Repository: cloudstack-cloudmonkey
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 319c2dc09 -> 721cc264e
diff --git a/cloudmonkey/ b/cloudmonkey/
index 0408980..ac7d880 100644
--- a/cloudmonkey/
+++ b/cloudmonkey/
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
 # KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 # specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-apicache = {u'authorize': {u'securitygroupingress': {u'name': 
u'authorizeSecurityGroupIngress', u'related': 
[u'authorizeSecurityGroupEgress'], u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': 
u'projectid', u'required': False, u'related': [u'updateProject', 
u'listProjects', u'createProject', u'listProjectAccounts', u'activateProject'], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'an optional project of the 
security group'}, {u'name': u'account', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'string', u'description': u'an optional account for 
the security group. Must be used with domainId.'}, {u'name': u'endport', 
u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'integer', 
u'description': u'end port for this ingress rule'}, {u'name': u'cidrlist', 
u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'list', 
u'description': u'the cidr list associated'}, {u'name': 
u'usersecuritygrouplist', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'
 map', u'description': u'user to security group mapping'}, {u'name': 
u'securitygroupid', u'required': False, u'related': [u'listSecurityGroups', 
u'createSecurityGroup'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': 
u'The ID of the security group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName 
parameter'}, {u'name': u'icmptype', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'type of the icmp message 
being sent'}, {u'name': u'icmpcode', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'error code for this icmp 
message'}, {u'name': u'startport', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'start port for this 
ingress rule'}, {u'name': u'protocol', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'string', u'description': u'TCP is default. UDP is 
the other supported protocol'}, {u'name': u'domainid', u'required': False, 
u'related': [u'updateDomai
 n', u'listDomains', u'listDomains', u'listDomainChildren', u'createDomain'], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'an optional domainId for 
the security group. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be 
used.'}, {u'name': u'securitygroupname', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The name of the security 
group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupId parameter'}], u'requiredparams': 
[], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': 
u'the id of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security group rule'}, 
{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the rule', 
u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domain', 
 u'description': u'the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with 
the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag 
value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', 
u'description': u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', 
u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag 
belongs to'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'cidr', 
u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security 
group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'endport', u'description': u'the 
ending IP of the security group rule '}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
 oupname', u'description': u'security group name'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the protocol of the security group 
rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', u'description': u'the 
starting IP of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'icmpcode', u'description': u'the code for the ICMP message response'}, 
{u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type of the 
ICMP message response'}], u'description': u'Authorizes a particular ingress 
rule for this security group'}, u'securitygroupegress': {u'name': 
u'authorizeSecurityGroupEgress', u'related': [], u'isasync': True, u'params': 
[{u'name': u'icmpcode', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'error code for this icmp message'}, 
{u'name': u'endport', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'end port for this egress rule'}, 
{u'name': u'securitygroupname', u'
 required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'string', 
u'description': u'The name of the security group. Mutually exclusive with 
securityGroupId parameter'}, {u'name': u'domainid', u'required': False, 
u'related': [u'updateDomain', u'listDomains', u'listDomains', 
u'listDomainChildren'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'an 
optional domainId for the security group. If the account parameter is used, 
domainId must also be used.'}, {u'name': u'usersecuritygrouplist', u'required': 
False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'map', u'description': u'user 
to security group mapping'}, {u'name': u'startport', u'required': False, 
u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'integer', u'description': u'start 
port for this egress rule'}, {u'name': u'projectid', u'required': False, 
u'related': [u'updateProject', u'createProject'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'an optional project of the security group'}, 
{u'name': u'account', u'required': 
 False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'string', u'description': 
u'an optional account for the security group. Must be used with domainId.'}, 
{u'name': u'cidrlist', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'list', u'description': u'the cidr list associated'}, {u'name': 
u'securitygroupid', u'required': False, u'related': [u'listSecurityGroups'], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'The ID of the security 
group. Mutually exclusive with securityGroupName parameter'}, {u'name': 
u'icmptype', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'integer', u'description': u'type of the icmp message being sent'}, {u'name': 
u'protocol', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'string', u'description': u'TCP is default. UDP is the other supported 
protocol'}], u'requiredparams': [], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'cidr', u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the 
security group ru
 le'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'endport', u'description': u'the ending 
IP of the security group rule '}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'securitygroupname', u'description': u'security group name'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', u'description': u'the code for the ICMP 
message response'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', 
u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the protocol of the security 
group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id 
of the security group rule'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags 
associated with the rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account associat
 ed with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', 
u'description': u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', 
u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with 
the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of 
the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': 
u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', 
u'description': u'tag value'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security group 
rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type 
of the ICMP message response'}], u'description': u'Authorizes a particular 
egress rule for this security group'}, u'samlsso': {u'name': 
u'authorizeSamlSso', u'related':
  [], u'isasync': False, u'params': [{u'name': u'userid', u'required': True, 
u'related': [u'disableUser', u'getUser', u'lockUser', u'updateUser', 
u'listUsers'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'User uuid'}, 
{u'name': u'enable', u'required': True, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'If true, authorizes user to be able to 
use SAML for Single Sign. If False, disable user to user SAML SSO.'}, {u'name': 
u'entityid', u'required': False, u'related': [u'listIdps'], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'string', u'description': u'The Identity Provider ID the user is 
allowed to get single signed on from'}], u'requiredparams': [u'userid', 
u'enable'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'displaytext', 
u'description': u'any text associated with the success or failure'}, {u'type': 
u'boolean', u'name': u'success', u'description': u'true if operation is 
executed successfully'}], u'description': u'Allow or disallow a user to use 
SAML SSO'}}, u'resto
 re': {u'virtualmachine': {u'name': u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'related': 
[u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'listVirtualMachines', u'updateVirtualMachine', 
u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', u'attachIso', 
u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', 
u'removeNicFromVirtualMachine', u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', 
u'detachIso', u'stopVirtualMachine', u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', 
u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', 
u'startVirtualMachine', u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', 
u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'updateVMAffinityGroup', u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'isasync': True, 
u'params': [{u'name': u'virtualmachineid', u'required': True, u'related': 
[u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'listVirtualMachines', 
u'updateVirtualMachine', u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'attachIso', u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', u'remo
 veNicFromVirtualMachine', u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', u'detachIso', 
u'stopVirtualMachine', u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', 
u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', 
u'startVirtualMachine', u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', 
u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'updateVMAffinityGroup', u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'Virtual Machine ID'}, {u'name': u'templateid', 
u'required': False, u'related': [u'listIsos', u'copyIso', u'registerTemplate', 
u'registerIso', u'listTemplates', u'updateIso', u'copyTemplate', u'copyIso', 
u'listIsos', u'createTemplate'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', 
u'description': u'an optional template Id to restore vm from the new template. 
This can be an ISO id in case of restore vm deployed using ISO'}], 
u'requiredparams': [u'virtualmachineid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'password', u'description': u'
 the password (if exists) of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'networkkbsread', u'description': u'the incoming network traffic on the vm'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'cpuspeed', u'description': u'the speed of each cpu'}, {u'type': u'long', 
u'name': u'networkkbswrite', u'description': u'the outgoing network traffic on 
the host'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hypervisor', u'description': u'the 
hypervisor on which the template runs'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'rootdevicetype', u'description': u'device type of the root volume'}, 
{u'description': u'list of security groups associated with the virtual 
machine', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'description', u'description': u'the description of the security group'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name of 
the group'}, {u'type': u'
 set', u'name': u'virtualmachineids', u'description': u'the list of 
virtualmachine ids associated with this securitygroup'}, {u'description': u'the 
list of resource tags associated with the rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': 
[{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name 
where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag 
belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the 
domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', 
u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'descriptio
 n': u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}], u'name': 
u'tags'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'virtualmachinecount', 
u'description': u'the number of virtualmachines associated with this 
securitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': 
u'the domain ID of the security group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'description': u'the account owning the security group'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the name of the 
security group'}, {u'description': u'the list of ingress rules associated with 
the security group', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'integer', 
u'name': u'startport', u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group 
rule'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the rule', 
u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', 
u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'ty
 pe': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain associated 
with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': 
u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of 
the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}], 
u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'cidr', u'description': u'the 
CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
 tring', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security 
group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the 
protocol of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'securitygroupname', u'description': u'security group name'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'endport', u'description': u'the ending IP of the 
security group rule '}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', 
u'description': u'the code for the ICMP message response'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id of the security group 
rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type 
of the ICMP message response'}], u'name': u'ingressrule'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the group'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain name of 
the security group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': 
u'the ID of the security grou
 p'}, {u'description': u'the list of egress rules associated with the security 
group', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'startport', u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group rule'}, 
{u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', u'description': u'the code for the 
ICMP message response'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'protocol', 
u'description': u'the protocol of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type of the ICMP 
message response'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated 
with the rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the 
tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of 
the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', 
 on': u'the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', 
u'description': u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', 
u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource type'}], u'name': u'tags'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'securitygroupname', u'description': u'security 
group name'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'endport', u'description': u'the 
ending IP of the security group rule '}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'cidr', u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base 
IP address of the security group rule'}
 , {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'account owning 
the security group rule'}], u'name': u'egressrule'}], u'name': 
u'securitygroup'}, {u'description': u'list of affinity groups associated with 
the virtual machine', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the name of the affinity 
group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'description', u'description': u'the 
description of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'list', u'name': 
u'virtualmachineIds', u'description': u'virtual machine Ids associated with 
this affinity group '}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the domain ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'type', u'description': u'the type of the affinity group'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain name of the 
affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'n
 ame': u'account', u'description': u'the account owning the affinity group'}], 
u'name': u'affinitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templatedisplaytext', u'description': u' an alternate display text of the 
template for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': 
u'passwordenabled', u'description': u'true if the password rest feature is 
enabled, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingname', u'description': u'the name of the service offering of 
the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'serviceofferingid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicipid', u'description': u'public IP 
address id associated with vm via Static nat rule'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'cpunumber', u'description': u'the number of cpu this 
virtual machine is running with'}, {u'type': u'string', u
 'name': u'zonename', u'description': u'the name of the availability zone for 
the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isodisplaytext', 
u'description': u'an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'zoneid', u'description': u'the ID of 
the availablility zone for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskioread', u'description': u'the read (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingid', u'description': u'the ID of the disk 
offering of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'displayname', u'description': u'user generated name. The name of the virtual 
machine is returned if no displayname exists.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'hostname', u'description': u'the name of the host for the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskkbsread', u'description': u'the read (bytes) 
of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'guestosid', u'descripti
 on': u'Os type ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'ostypeid', u'description': u'OS type id of the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'userid', u'description': u"the user's ID who deployed the virtual 
machine"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID 
of the domain in which the virtual machine exists'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'diskofferingname', u'description': u'the name of the disk offering 
of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': 
u'isdynamicallyscalable', u'description': u'true if vm contains XS/VMWare tools 
inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory.'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'state', u'description': u'the state of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'cpuused', u'description': u"the amount of the 
vm's CPU currently used"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', 
u'description': u'the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name'
 : u'hostid', u'description': u'the ID of the host for the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'servicestate', u'description': u'State of the 
Service from LB rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'keypair', 
u'description': u'ssh key-pair'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'groupid', 
u'description': u'the group ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'isoname', u'description': u'the name of the ISO attached to the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'map', u'name': u'details', u'description': u'Vm 
details in key/value pairs.'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'memory', 
u'description': u'the memory allocated for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the vm'}, 
{u'type': u'date', u'name': u'created', u'description': u'the date when this 
virtual machine was created'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskiowrite', 
u'description': u'the write (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'long', 
u'name': u'roo
 tdeviceid', u'description': u'device ID of the root volume'}, {}, {u'type': 
u'boolean', u'name': u'displayvm', u'description': u'an optional field whether 
to the display the vm to the end user or not.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'instancename', u'description': u'instance name of the user vm; this parameter 
is returned to the ROOT admin only'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource 
tags associated with vm', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u
 'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the 
domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the resource'}], u'name': u'tags'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'group', u'description': u'the group name of the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the 
name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name of the vm'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': 
u'forvirtualnetwork', u'description': u'the virtual network for the service 
offering'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskkbswrite', u'description': u'the 
write (bytes) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isoid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, 
 {u'description': u'the list of nics associated with vm', u'type': u'set', 
u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'type', u'description': u'the type 
of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ip6cidr', u'description': u'the 
cidr of IPv6 network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': 
u'the ID of the nic'}, {u'type': u'list', u'name': u'secondaryip', 
u'description': u'the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic'}, {u'type': u'boolean', 
u'name': u'isdefault', u'description': u'true if nic is default, false 
otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ip6gateway', u'description': u'the 
gateway of IPv6 network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'virtualmachineid', 
u'description': u'Id of the vm to which the nic belongs'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'broadcasturi', u'description': u'the broadcast uri of the nic'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'macaddress', u'description': u'true if nic is 
default, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isolationuri', 
 tion': u'the isolation uri of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ipaddress', u'description': u'the ip address of the nic'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'deviceid', u'description': u'device id for the network 
when plugged into the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ip6address', u'description': u'the IPv6 address of network'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'traffictype', u'description': u'the traffic type of the 
nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'networkname', u'description': u'the name 
of the corresponding network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'netmask', 
u'description': u'the netmask of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'networkid', u'description': u'the ID of the corresponding network'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'gateway', u'description': u'the gateway of the 
nic'}], u'name': u'nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templateid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is 
returned if the virtual machine 
 was created from an ISO file.'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'haenable', 
u'description': u'true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicip', u'description': u'public IP address 
id associated with vm via Static nat rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'username', u'description': u"the user's name who deployed the virtual 
machine"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templatename', u'description': u'the 
name of the template for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'vgpu', u'description': u'the vgpu type used by the virtual machine'}], 
u'description': u'Restore a VM to original template/ISO or new template/ISO'}}, 
u'suspend': {u'project': {u'name': u'suspendProject', u'related': 
[u'updateProject', u'listProjects', u'createProject', u'listProjectAccounts', 
u'activateProject'], u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': u'id', 
u'required': True, u'related': [u'updateProject', u'listProjects', 
u'createProject', u'listProje
 ctAccounts', u'activateProject', u'suspendProject'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'id of the project to be suspended'}], 
u'requiredparams': [u'id'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the domain id the project belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vmavailable', u'description': u'the total 
number of virtual machines available for this project to acquire'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain name where the 
project belongs to'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'vpctotal', u'description': 
u'the total number of vpcs owned by project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templatelimit', u'description': u'the total number of templates which can be 
created by this project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'secondarystorageavailable', u'description': u'the total secondary storage 
space (in GiB) available to be used for this project'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'snapshotavailable', u'descri
 ption': u'the total number of snapshots available for this project'}, 
{u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'vmrunning', u'description': u'the total number 
of virtual machines running for this project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'secondarystoragelimit', u'description': u'the total secondary storage space 
(in GiB) the project can own'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vpclimit', 
u'description': u'the total number of vpcs the project can own'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'cpuavailable', u'description': u'the total number of cpu 
cores available to be created for this project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'vpcavailable', u'description': u'the total number of vpcs available to be 
created for this project'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'vmstopped', 
u'description': u'the total number of virtual machines stopped for this 
project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'iptotal', u'description': u'the total 
number of public ip addresses allocated for this project'}, {u'type': 
 u'name': u'snapshotlimit', u'description': u'the total number of snapshots 
which can be stored by this project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'snapshottotal', u'description': u'the total number of snapshots stored by 
this project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'iplimit', u'description': u'the 
total number of public ip addresses this project can acquire'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'volumeavailable', u'description': u'the total volume 
available for this project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'networkavailable', u'description': u'the total number of networks available 
to be created for this project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'templatetotal', 
u'description': u'the total number of templates which have been created by this 
project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vmlimit', u'description': u'the 
total number of virtual machines that can be deployed by this project'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templateavailable', u'description': u'the total 
number of templates avai
 lable to be created by this project'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource 
tags associated with vm', u'type': u'list', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', 
u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', 
u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description'
 : u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}], u'name': u'tags'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the id of the project'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'memoryavailable', u'description': u'the total 
memory (in MB) available to be created for this project'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'cpulimit', u'description': u'the total number of cpu cores the 
project can own'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'volumelimit', 
u'description': u'the total volume which can be used by this project'}, 
{u'type': u'long', u'name': u'secondarystoragetotal', u'description': u'the 
total secondary storage space (in GiB) owned by project'}, {u'type': u'long', 
u'name': u'cputotal', u'description': u'the total number of cpu cores owned by 
project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'primarystoragetotal', u'description': 
u'the total primary storage space (in GiB) owned by project'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'memorylimit', u'description': u'the total memory (in MB) 
the project 
 can own'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'volumetotal', u'description': u'the 
total volume being used by this project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'networktotal', u'description': u'the total number of networks owned by 
project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'vmtotal', u'description': u'the total 
number of virtual machines deployed by this project'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'account', u'description': u"the account name of the project's 
owner"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the name of 
the project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'displaytext', u'description': 
u'the displaytext of the project'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'primarystorageavailable', u'description': u'the total primary storage space 
(in GiB) available to be used for this project'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'memorytotal', u'description': u'the total memory (in MB) owned by project'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'primarystoragelimit', u'description': u'the 
total primary st
 orage space (in GiB) the project can own'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ipavailable', u'description': u'the total number of public ip addresses 
available for this project to acquire'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'state', u'description': u'the state of the project'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'networklimit', u'description': u'the total number of networks the 
project can own'}], u'description': u'Suspends a project'}}, u'revoke': 
{u'securitygroupingress': {u'name': u'revokeSecurityGroupIngress', u'related': 
[], u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': u'id', u'required': True, 
u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'The ID of 
the ingress rule'}], u'requiredparams': [u'id'], u'response': [{u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'displaytext', u'description': u'any text associated with 
the success or failure'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'success', 
u'description': u'true if operation is executed successfully'}], 
u'description': u'Deletes a particular 
 ingress rule from this security group'}, u'securitygroupegress': {u'name': 
u'revokeSecurityGroupEgress', u'related': [], u'isasync': True, u'params': 
[{u'name': u'id', u'required': True, u'related': 
[u'authorizeSecurityGroupEgress'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', 
u'description': u'The ID of the egress rule'}], u'requiredparams': [u'id'], 
u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'displaytext', u'description': 
u'any text associated with the success or failure'}, {u'type': u'boolean', 
u'name': u'success', u'description': u'true if operation is executed 
successfully'}], u'description': u'Deletes a particular egress rule from this 
security group'}}, u'disassociate': {u'ipaddress': {u'name': 
u'disassociateIpAddress', u'related': [], u'isasync': True, u'params': 
[{u'name': u'id', u'required': True, u'related': [u'associateIpAddress', 
u'associateIpAddress', u'listPublicIpAddresses'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'the ID of the public IP address to disassociate'
 }], u'requiredparams': [u'id'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'displaytext', u'description': u'any text associated with the success or 
failure'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'success', u'description': u'true if 
operation is executed successfully'}], u'description': u'Disassociates an IP 
address from the account.'}}, u'migrate': {u'volume': {u'name': 
u'migrateVolume', u'related': [u'updateVolume', u'createVolume', 
u'attachVolume', u'resizeVolume', u'createVolume', u'attachVolume', 
u'detachVolume', u'listVolumes', u'detachVolume', u'uploadVolume', 
u'resizeVolume', u'migrateVolume', u'uploadVolume', u'updateVolume'], 
u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': u'volumeid', u'required': True, 
u'related': [u'updateVolume', u'createVolume', u'attachVolume', 
u'resizeVolume', u'createVolume', u'attachVolume', u'detachVolume', 
u'listVolumes', u'migrateVolume', u'detachVolume', u'uploadVolume', 
u'resizeVolume', u'migrateVolume', u'uploadVolume', u'updateVolume'], 
u'length': 255
 , u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'the ID of the volume'}, {u'name': 
u'storageid', u'required': True, u'related': [u'createStoragePool', 
u'updateStoragePool', u'findStoragePoolsForMigration', u'listStoragePools', 
u'enableStorageMaintenance', u'cancelStorageMaintenance'], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'destination storage pool ID to migrate the 
volume to'}, {u'name': u'livemigrate', u'required': False, u'related': [], 
u'length': 255, u'type': u'boolean', u'description': u'if the volume should be 
live migrated when it is attached to a running vm'}], u'requiredparams': 
[u'volumeid', u'storageid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'deviceid', u'description': u'the ID of the device on user vm the volume is 
attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached.'}, {u'type': 
u'long', u'name': u'maxiops', u'description': u'max iops of the disk volume'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templateid', u'description': u'the ID of the 
template for the 
 virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an 
ISO file.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'name of 
the disk volume'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'isextractable', 
u'description': u'true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'chaininfo', u'description': u'the chain info of 
the volume'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'quiescevm', u'description': 
u'need quiesce vm or not when taking snapshot'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingname', u'description': u'name of the service offering for root 
disk'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingname', u'description': 
u'name of the disk offering'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'path', 
u'description': u'the path of the volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templatedisplaytext', u'description': u' an alternate display text of the 
template for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'virtualmachineid', u'desc
 ription': u'id of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingdisplaytext', u'description': u'the display text of the 
service offering for root disk'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskBytesWriteRate', u'description': u'bytes write rate of the disk volume'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isoid', u'description': u'the ID of the ISO 
attached to the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'destroyed', 
u'description': u'the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or 
not'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isoname', u'description': u'the name of 
the ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'status', u'description': u'the status of the volume'}, {u'type': u'date', 
u'name': u'attached', u'description': u'the date the volume was attached to a 
VM instance'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'displayvolume', u'description': 
u'an optional field whether to the display the volume to the end user or 
not.'}, {u'type': u'st
 ring', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the vpn'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vmdisplayname', u'description': u'display name 
of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'serviceofferingid', 
u'description': u'ID of the service offering for root disk'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'storageid', u'description': u'id of the primary storage 
hosting the disk volume; returned to admin user only'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'zonename', u'description': u'name of the availability zone'}, 
{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with volume', u'type': 
u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': 
u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the 
 , {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name 
where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', 
u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the tag'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskIopsWriteRate', u'description': u'io requests write rate of the disk 
volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'zoneid', u'description': u'ID of the 
availability zone'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'storage', u'description': 
u'name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with 
the disk vo
 lume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'state', u'description': u'the state of 
the disk volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vmstate', u'description': 
u'state of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskIopsReadRate', u'description': u'io requests read rate of the disk 
volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the disk volume'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'size', 
u'description': u'size of the disk volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'description': u'the account associated with the disk volume'}, 
{u'type': u'date', u'name': u'created', u'description': u'the date the disk 
volume was created'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templatename', 
u'description': u'the name of the template for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': 
u'long', u'name': u'miniops', u'description': u'min iops of the disk volume'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingid', u'description': u'ID of the 
disk offering'}, {u't
 ype': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name of 
the vpn'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingdisplaytext', 
u'description': u'the display text of the disk offering'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'provisioningtype', u'description': u'provisioning type used to 
create volumes.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hypervisor', u'description': 
u'Hypervisor the volume belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vmname', 
u'description': u'name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'storagetype', u'description': u'shared or local storage'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'ID of the disk volume'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'type', u'description': u'type of the disk volume (ROOT or 
DATADISK)'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isodisplaytext', u'description': 
u'an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'snapshotid', u'description': u'ID of the snap
 shot from which this volume was created'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskBytesReadRate', u'description': u'bytes read rate of the disk volume'}], 
u'description': u'Migrate volume'}, u'systemvm': {u'name': u'migrateSystemVm', 
u'related': [u'rebootSystemVm', u'listSystemVms', u'scaleSystemVm'], 
u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': u'virtualmachineid', u'required': True, 
u'related': [u'rebootSystemVm', u'listSystemVms', u'scaleSystemVm', 
u'migrateSystemVm'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'the ID 
of the virtual machine'}, {u'name': u'hostid', u'required': True, u'related': 
[u'listHosts', u'listExternalLoadBalancers'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', 
u'description': u'destination Host ID to migrate VM to'}], u'requiredparams': 
[u'virtualmachineid', u'hostid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'gateway', u'description': u'the gateway for the system VM'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'dns2', u'description': u'the second DNS for the system 
VM'}, {
 u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hypervisor', u'description': u'the hypervisor 
on which the template runs'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'podid', 
u'description': u'the Pod ID for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'integer', 
u'name': u'activeviewersessions', u'description': u'the number of active 
console sessions for the console proxy system vm'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'zoneid', u'description': u'the Zone ID for the system VM'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'linklocalnetmask', u'description': u'the link 
local netmask for the system vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'linklocalmacaddress', u'description': u'the link local MAC address for the 
system vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'systemvmtype', u'description': 
u'the system VM type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'jobid', u'description': 
u'the job ID associated with the system VM. This is only displayed if the 
router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous job.'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'privatenetmas
 k', u'description': u'the private netmask for the system VM'}, {u'type': 
u'date', u'name': u'created', u'description': u'the date and time the system VM 
was created'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hostid', u'description': u'the 
host ID for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'jobstatus', 
u'description': u'the job status associated with the system VM.  This is only 
displayed if the router listed is part of a currently running asynchronous 
job.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'privatemacaddress', u'description': 
u'the private MAC address for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'linklocalip', u'description': u'the link local IP address for the system 
vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the 
system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'zonename', u'description': u'the 
Zone name for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'state', 
u'description': u'the state of the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
 domain', u'description': u'the network domain for the system VM'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'hostname', u'description': u'the hostname for the system 
VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicmacaddress', u'description': u'the 
public MAC address for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templateid', u'description': u'the template ID for the system VM'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'dns1', u'description': u'the first DNS for the system 
VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicip', u'description': u'the public 
IP address for the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', 
u'description': u'the name of the system VM'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'privateip', u'description': u'the private IP address for the system VM'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicnetmask', u'description': u'the public 
netmask for the system VM'}], u'description': u'Attempts Migration of a system 
virtual machine to the host specified.'}, u'virtualmachine': {u'name': u'migra
 teVirtualMachine', u'related': [u'restoreVirtualMachine', 
u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'updateVirtualMachine', u'listVirtualMachines', 
u'updateVirtualMachine', u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'attachIso', u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', 
u'removeNicFromVirtualMachine', u'assignVirtualMachine', 
u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', u'detachIso', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', 
u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', u'startVirtualMachine', 
u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'updateVMAffinityGroup', 
u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': u'hostid', 
u'required': False, u'related': [u'listHosts'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'Destination Host ID to migrate VM to. Required for 
live migrating a VM from host to host'}, {u'name': u'virtualmachineid', u'requi
 red': True, u'related': [u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'migrateVirtualMachine', 
u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'updateVirtualMachine', u'listVirtualMachines', 
u'updateVirtualMachine', u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'attachIso', u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', 
u'removeNicFromVirtualMachine', u'assignVirtualMachine', 
u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', u'detachIso', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', 
u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', u'startVirtualMachine', 
u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'updateVMAffinityGroup', 
u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': 
u'the ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'name': u'storageid', u'required': False, 
u'related': [u'findStoragePoolsForMigration'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'Destination storage pool ID to mig
 rate VM volumes to. Required for migrating the root disk volume'}], 
u'requiredparams': [u'virtualmachineid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'isodisplaytext', u'description': u'an alternate display text of the 
ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the vm'}, {u'description': 
u'list of security groups associated with the virtual machine', u'type': 
u'set', u'response': [{u'description': u'the list of egress rules associated 
with the security group', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the protocol of the security group 
rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'endport', u'description': u'the ending 
IP of the security group rule '}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', 
u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group rule'}, 
{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the rule', 
u'type': u'set', u'response':
  [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name 
where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', 
u'description': u'id of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag 
belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the 
account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', 
u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', 
u'description': u'tag value'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the 
 id of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', 
u'description': u'the type of the ICMP message response'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security group 
rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'cidr', u'description': u'the CIDR 
notation for the base IP address of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', u'description': u'the code for the ICMP 
message response'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'securitygroupname', 
u'description': u'security group name'}], u'name': u'egressrule'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the 
group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain 
name of the security group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name of the group'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the domain ID of the security group'}, 
{u'type': u'string', 
 u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the name of the security group'}, 
{u'type': u'set', u'name': u'virtualmachineids', u'description': u'the list of 
virtualmachine ids associated with this securitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the security group'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'description', u'description': u'the description of the 
security group'}, {u'description': u'the list of ingress rules associated with 
the security group', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'integer', 
u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type of the ICMP message 
response'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the 
protocol of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'cidr', 
u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security 
group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id 
of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'securitygroupname', u'
 description': u'security group name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security group rule'}, 
{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the rule', 
u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain associated with the 
tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the 
project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer 
associated with the tag'}
 , {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the 
resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key 
name'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'endport', 
u'description': u'the ending IP of the security group rule '}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', u'description': u'the code for the ICMP 
message response'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', 
u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group rule'}], u'name': 
u'ingressrule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': 
u'the account owning the security group'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'virtualmachinecount', u'description': u'the number of virtualmachines 
associated with this securitygroup'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource 
tags associated with the rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the resource'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid'
 , u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource type'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag 
belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the 
domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer 
associated with the tag'}], u'name': u'tags'}], u'name': u'securitygroup'}, 
{u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'displayvm', u'description': u'an optional 
field whether to the display the vm to the end user or not.'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'na
 me': u'project', u'description': u'the project name of the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the 
domain in which the virtual machine exists'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'ostypeid', u'description': u'OS type id of the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'state', u'description': u'the state of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': 
u'forvirtualnetwork', u'description': u'the virtual network for the service 
offering'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'networkkbswrite', u'description': 
u'the outgoing network traffic on the host'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'rootdevicetype', u'description': u'device type of the root volume'}, 
{u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'cpunumber', u'description': u'the number of 
cpu this virtual machine is 
 running with'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'memory', u'description': 
u'the memory allocated for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'map', u'name': 
u'details', u'description': u'Vm details in key/value pairs.'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'templateid', u'description': u'the ID of the template for 
the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from 
an ISO file.'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'networkkbsread', u'description': 
u'the incoming network traffic on the vm'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskiowrite', u'description': u'the write (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'zonename', u'description': u'the name of the availability 
zone for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hypervisor', 
u'description': u'the hypervisor on which the template runs'}, {}, 
{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with vm', u'type': 
u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', 
  u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': 
u'the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of the resource'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag value'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name 
where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account associated with 
the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the 
project id the tag belongs to'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'boolean', 
u'name': u'passwordenabled', u'description': u'true if the password rest 
feature is enabled, false otherw
 ise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isoname', u'description': u'the name of 
the ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'cpuspeed', u'description': u'the speed of each cpu'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'templatedisplaytext', u'description': u' an alternate display text 
of the template for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingname', u'description': u'the name of the service offering of 
the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'userid', u'description': 
u"the user's ID who deployed the virtual machine"}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'hostname', u'description': u'the name of the host for the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskioread', u'description': u'the 
read (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'group', 
u'description': u'the group name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'groupid', u'description': u'the group ID of the virtual machine'}, 
 type': u'string', u'name': u'cpuused', u'description': u"the amount of the 
vm's CPU currently used"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'keypair', 
u'description': u'ssh key-pair'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'diskofferingname', u'description': u'the name of the disk offering of the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskkbswrite', u'description': 
u'the write (bytes) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingid', u'description': u'the ID of the service offering of the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'guestosid', u'description': 
u'Os type ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'publicip', u'description': u'public IP address id associated with vm via 
Static nat rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hostid', u'description': 
u'the ID of the host for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'date', u'name': 
u'created', u'description': u'the date when this virtual machine was created'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name':
  u'servicestate', u'description': u'State of the Service from LB rule'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'password', u'description': u'the password (if 
exists) of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templatename', u'description': u'the name of the template for the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the name 
of the domain in which the virtual machine exists'}, {u'type': u'long', 
u'name': u'diskkbsread', u'description': u'the read (bytes) of disk on the 
vm'}, {u'description': u'the list of nics associated with vm', u'type': u'set', 
u'response': [{u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'isdefault', u'description': 
u'true if nic is default, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'type', u'description': u'the type of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ipaddress', u'description': u'the ip address of the nic'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u't
 raffictype', u'description': u'the traffic type of the nic'}, {u'type': 
u'list', u'name': u'secondaryip', u'description': u'the Secondary ipv4 addr of 
nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'deviceid', u'description': u'device id 
for the network when plugged into the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'macaddress', u'description': u'true if nic is default, false 
otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'gateway', u'description': u'the 
gateway of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'broadcasturi', 
u'description': u'the broadcast uri of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'virtualmachineid', u'description': u'Id of the vm to which the nic belongs'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'networkname', u'description': u'the name of the 
corresponding network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ip6cidr', 
u'description': u'the cidr of IPv6 network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ip6gateway', u'description': u'the gateway of IPv6 network'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'na
 me': u'ip6address', u'description': u'the IPv6 address of network'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'networkid', u'description': u'the ID of the corresponding 
network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isolationuri', u'description': u'the 
isolation uri of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'netmask', 
u'description': u'the netmask of the nic'}], u'name': u'nic'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'displayname', u'description': u'user generated name. The 
name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists.'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'username', u'description': u"the user's name who deployed 
the virtual machine"}, {u'description': u'list of affinity groups associated 
with the virtual machine', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'description', u'description': u'the description of the affinity 
group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'type', u'description': u'the type of 
the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'descr
 iption': u'the name of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the domain ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': 
u'list', u'name': u'virtualmachineIds', u'description': u'virtual machine Ids 
associated with this affinity group '}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', 
u'description': u'the ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domain', u'description': u'the domain name of the affinity group'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account owning the 
affinity group'}], u'name': u'affinitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'name', u'description': u'the name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': 
u'long', u'name': u'rootdeviceid', u'description': u'device ID of the root 
volume'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'isdynamicallyscalable', 
u'description': u'true if vm contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support 
dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'instancename', u'desc
 ription': u'instance name of the user vm; this parameter is returned to the 
ROOT admin only'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vgpu', u'description': u'the 
vgpu type used by the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'isoid', u'description': u'the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingid', u'description': 
u'the ID of the disk offering of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'zoneid', u'description': u'the ID of the availablility zone for the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'haenable', u'description': 
u'true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'publicipid', u'description': u'public IP address id associated with 
vm via Static nat rule'}], u'description': u'Attempts Migration of a VM to a 
different host or Root volume of the vm to a different storage pool'}, 
u'virtualmachinewithvolume': {u'name': u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', 
 ed': [u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'listVirtualMachines', u'updateVirtualMachine', 
u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', u'attachIso', 
u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', 
u'removeNicFromVirtualMachine', u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', 
u'detachIso', u'stopVirtualMachine', u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', 
u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', u'startVirtualMachine', 
u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'updateVMAffinityGroup', 
u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'isasync': True, u'params': [{u'name': 
u'migrateto', u'required': False, u'related': [], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'map', u'description': u'Map of pool to which each volume should be migrated 
(volume/pool pair)'}, {u'name': u'hostid', u'required': True, u'related': 
[u'listHosts'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', u'description': u'Destination 
Host ID to migrate VM to.'}, {u'name': u'virtualmachineid', u'required':
  True, u'related': [u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'listVirtualMachines', 
u'updateVirtualMachine', u'revertToVMSnapshot', u'stopVirtualMachine', 
u'attachIso', u'resetSSHKeyForVirtualMachine', u'rebootVirtualMachine', 
u'removeNicFromVirtualMachine', u'changeServiceForVirtualMachine', 
u'detachIso', u'stopVirtualMachine', u'updateDefaultNicForVirtualMachine', 
u'migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume', u'resetPasswordForVirtualMachine', 
u'startVirtualMachine', u'deployVirtualMachine', u'restoreVirtualMachine', 
u'destroyVirtualMachine', u'listVirtualMachines', u'destroyVirtualMachine', 
u'updateVMAffinityGroup', u'addNicToVirtualMachine'], u'length': 255, u'type': 
u'uuid', u'description': u'the ID of the virtual machine'}], u'requiredparams': 
[u'hostid', u'virtualmachineid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'cpuspeed', u'description': u'the speed of each cpu'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'instancename', u'description': u'instance name of the user vm; this 
parameter is returned to the 
 ROOT admin only'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'networkkbsread', 
u'description': u'the incoming network traffic on the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'templatename', u'description': u'the name of the template 
for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingname', 
u'description': u'the name of the disk offering of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'isdynamicallyscalable', u'description': u'true 
if vm contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM 
cpu/memory.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the 
name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'diskofferingid', 
u'description': u'the ID of the disk offering of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'haenable', u'description': u'true if 
high-availability is enabled, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain in which the virtual 
machine exists'}, {u'type':
  u'long', u'name': u'diskkbswrite', u'description': u'the write (bytes) of 
disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'hypervisor', u'description': 
u'the hypervisor on which the template runs'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'diskiowrite', u'description': u'the write (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'date', u'name': u'created', u'description': u'the date when this virtual 
machine was created'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated 
with vm', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource 
type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain associated with the tag'}, 
 ': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id the tag 
belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id 
of the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': 
u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the 
account associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', 
u'description': u'tag key name'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'password', u'description': u'the password (if exists) of the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isodisplaytext', u'description': 
u'an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isoname', u'description': u'the name of the ISO 
attached to the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'keypair', 
u'description': u'ssh key-pair'}, {u'type': u'map', u'name': u'details', 
u'description': u'Vm details in key/value pairs.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'na
 me': u'hostid', u'description': u'the ID of the host for the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'displayname', u'description': u'user 
generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname 
exists.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'rootdevicetype', u'description': 
u'device type of the root volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'state', 
u'description': u'the state of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'zoneid', u'description': u'the ID of the availablility zone for the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'memory', u'description': 
u'the memory allocated for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'boolean', 
u'name': u'passwordenabled', u'description': u'true if the password rest 
feature is enabled, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'project', u'description': u'the project name of the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'boolean', u'name': u'displayvm', u'description': u'an optional field whether 
to the display the vm to
  the end user or not.'}, {u'description': u'list of security groups associated 
with the virtual machine', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the group'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain name of 
the security group'}, {u'description': u'the list of egress rules associated 
with the security group', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'integer', 
u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the type of the ICMP message 
response'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the 
rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', 
u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the domain associa
 ted with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': 
u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': 
u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': u'resource type'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the 
domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', 
u'description': u'id of the resource'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'cidr', u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base 
IP address of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'endport', u'description': u'the ending IP of the security group rule '}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id of the 
security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'securitygroupname', 
u'description': u'security grou
 p name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the 
protocol of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'account', u'description': u'account owning the security group rule'}, 
{u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', u'description': u'the starting IP 
of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmpcode', 
u'description': u'the code for the ICMP message response'}], u'name': 
u'egressrule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID 
of the security group'}, {u'description': u'the list of resource tags 
associated with the rule', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name where tag belongs to'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', u'description': u'tag key name'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', 
u'description': u'the domain associated
  with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', u'description': u'tag 
value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', u'description': u'the 
project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'customer', 
u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with 
the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', u'description': 
u'resource type'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': 
u'id of the resource'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'name', u'description': u'the name of the security group'}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'virtualmachinecount', u'description': u'the number of 
virtualmachines associated with this securitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'description', u'description': u'the description of the security 
group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the 
project name of 
 the group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the 
account owning the security group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the domain ID of the security group'}, {u'type': u'set', 
u'name': u'virtualmachineids', u'description': u'the list of virtualmachine ids 
associated with this securitygroup'}, {u'description': u'the list of ingress 
rules associated with the security group', u'type': u'set', u'response': 
[{u'description': u'the list of resource tags associated with the rule', 
u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'value', 
u'description': u'tag value'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', 
u'description': u'the domain associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'domainid', u'description': u'the ID of the domain associated with 
the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourceid', u'description': u'id of 
the resource'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the 
 nt associated with the tag'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'key', 
u'description': u'tag key name'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'projectid', 
u'description': u'the project id the tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'customer', u'description': u'customer associated with the tag'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'project', u'description': u'the project name 
where tag belongs to'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'resourcetype', 
u'description': u'resource type'}], u'name': u'tags'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'cidr', u'description': u'the CIDR notation for the base IP address 
of the security group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'startport', 
u'description': u'the starting IP of the security group rule'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'protocol', u'description': u'the protocol of the security 
group rule'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': u'icmptype', u'description': u'the 
type of the ICMP message response'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'icmpcode', u'descr
 iption': u'the code for the ICMP message response'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'ruleid', u'description': u'the id of the security group rule'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'account owning the 
security group rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'securitygroupname', 
u'description': u'security group name'}, {u'type': u'integer', u'name': 
u'endport', u'description': u'the ending IP of the security group rule '}], 
u'name': u'ingressrule'}], u'name': u'securitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'isoid', u'description': u'the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': u'the name 
of the domain in which the virtual machine exists'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'username', u'description': u"the user's name who deployed the 
virtual machine"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templatedisplaytext', 
u'description': u' an alternate display text of the template for the virtual 
machine'}, {}, 
 {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', u'description': u'the account 
associated with the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'vgpu', 
u'description': u'the vgpu type used by the virtual machine'}, {u'description': 
u'list of affinity groups associated with the virtual machine', u'type': 
u'set', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domain', u'description': 
u'the domain name of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', 
u'description': u'the ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'type', u'description': u'the type of the affinity group'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'description', u'description': u'the description of the 
affinity group'}, {u'type': u'list', u'name': u'virtualmachineIds', 
u'description': u'virtual machine Ids associated with this affinity group '}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'name', u'description': u'the name of the 
affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', u'description': 
u'the domai
 n ID of the affinity group'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account owning the affinity group'}], u'name': 
u'affinitygroup'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'publicip', u'description': 
u'public IP address id associated with vm via Static nat rule'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'id', u'description': u'the ID of the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'forvirtualnetwork', u'description': u'the 
virtual network for the service offering'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'publicipid', u'description': u'public IP address id associated with vm via 
Static nat rule'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'groupid', u'description': 
u'the group ID of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'projectid', u'description': u'the project id of the vm'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'serviceofferingname', u'description': u'the name of the 
service offering of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'rootdeviceid', u'description':
  u'device ID of the root volume'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'userid', 
u'description': u"the user's ID who deployed the virtual machine"}, {u'type': 
u'integer', u'name': u'cpunumber', u'description': u'the number of cpu this 
virtual machine is running with'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'serviceofferingid', u'description': u'the ID of the service offering of the 
virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'servicestate', 
u'description': u'State of the Service from LB rule'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'cpuused', u'description': u"the amount of the vm's CPU currently 
used"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'group', u'description': u'the group 
name of the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'ostypeid', 
u'description': u'OS type id of the vm'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'templateid', u'description': u'the ID of the template for the virtual 
machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO 
file.'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'
 hostname', u'description': u'the name of the host for the virtual machine'}, 
{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'zonename', u'description': u'the name of the 
availability zone for the virtual machine'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': 
u'networkkbswrite', u'description': u'the outgoing network traffic on the 
host'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskkbsread', u'description': u'the read 
(bytes) of disk on the vm'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'diskioread', 
u'description': u'the read (io) of disk on the vm'}, {u'description': u'the 
list of nics associated with vm', u'type': u'set', u'response': [{u'type': 
u'list', u'name': u'secondaryip', u'description': u'the Secondary ipv4 addr of 
nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'networkid', u'description': u'the ID of 
the corresponding network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ipaddress', 
u'description': u'the ip address of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'ip6cidr', u'description': u'the cidr of IPv6 network'}, {u'type': u'string', 
 : u'virtualmachineid', u'description': u'Id of the vm to which the nic 
belongs'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'broadcasturi', u'description': u'the 
broadcast uri of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'deviceid', 
u'description': u'device id for the network when plugged into the virtual 
machine'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'macaddress', u'description': u'true 
if nic is default, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'id', 
u'description': u'the ID of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'netmask', u'description': u'the netmask of the nic'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'networkname', u'description': u'the name of the corresponding 
network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'isolationuri', u'description': u'the 
isolation uri of the nic'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'isdefault', 
u'description': u'true if nic is default, false otherwise'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'traffictype', u'description': u'the traffic type of the 
nic'}, {u'type': u'string'
 , u'name': u'gateway', u'description': u'the gateway of the nic'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'ip6gateway', u'description': u'the gateway of IPv6 
network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'ip6address', u'description': u'the 
IPv6 address of network'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'type', 
u'description': u'the type of the nic'}], u'name': u'nic'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'guestosid', u'description': u'Os type ID of the virtual 
machine'}], u'description': u'Attempts Migration of a VM with its volumes to a 
different host'}}, u'lock': {u'account': {u'name': u'lockAccount', u'related': 
[u'disableAccount', u'ldapCreateAccount', u'listAccounts', u'listAccounts', 
u'createAccount', u'markDefaultZoneForAccount'], u'isasync': False, u'params': 
[{u'name': u'account', u'required': True, u'related': [], u'length': 255, 
u'type': u'string', u'description': u'Locks the specified account.'}, {u'name': 
u'domainid', u'required': True, u'related': [u'updateDomain', u'listDomains', 
 ins', u'listDomainChildren'], u'length': 255, u'type': u'uuid', 
u'description': u'Locks the specified account on this domain.'}], 
u'requiredparams': [u'account', u'domainid'], u'response': [{u'type': u'long', 
u'name': u'networktotal', u'description': u'the total number of networks owned 
by account'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'templateavailable', 
u'description': u'the total number of templates available to be created by this 
account'}, {u'type': u'long', u'name': u'iptotal', u'description': u'the total 
number of public ip addresses allocated for this account'}, {u'type': 
u'boolean', u'name': u'isdefault', u'description': u'true if account is 
default, false otherwise'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'memorylimit', 
u'description': u'the total memory (in MB) the account can own'}, {u'type': 
u'string', u'name': u'projectavailable', u'description': u'the total number of 
projects available for administration by this account'}, {u'type': u'string', 
u'name': u'networkavailable', u'des
 cription': u'the total number of networks available to be created for this 
account'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'networkdomain', u'description': 
u'the network domain'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'snapshotlimit', 
u'description': u'the total number of snapshots which can be stored by this 
account'}, {u'description': u'the list of users associated with account', 
u'type': u'list', u'response': [{u'type': u'string', u'name': u'timezone', 
u'description': u'the timezone user was created in'}, {u'type': u'boolean', 
u'name': u'isdefault', u'description': u'true if user is default, false 
otherwise'}, {u'type': u'boolean', u'name': u'iscallerchilddomain', 
u'description': u"the boolean value representing if the updating target is in 
caller's child domain"}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'state', 
u'description': u'the user state'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'account', 
u'description': u'the account name of the user'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'lastname', u'description': u'th
 e user lastname'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'email', u'description': 
u'the user email address'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': u'domainid', 
u'description': u'the domain ID of the user'}, {u'type': u'string', u'name': 
u'id', u'description': u'the user ID'}, {u'type


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