This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

kxiao pushed a commit to branch branch-2.0
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/branch-2.0 by this push:
     new f791b95b3be [fix](case) fix testcase out file upper case (#38815)
f791b95b3be is described below

commit f791b95b3be6a590c3f4dcbf053527eb56ed2463
Author: Kang <>
AuthorDate: Sat Aug 3 22:20:54 2024 +0800

    [fix](case) fix testcase out file upper case (#38815)
    related #38012
 .../schema_change_modify_mv_column_type.out        | 148 ++++++++++-----------
 .../time_type/test_time_in_runtimepredicate.groovy |   2 +-
 .../test_array_with_large_dataset.groovy           |   6 +-
 .../function/test_not_supported_agg_fn.groovy      |   2 +-
 4 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 81 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index 4e6f3c7a5eb..f9980ff895b 100644
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 -- This file is automatically generated. You should know what you did if you 
want to edit this
 -- !sql --
-tbl_scalar_types_dup   DUP_KEYS        k1      BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     true    
\N              true            
-               c_bool  BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_tinyint       TINYINT TINYINT Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_smallint      SMALLINT        SMALLINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_int   INT     INT     Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_bigint        BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_largeint      LARGEINT        LARGEINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_float FLOAT   FLOAT   Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_double        DOUBLE  DOUBLE  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_decimal       DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
-               c_decimalv3     DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
-               c_date  DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_datetime      DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_datev2        DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_datetimev2    DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_char  CHAR(15)        CHAR(15)        Yes     false   \N      
NONE    true            
-               c_varchar       VARCHAR(100)    VARCHAR(100)    Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_string        TEXT    TEXT    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-mv_tbl_scalar_types_dup_1      DUP_KEYS        mv_c_tinyint    TINYINT TINYINT 
Yes     true    \N              true    `c_tinyint`     
-               mv_c_bool       BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Yes     true    \N              
true    `c_bool`        
-               mv_k1   BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     true    \N              true    
-               mv_c_smallint   SMALLINT        SMALLINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_smallint`    
-               mv_c_int        INT     INT     Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_int` 
-               mv_c_bigint     BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_bigint`      
-               mv_c_largeint   LARGEINT        LARGEINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_largeint`    
-               mv_c_float      FLOAT   FLOAT   Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_float`       
-               mv_c_double     DOUBLE  DOUBLE  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_double`      
-               mv_c_decimal    DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimal`     
-               mv_c_decimalv3  DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimalv3`   
-               mv_c_date       DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_date`        
-               mv_c_datetime   DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetime`    
-               mv_c_datev2     DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_datev2`      
-               mv_c_datetimev2 DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetimev2`  
-               mv_c_char       CHARACTER       CHARACTER       Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_char`        
-               mv_c_varchar    VARCHAR(65533)  VARCHAR(65533)  Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_varchar`     
-               mv_c_string     TEXT    TEXT    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_string`      
+tbl_scalar_types_dup   DUP_KEYS        k1      bigint  bigint  Yes     true    
\N              true            
+               c_bool  boolean boolean Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_tinyint       tinyint tinyint Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_smallint      smallint        smallint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_int   int     int     Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_bigint        bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_largeint      largeint        largeint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_float float   float   Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_double        double  double  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_decimal       decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
+               c_decimalv3     decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
+               c_date  date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_datetime      datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_datev2        date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_datetimev2    datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_char  char(15)        char(15)        Yes     false   \N      
NONE    true            
+               c_varchar       varchar(100)    varchar(100)    Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_string        text    text    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+mv_tbl_scalar_types_dup_1      DUP_KEYS        mv_c_tinyint    tinyint tinyint 
Yes     true    \N              true    `c_tinyint`     
+               mv_c_bool       boolean boolean Yes     true    \N              
true    `c_bool`        
+               mv_k1   bigint  bigint  Yes     true    \N              true    
+               mv_c_smallint   smallint        smallint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_smallint`    
+               mv_c_int        int     int     Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_int` 
+               mv_c_bigint     bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_bigint`      
+               mv_c_largeint   largeint        largeint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_largeint`    
+               mv_c_float      float   float   Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_float`       
+               mv_c_double     double  double  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_double`      
+               mv_c_decimal    decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimal`     
+               mv_c_decimalv3  decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimalv3`   
+               mv_c_date       date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_date`        
+               mv_c_datetime   datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetime`    
+               mv_c_datev2     date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_datev2`      
+               mv_c_datetimev2 datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetimev2`  
+               mv_c_char       character       character       Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_char`        
+               mv_c_varchar    varchar(65533)  varchar(65533)  Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_varchar`     
+               mv_c_string     text    text    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_string`      
 -- !sql --
 -2147475406    true    45      23794   -11023  915989078       2115356192      
15927.068       1.392557423391501E9     45951348783208518.810   
8340516346665031.310    2022-01-26      2022-04-13T11:13:48     2022-01-31      
Londonderry Alley 61
@@ -63,41 +63,41 @@ mv_tbl_scalar_types_dup_1   DUP_KEYS        mv_c_tinyint    
TINYINT TINYINT Yes     true    \N              tru
 -2102307005    true    10      -23674  24613   -1810828490     -47095409       
-14686.167      2.072108685694799E9     39847820962230526.125   
584354832299375.156     2022-03-27      2022-02-11T13:46:06     2022-12-25      
2022-11-28T09:37:49 Eagle Crest 
Terrace 84
 -- !sql --
-tbl_scalar_types_dup   DUP_KEYS        k1      BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     true    
\N              true            
-               c_bool  BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_tinyint       TINYINT TINYINT Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_smallint      SMALLINT        SMALLINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_int   BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_bigint        BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_largeint      LARGEINT        LARGEINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_float FLOAT   FLOAT   Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_double        DOUBLE  DOUBLE  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_decimal       DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
-               c_decimalv3     DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
-               c_date  DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
-               c_datetime      DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_datev2        DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-               c_datetimev2    DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_char  CHAR(15)        CHAR(15)        Yes     false   \N      
NONE    true            
-               c_varchar       VARCHAR(100)    VARCHAR(100)    Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
-               c_string        TEXT    TEXT    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
-mv_tbl_scalar_types_dup_1      DUP_KEYS        mv_c_tinyint    TINYINT TINYINT 
Yes     true    \N              true    `c_tinyint`     
-               mv_c_bool       BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Yes     true    \N              
true    `c_bool`        
-               mv_k1   BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     true    \N              true    
-               mv_c_smallint   SMALLINT        SMALLINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_smallint`    
-               mv_c_int        BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_int` 
-               mv_c_bigint     BIGINT  BIGINT  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_bigint`      
-               mv_c_largeint   LARGEINT        LARGEINT        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_largeint`    
-               mv_c_float      FLOAT   FLOAT   Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_float`       
-               mv_c_double     DOUBLE  DOUBLE  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_double`      
-               mv_c_decimal    DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimal`     
-               mv_c_decimalv3  DECIMAL(20, 3)  DECIMALV3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimalv3`   
-               mv_c_date       DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_date`        
-               mv_c_datetime   DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetime`    
-               mv_c_datev2     DATE    DATEV2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_datev2`      
-               mv_c_datetimev2 DATETIME        DATETIMEV2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetimev2`  
-               mv_c_char       CHARACTER       CHARACTER       Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_char`        
-               mv_c_varchar    VARCHAR(65533)  VARCHAR(65533)  Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_varchar`     
-               mv_c_string     TEXT    TEXT    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_string`      
+tbl_scalar_types_dup   DUP_KEYS        k1      bigint  bigint  Yes     true    
\N              true            
+               c_bool  boolean boolean Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_tinyint       tinyint tinyint Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_smallint      smallint        smallint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_int   bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_bigint        bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_largeint      largeint        largeint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_float float   float   Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_double        double  double  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_decimal       decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
+               c_decimalv3     decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true            
+               c_date  date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    true    
+               c_datetime      datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_datev2        date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+               c_datetimev2    datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_char  char(15)        char(15)        Yes     false   \N      
NONE    true            
+               c_varchar       varchar(100)    varchar(100)    Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true            
+               c_string        text    text    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
+mv_tbl_scalar_types_dup_1      DUP_KEYS        mv_c_tinyint    tinyint tinyint 
Yes     true    \N              true    `c_tinyint`     
+               mv_c_bool       boolean boolean Yes     true    \N              
true    `c_bool`        
+               mv_k1   bigint  bigint  Yes     true    \N              true    
+               mv_c_smallint   smallint        smallint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_smallint`    
+               mv_c_int        bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_int` 
+               mv_c_bigint     bigint  bigint  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_bigint`      
+               mv_c_largeint   largeint        largeint        Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_largeint`    
+               mv_c_float      float   float   Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_float`       
+               mv_c_double     double  double  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_double`      
+               mv_c_decimal    decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimal`     
+               mv_c_decimalv3  decimal(20, 3)  decimalv3(20, 3)        Yes     
false   \N      NONE    true    `c_decimalv3`   
+               mv_c_date       date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_date`        
+               mv_c_datetime   datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetime`    
+               mv_c_datev2     date    datev2  Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_datev2`      
+               mv_c_datetimev2 datetime        datetimev2(0)   Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_datetimev2`  
+               mv_c_char       character       character       Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_char`        
+               mv_c_varchar    varchar(65533)  varchar(65533)  Yes     false   
\N      NONE    true    `c_varchar`     
+               mv_c_string     text    text    Yes     false   \N      NONE    
true    `c_string`      
diff --git 
index 0496192963c..9784924cb1b 100644
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ suite("test_time_in_runtimepredicate") {
     def tbName = "test_time_in_runtimepredicate"
     sql """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_time_in_runtimepredicate """
     sql """
-       create table test_time_in_runtimepredicate(a date, b datetime, c int) 
properties ("replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1");
+       create table test_time_in_runtimepredicate(a date, b datetime, c int) 
DISTRIBUTED BY RANDOM BUCKETS AUTO properties ("replication_allocation" = 
"tag.location.default: 1");
     sql """insert into test_time_in_runtimepredicate values ("2023-12-18", 
"2023-12-18 01:47:22", 1),  ("2023-12-18", "2023-12-18 02:47:22", 2) ,  
("2023-12-17", "2023-12-18 00:47:22", 3), ("2023-12-20", "2023-12-18 00:47:22", 
4) , ("2023-12-20", "2023-12-18 00:47:22", 5);"""
diff --git 
index 4d2f53d5353..9816cb8058a 100644
@@ -68,16 +68,12 @@ suite("test_array_with_large_dataset", "p2"){
             DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 16
             PROPERTIES (
             "replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1",
-            "min_load_replica_num" = "-1",
             "is_being_synced" = "false",
             "storage_medium" = "hdd",
             "storage_format" = "V2",
-            "inverted_index_storage_format" = "V1",
             "light_schema_change" = "true",
             "disable_auto_compaction" = "false",
-            "enable_single_replica_compaction" = "false",
-            "group_commit_interval_ms" = "10000",
-            "group_commit_data_bytes" = "134217728"
+            "enable_single_replica_compaction" = "false"
diff --git 
index 7e06c2d11fe..5a59d8786f6 100644
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ suite("test_not_supported_agg_fn") {
             WHERE ref_0.`PS_PARTKEY` IS NULL
             ORDER BY ref_0.`PS_COMMENT`
-            exception "java.sql.SQLException: errCode = 2, detailMessage = No 
matching function with signature: last_value(BITMAP)."            
+            exception "java.sql.SQLException: errCode = 2, detailMessage = No 
matching function with signature: last_value(bitmap)."
     } finally {

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