Author: buildbot
Date: Sun Jan 11 14:34:18 2015
New Revision: 935820

Staging update by buildbot for cloudstack

    websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/   (props changed)

Propchange: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/
--- cms:source-revision (original)
+++ cms:source-revision Sun Jan 11 14:34:18 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/bylaws.html
--- websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/bylaws.html (original)
+++ websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/bylaws.html Sun Jan 11 14:34:18 
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ repository, mailing lists, websites.</p>
 <p> Resolving license disputes regarding products of the project.</p>
 <p> Nominating new PMC members and committers.</p>
 <p> Maintaining these bylaws and other guidelines of the project.</p>
+<p> Managing and protecting the project's trademarks and brand.</p>
 <p>2.4.2. Membership of the PMC is by invitation only and must be approved by a
 lazy consensus of active PMC members.</p>
 <p>2.4.3. A PMC member is considered "emeritus" by their own declaration. An
@@ -290,7 +291,8 @@ a lazy consensus of active committers.</
 decision making process.</p>
 <p>3.4.2. Non-Technical Decisions</p>
 <p>A non-technical decisions is any decision that does not involve changes to 
-source code that we distribute in our official releases.</p>
+source code that we distribute in our official releases (excluding questions 
+trademark usage).</p>
 <p>Non-technical decisions should normally be made by the entire community 
 discussion-lead consensus-building, and not through formal voting.</p>
 <p>Non-technical decisions can be made on whichever project mailing list is 
@@ -349,6 +351,42 @@ mailing list.</p>
 <p>Lazy majority of active PMC members</p>
 <p>Any active committer or PMC member may call a vote. The vote must occur on 
 project development mailing list.</p>
+<p>3.4.11. Trademark Usage Approvals</p>
+<p>Our project maintains a formal Trademark Usage Guidelines document, which
+serves as a additive reference to the Apache Software Foundation's trademark
+policies. The Apache CloudStack PMC has had approval authority delegated to it
+for requests from third parties to use our trademarks. It is the PMC's
+responsibility to provide these approvals, and to ensure that any requests
+are in compliance with both the project and the foundation's trademark
+usage policies.</p>
+<p>The CloudStack Trademark Guidelines specify how a requestor is expected to
+request permission for usage of the trademarks.</p>
+<p>The process of approval will typically be as follows:</p>
+<li>A request is made that includes the required information for the PMC to 
+a decision.</li>
+<li>A PMC member reviews the request and provides an initial acknowledgement 
+response to the requester.</li>
+<li>If no PMC member raises a concern after 72 hours, the requester can assume 
+<p>In situations where a concern is raised, the PMC member is expected inform 
+requster that there is some discussion that needs to be had prior to approval
+from the PMC.  This notice serves to end the assumed approval after 72 hours.  
+<p>After raising a concern, the PMC member in question is required to forward 
+concern to, explaining the issue that they have
+with the request.  The use of for discussing the
+request is to allow the PMC to deliberate without confusing the requester, and
+to ensure that a formal approval or denial is clear at the end of the
+<p>The PMC will then attempt to achieve consensus on how the request for 
+will be answered.  The requester may be asked for more information to help the
+PMC make a decision, may be asked to make a change to the proposal in order to
+gain approval, or may have their request be denied.</p>
+<p>If consensus is not achieved within the PMC by discussion, then a formal 
+can be called as a Lazy 2/3 majority of voting PMC members.</p>
+<p>Votes related to trademark usage approvals may be performed on the mailing list.</p>
 <p>3.5. Voting Timeframes</p>
 <p>Formal votes are open for a period of at least 72 hours to allow all active
 voters time to consider the vote.</p> 

Modified: websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/trademark-guidelines.html
--- websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/trademark-guidelines.html 
+++ websites/staging/cloudstack/trunk/content/trademark-guidelines.html Sun Jan 
11 14:34:18 2015
@@ -148,12 +148,23 @@ marketplace.</p>
 loss of the marks.</p>
 <p>The Apache Software Foundation has an established trademark policy 
-that when in conflict should be considered the canonical standard. 
-However, the Apache Software Foundation has given the responsibility for 
+that when in conflict should be considered the canonical standard (with one 
+exception noted below). </p>
+<p>However, the Apache Software Foundation has given the responsibility for 
 brand management to the project's Project Management Committee. Thus 
 this document should be taken as additive to the Apache Software 
 Foundation's trademark guideline. Nothing contained herein provides an 
-exception to those guidelines.</p>
+exception to those guidelines (again, with one exception below).</p>
+<p><em>Exception:</em> The Apache CloudStack PMC is the contact point for all 
+related to the use of the CloudStack Trademarks. In places where the Apache
+Software Foundation's formal trademark usage documentation and policies specify, requesters should use or  In places where the Apache Software
+Foundation's policies specify that explicit approval must come from the VP
+Brand Management, requesters will be given authoritative approval from a
+representative of the Apache CloudStack PMC instead.  The Apache Software
+Foundation has delegated approval authority to the Apache CloudStack PMC,
+specifically related to the CloudStack Trademarks.</p>
 <h2 id="mark-usage">Mark usage</h2>
 <h3 id="wordmark">Wordmark</h3>
 <p>The word 'CloudStack' is a registered trademark, 
@@ -187,19 +198,16 @@ it frequently requires funds that the pr
 Many outside organizations wish to provide this type of visibility.</p>
 <p>The following is required:</p>
-<li>Sponsorship discussed and approved on the <a 
-<li>Requests for approval will be acknowledged by a member of the PMC, 
forwarded to <a href=""></a>, and 
approved automatically if no issues are raised 72 hours after 
+<li>Sponsorship discussed and approved on the <a 
mailing list.</li>
+<li>Requests for approval will be acknowledged by a member of the PMC and 
approved automatically if no issues are raised 72 hours after 
 <li>Sponsorship must be provided with no additional affiliation - and only 
project provided marks used.</li>
 <li>At least one committer must be planning to represent the project.</li>
-<p>If desired by the funding organization, the sponsorship may be 
-discussed on the <a 
-list, which will follow the same process listed above.</p>
 <h3 id="cloudstack-specific-conferences">CloudStack Specific Conferences:</h3>
 <p>The following is required:</p>
-<li>Project approval from the PMC is needed.</li>
-<li>Requests for approval will be acknowledged by a member of the PMC, 
forwarded to <a href=""></a>, and 
approved automatically if no issues are raised 72 hours after 
+<li>Project approval from the PMC is needed via the <a 
mailing list.</li>
+<li>Requests for approval will be acknowledged by a member of the PMC and 
approved automatically if no issues are raised 72 hours after 
 <li>Membership on committees deciding content should be open to any 
 <li>At least one committer must be planning to attend the event.</li>
@@ -211,9 +219,18 @@ list, which will follow the same process
 <li>A link to the project's website should be present.</li>
 <h2 id="non-software-goods">Non-software goods</h2>
+<p>Creating non-software goods (e.g.: stickers, event give-aways, etc...) to 
+promote the Apache CloudStack project is encouraged.  However, there are some
+requirements that must be met prior to producing the goods.  Additionally,
+goods bearing any of the CloudStack marks may not be sold without explicit
+written permission.</p>
+<p>The following is required:</p>
-<li>Without explicit written permission, goods bearing any of the CloudStack 
marks may not be sold.</li>
-<li>Designs for non-software goods require both PMC approval and approval from 
<a href="";></a>.</li>
+<li>The design (mock-up) must be shared with the CloudStack PMC via <a 
+<li>Requests for approval will be acknowledged by a member of the PMC and 
approved automatically if no issues are raised 72 hours after 
+<li>Permission may be granted for requests that are intended to promote the 
Apache CloudStack project.</li>
+<li>Permission will likely <em>not</em> be granted for requests that are 
indented to, or percieved to by the PMC, reflect negatively on Apache 
+<li>Approval may be contingent on specific requested changed in how the 
mark(s) are applied.</li>
 <h2 id="websites">Websites</h2>
 <p>No additional guidelines are required above and beyond the 

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