Repository: cloudstack-docs-rn
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/4.6 f4eea7dd4 -> 7f5d07f1f

fix pre 4.5 upgrade instruction


Branch: refs/heads/4.6
Commit: 24aa40fcdefb42383d2e502e03b86c0911ff22be
Parents: f4eea7d
Author: Pierre-Luc Dion <>
Authored: Tue Nov 17 22:24:39 2015 -0500
Committer: Pierre-Luc Dion <>
Committed: Tue Nov 17 22:24:39 2015 -0500

 source/global.rst                         |   8 +-
 source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre43.rst | 214 ------------------------
 source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre45.rst | 219 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 source/upgrade/upgrade-4.2.rst            |   2 +-
 source/upgrade/upgrade-4.3.rst            |   2 +-
 source/upgrade/upgrade-4.4.rst            |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 221 deletions(-)
diff --git a/source/global.rst b/source/global.rst
index c7f6f7a..34d73b8 100644
--- a/source/global.rst
+++ b/source/global.rst
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 .. |sysvm64-url-ovm|    replace::
 .. Version specific: 4.3 systemvm template URL
-.. |acs43-sysvm64-url-xen|    replace::
-.. |acs43-sysvm64-url-kvm|    replace::
-.. |acs43-sysvm64-url-vmware| replace::
-.. |acs43-sysvm64-url-hyperv| replace::
+.. |acs45-sysvm64-url-xen|    replace::
+.. |acs45-sysvm64-url-kvm|    replace::
+.. |acs45-sysvm64-url-vmware| replace::
+.. |acs45-sysvm64-url-hyperv| replace::
diff --git a/source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre43.rst 
deleted file mode 100644
index fce9dd1..0000000
--- a/source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre43.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-   distributed with this work for additional information#
-   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-   specific language governing permissions and limitations
-   under the License.
-.. sub-section included in upgrade notes.
-Update System-VM templates
-.. note::
-   Upgrading pre-4.3 to 4.4.1 require 2 systemvm templates downloaded: the 4.3 
and 4.4.
-#. While running the existing |version_to_upgrade| system, log in to the UI as 
-   root administrator.
-#. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.
-#. In Select view, click Templates.
-#. Register 4.3 systemvm template:
-   #. Click Register template.
-      The Register template dialog box is displayed.
-   #. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values
-      (do not change these):
-      | Hypervisor | Description                                               
-      | XenServer  | Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.3                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.3                       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |acs43-sysvm64-url-xen|                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: XenServer                                     
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: VHD                                               
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-      | KVM        | Name: systemvm-kvm-4.3                                    
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-kvm-4.3                             
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |acs43-sysvm64-url-kvm|                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: KVM                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: QCOW2                                             
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-      | VMware     | Name: systemvm-vmware-4.3                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-vmware-4.3                          
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |acs43-sysvm64-url-vmware|                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: VMware                                        
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: OVA                                               
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-#. Register |version| systemvm template:
-   #. Click Register template.
-      The Register template dialog box is displayed.
-   #. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values
-      (do not change these):
-      | Hypervisor | Description                                               
-      | XenServer  | Name: systemvm-xenserver-|version|                        
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-xenserver-|version|                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-xen|                                    
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: XenServer                                     
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: VHD                                               
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-      | KVM        | Name: systemvm-kvm-|version|                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-kvm-|version|                       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-kvm|                                    
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: KVM                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: QCOW2                                             
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-      | VMware     | Name: systemvm-vmware-|version|                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Description: systemvm-vmware-|version|                    
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-vmware|                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Hypervisor: VMware                                        
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Format: OVA                                               
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
-      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
-      |            | dropdown)                                                 
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Extractable: no                                           
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Public: no                                                
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Featured: no                                              
-      |            |                                                           
-      |            | Routing: no                                               
-#. Watch the screen to be sure that the template downloads successfully and 
-   enters the **READY** state. Do not proceed until this is successful.
diff --git a/source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre45.rst 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48db1bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/upgrade/_sysvm_templates_pre45.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+.. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+   distributed with this work for additional information#
+   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+   specific language governing permissions and limitations
+   under the License.
+.. sub-section included in upgrade notes.
+Update System-VM templates
+.. warning::
+   Upgrading from 4.4 or older to 4.6.0 require 2 systemvm templates to be
+   downloaded, for 4.5 and 4.6.
+#. While running the existing |version_to_upgrade| system, log in to the UI as 
+   root administrator.
+#. In the left navigation bar, click Templates.
+#. In Select view, click Templates.
+#. Register 4.5 systemvm template:
+   #. Click Register template.
+      The Register template dialog box is displayed.
+   #. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values
+      (do not change these):
+      .. cssclass:: table-striped table-bordered table-hover
+      | Hypervisor | Description                                               
+      | XenServer  | Name: systemvm-xenserver-4.5                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-xenserver-4.5                       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |acs45-sysvm64-url-xen|                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: XenServer                                     
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: VHD                                               
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+      | KVM        | Name: systemvm-kvm-4.5                                    
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-kvm-4.5                             
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |acs45-sysvm64-url-kvm|                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: KVM                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: QCOW2                                             
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+      | VMware     | Name: systemvm-vmware-4.5                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-vmware-4.5                          
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |acs45-sysvm64-url-vmware|                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: VMware                                        
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: OVA                                               
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+#. Register |version| systemvm template:
+   #. Click Register template.
+      The Register template dialog box is displayed.
+   #. In the Register template dialog box, specify the following values
+      (do not change these):
+      .. cssclass:: table-striped table-bordered table-hover
+      | Hypervisor | Description                                               
+      | XenServer  | Name: systemvm-xenserver-|version|                        
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-xenserver-|version|                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-xen|                                    
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: XenServer                                     
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: VHD                                               
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+      | KVM        | Name: systemvm-kvm-|version|                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-kvm-|version|                       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-kvm|                                    
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: KVM                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: QCOW2                                             
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+      | VMware     | Name: systemvm-vmware-|version|                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Description: systemvm-vmware-|version|                    
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | URL: |sysvm64-url-vmware|                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Zone: Choose the zone where this hypervisor is used       
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Hypervisor: VMware                                        
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Format: OVA                                               
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | OS Type: Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 (64-bit) (or the            
+      |            | highest Debian release number available in the            
+      |            | dropdown)                                                 
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Extractable: no                                           
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Password Enabled: no                                      
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Public: no                                                
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Featured: no                                              
+      |            |                                                           
+      |            | Routing: no                                               
+#. Watch the screen to be sure that the template downloads successfully and 
+   enters the **READY** state. Do not proceed until this is successful.
diff --git a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.2.rst b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.2.rst
index 399dbcd..44fa0bb 100644
--- a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.2.rst
+++ b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.2.rst
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ them for :ref:`ubuntu42` or :ref:`rhel42` and :ref:`kvm42` 
hosts upgrade.
 Instructions for creating packages from the CloudStack source are in the 
 `CloudStack Installation Guide`_.
-.. include:: _sysvm_templates.rst
+.. include:: _sysvm_templates_pre45.rst
 Database Preparation
diff --git a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.3.rst b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.3.rst
index 5dcfe6b..e365d6b 100644
--- a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.3.rst
+++ b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.3.rst
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ them for :ref:`ubuntu43` or :ref:`rhel43` and :ref:`kvm43` 
hosts upgrade.
 Instructions for creating packages from the CloudStack source are in the 
 `CloudStack Installation Guide`_.
-.. include:: _sysvm_templates.rst
+.. include:: _sysvm_templates_pre45.rst
 Database Preparation
diff --git a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.4.rst b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.4.rst
index 09eaec7..e871f6b 100644
--- a/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.4.rst
+++ b/source/upgrade/upgrade-4.4.rst
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ them for :ref:`ubuntu44` or :ref:`rhel44` and :ref:`kvm44` 
hosts upgrade.
 Instructions for creating packages from the CloudStack source are in the 
 `CloudStack Installation Guide`_.
-.. include:: _sysvm_templates.rst
+.. include:: _sysvm_templates_pre45.rst
 Database Preparation

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