Repository: cloudstack
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/volume-upload 317606859 -> 3da3d7418

volume upload: PSK exchange between managemnet server and SSVM

generated a key during management server start and saved it in
configurationt table


Branch: refs/heads/volume-upload
Commit: 3da3d7418e9095f52b7a38dedb29d74adfcb0690
Parents: 3176068
Author: Rajani Karuturi <>
Authored: Wed Nov 19 17:53:14 2014 +0530
Committer: Rajani Karuturi <>
Committed: Wed Nov 19 17:53:14 2014 +0530

 server/src/com/cloud/configuration/  |  4 ++-
 .../cloud/server/   | 34 +++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/server/src/com/cloud/configuration/ 
index 435b0d8..4d6fb53 100755
--- a/server/src/com/cloud/configuration/
+++ b/server/src/com/cloud/configuration/
@@ -2059,7 +2059,9 @@ public enum Config {
     PublishAsynJobEvent("Advanced", ManagementServer.class, Boolean.class, 
"", "true", "enable or disable publishing of usage 
events on the event bus", null),
     // StatsCollector
-    StatsOutPutGraphiteHost("Advanced", ManagementServer.class, String.class, 
"stats.output.uri", "", "URI to additionally send StatsCollector statistics 
to", null);
+    StatsOutPutGraphiteHost("Advanced", ManagementServer.class, String.class, 
"stats.output.uri", "", "URI to additionally send StatsCollector statistics 
to", null),
+    SSVMPSK("Hidden", ManagementServer.class, String.class, 
"", "", "PSK with SSVM", null);
     private final String _category;
     private final Class<?> _componentClass;
diff --git a/server/src/com/cloud/server/ 
index 7b0d898..0e48b26 100755
--- a/server/src/com/cloud/server/
+++ b/server/src/com/cloud/server/
@@ -303,6 +303,9 @@ public class ConfigurationServerImpl extends ManagerBase 
implements Configuratio
         // store the public and private keys in the database
+        // generate a PSK to communicate with SSVM
+        updateSecondaryStorageVMSharedKey();
         // generate a random password for system vm
@@ -962,19 +965,34 @@ public class ConfigurationServerImpl extends ManagerBase 
implements Configuratio
     private void updateSSOKey() {
         try {
-            String encodedKey = null;
-            // Algorithm for SSO Keys is SHA1, should this be configurable?
-            KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
-            SecretKey key = generator.generateKey();
-            encodedKey = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(key.getEncoded());
-            _configDao.update(Config.SSOKey.key(), 
Config.SSOKey.getCategory(), encodedKey);
+            _configDao.update(Config.SSOKey.key(), 
Config.SSOKey.getCategory(), getPrivateKey());
         } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
             s_logger.error("error generating sso key", ex);
+    /**
+     * preshared key to be used by management server to communicate with SSVM 
during volume/template upload
+     */
+    private void updateSecondaryStorageVMSharedKey() {
+        try {
+            _configDao.update(Config.SSVMPSK.key(), 
Config.SSVMPSK.getCategory(), getPrivateKey());
+        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
+            s_logger.error("error generating ssvm psk", ex);
+        }
+    }
+    private String getPrivateKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
+        String encodedKey = null;
+        // Algorithm for generating Key is SHA1, should this be configurable?
+        KeyGenerator generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
+        SecretKey key = generator.generateKey();
+        encodedKey = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(key.getEncoded());
+        return encodedKey;
+    }
     protected HostPodVO createPod(long userId, String podName, final long 
zoneId, String gateway, String cidr, final String startIp, String endIp)
             throws InternalErrorException {

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