This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

gabriellee pushed a commit to branch master
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new d542248e1b5  [regression-test]( fix case ) fix case that using same 
table in one db with another case (#32380)
d542248e1b5 is described below

commit d542248e1b5b04a9ff32f586acbb4c1ff9e3fdd7
Author: shuke <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 18 16:40:27 2024 +0800

     [regression-test]( fix case ) fix case that using same table in one db 
with another case (#32380)
 .../grouping_sets/remove_duplicate_expr_in_grouping_set.groovy | 10 +++++-----
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index b9a10fe21d2..eebdc678eb6 100644
@@ -18,20 +18,20 @@ suite("remove_duplicate_expr_in_grouping_set") {
     sql "SET enable_nereids_planner=true"
     sql "SET enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false"
     sql """
-          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mal_test1
+          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mal_test33
     sql """
-         create table mal_test1(pk int, a int, b int) distributed by hash(pk) 
buckets 10
+         create table mal_test33(pk int, a int, b int) distributed by hash(pk) 
buckets 10
          properties('replication_num' = '1'); 
     sql """
-         insert into mal_test1 
+         insert into mal_test33 
     sql "sync"
-    qt_test_col "select a, sum(b) from mal_test1 group by grouping sets((a,a)) 
order by 1,2"
-    qt_test_expr "select a+1,sum(b) from mal_test1 group by grouping 
sets((a+1,a+1)) order by 1,2"
+    qt_test_col "select a, sum(b) from mal_test33 group by grouping 
sets((a,a)) order by 1,2"
+    qt_test_expr "select a+1,sum(b) from mal_test33 group by grouping 
sets((a+1,a+1)) order by 1,2"

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