Author: dahn
Date: Wed Feb 25 14:05:49 2015
New Revision: 1662215

commiters are encouraged to seek peer review


Modified: cloudstack/project_admin/templates/committerInvite.txt
--- cloudstack/project_admin/templates/committerInvite.txt (original)
+++ cloudstack/project_admin/templates/committerInvite.txt Wed Feb 25 14:05:49 
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ your contributions and are aware that yo
 Being a committer allows you to contribute more autonomously. For 
 developers, it enables you to more easily make changes and eliminates 
 the need to have contributions reviewed via the patch submission process. 
-This should enable you to be more productive. Whether your contributions 
-are development-related or otherwise, it is a recognition of your 
-contributions and commitment to the project and the Apache Way.
+We do however request that you keep seeking reviews for your contributions.
+Whether your contributions are development-related or otherwise, it is a
+recognition of your contributions and commitment to the project and the
+Apache Way.
 While this does not mean that you need to participate any more
 than you already do, it does tend to make one even more committed.

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