---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVmNicIp.html b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVmNicIp.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18eefb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVmNicIp.html @@ -0,0 +1,517 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> +<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> +<link rel="stylesheet" href="../includes/main.css" type="text/css"> +<link rel="shortcut icon" href="../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> +<title>Apache CloudStack | The Power Behind Your Cloud</title> +</head> +<body> +<div id="insidetopbg"> +<div id="inside_wrapper"> +<div class="uppermenu_panel"> +<div class="uppermenu_box"></div> +</div> +<div id="main_master"> +<div id="inside_header"> +<div class="header_top"> +<a class="cloud_logo" href=""></a> +<div class="mainemenu_panel"></div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="main_content"> +<div class="inside_apileftpanel"> +<div class="inside_contentpanel" style="width:930px;"> +<div class="api_titlebox"> +<div class="api_titlebox_left"> +<span> + Apache CloudStack v4.8.0 Domain Admin API Reference + </span> +<p></p> +<h1>updateVmNicIp</h1> +<p>Update the default Ip of a VM Nic</p> +</div> +<div class="api_titlebox_right"> +<a class="api_backbutton" href="../TOC_Domain_Admin.html"></a> +</div> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Request parameters</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Parameter Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td><td style="width:180px;">Required</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>nicid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"><strong>the ID of the nic to which you want to assign private IP</strong></td><td style="width:180px;"><strong>true</strong></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>ipaddress</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Secondary IP Address</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Response Tags</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Response Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account associated with the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>cpunumber</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the number of cpu this virtual machine is running with</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>cpuspeed</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the speed of each cpu</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>cpuused</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the amount of the vm's CPU currently used</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>created</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date when this virtual machine was created</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>details</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Vm details in key/value pairs.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskioread</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the read (io) of disk on the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskiowrite</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the write (io) of disk on the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskkbsread</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the read (bytes) of disk on the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskkbswrite</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the write (bytes) of disk on the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskofferingid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the disk offering of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskofferingname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the disk offering of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>displayname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">user generated name. The name of the virtual machine is returned if no displayname exists.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>displayvm</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">an optional field whether to the display the vm to the end user or not.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the domain in which the virtual machine exists</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the domain in which the virtual machine exists</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>forvirtualnetwork</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the virtual network for the service offering</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>group</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the group name of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>groupid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the group ID of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>guestosid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Os type ID of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>haenable</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if high-availability is enabled, false otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>hostid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the host for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>hostname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the host for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>hypervisor</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the hypervisor on which the template runs</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>instancename</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">instance name of the user vm; this parameter is returned to the ROOT admin only</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isdynamicallyscalable</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if vm contains XS/VMWare tools inorder to support dynamic scaling of VM cpu/memory.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isodisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isoid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isoname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>keypair</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ssh key-pair</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>memory</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the memory allocated for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>networkkbsread</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the incoming network traffic on the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>networkkbswrite</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the outgoing network traffic on the host</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ostypeid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">OS type id of the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>password</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the password (if exists) of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>passwordenabled</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if the password rest feature is enabled, false otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name of the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id of the vm</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>publicip</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">public IP address id associated with vm via Static nat rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>publicipid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">public IP address id associated with vm via Static nat rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>rootdeviceid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">device ID of the root volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>rootdevicetype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">device type of the root volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>serviceofferingid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the service offering of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>serviceofferingname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the service offering of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>servicestate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">State of the Service from LB rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>state</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the state of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templatedisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"> an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templateid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templatename</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the template for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>userid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the user's ID who deployed the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>username</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the user's name who deployed the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>vgpu</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the vgpu type used by the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>zoneid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the availablility zone for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>zonename</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the availability zone for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>affinitygroup(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">list of affinity groups associated with the virtual machine</td> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account owning the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>description</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the description of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain name of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain ID of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project ID of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>type</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the type of the affinity group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>virtualmachineIds</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">virtual machine IDs associated with this affinity group</td> +</tr> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>nic(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of nics associated with vm</td> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>broadcasturi</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the broadcast uri of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>deviceid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">device id for the network when plugged into the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>gateway</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the gateway of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>ip6address</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the IPv6 address of network</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>ip6cidr</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the cidr of IPv6 network</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>ip6gateway</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the gateway of IPv6 network</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>ipaddress</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ip address of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>isdefault</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if nic is default, false otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>isolationuri</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the isolation uri of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>macaddress</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if nic is default, false otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>netmask</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the netmask of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>networkid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the corresponding network</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>networkname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the corresponding network</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>nsxlogicalswitch</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Id of the NSX Logical Switch (if NSX based), null otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>nsxlogicalswitchport</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Id of the NSX Logical Switch Port (if NSX based), null otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>secondaryip</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the Secondary ipv4 addr of nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>traffictype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the traffic type of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>type</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the type of the nic</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>virtualmachineid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Id of the vm to which the nic belongs</td> +</tr> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>securitygroup(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">list of security groups associated with the virtual machine</td> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account owning the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>description</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the description of the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain name of the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain ID of the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name of the group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id of the group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>virtualmachinecount</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the number of virtualmachines associated with this securitygroup</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>virtualmachineids</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of virtualmachine ids associated with this securitygroup</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>egressrule(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of egress rules associated with the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">account</td><td style="width:500px;">account owning the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">cidr</td><td style="width:500px;">the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">endport</td><td style="width:500px;">the ending IP of the security group rule </td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">icmpcode</td><td style="width:500px;">the code for the ICMP message response</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">icmptype</td><td style="width:500px;">the type of the ICMP message response</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">protocol</td><td style="width:500px;">the protocol of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">ruleid</td><td style="width:500px;">the id of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">securitygroupname</td><td style="width:500px;">security group name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">startport</td><td style="width:500px;">the starting IP of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">tags(*)</td><td style="width:500px;">the list of resource tags associated with the rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>ingressrule(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of ingress rules associated with the security group</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">account</td><td style="width:500px;">account owning the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">cidr</td><td style="width:500px;">the CIDR notation for the base IP address of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">endport</td><td style="width:500px;">the ending IP of the security group rule </td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">icmpcode</td><td style="width:500px;">the code for the ICMP message response</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">icmptype</td><td style="width:500px;">the type of the ICMP message response</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">protocol</td><td style="width:500px;">the protocol of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">ruleid</td><td style="width:500px;">the id of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">securitygroupname</td><td style="width:500px;">security group name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">startport</td><td style="width:500px;">the starting IP of the security group rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">tags(*)</td><td style="width:500px;">the list of resource tags associated with the rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>tags(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of resource tags associated with the rule</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">account</td><td style="width:500px;">the account associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">customer</td><td style="width:500px;">customer associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">domain</td><td style="width:500px;">the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">domainid</td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">key</td><td style="width:500px;">tag key name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">project</td><td style="width:500px;">the project name where tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">projectid</td><td style="width:500px;">the project id the tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">resourceid</td><td style="width:500px;">id of the resource</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">resourcetype</td><td style="width:500px;">resource type</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:165px; padding-left:40px;">value</td><td style="width:500px;">tag value</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>jobid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>jobstatus</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the current status of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>tags(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of resource tags associated with vm</td> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>customer</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">customer associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>key</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">tag key name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name where tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id the tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>resourceid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">id of the resource</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>resourcetype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">resource type</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>value</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">tag value</td> +</tr> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>jobid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>jobstatus</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the current status of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="footer"> +<div id="footer_mainmaster"> +<p>Copyright © 2016 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the + <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0.</a> +<br> + Apache, CloudStack, Apache CloudStack, the Apache CloudStack logo, the CloudMonkey logo and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.</p> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</body> +</html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnConnection.html b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnConnection.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02e9492 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnConnection.html @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> +<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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Allowed to Root Admins only</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>fordisplay</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>an optional field, whether to the display the vpn to the end user or not</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Response Tags</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Response Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the connection ID</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>cidrlist</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">guest cidr list of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>created</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date and time the host was created</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain name of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain id of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>dpd</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">if DPD is enabled for customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>esplifetime</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Lifetime of ESP SA of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>esppolicy</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ESP policy of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>forceencap</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">if Force NAT Encapsulation is enabled for customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>fordisplay</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">is connection for display to the regular user</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>gateway</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">public ip address id of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ikelifetime</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Lifetime of IKE SA of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ikepolicy</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">IKE policy of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ipsecpsk</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">IPsec Preshared-Key of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>passive</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">State of vpn connection</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>publicip</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the public IP address</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>removed</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date and time the host was removed</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>s2scustomergatewayid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the customer gateway ID</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>s2svpngatewayid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the vpn gateway ID</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>state</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">State of vpn connection</td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="footer"> +<div id="footer_mainmaster"> +<p>Copyright © 2016 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the + <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0.</a> +<br> + Apache, CloudStack, Apache CloudStack, the Apache CloudStack logo, the CloudMonkey logo and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.</p> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</body> +</html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnCustomerGateway.html b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnCustomerGateway.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86a1116 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnCustomerGateway.html @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> +<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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Must be used with the domainId parameter.</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>domainid</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>the domain ID associated with the gateway. If used with the account parameter returns the gateway associated with the account for the specified domain.</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>dpd</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>If DPD is enabled for VPN connection</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>esplifetime</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Lifetime of phase 2 VPN connection to the customer gateway, in seconds</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>forceencap</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Force encapsulation for Nat Traversal</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>ikelifetime</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Lifetime of phase 1 VPN connection to the customer gateway, in seconds</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>name</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>name of this customer gateway</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Response Tags</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Response Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the vpn gateway ID</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>cidrlist</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">guest cidr list of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain name of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain id of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>dpd</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">if DPD is enabled for customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>esplifetime</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Lifetime of ESP SA of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>esppolicy</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">IPsec policy of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>forceencap</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">if Force NAT Encapsulation is enabled for customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>gateway</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">public ip address id of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ikelifetime</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Lifetime of IKE SA of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ikepolicy</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">IKE policy of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ipaddress</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">guest ip of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>ipsecpsk</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">IPsec preshared-key of customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the customer gateway</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>removed</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date and time the host was removed</td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="footer"> +<div id="footer_mainmaster"> +<p>Copyright © 2016 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the + <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0.</a> +<br> + Apache, CloudStack, Apache CloudStack, the Apache CloudStack logo, the CloudMonkey logo and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.</p> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</body> +</html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnGateway.html b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnGateway.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf71f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/updateVpnGateway.html @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> +<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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Allowed to Root Admins only</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>fordisplay</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>an optional field, whether to the display the vpn to the end user or not</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Response Tags</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Response Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the vpn gateway ID</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain name of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain id of the owner</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>fordisplay</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">is vpn gateway for display to the regular user</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>publicip</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the public IP address</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>removed</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date and time the host was removed</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>vpcid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the vpc id of this gateway</td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="footer"> +<div id="footer_mainmaster"> +<p>Copyright © 2016 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the + <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0.</a> +<br> + Apache, CloudStack, Apache CloudStack, the Apache CloudStack logo, the CloudMonkey logo and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.</p> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</body> +</html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/uploadSslCert.html b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/uploadSslCert.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8690b58 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/domain_admin/uploadSslCert.html @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html xmlns=""> +<head> +<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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Possible values include QCOW2, OVA, and VHD.</strong></td><td style="width:180px;"><strong>true</strong></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"><strong>the name of the volume</strong></td><td style="width:180px;"><strong>true</strong></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>url</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"><strong>the URL of where the volume is hosted. Possible URL include http:// and https://</strong></td><td style="width:180px;"><strong>true</strong></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>zoneid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"><strong>the ID of the zone the volume is to be hosted on</strong></td><td style="width:180px;"><strong>true</strong></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>account</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>an optional accountName. Must be used with domainId.</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>checksum</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>the MD5 checksum value of this volume</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>diskofferingid</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>the ID of the disk offering. This must be a custom sized offering since during uploadVolume volume size is unknown.</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>domainid</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>an optional domainId. If the account parameter is used, domainId must also be used.</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>imagestoreuuid</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Image store uuid</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><i>projectid</i></td><td style="width:500px;"><i>Upload volume for the project</i></td><td style="width:180px;"><i>false</i></td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +<div class="api_tablepanel"> +<h2>Response Tags</h2> +<table class="apitable"> +<tr class="hed"> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>Response Name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Description</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>id</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ID of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account associated with the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>attached</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date the volume was attached to a VM instance</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>chaininfo</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the chain info of the volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>created</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the date the disk volume was created</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>destroyed</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the boolean state of whether the volume is destroyed or not</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>deviceid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the device on user vm the volume is attahed to. This tag is not returned when the volume is detached.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskBytesReadRate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">bytes read rate of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskBytesWriteRate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">bytes write rate of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskIopsReadRate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">io requests read rate of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskIopsWriteRate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">io requests write rate of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskofferingdisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the display text of the disk offering</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskofferingid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ID of the disk offering</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>diskofferingname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the disk offering</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>displayvolume</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">an optional field whether to the display the volume to the end user or not.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain associated with the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the domain associated with the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>hypervisor</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">Hypervisor the volume belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isextractable</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">true if the volume is extractable, false otherwise</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isodisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">an alternate display text of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isoid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>isoname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the ISO attached to the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>maxiops</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">max iops of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>miniops</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">min iops of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>name</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>path</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the path of the volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name of the vpn</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id of the vpn</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>provisioningtype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">provisioning type used to create volumes.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>quiescevm</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">need quiesce vm or not when taking snapshot</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>serviceofferingdisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the display text of the service offering for root disk</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>serviceofferingid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ID of the service offering for root disk</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>serviceofferingname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the service offering for root disk</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>size</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">size of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>snapshotid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ID of the snapshot from which this volume was created</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>state</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the state of the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>status</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the status of the volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>storage</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the primary storage hosting the disk volume</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>storageid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">id of the primary storage hosting the disk volume; returned to admin user only</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>storagetype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">shared or local storage</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templatedisplaytext</strong></td><td style="width:500px;"> an alternate display text of the template for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templateid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the template for the virtual machine. A -1 is returned if the virtual machine was created from an ISO file.</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>templatename</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the name of the template for the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>type</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">type of the disk volume (ROOT or DATADISK)</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>virtualmachineid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">id of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>vmdisplayname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">display name of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>vmname</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>vmstate</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">state of the virtual machine</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>zoneid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">ID of the availability zone</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>zonename</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">name of the availability zone</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>tags(*)</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the list of resource tags associated with volume</td> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>account</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the account associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>customer</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">customer associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domain</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>domainid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the domain associated with the tag</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>key</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">tag key name</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>project</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project name where tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>projectid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the project id the tag belongs to</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>resourceid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">id of the resource</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>resourcetype</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">resource type</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:180px; padding-left:25px;"><strong>value</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">tag value</td> +</tr> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>jobid</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the ID of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +<tr> +<td style="width:200px;"><strong>jobstatus</strong></td><td style="width:500px;">the current status of the latest async job acting on this object</td> +</tr> +</table> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +<div id="footer"> +<div id="footer_mainmaster"> +<p>Copyright © 2016 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under the + <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0.</a> +<br> + Apache, CloudStack, Apache CloudStack, the Apache CloudStack logo, the CloudMonkey logo and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.</p> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</div> +</body> +</html> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/api_bullets.gif b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/api_bullets.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ea2f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/api_bullets.gif differ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button.gif b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..509f256 Binary files /dev/null and b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button.gif differ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button_hover.gif b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button_hover.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7316e8e Binary files /dev/null and b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/back_button_hover.gif differ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/cloudstack.png b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/cloudstack.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f3d899 Binary files /dev/null and b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/images/cloudstack.png differ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/source/api/apidocs-4.8/includes/main.css b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/includes/main.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c3baa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/source/api/apidocs-4.8/includes/main.css @@ -0,0 +1,1092 @@ +@charset "UTF-8"; +/* +* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one +* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file +* distributed with this work for additional information +* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file +* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the +* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance +* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at +* +* +* +* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, +* software distributed under the License is distributed on an +* "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY +* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the +* specific language governing permissions and limitations +* under the License. +*/ + +/* CSS Document */ + + +*{ + margin:0; + padding:0; +} + +body{ + font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; + font-size:12px; + color:#333; + font-weight:normal; + background:#FFF repeat top left; + margin:0; + padding:0; +} + + +#inside_wrapper { + width:auto; + height:auto; + margin:0; + padding:0; + overflow:hidden; +} + +#insidetopbg { + width:100%; + height:auto; + margin:0; + padding:0; + overflow:hidden; +} + +.uppermenu_panel { + width:100%; + height:auto; + float:left; + margin:0; + padding:0; +} +.uppermenu_box { + width:auto; + height:29px; + float:right; + margin:0; + padding:0; + +} + +.uppermenu { + width:300px; + height:auto; + float:left; + color:#FFF; + font-size:13px; + font-weight:normal; + text-align:left; + padding:0; + margin:4px 10px 0 0; +} + +.uppermenu a:link { + width:auto; + height:auto; + color:#54bfd3; + font-weight:normal; + text-align:left; + text-decoration:none; 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