github-actions[bot] commented on PR #34541: URL:
#### `sh-checker report` To get the full details, please check in the [job]("") output. <details> <summary>shellcheck errors</summary> ``` 'shellcheck ' returned error 1 finding the following syntactical issues: ---------- In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 37: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 40: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 43: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 45: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 46: pr_num_from_trigger="28431" ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 47: commit_id_from_trigger="5f5c4c80564c76ff4267fc4ce6a5408498ed1ab5" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 48: target_branch="master" ^--------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 50: echo "#### Check env" ^-------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 51: if [[ -z "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env teamcity_build_checkoutDir not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 52: if [[ -z "${pr_num_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env pr_num_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 53: if [[ -z "${commit_id_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env commit_id_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 54: if [[ -z "${target_branch}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env target_branch not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 57: source "$(bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ 'get')" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 58: if ${skip_pipeline:=false}; then echo "INFO: skip build pipline" && exit 0; else echo "INFO: no skip"; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 60: echo "#### Run clickbench test on Doris ####" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 61: DORIS_HOME="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}/output" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 62: export DORIS_HOME ^---------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 63: exit_flag=0 ^---------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 65: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 66: set -e ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 67: shopt -s inherit_errexit ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 69: host="" ^--------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 70: query_port=$(get_doris_conf_value "${DORIS_HOME}"/fe/conf/fe.conf query_port) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 71: backup_session_variables_file="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}/regression-test/pipeline/performance/clickbench/conf/backup_session_variables.sql" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 72: opt_session_variables_file="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}/regression-test/pipeline/performance/clickbench/conf/opt_session_variables.sql" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 74: echo "#### 1. backup session variables to file ${backup_session_variables_file}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 75: if ! restart_doris; then echo "ERROR: Restart doris failed" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 76: backup_session_variables() { ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 77: _IFS="${IFS}" ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 78: IFS=$'\n' ^-------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 79: while read -r line; do ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 80: if [[ -z "${line}" || "${line}" == "#"* ]]; then continue; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 81: k="${line/set global /}" ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 82: k="${k%=*}" ^---------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 83: v=$(mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot -e"show variables like '${k}'\G" | grep " Value: ") ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 84: v="${v/*Value: /}" ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 85: echo "set global ${k}=${v};" >>"${backup_session_variables_file}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 87: IFS="${_IFS}" ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 89: backup_session_variables ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 91: echo "#### 2. optimize doris config" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 92: cp -f "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/performance/clickbench/conf/fe_custom.conf "${DORIS_HOME}"/fe/conf/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 93: cp -f "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/performance/clickbench/conf/be_custom.conf "${DORIS_HOME}"/be/conf/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 94: target_branch="$(echo "${target_branch}" | sed 's| ||g;s|\.||g;s|-||g')" # remove space、dot、hyphen from branch name ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 95: sed -i "s|^meta_dir=/data/doris-meta-\${branch_name}|meta_dir=/data/doris-meta-${target_branch}|g" "${DORIS_HOME}"/fe/conf/fe_custom.conf ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 96: sed -i "s|^storage_root_path=/data/doris-storage-\${branch_name}|storage_root_path=/data/doris-storage-${target_branch}|g" "${DORIS_HOME}"/be/conf/be_custom.conf ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 97: if ! restart_doris; then echo "ERROR: Restart doris failed" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 99: echo "#### 3. optimize session variables" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 100: cat "${opt_session_variables_file}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 101: mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot -e"source ${opt_session_variables_file};" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 103: echo "#### 4. check data rows" ^----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 104: data_home="/data/clickbench" # no / at the end ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 105: db_name="clickbench" ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 106: if ! check_clickbench_table_rows "${db_name}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 107: echo "INFO: need to load clickbench data" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 108: if ${force_load_data:-false}; then echo "INFO: force_load_data is true"; else echo "ERROR: force_load_data is false" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 110: mkdir -p "${data_home}" ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 113: mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${db_name}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 114: mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${db_name}" && sleep 10 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 115: mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot "${db_name}" -e" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 227: echo "####load data" ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 228: if [[ ! -f "${data_home}"/hits.tsv ]] || [[ $(wc -c "${data_home}"/hits.tsv | awk '{print $1}') != '74807831229' ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 229: cd "${data_home}" ^---------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 230: wget --continue '' ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 231: gzip -d hits.tsv.gz ^-----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 232: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then head -n 10000 hits.tsv >hits.tsv.10000; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 233: cd - ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 235: data_file_name="${data_home}/hits.tsv" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 236: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then data_file_name="${data_home}/hits.tsv.10000"; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 237: echo "start loading ..." ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 238: START=$(date +%s) ^---------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 239: curl --location-trusted \ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 245: END=$(date +%s) ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 246: LOADTIME=$(echo "${END} - ${START}" | bc) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^---------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 247: echo "INFO: ClickBench Load data costs ${LOADTIME} seconds" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 248: echo "${LOADTIME}" >clickbench_loadtime ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 250: if ! check_clickbench_table_rows "${db_name}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 251: exit 1 ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 253: data_reload="true" ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 256: echo "#### 5. run clickbench query" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 257: sed -i '/^run_sql \"analyze table hits with sync;\"/d' "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/clickbench-tools/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 258: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/clickbench-tools/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 259: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_master:-120} # 单位 秒 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 260: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_master:-34} # 单位 秒 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 261: if [[ "${target_branch}" == "branch-2.0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 262: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_branch20:-110} # 单位 秒 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 263: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_branch20:-34} # 单位 秒 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 265: echo "INFO: cold_run_time_threshold is ${cold_run_time_threshold}, hot_run_time_threshold is ${hot_run_time_threshold}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 267: if ! check_clickbench_performance_result result.csv; then exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 268: if ! (cd clickbench && bash && cd -); then exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 269: cold_run_sum=$(awk -F ',' '{sum+=$2} END {print sum}' result.csv) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 270: best_hot_run_sum=$(awk -F ',' '{if($3<$4){sum+=$3}else{sum+=$4}} END {print sum}' result.csv) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 271: comment_body_summary="Total hot run time: ${best_hot_run_sum} s" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 272: comment_body_detail="ClickBench test result on commit ${commit_id_from_trigger:-}, data reload: ${data_reload:-"false"} ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 274: $(sed 's|,|\t|g' result.csv) ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 278: echo "#### 6. comment result on clickbench" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 279: comment_body_detail=$(echo "${comment_body_detail}" | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\t/\\t/g;s/\n/\\n/g') # 将所有的 Tab字符替换为\t 换行符替换为\n ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 280: create_an_issue_comment_clickbench "${pr_num_from_trigger:-}" "${comment_body_summary}" "${comment_body_detail}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 281: rm -f result.csv ^--------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 282: echo -e "INFO: Restore session variables \n$(cat "${backup_session_variables_file}")" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 283: mysql -h"${host}" -P"${query_port}" -uroot -e "source ${backup_session_variables_file};" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 284: rm -f "${backup_session_variables_file}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 286: exit_flag="$?" ^------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 288: echo "#### 7. check if need backup doris logs" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 289: if [[ ${exit_flag} != "0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 290: stop_doris ^--------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 291: print_doris_fe_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 292: print_doris_be_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 293: if file_name=$(archive_doris_logs "${pr_num_from_trigger}_${commit_id_from_trigger}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)_doris_logs.tar.gz"); then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 294: upload_doris_log_to_oss "${file_name}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 298: exit "${exit_flag}" ^-----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 37: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 40: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 43: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 45: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 46: pr_num_from_trigger="28431" ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 47: commit_id_from_trigger="5f5c4c80564c76ff4267fc4ce6a5408498ed1ab5" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 48: target_branch="master" ^--------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 49: SF="1" ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 51: echo "#### Check env" ^-------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 52: if [[ -z "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env teamcity_build_checkoutDir not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 53: if [[ -z "${pr_num_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env pr_num_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 54: if [[ -z "${commit_id_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env commit_id_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 55: if [[ -z "${target_branch}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env target_branch not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 58: source "$(bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ 'get')" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 59: if ${skip_pipeline:=false}; then echo "INFO: skip build pipline" && exit 0; else echo "INFO: no skip"; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 61: echo "#### Run tpcds test on Doris ####" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 62: DORIS_HOME="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}/output" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 63: export DORIS_HOME ^---------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 64: exit_flag=0 ^---------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 66: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 67: set -e ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 68: shopt -s inherit_errexit ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 70: echo "#### 1. Restart doris" ^--------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 71: if ! restart_doris; then echo "ERROR: Restart doris failed" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 73: echo "#### 2. check if need to load data" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 74: SF=${SF:-"100"} # SCALE FACTOR ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 75: TPCDS_DATA_DIR="/data/tpcds/sf_${SF}" # no / at the end ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 76: TPCDS_DATA_DIR_LINK="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpcds-tools/bin/tpcds-data # no / at the end ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 77: db_name="tpcds_sf${SF}" ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 78: sed -i "s|^export DB=.*$|export DB='${db_name}'|g" \ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 80: if ! check_tpcds_table_rows "${db_name}" "${SF}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 81: echo "INFO: need to load tpcds-sf${SF} data" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 82: if ${force_load_data:-false}; then echo "INFO: force_load_data is true"; else echo "ERROR: force_load_data is false" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 84: mkdir -p "${TPCDS_DATA_DIR}" ^--------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 85: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 86: cd "${TPCDS_DATA_DIR}" || exit 1 ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 87: declare -A table_file_count ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 88: if [[ ${SF} == "1" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 89: table_file_count=(['income_band']=1 ['ship_mode']=1 ['warehouse']=1 ['reason']=1 ['web_site']=1 ['call_center']=1 ['store']=1 ['promotion']=1 ['household_demographics']=1 ['web_page']=1 ['catalog_page']=1 ['time_dim']=1 ['date_dim']=1 ['item']=1 ['customer_demographics']=10 ['customer_address']=1 ['customer']=1 ['web_returns']=1 ['catalog_returns']=1 ['store_returns']=1 ['inventory']=10 ['web_sales']=1 ['catalog_sales']=1 ['store_sales']=1) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 90: elif [[ ${SF} == "100" ]]; then ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 91: table_file_count=(['income_band']=1 ['ship_mode']=1 ['warehouse']=1 ['reason']=1 ['web_site']=1 ['call_center']=1 ['store']=1 ['promotion']=1 ['household_demographics']=1 ['web_page']=1 ['catalog_page']=1 ['time_dim']=1 ['date_dim']=1 ['item']=1 ['customer_demographics']=10 ['customer_address']=10 ['customer']=10 ['web_returns']=10 ['catalog_returns']=10 ['store_returns']=10 ['inventory']=10 ['web_sales']=10 ['catalog_sales']=10 ['store_sales']=10) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 93: for table_name in ${!table_file_count[*]}; do ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 94: if [[ ${table_file_count[${table_name}]} -eq 1 ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 95: url="${SF}/${table_name}_1_10.dat.gz" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 96: if [[ -f ${table_name}_1_10.dat ]]; then continue; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 97: if ! wget --continue -t3 -q "${url}"; then echo "ERROR: wget --continue ${url}" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 98: if ! gzip -d "${table_name}_1_10.dat.gz"; then echo "ERROR: gzip -d ${table_name}_1_10.dat.gz" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 99: elif [[ ${table_file_count[${table_name}]} -eq 10 ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 100: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 101: for i in {1..10}; do ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 102: url="${SF}/${table_name}_${i}_10.dat.gz" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 103: if [[ -f ${table_name}_${i}_10.dat ]]; then continue; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 104: if ! wget --continue -t3 -q "${url}"; then echo "ERROR: wget --continue ${url}" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 105: if ! gzip -d "${table_name}_${i}_10.dat.gz"; then echo "ERROR: gzip -d ${table_name}_${i}_10.dat.gz" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 108: wait ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 113: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpcds-tools/bin/ -s "${SF}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 114: rm -rf "${TPCDS_DATA_DIR_LINK}" ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 115: ln -s "${TPCDS_DATA_DIR}" "${TPCDS_DATA_DIR_LINK}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 116: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpcds-tools/bin/ -c 10 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 117: if ! check_tpcds_table_rows "${db_name}" "${SF}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 118: exit 1 ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 120: echo "INFO: sleep 10min to wait compaction done" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 121: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then sleep 10s; else sleep 10m; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 122: data_reload="true" ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 125: echo "#### 3. run tpcds-sf${SF} query" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 126: set_session_variable runtime_filter_mode global ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 127: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpcds-tools/bin/ -s "${SF}" | tee "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpcds-queries.log ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 128: echo ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 129: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_master:-315000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 130: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_master:-190000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 131: if [[ "${target_branch}" == "branch-2.0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 132: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_branch20:-370000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 133: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_branch20:-260000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 135: echo "INFO: cold_run_time_threshold is ${cold_run_time_threshold}, hot_run_time_threshold is ${hot_run_time_threshold}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 136: if ! check_tpcds_result "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpcds-queries.log; then exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 137: line_end=$(sed -n '/^Total hot run time/=' "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpcds-queries.log) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 138: line_begin=$((line_end - 100)) ^----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 139: comment_body_summary="$(sed -n "${line_end}p" "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpcds-queries.log)" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 140: comment_body_detail="TPC-DS sf${SF} test result on commit ${commit_id_from_trigger:-}, data reload: ${data_reload:-"false"} ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 142: $(sed -n "${line_begin},${line_end}p" "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpcds-queries.log)" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 144: echo "#### 4. comment result on tpcds" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 145: comment_body_summary=$(echo "${comment_body_summary}" | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\t/\\t/g;s/\n/\\n/g') # 将所有的 Tab字符替换为\t 换行符替换为\n ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 146: comment_body_detail=$(echo "${comment_body_detail}" | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\t/\\t/g;s/\n/\\n/g') # 将所有的 Tab字符替换为\t 换行符替换为\n ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 147: create_an_issue_comment_tpcds "${pr_num_from_trigger:-}" "${comment_body_summary}" "${comment_body_detail}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 148: rm -f result.csv ^--------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 150: exit_flag="$?" ^------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 152: echo "#### 5. check if need backup doris logs" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 153: if [[ ${exit_flag} != "0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 154: stop_doris ^--------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 155: print_doris_fe_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 156: print_doris_be_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 157: if file_name=$(archive_doris_logs "${pr_num_from_trigger}_${commit_id_from_trigger}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)_doris_logs.tar.gz"); then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 158: upload_doris_log_to_oss "${file_name}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 162: exit "${exit_flag}" ^-----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 37: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 40: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 43: source "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 45: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 46: pr_num_from_trigger="28431" ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 47: commit_id_from_trigger="5f5c4c80564c76ff4267fc4ce6a5408498ed1ab5" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 48: target_branch="master" ^--------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 49: SF="1" ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 51: echo "#### Check env" ^-------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 52: if [[ -z "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env teamcity_build_checkoutDir not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 53: if [[ -z "${pr_num_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env pr_num_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 54: if [[ -z "${commit_id_from_trigger}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env commit_id_from_trigger not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 55: if [[ -z "${target_branch}" ]]; then echo "ERROR: env target_branch not set" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 58: source "$(bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/regression-test/pipeline/common/ 'get')" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 59: if ${skip_pipeline:=false}; then echo "INFO: skip build pipline" && exit 0; else echo "INFO: no skip"; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^---------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 61: echo "#### Run tpch test on Doris ####" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 62: DORIS_HOME="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}/output" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 63: export DORIS_HOME ^---------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 64: exit_flag=0 ^---------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 66: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 67: set -e ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 68: shopt -s inherit_errexit ^----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 70: echo "#### 1. Restart doris" ^--------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 71: if ! restart_doris; then echo "ERROR: Restart doris failed" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 73: echo "#### 2. check if need to load data" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 74: SF=${SF:-"100"} # SCALE FACTOR ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 75: TPCH_DATA_DIR="/data/tpch/sf_${SF}" # no / at the end ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 76: TPCH_DATA_DIR_LINK="${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpch-tools/bin/tpch-data # no / at the end ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 77: db_name="tpch_sf${SF}" ^--------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 78: sed -i "s|^export DB=.*$|export DB='${db_name}'|g" \ ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 80: if ! check_tpch_table_rows "${db_name}" "${SF}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 81: echo "INFO: need to load tpch-sf${SF} data" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 82: if ${force_load_data:-false}; then echo "INFO: force_load_data is true"; else echo "ERROR: force_load_data is false" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 84: mkdir -p "${TPCH_DATA_DIR}" ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 85: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 86: cd "${TPCH_DATA_DIR}" || exit 1 ^--------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 87: declare -A table_file_count ^-------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 88: table_file_count=(['region']=1 ['nation']=1 ['supplier']=1 ['customer']=1 ['part']=1 ['partsupp']=10 ['orders']=10 ['lineitem']=10) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 89: for table_name in ${!table_file_count[*]}; do ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 90: if [[ ${table_file_count[${table_name}]} -eq 1 ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 91: url="${SF}/${table_name}.tbl" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 92: if ! wget --continue -t3 -q "${url}"; then echo "ERROR: wget --continue ${url}" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 93: elif [[ ${table_file_count[${table_name}]} -eq 10 ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 94: ( ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 95: for i in {1..10}; do ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 96: url="${SF}/${table_name}.tbl.${i}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 97: if ! wget --continue -t3 -q "${url}"; then echo "ERROR: wget --continue ${url}" && exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 100: wait ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 105: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpch-tools/bin/ -s "${SF}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 106: rm -rf "${TPCH_DATA_DIR_LINK}" ^----------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 107: ln -s "${TPCH_DATA_DIR}" "${TPCH_DATA_DIR_LINK}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 108: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpch-tools/bin/ -c 2 ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 109: if ! check_tpch_table_rows "${db_name}" "${SF}"; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 110: exit 1 ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 112: echo "INFO: sleep 10min to wait compaction done" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 113: if ${DEBUG:-false}; then sleep 10s; else sleep 10m; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 114: data_reload="true" ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 117: echo "#### 3. run tpch-sf${SF} query" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 118: set_session_variable runtime_filter_mode global ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 119: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpch-tools/bin/ -s "${SF}" | tee "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 120: echo ^--^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 121: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_master:-120000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 122: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_master:-42000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 123: if [[ "${target_branch}" == "branch-2.0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 124: cold_run_time_threshold=${cold_run_time_threshold_branch20:-130000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 125: hot_run_time_threshold=${hot_run_time_threshold_branch20:-55000} # ms ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 127: echo "INFO: cold_run_time_threshold is ${cold_run_time_threshold}, hot_run_time_threshold is ${hot_run_time_threshold}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 128: if ! check_tpch_result "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log; then exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 129: line_end=$(sed -n '/^Total hot run time/=' "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 130: line_begin=$((line_end - 23)) ^---------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 131: comment_body_summary="$(sed -n "${line_end}p" "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log)" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 132: comment_body_detail="Tpch sf${SF} test result on commit ${commit_id_from_trigger:-}, data reload: ${data_reload:-"false"} ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 135: $(sed -n "${line_begin},${line_end}p" "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log)" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 137: echo "#### 4. run tpch-sf${SF} query with runtime_filter_mode=off" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 138: set_session_variable runtime_filter_mode off ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 139: bash "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/tools/tpch-tools/bin/ | tee "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 140: if ! grep '^Total hot run time' "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log >/dev/null; then exit 1; fi ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 141: line_end=$(sed -n '/^Total hot run time/=' "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log) ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 142: line_begin=$((line_end - 23)) ^---------------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 143: comment_body_detail="${comment_body_detail} ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 146: $(sed -n "${line_begin},${line_end}p" "${teamcity_build_checkoutDir}"/run-tpch-queries.log)" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 148: echo "#### 5. comment result on tpch" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 149: comment_body_summary="$(echo "${comment_body_summary}" | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\t/\\t/g;s/\n/\\n/g')" # 将所有的 Tab字符替换为\t 换行符替换为\n ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 150: comment_body_detail="$(echo "${comment_body_detail}" | sed -e ':a;N;$!ba;s/\t/\\t/g;s/\n/\\n/g')" # 将所有的 Tab字符替换为\t 换行符替换为\n ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 151: create_an_issue_comment_tpch "${pr_num_from_trigger:-}" "${comment_body_summary}" "${comment_body_detail}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 152: rm -f result.csv ^--------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 154: exit_flag="$?" ^------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 156: echo "#### 5. check if need backup doris logs" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 157: if [[ ${exit_flag} != "0" ]]; then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-----------------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 158: stop_doris ^--------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 159: print_doris_fe_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 160: print_doris_be_log ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 161: if file_name=$(archive_doris_logs "${pr_num_from_trigger}_${commit_id_from_trigger}_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)_doris_logs.tar.gz"); then ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). ^----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 162: upload_doris_log_to_oss "${file_name}" ^-- SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). In regression-test/pipeline/performance/ line 166: exit "${exit_flag}" ^-----------------^ SC2317 (info): Command appears to be unreachable. Check usage (or ignore if invoked indirectly). For more information: -- Command appears to be unreachable... ---------- You can address the above issues in one of three ways: 1. Manually correct the issue in the offending shell script; 2. Disable specific issues by adding the comment: # shellcheck disable=NNNN above the line that contains the issue, where NNNN is the error code; 3. Add '-e NNNN' to the SHELLCHECK_OPTS setting in your .yml action file. ``` </details> <details> <summary>shfmt errors</summary> ``` 'shfmt ' found no issues. ``` </details> -- This is an automated message from the Apache Git Service. To respond to the message, please log on to GitHub and use the URL above to go to the specific comment. To unsubscribe, e-mail: For queries about this service, please contact Infrastructure at: --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: