1024,1024,0],
+                [1024,1024,1024],
+                [4096,1024,0],    
+                [1024,4096,0],
+                [1,10240,10000000],
+                [1000000,888888888,0],
+                [1000000000000,1000000000000,100000000000]
+            ]
+            def li = [ "set enable_orc_lazy_materialization=true;","set 
+            li.each  { it1 -> 
+                sql it1 
+                orc_configs.each { it2 ->
+                    def value1 = it2[0].toString()
+                    def value2 = it2[1].toString()
+                    def value3 = it2[2].toString()
+                    sql "set orc_tiny_stripe_threshold_bytes = " + value1 + ";"
+                    sql "set orc_once_max_read_bytes = " + value2 + ";"
+                    sql "set orc_max_merge_distance_bytes = " + value3 + ";"
+                    qt_test_1 """ select count(*) from orc_tiny_stripes; """  
+                    qt_test_2 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes where col1 = 
1 order by col1,col2,col3; """  
+1       str_1   10000000001
+1       str_1   10000000001
+                    qt_test_3 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes where 
col1%100 = 0 order by col1,col2,col3 ; """
+0       str_0   10000000000
+0       str_0   10000000000
+100     9DPJaFc00euBteqiW1f1    10000000027
+100     str_100 10000000100
+2200    tQ7BRFEuf8h56kahqsLPa1vu        10000000034
+4800    TaWGgh4iZ       10000000115
+5700    SwOaGJj9fVbk5j0Np       10000000050
+                    qt_test_4 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes where col2 = 
"str_4" order by col1,col2,col3; """
+4       str_4   10000000004
+4       str_4   10000000004
+                    qt_test_5 """ select count(*) from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col3 > 10000000005; """ //348
+                    qt_test_6 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes  where col3 
in ( 10000000005,10000000053,10000000146) order by col1,col2,col3 ; """ 
+5       str_5   10000000005
+5       str_5   10000000005
+53      str_53  10000000053
+146     str_146 10000000146
+3961    hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129    qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942    vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349    koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745    1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573    e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614    TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005                    
+                    qt_test_7 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes  where col3 
in ( 10000000005,10000000053,10000000146) order by col1,col2,col3 ; """ 
+5       str_5   10000000005
+5       str_5   10000000005
+53      str_53  10000000053
+146     str_146 10000000146
+3961    hMgIY4oui0MHYgaIFg4zz5Ti3p      10000000053
+4129    qwPIwtkTZb      10000000005
+4942    vAdLpLUN3VkGNmTjvuPv    10000000053
+5349    koTeYPr2Qaqqnlk07X      10000000146
+5745    1cx1jZ6QGRWAkskiOgURj6dscYxDOl  10000000005
+7573    e3lIPwNnbG6DPmog        10000000005
+8614    TtyopDvRptLB5   10000000005
+                    qt_test_8 """ select col3 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col3 in ( 10000000005,10000000053,10000000146) order by col3 ; """ 
+                    qt_test_9 """ select col1 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col1 in (10,1000) order by col1 ; """ // 10 
+                    qt_test_10 """ select col2 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
length(col2) > 29 order by col2  ; """
+                    qt_test_11 """ select * from orc_tiny_stripes  where col1 
< 10 order by col1,col2,col3; """ 
+0       str_0   10000000000
+0       str_0   10000000000
+1       str_1   10000000001
+1       str_1   10000000001
+2       str_2   10000000002
+2       str_2   10000000002
+3       str_3   10000000003
+3       str_3   10000000003
+4       str_4   10000000004
+4       str_4   10000000004
+5       str_5   10000000005
+5       str_5   10000000005
+6       str_6   10000000006
+7       str_7   10000000007
+8       str_8   10000000008
+9       str_9   10000000009
+                    qt_test_12 """ select col1 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col1 in(0,6 ) order by  col1; """ 
+                    qt_test_13 """ select col1 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col1 in(20,60 ) order by  col1; """ 
+ /*
+                    qt_test_14 """ select col1 from orc_tiny_stripes  where 
col1 in(40,0 ) order by col1; """ 
+                }
+            }
+            sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name}"""
+        } finally {
+        }
+    }

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