diff --git a/ b/
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+Apache CloudStack CHANGES
+Full release notes for each release are located in the project's documentation 
+Version 4.4.0
+This major release has the following bug fixes:
+Bug ID | Description
+--- | ---
+[CLOUDSTACK-6997]( | 
conntrack set to a very low value on router...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6996]( | 
Adding cluster to legacy zone failed...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6989]( | 
Redunant virtual router(RvR): When time synced by ntpd, RvR may result in FAULT 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6941]( | 
Can't choose storage for the volume, when attaching uploaded data volume to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6925]( | 
[OVS] get rid custom logic to create bridges on hosts in the XenServer pool...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6908]( | 
ipv6 enabled by default...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6899]( | 
listNics doesn't have vm id in response but does take vm id as a param...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6869]( | 
Public key content is overridden by template's meta data when you create a 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6859]( | 
Management Server PermGen run out of memory after some time due to class 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6850]( | Cpu 
cores, cpu speed and memory are not returned by listUsageRecords...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6816]( | 
cloudstack-setup-management make /root directory's permission 0777  
+[CLOUDSTACK-6756]( | 
usage id is not being returned for an ip in deleted ip range...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6743]( | 
Race condition situation in MessageDetector may cause a outer tight loop to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6714]( | 
Service monitoring conf is has issue with script in vmware...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6665]( | 
DHCP does not release ip addresses properly on VPC routers (
+[CLOUDSTACK-6646]( | 
Conntrackd is started on non-redundant virtual router...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6578]( | 
DeleteRemoteAccessVpnCmd failed block enable Remote VPN access again on the IP 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6577]( | 
Disable service monitoring in RVR...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6509]( | 
Cannot import multiple LDAP/AD users into a cloudstack account...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6478]( | 
Failed to download Template when having 3 SSVM's in one zone on Vmware...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6472]( | 
listUsageRecords generates NPEs for expunging instances...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6471]( | Add 
logs to better diagnose failures and errors in LDAP AD integration...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6396]( | KVM 
RBD Volumes shown as OVM, prevents snapshots...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6376]( | 
listnetworkacls api when called with a networkid of a network which was created 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6374]( | LB 
rules added while router reqiuires upgrade should be removed from lb vm map...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6371]( | KVM 
- secondary_storage count for account does not get incremted when snapshots ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6358]( | 
Remove hardcoded guest OS mappings...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6356]( | 
OVS: tunnel networks does not work across the XenServer clusers...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6328]( | 
Prevent console proxy support scripts from spawning multiple java processes...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6322]( | 
Contrail: Params validation is missing while launching a service instance thru 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6319]( | 
Cannot create OVS network offering for VPC...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6317]( | 
[VMware] Tagged VLAN support broken for Management/Control/Storage traffic...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6299]( | 
GetVMPassword decypher instructions are wrong...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6289]( | 
[Hyper-V] Storage migration failing in case of hyper-v if there are multiple 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6288]( | 
[Hyper-v] Change default ImageFormat to vhdx for hyper-v and allow registration 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6285]( | 
Some passwords in the VR would be cleared out by accident due to falsely match 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6277]( | 
Fail to add instance, the Network and Review steps display as blank pages....
+[CLOUDSTACK-6269]( | 
[Simulator]: Exception "Unable to send command. Upgrade in progress. Please 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6245]( | 
Security group rules on hypervisor host are lagging behind rules in DB...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6241]( | 
Dnsmasq programming error when deploy IPv6 and IPv4 in one VM with IPv4 as 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6236]( | 
Negative ref_cnt of template(snapshot/volume)_store_ref results in out-of-range 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6232]( | 
isolated network can no longer reserve ip range...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6231]( | 
Cloudstack createNetworkACL cuts cidrlist at 256 characters...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6227]( | Add 
copy-paste support for detail view fields...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6224]( | VM 
Snapshot inconsistent size...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6223]( | 
removeNicFromVirtualMachine fails if another instance in another domain has a 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6211]( | 
Xenserver - HA - SSVM fails to start due to running out of management Ip ranges 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6210]( | 
LDAP:listLdapUsers api throws exception when we click on "Add LDAP Account" ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6196]( | 
Fixed invalid field name (label.dynamically.scalable) on instance details....
+[CLOUDSTACK-6192]( | 
KVM: StartCommand and PrepareForMigrationCommand don't fail if storage adaptor 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6187]( | 
Migrate router from UI is showing error...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6183]( | 
Unplug the nic when all the ips of public subnet is released...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6172]( | 
Volume is not retaining same uuid when migrating from one storage to another....
+[CLOUDSTACK-6159]( | 
[Hyper-v]Attached data volumes are getting created with disk name in primary 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6151]( | 
Local data disk with tag goes to the wrong local storage pool...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6124]( | 
During MS maintenance unfinished work items are not cleaned up resulting in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6103]( | vms 
with isos attached don't migrate...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6062]( | nic 
device ids for routers don't always correspond...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6053]( | 
While adding smb as primary or secondary the password should be uri encoded...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6032]( | 
[VmScaleup]service offering id is not getting changed in usage_vm_instance 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6024]( | 
template copy to primary storage uses a random source secstorage from any 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6011]( | NPE 
when detach is called on a deleted volume...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6000]( | 
Volume lifecycle, stuck in expunging...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5998]( | 
[AWSAPI] describe addresses call returns a fault with "domain cannot be 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5995]( | 
change service offering is not honouring host tags ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5993]( | 
Cloud agent fails to start on 32-bit system vms (cpvm and ssvm) created with 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5989]( | 
Trying to start a vm while 'vm snapshot' is in progress results in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5976]( | 
[upgrade]Typo in "ssh_keypairs" table's foreign key constraints on the Upgraded 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5965]( | VM 
displayname is not returned by API...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5962]( | 
Value of Global parameter "custom.diskoffering.size.min" is not reflected in UI 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5961]( | 
CLONE - API: synchronization on the object is broken...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5960]( | 
Domain admin or user cannot register a template using S3/Swift object store...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5936]( | 
Hyper-V agent should log to windows event viewer...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5935]( | 
Problem with VMware snapshot when datastore has a space in its name...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5934]( | 
Problem with VMware snapshot when datastore has a space in its name...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5929]( | [VM 
Sync] - Vmware - Even when starting Vm fails, startVirtualMachine async job ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5928]( | [VM 
Sync] - Vmware - When a Vm is "suspended" from outside of CloudStack , this ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5915]( |  
[AWSAPI] Instance launch is inconsistent if there are deleted service 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5891]( | 
[VMware] Template detail cpu.corespersocket's value is not honoured...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5870]( | API 
support for retrieving UserData...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5865]( | 
Unable to use login API if domainId parameter is id and not uuid...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5845]( | 
[doc] Document Heterogeneous Secondary Storage Not Supported in Region...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5839]( | 
listNetworkServiceProviders API doesn't return several parameters defined in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5826]( | 
createPod: passing invalid gateway/netmask to the call causes infinite loop 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5821]( | 
systemvmiso is locked by systevmvm in hyperv...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5812]( | 
Secondary ip allocation in Basic zone - the pod is not respected...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5810]( | 
addIpToNic: the owner of the secondary ip should be derived from vmInstance 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5806]( | 
Storage types other than NFS/VMFS can't overprovision...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5785]( | VM 
display name cell not updated upon detaching volume from VM...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5770]( | 
[Automation] Unexpected Exception while executing DeployVMCmd: 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5765]( | 
[Automation] scale vm failed with error "Unable to serialize"...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5731]( | 
[Automation] VM deployment failed with ConcurrentOperationException in vmware...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5729]( | 
[Automation]Deletion of a Account reported Success inspite of VM Expunge 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5728]( | 
[Automation] ReplaceNetworkACLListCmd command failing with NPE...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5727]( | 
[Automation] Inspite of VM Deployment Failure, the job reports success...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5712]( | 
[Automation] Failed to stop vm during vm destroy command, observed the error 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5696]( | 
[Vmsync]- Stopped state of VM is not synced to CS when VM is stopped outside of 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5688]( | NPE 
when the KVM host is rebooted  on the upgraded environment...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5685]( | 
[Vmsync] - When VR is rebooted outside of cloudstack , there is no change in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5678]( | 
Cold Storage migration is failing...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5660]( | 
Migrate vm live migration succeeds but throws error as ""Failed to migrate the 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5632]( | 
[Automation] XenServer - Template deletion fails with error "Please specify a 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5597]( | 
attachVolume shouldn't create the volume on the primary storage if the vm's 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5582]( | kvm 
- HA is not triggered when host is powered down since the host gets into "Di...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5577]( | 
Remote Access VPN and S2S VPN should be treated as two seperate services for 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5575]( | 
Remote Access VPN and S2S VPN should be treated as two seperate services on 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5563]( | 
path field is set to null in volumes table ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5505]( | 
[Automation] Private gateway not getting programmed in VPC router ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5501]( | 
Unable to create more than one vpnConnection per vpn customer gateway...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5496]( | 
Account included in ActionEvents is Project Account ID...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5463]( | 
Hyper-V does not report stopped VMs...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5429]( | KVM 
- Primary store down/Network Failure - Hosts attempt to reboot becasue of pr...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5419]( | 
missing parameters in configuration table and to remove unused parameters...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5356]( | 
Xenserver - Failed to create snapshot when secondary store was made unavaibale 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5262]( | Few 
of  the snapshot creation from ROOT volume fails when there are concurrent s...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5220]( | 
NullPointerException when invalid zone is passed into UsageEventUtils...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5205]( | 
System vm startup scripts calculate jvm memory wrong...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5150]( | 
Creating template from a VM in Simulator results in incorrect size...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5062]( | 
Deleting Load Balancing Rule fails when generating usage events are enabled...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5043]( | 
[DOC] Page number missing and words truncated in PDFs since 4.1.1...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5012]( | Bad 
data inserted into physical network labels for Zone Create Wizard using VMWa...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4744]( | 
updateVolume needs more changes in the context of "Ability to have better 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4652]( | 
ceph:UI:Noticed 2 records for same volume after migrating instance from one 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4639]( | 
status of VM is not synced properly when host is HA  during hypervisor 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4578]( | 
[vmware]SSVM is not getting created if one host down from a cluster...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4568]( | 
Need to add this to the release note of 4.2...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4557]( | 
ceph:Performance:first time operstions taking more time...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4549]( | 
ceph:deployvm from template created from snapshot is failing...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4292]( | 
ceph:destroyedvm failed with ArrayIndexexception while expunging...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4126]( | EN: 
 Typo error after click "Migrate instance to another host" button under inst...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3994]( | 
Wrong error notification is generated when Primary storage (Cluster wide) is 
+[CLOUDSTACK-2932]( | 
Allow deleting of snapshots that have errored out....
+[CLOUDSTACK-2714]( | 
Setting tab should not be visible for user accounts ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2697]( | 
cluster id in alert message is null {alertType:: 1 // dataCenterId:: 1 // 
+[CLOUDSTACK-2031]( | 
[mipn] support for number of ips per nic limit needs to be added for the 
+Version 4.3.1
+This maintenance release has the following bug fixes:
+Bug ID | Description
+--- | ---
+[CLOUDSTACK-6099]( | 
live migration is failing for vm deployed using dynamic compute offerings with 
+[CLOUDSTACK-7528]( | 
More verbose logging when sending alert fails
+[CLOUDSTACK-6624]( | set 
specifyIpRanges to true if specifyVlan is set to true
+[CLOUDSTACK-7404]( | 
Failed to start an instance when originating template has been deleted 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6531]( | 
Stopping the router in case of command failures
+[CLOUDSTACK-6115]( | 
TravisCI configuration
+[CLOUDSTACK-7405]( | 
allowing VR meta-data to be accessed without trailing slash
+[CLOUDSTACK-7260]( | 
Management server not responding after some time for Vmware due to Oom 
+[CLOUDSTACK-7038]( | Add 
mysql client dependency for mgmt server pkg for debian
+[CLOUDSTACK-6892]( | 
Create separate package for the mysql HA component
+[CLOUDSTACK-7038]( | Add 
mysql client dependency for mgmt server/rpms
+[CLOUDSTACK-7193]( | 
handle domain ID being an int
+[CLOUDSTACK-7309]( | 
using findProjectByProjectAccountIdIncludingRemoved
+[CLOUDSTACK-6886]( | 
Fixed the issue created by the SSL feature with the SDX:
+[CLOUDSTACK-6508]( | 
impossible to list projects from API with domainid set
+[CLOUDSTACK-4725]( | if 
storage pool has different path, but the uuid is the same
+[CLOUDSTACK-7087]( | 
Latest OS X VPN client not working Downgrading openswan version to 1:2.6.37-3
+[CLOUDSTACK-6926]( | 
removed hard coded jdk dirs and setting java home using readlink and dirname
+[CLOUDSTACK-6665]( | A 
fix for vpc routers not releasing dhcp leases.
+[CLOUDSTACK-7006]( | 
Restore template ID in ROOT volume usages
+[CLOUDSTACK-6747]( | 
test to allow all cidrs on other end of vpc
+[CLOUDSTACK-6272]( | Fix 
recover/restore VM actions
+[CLOUDSTACK-6927]( | 
store virsh list in list instead of querying libvirt 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6317]( | 
[VMware] Tagged VLAN support broken for Management/Control/Storage traffic
+[CLOUDSTACK-5891]( | 
[VMware] If a template has been registered and "cpu.corespersocket=X" ,
+[CLOUDSTACK-6478]( | 
Failed to download Template when having 3 SSVM's in one
+[CLOUDSTACK-6464]( | if 
guest network type is vlan://untagged, and traffic label is used
+[CLOUDSTACK-6816]( | 
bugfix: cloudstack-setup-management make /root directory's permission 0777 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6204]( | 
applying missed patch
+[CLOUDSTACK-6472]( | 
(4.3 specific) listUsageRecords: Pull information from removed items as well
+[CLOUDSTACK-5976]( | 
Typo in "ssh_keypairs" table's foreign key constraints on the Upgraded Setup
+[CLOUDSTACK-6240]( | 
Fixed updating advanced SG rules for vm nic secondary ip
+[CLOUDSTACK-6509]( | 
Cannot import multiple LDAP/AD users into a cloudstack account
+[CLOUDSTACK-6485]( | 
private gateway network should not be associated with vpc
+[CLOUDSTACK-6156]( | 
removing rampart maven dependencies from awsapi
+[CLOUDSTACK-6433]( | 
Don't return success if only one of RvR successfully created
+[CLOUDSTACK-6285]( | Fix script for clear out old entries
+[CLOUDSTACK-4665]( | 
Check if a snapshot is protected before trying to unprotect
+[CLOUDSTACK-6375]( | 
suppress the prompt while installing libssl
+[CLOUDSTACK-4665]( | 
Depend on rados-java 0.1.4
+[CLOUDSTACK-6375]( | 
suppress the prompt while installing libssl
+[CLOUDSTACK-6360]( | 
adding mysql-connector to class path  while starting cloudstack-usage
+[CLOUDSTACK-6326]( | 
Fixed password visible in plain text in some of commands in Hyper-v Agent logs.
+[CLOUDSTACK-6325]( | 
[hyper-v] fixed cleaning of bin and obj directories when building with mono.
+[CLOUDSTACK-6285]( | Fix script for clear out old entries
+[CLOUDSTACK-6299]( | 
Fixed apidoc info with base64 encoded
+[CLOUDSTACK-5743]( | The 
link generated for a volume/template gives permission error on hyper-v.
+Version 4.3.0
+This major release as the following bug fixes:
+Bug ID | Description
+--- | ---
+[CLOUDSTACK-6103]( | vms 
with isos attached don't migrate...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6089]( | 
resource tags show up in multiples...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6046]( | 
CreateVolume from snapshot is failing with S3 as secondary storage and 
+[CLOUDSTACK-6040]( | 
Failed to configure PF on vm secondary ip for shared network...
+[CLOUDSTACK-6007]( | 
[VMware] RestoreVM API fails with NPE...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5986]( | 
dnsmasq racy condition result in dnsmasq failed to handout IP address...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5971]( | 
Templates created from a snapshots can't be copied to other zones...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5960]( | 
Domain admin or user cannot register a template using S3/Swift object store...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5922]( | 
Incorrect handling RHEL guests ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5921]( | S3 
security key is stored in DB unencrypted...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5903]( | 
CLONE - OVA files exist for templates created from volumes...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5895]( | 
CreateVolumeFromSnapshot can fail in a multiple pod environment with tagged 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5886]( | 
4.2.1 upgrade fails on acl migration...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5877]( | 
listTemplates does not sort based on sort_key...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5875]( | No 
templates in simulator run...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5864]( | 
Simulator profile broken ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5813]( | 
With S3 as secondary storage, snapshot taken in one zone cannot be used to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5723]( | 
Malfunction agent may block future SSL connection to the server...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5704]( | OVA 
files exist for templates created from volumes...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5701]( | 
size column is not getting updated in snapshot_store_ref table....
+[CLOUDSTACK-5666]( | 
Cant remove a nic when a vm is in the Stopped state ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5661]( | 
[VMware] DetachIsoCmd succeeds even though cdrom is locked by VM as cdrom is 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5653]( | S3 
object store as Secondary Storage, the template created from different zone i...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5613]( | 
CloudStack 4.2.0 - Usage server is running but tables remain empty...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5608]( | 
HyperV Builtin and System vm template entries missing in 4.3 upgrade setup...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5534]( | 
MySQL exception raised when searching for users with keyword...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5533]( | 
Virtual router in shared network does respond to DNS even when no DNS service 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5532]( | 
Long tag values are not readable within the UI...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5519]( | 
[VMWARE] Cancel vCenter tasks if the task invoked by CloudStack failes with 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5517]( | NPE 
observed during "release portable IPs" as part of account cleanup...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5514]( | 
Response of listAccounts API call includes removed users...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5513]( | VM 
can't start after creating snapshot from it (CS4.2 + VMware 5.1)...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5481]( | 
Regular User is unable to use "Add Isolated Network" Button on the UI...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5466]( | 
removeIpFromNic not working properly...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5453]( | 
Site-to-site VPN connection status monitoring is broken in KVM...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5431]( | 
permit 'http' as service type for GSLB rule...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5428]( | 
support NetScaler to be configured exclusively for GSLB service and not used 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5426]( | 
Cannot deploy instance having multiple volumes that use different storage tags 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5422]( | 
Changing  XenServer Tools Version 6.1 + doesnt work ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5417]( | On 
network restart for external devices egress rules configured with old CIDR...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5416]( | 
[VMware] Not able to add seventh disk to VM in an upgraded setup...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5404]( | 
Network usages (bytes sent/received) are saved in the wrong timezone...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5401]( | VM 
migration during host maintenance fails if
+[CLOUDSTACK-5391]( | 
Change service offering of a stopped vm and then starting it should check host 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5355]( | 
addImageStore should not log password in clear text in the log...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5354]( | 
CLONE - UI - normal users are not allowed to edit their own iso...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5352]( | CPU 
cap calculated incorrectly for VMs on XenServer hosts...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5332]( | 
Network offering don't use new system offering for router...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5303]( | 
"snapshot" count and "secondary_storage" count  are not correct in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5302]( | 
listHosts API response - value of cpuallocated is always 0%...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5299]( | Can 
not get hypervisor type for volumes...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5293]( |  
Error while collecting vm disk stats from hosts if iso is attached to vm...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5285]( | 
Correct the API command description for removeIpFromNic...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5261]( | 
Ability to publish Alerts via CS Root API...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5260]( | 
Vmware 5.1 Deploy Template Error : Read Timeout...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5228]( | 
[API] [EIP/ELB enabled Zone] Need to display EIP address as "Public IP Address" 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5227]( | 
Cannot pass Japanese characters as parameter values to API...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5218]( | 
CLONE - [Doc] Make VMware vCenter session timeout value configurable....
+[CLOUDSTACK-5199]( | 
Cannot restart VM after taking a VM snapshot of an existing VM or reverting a 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5141]( | 
[Automation] Router deployment failed due to failure in SavePasswordCommand, 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5140]( | A 
stopped vm cant start after disable threshold has been reached on the storage 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5138]( | 
[Automation] NPE while create template from snapshot...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5122]( | 
[VMware] System VMs are getting recreated with old template after upgrading to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5105]( |  
Template/ISO download fails cause the object to disappear from UI...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5098]( | 
[UI] Zone view is showing "Add VMware Datacenter" button even though zone is 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5092]( | 
[Automation] [BVT] Failed to copy template and ISO between zones in xen ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5076]( | 
(Upgrade) reboot VM failed after bridge name change...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5069]( | 
Make VMware vCenter session timeout value configurable....
+[CLOUDSTACK-5066]( | 
Existed remote access VPN got dropped when adding new VPN users...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5062]( | 
Deleting Load Balancing Rule fails when generating usage events are enabled...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5054]( | vm 
migration involving storage migration on vmware fails with exception " The ob...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5053]( | No 
Qemu-KVM module dependency error message is displayed (if not present)while i...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5042]( | 
(Upgrade) Exception when stop VM after upgrade...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5029]( | 
cloud-bugtool isn't in release package like release notes say...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5025]( | 
display_volume field is set to false by default for VolumeVO object...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5024]( | 
listVolumes: add support to list by storage pool (for admin only)...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5017]( | If 
SSVM is unavailable DownloadCommands will be routed to mgmt server...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5014]( | 
vmware:deployVM with data disk failed with exception...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5012]( | Bad 
data inserted into physical network labels for Zone Create Wizard using VMWa...
+[CLOUDSTACK-5008]( | 
[VMWARE]Failed to start the VM after performing Cold Migration of Volume to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-5002]( | 
unable to destroy vm ;VM destroy failed in Stop i-2-59-VM Command due to You 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4998]( | 
assignVirtualMachine API has wrong response string, causing Cloudmonkey to 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4997]( | OVS 
integration is broken...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4973]( | 
CLONE - Specified keyboard language is not showing as default in consoleView 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4943]( | 
Can't create cluster in CS 4.2...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4941]( | 
CLONE - Allocation capacity of a cluster during HA...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4935]( | 
Adding same network to VM multiple times resulting in failure, No new NIC is 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4931]( | 
observed NPE with new system vm template...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4913]( | 
Disable security group for bridge mode non-security group zone...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4904]( | 
Unable to see a derieved template if the parent template is deleted...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4886]( | 
cloud-setup-databases not escaping password in shell commands...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4875]( | 
VMWARE: vCenter 5.5 - SYSTEM VM: Unable to create deployment for VM...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4861]( | 
[VMware] If Guest traffic spans across multiple physical networks, selection of 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4860]( | 
[VMware] Vcenter 5.5  ESXi 5.5 hosts  SSVM CPVM fail to come up to running 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4856]( | 
Optimize on the # of control commands sent by MS to HV host...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4855]( | 
Throttle based on the # of outstanding requests to the directly managed HV host 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4852]( | 
Since upgrade to 4.2 only users at the zone-attached domain level can 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4850]( | 
[UCS] using template instead of cloning profile...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4831]( | 
Ability for root admin or domain admin to create a network for another user 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4830]( | 
Allow creation of users and accounts by domain admin in UI...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4826]( | 
System VMs fail to start...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4820]( | 
TestVPCNetworkGc.test_01_wait_network_gc netacls are not cleared...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4810]( | 
Enable hypervisor snapshots for CloudStack-managed storage (for XenServer and 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4768]( | 
[Automation] Race condition; delete the template and create VM at same time; 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4750]( | 
bond.VLAN mapping in iptables FORWARD chain not created consistently...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4741]( | URL 
of ImageStore not in proper format for XenServer...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4740]( | 
Some vSphere VMs are shutdown when ACS is restarted...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4734]( | 
Creating snapshot from ROOT volume fails with error message - "Failed to create 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4724]( | 
[Vmware] Deploy VM in designated cluster fail if there is only zone wide 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4697]( | Not 
able to delete Primary storage when there are no hosts in the cluster....
+[CLOUDSTACK-4676]( | 
[Baremetal]  baremetal hostename should not be fixed in  kickstart file ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4670]( | 
[Baremetal] Cloudplatform BareMetal installation guide for CP 4.2...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4631]( | 
[Automation] Failed to create snapshot from volume due to storage pool missing 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4620]( | Vm 
failed to start on the host on which it was running due to not having enough ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4616]( | 
When system Vms fail to start when host is down ,  link local Ip addresses do 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4598]( | 
[Performance Testing] High delays during deployVM - both network delay and 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4597]( | 
Complete Exceptions are getting displayed in the UI where there is an 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4594]( | 
[VMWARE] [Upgrade] Failed to revert VM Snapshot which were created before Live 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4588]( | 
[Automation][Vmware] VM deployment failed while creating Volume with NPE...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4577]( | 
VMWare:Volumes: Unexpected exception while executing 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4543]( | 
[Automation] Failed to configure VPC router then reported as deployment 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4542]( | 
[Automation] Failed to apply DHCP entry in VR and deployment failed ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4540]( | 
[Automation] Parallel deployment - Vmware - When deploying 30 parallel Vms , 16 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4506]( | In 
a mixed hypervisor setup, destroying a VM whose host has been removed, throws...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4504]( | VM 
creation Is failing using the Ubuntu ISO with Xen 6.1 and 6.2...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4450]( | 
Possibility of /tmp/xapilog filling up the Root disk on Xenserver ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-4445]( |  
[UI]Edit Icon is used for Dedicate host / Add or Remove VMWARE Datacenter with 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4428]( | 
[UI] "kvm.snapshot.enabled" flag should be taken to account only when snapshot 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4402]( | 
[deleteStoragePool] There is no way to delete Primary storage if the last host 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4371]( | 
[Performance Testing] Basic zone with 20K Hosts, management server restart 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4263]( | 
Unable to get git number in maven-jgit-buildnumber-plugin, while build 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4207]( | 
[upgrade] Exception observed after upgrade "jsonParseException: The 
+[CLOUDSTACK-4061]( | UI 
issue with Japanese localized ui...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3806]( | OS 
Preference can not be set...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3664]( | 
scaling up vms is not considering  parameter 
+[CLOUDSTACK-3627]( | 
Public IP interface(eth2) is not getting confugured with Redundant VR (State = 
+[CLOUDSTACK-3577]( | NPE 
while downloading the template to secondary storage ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3561]( | 
When inputting the nfs server in secondary storage, if once it's required, it 
+[CLOUDSTACK-3364]( | 
normal users are not allowed to edit their own iso...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3266]( | 
[UI] Failed to delete Anti affinitygroup for the first time ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3252]( | An 
instance deployed using explicit or implicit dedication doesn't generate a us...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3247]( | 
Removing a Disconnected Host throws a NoTransitionException...
+[CLOUDSTACK-3156]( | 
needs proper message for failing Add nic command when vmware tools is not 
+[CLOUDSTACK-3067]( | UI 
for Dedicating POD/Cluster/Host is misleading Icons should be changed....
+[CLOUDSTACK-3027]( | 
Object_Store_Refactor - Uploaded template S3 content-type is not appropriate....
+[CLOUDSTACK-2895]( | 
Can't start a VM with 3 volumes attached [VMWare]...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2766]( | 
[VPC] [UI] Firewall service should not be enabled for acquired public IPs in 
+[CLOUDSTACK-2687]( | NPE 
with deploy VM when there are no resources available ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2570]( | 
[UI]Resource Name is mentioned twice with view VNMC devices ...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2562]( | 
[VMWARE] As per the code, currently CloudStack fails to program PF/NAT/LB rules 
+[CLOUDSTACK-2428]( | HA 
- When the master host is disconnected , the host status contines to remain i...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2414]( | NPE 
while deleting Cisco VNMC provider...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2396]( | 
PVLAN - Should not be allowed to create multiple networks with same Vlan  
+[CLOUDSTACK-2199]( | ID 
parameter of UpdateConfiguration API should be changed to a different name...
+[CLOUDSTACK-2141]( | 
During HA process ,  dead lock is detected - Caused by: 
+[CLOUDSTACK-1970]( | 
Ubuntu - "cloudstack-setup-management" not available in "/usr/bin"...
+[CLOUDSTACK-1889]( | 
[UI] Consumed Resource usage details are not available for all the resources...
+[CLOUDSTACK-1868]( | 
GetVmStatsCommand throws NullPointerException with VMWare...
+[CLOUDSTACK-1762]( | 
[MultipleIpsToNic] addIpToNic should not let network id or broadcast to be 
+[CLOUDSTACK-1637]( | 
LDAP:UI related issues...
+Version 4.2.1
+Release notes contain the list of [bug 
+Version 4.2.0
+Released on October 1 2013.
+Release notes contain the list of [bug 
+Version 4.1.0
+This is the second major release of CloudStack from within the Apache Software 
Foundation, and the
+first major release as a Top-Level Project (TLP). 
+Build Tool Changes:
+ * The project now uses Maven 3 exclusively to build. 
+New Features:
+* CLOUDSTACK-101: OVS support in KVM
+* CLOUDSTACK-132: Mash up marvin into an interactive auto-completing API shell 
for CloudStack
+* CLOUDSTACK-241: AWS Style Regions
+* CLOUDSTACK-297: Reset SSH Key to access VM (similar to reset password)
+* CLOUDSTACK-299: Egress firewall rules for guest network
+* CLOUDSTACK-306: Support SRX & F5 inline mode
+* CLOUDSTACK-618: API request throttling to avoid malicious attacks on MS per 
account through frequent API request.
+* CLOUDSTACK-637: AutoScale
+* CLOUDSTACK-644: Resize volumes feature
+* CLOUDSTACK-706: Persistent Networks without running a VM
+* CLOUDSTACK-726: Implement L3 Router functionality in Nicira Nvp Plugin
+* CLOUDSTACK-780: Additional VMX Settings
+* CLOUDSTACK-926: ApiDiscoverService: Implement a plugin mechanism that 
exposes the list of APIs through a discovery service on the management server
+Bug Fixes:
+* CLOUDSTACK-1600 Typo in dpkg-buildpackage command
+* CLOUDSTACK-1574 updateResourceCount API is failed saying to specify valida 
resource type even after parsing the valid resource type
+* CLOUDSTACK-1562 Replace the short-cut solution of supportting @DB with the 
formal one
+* CLOUDSTACK-1541 NPE while deleting snapshot :Unexpected exception while 
executing org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.snapshot.DeleteSnapshotCmd
+* CLOUDSTACK-1521 Redundant router: Services are not stopped when switch to 
BACKUP state
+* CLOUDSTACK-1509 Failed to implement network elements and resources while 
provisioning for persistent network(createVlanIpRange to an account]
+* CLOUDSTACK-1496 List API Performance: listAccounts failing with OOME for 
high values of pagesize (>1000 )
+* CLOUDSTACK-1487 cloudstack-setup-agent fails to set 
on KVM host add
+* CLOUDSTACK-1485 Add Baremetal Provider back to 4.1 branch
+* CLOUDSTACK-1484 "API Throttling : api.throttling.enabled, Global setting 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1473 deleteDomain is failing with NPE
+* CLOUDSTACK-1470 unhandled exception executing api command: 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1469 kvm agent: agent service fails to start up
+* CLOUDSTACK-1465 List Zones returns null under create instance when logged is 
as user
+* CLOUDSTACK-1449 listAccounts and listProjectAccounts API lists all the users 
not account-specific users for each account returned
+* CLOUDSTACK-1447 [UI]Persistent Status is not displayed for VPC Tiers
+* CLOUDSTACK-1436 4.1 management server fails to start from RPM build artifacts
+* CLOUDSTACK-1429 single account is unable to use same vnet across multiple 
physical networks
+* CLOUDSTACK-1425 unhandled exception executing api command: 
migrateVirtualMachine & recoverVirtualMachine
+* CLOUDSTACK-1420 Ensure trademarks are properly attributed in publican brand.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1419 Apache-ify and apply trademark logos in the UI
+* CLOUDSTACK-1418 "As regular user , we are not allowed to deploy VM on a 
shared network."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1417 "When invalid values are passed to createNetwork() , error 
message does not indicate the parameter name that has invalid values."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1414 Redundant router: BACKUP switch cancelled due to lock 
timeout after a glitch in network
+* CLOUDSTACK-1403 Storage and console-proxy related error
+* CLOUDSTACK-1402 listRouters API response doesn't return linklocal IP and 
public IP details
+* CLOUDSTACK-1399 Unhandled exception executing api command: stopVirtualMachine
+* CLOUDSTACK-1397 Static Nat configuration is failing with NPE
+* CLOUDSTACK-1391 EventBus is not getting injected after javelin merge
+* CLOUDSTACK-1383 Deploying basic zone on 4.1 fails in NPE
+* CLOUDSTACK-1382 "vm deploy fails with Error ""cannot find 
DeployPlannerSelector for vm"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1375 deploydb failing with acs master
+* CLOUDSTACK-1369 "Ipv6 - In dual Stack network , guest VM does not have the 
Ipv6 address of the router programmed in /etc/resolv.conf for DNS resolution."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1367 NPE noticed in logs while AgentMonitor is monitoring the 
host ping interval
+* CLOUDSTACK-1357 "Autoscale: Provisioned VMs from Netscaler not being added 
to lb vserver, provserver fails with provserver_err_asynctaskpoll"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1350 Management server Stop and start causes previously 
downloaded ISOs and templates to redownload & reinstall
+* CLOUDSTACK-1347 "Not able to delete network. Error - ""Unable to insert 
queue item into database, DB is full?"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1346 "Check to see if external devices are used in the network, 
is hardcoded for specific devices"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1345 BigSwitch plugin introduces 'VNS' isolation in UI without 
backend implementation
+* CLOUDSTACK-1344 Typo in use.external.dns setting description
+* CLOUDSTACK-1343 Porting Baremetal related UI changes to ACS
+* CLOUDSTACK-1341 URL for the KEYs file is wrong in the installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1339 ASF 4.1: Management server becomes unresponsive
+* CLOUDSTACK-1338 Deploy VM failed using ISO
+* CLOUDSTACK-1334 vmware.root.disk.controller doesn't work.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1332 IPV6 - Router and guest Vms should be able to use an IPV6 
address for external DNS entry.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1331 Upgrade fails for a 2.2.14 Zone having multiple guest 
networks using network_tags and Public Vlan
+* CLOUDSTACK-1330 ec2-run-instances - When -n option is used to deploy 
multiple Vms API returns error even though few of the Vms have been deployed 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1320 Routers naming convention is changed to hostname
+* CLOUDSTACK-1319 createCustomerVpnGateway response gives TypeError: 
json.createvpncustomergatewayresponse is undefined
+* CLOUDSTACK-1315 [F5-SRX-InlineMode] Network implement failed with Run time 
Exception during network upgrade from VR to SRX-F5
+* CLOUDSTACK-1313 Working with Volumes Section Is Missing
+* CLOUDSTACK-1312 "Fix rolling upgrades from 4.0 to 4.1 in 4.1 release, fix db 
schemas to be same as 4.0"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1307 Noticed NPE when we put host in maintenance mode in 
clustered management setup
+* CLOUDSTACK-1303 Ipv6 - java.lang.NullPointerException when executing 
listnetworks() and deployVirtualMachine() after extending the Ipv4 range of a 
dual stack network.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1300 section in wrong order in installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1299 Errors in 4.5.5 section of installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1295 NPE in usage parsers due to missing @Component inject
+* CLOUDSTACK-1289 [F5-SRX-InlineMode] Usage stats are not generated for 
Juniper SRX Firewall in inlinemode
+* CLOUDSTACK-1288 [F5-SRX-InlineMode] classCastException during network 
restart with cleanup option true
+* CLOUDSTACK-1277 ApiResponseHelper.createUserVmResponse failed to populate 
password field set from UserVm object
+* CLOUDSTACK-1272 Autoscale: createAutoScaleVmProfile fails due to unable to 
retrieve Service Offering id
+* CLOUDSTACK-1267 KVM's cloudstack-agent service doesn't log (log4j)
+* CLOUDSTACK-1265 logrotate dnsmasq configuration is wrong
+* CLOUDSTACK-1262 "Failed to Prepare Secondary Storage in VMware,"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1251 Baremetal zone doesn't need primary/secondary storage in UI 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1243 Failed to cleanup account :java.lang.NullPointerException
+* CLOUDSTACK-1242 [F5-SRX-InlineMode] Failed to create LB rule with F5-SRX 
inlinemode deployement
+* CLOUDSTACK-1241 Network apply rules logic is broken
+* CLOUDSTACK-1237 "Register Template fails with ""Cannot find template adapter 
for XenServer"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1234 Unable to start KVM agent with 4.1 build
+* CLOUDSTACK-1233 Veewee configuration files are inappropriately identified as 
ASLv2 licensed files
+* CLOUDSTACK-1232 "Ipv6 - Guest Vms are not able to get Ipaddress when 
executing dhclient command when using ""/96"" network."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1226 Error while running Cloudstack-setup-databases
+* CLOUDSTACK-1223 Exception while starting jetty server: 
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException Error creating bean 
with name 'apiServer':
+* CLOUDSTACK-1222 API rate limit configs: removed double quote in upgrade 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1220 Ipv6 - Better error message when deploy Vm fails to get a 
free Ip address.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1219 Ipv6 - Provide better error messages when deploying a Vm 
with Ip an address that is outside the network's ip range / if the ip address 
already is assigned to another Vm.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1216 UUID is null for admin and failed to register user key with 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1210 Make all pluggable services return list of api cmd classes
+* CLOUDSTACK-1206 Failure in Copy of System templates
+* CLOUDSTACK-1205 Ipv6 - Ubuntu 12.10 guest Vms looses default route (after it 
expiration time ~ 30 mts) when ipv6.autoconfig parameters are disabled except 
for net.ipv6.conf.lo.autoconf which is enabled.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1204 Fail to create advance zone due to fail to add host
+* CLOUDSTACK-1201 "Failed to create ssh key for user ""cloud"" 
/var/lib/cloud/management/.ssh/id_rsa and failed to start management server"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1190 Make APIChecker interface throw a single sensible exception
+* CLOUDSTACK-1181 mvn deploy db failing with NPE
+* CLOUDSTACK-1176 Issue with snapshots(create/list)
+* CLOUDSTACK-1174 Snapshots related SQL error
+* CLOUDSTACK-1173 ConsoleProxyResource instantiation exception
+* CLOUDSTACK-1168 Create firewall rule broken
+* CLOUDSTACK-1163 Failed with NPE while creating firewall rule
+* CLOUDSTACK-1161 Differences between 4.1 and master in 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1154 Account/Users related API failed due to RegionService inject 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1153 "Ipv6 - Vm deployment fails with ""n must be positive"" 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1152 Missing tag in host-add.xml
+* CLOUDSTACK-1141 "Ipv6 - After network restart (and reboot router) , we do 
not see the existing vms dnsentries not being programmed in the router."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1138 "Providing invalid values for gateway, netmask etc in the 
zoneWizard blocks the VLAN container to load , throwing an error"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1123 ListStoragePools API broken by refactor
+* CLOUDSTACK-1113 "Ipv6 - Not able to deploy a new VM in this network because 
of ""Unable to allocate Unique Ipv6 address"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1112 "Errors in ""Prepare the System VM Template"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1111 Ipv6 - listRouters() does not return guestipaddress/
+* CLOUDSTACK-1109 "Ipv6 - Unable to expunge User Vms that are ""Destroyed""."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1108 Ipv6 - Not able to restart Networks.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1107 Ipv6 - Unable to extend Ip range for a Ipv6 network using 
craeteVlanIpRange() command - Error code 530 returned.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1105 "IpV6 - listVirtualMachines() does not return netmask 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1104 Ipv6 - listVlanIpRanges() returns error 530.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1103 "IpV6 - listNetwork() command does not retrun 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1095 Ipv6 - dhclient command needs to be run manually on the Vms 
to get the Ipv6 address.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1088 EnableStaticNat error will clear the data in database
+* CLOUDSTACK-1087 Update the Developer Guide for ASFCS 4.1 Release
+* CLOUDSTACK-1083 listUsageRecords api: removed project results in NPE
+* CLOUDSTACK-1082 UI doesn't throw any error message when trying to delete ip 
range from a network that is in use
+* CLOUDSTACK-1079 Deploying AWSAPI with mvn -pl :cloud-awsapi jetty:run fails
+* CLOUDSTACK-1070 javelin: NPE on executing registerIso API
+* CLOUDSTACK-1064 A type error occurs when trying to add account/register 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1063 "SG Enabled Advanced Zone - ""Add Guest Networks"" - When 
user tries to add a guest Network with scope as ""Account"" , he should NOT be 
presented with ""Offering for shared security group enabled"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-1057 regression of changeServiceForVirtualMachine API - fails to 
find service offering by serviceOfferingId parameter
+* CLOUDSTACK-1056 S3 secondary storage fails to upload systemvm template due 
to KVMHA directory
+* CLOUDSTACK-1055 "The overlay still exists when the ""Recurring Snapshots"" 
dialog is canceled by pressing esc key."
+* CLOUDSTACK-1051 API dispatcher unable to find objectVO corresponding to 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1050 No Documentation on Adding a Load Balancer Rule
+* CLOUDSTACK-1037 "Make cloudmonkey awesome-er: Online help docs and api 
discovery, better colored output, parameter value autocompletion"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1029 Enter the token to specified project is malfunctioned
+* CLOUDSTACK-1027 """Update SSL certificate"" button should properly reflect 
it's functionality"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1024 Regression: Unable to add Xenserver host with latest build
+* CLOUDSTACK-1021 the vlan is not creat to right nic. when i creat multi guest 
+* CLOUDSTACK-1016 Not able to deploy VM.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1014 Merge ManagementServer and ManagementServerExt
+* CLOUDSTACK-1013 running cloudstack overwrites default public/private ssh keys
+* CLOUDSTACK-1011 KVM host getting disconnected in cluster environment
+* CLOUDSTACK-1010 Host count and Secondary storage count always shows 1 in UI
+* CLOUDSTACK-1002 Not able to start VM.
+* CLOUDSTACK-995  Not able to add the KVM host.
+* CLOUDSTACK-993  """admin"" user is not getting created when management 
server is started."
+* CLOUDSTACK-987  Sections missing in Working With Snapshots
+* CLOUDSTACK-985  Different MAC address for RvR caused issue in short term 
network outrage
+* CLOUDSTACK-978  TypeError: instance.displayname is undefined while adding 
VM's to the LB rule.
+* CLOUDSTACK-968  marvin: vlan should be an attribute of the physical_network 
and not the zone
+* CLOUDSTACK-959  Missing sub-sections in document section System Service 
+* CLOUDSTACK-938  s2s VPN trouble
+* CLOUDSTACK-928  [Simulator] Latency for Agent Commands - change unit of wait 
from seconds to milliseconds
+* CLOUDSTACK-863  Non-printable characters (ASCII control character) such as 
%00 or %0025 are getting stored in raw/non encoded form in the database.
+* CLOUDSTACK-819  Create Account/User API logging password in access logs
+* CLOUDSTACK-799  [Load Test] Check router statistics falls behind in 
gathering stats by more than 2 times the set value
+* CLOUDSTACK-798  Move usage related cmd classes from cloud-server to cloud-api
+* CLOUDSTACK-736  Integration smoke tests: Fix check for vm name for the 
deployvm smoke test
+* CLOUDSTACK-734  api_refactoring: CreateAccountCmd fails to send response due 
to NPE in service layer
+* CLOUDSTACK-725  UI: Error when the Egress rules tab is selected for a network
+* CLOUDSTACK-721  Bytes sent/received in user statistics is empty (CloudStack 
+* CLOUDSTACK-720  Fail to load a png image when accessing the web console
+* CLOUDSTACK-717  cloudmonkey fails to parse/print response
+* CLOUDSTACK-693  Adding a VPC virtual router to a NiciraNVP enabled network 
+* CLOUDSTACK-691  A warning dialog box shows after reloading the welcome page
+* CLOUDSTACK-689  RVR: Stop pending flag is not cleared when user start the 
disconnected router from another host
+* CLOUDSTACK-683  Image Is Missing in the Accessing VM Section
+* CLOUDSTACK-660  Network Traffic Labels are not functional in Marvin
+* CLOUDSTACK-648  The normal users could change their own login password
+* CLOUDSTACK-639  API Refactoring: Adapters for ACL
+* CLOUDSTACK-617  Unable to edit a Sub domain
+* CLOUDSTACK-614  "ListTemplates API is not returning ""Enable SSH Key"" 
attribute for any given template"
+* CLOUDSTACK-606  Starting VM fails with 'ConcurrentOperationException' in a 
clustered MS scenario
+* CLOUDSTACK-605  Host physical CPU is incorrectly calculated for Vmware hosts
+* CLOUDSTACK-599  DhcpEntryCommand fails on Router VM on CS4.0 and vSphere5 
with Advanced Network Zone
+* CLOUDSTACK-596  DeployVM command takes a lot of time to return job id
+* CLOUDSTACK-584  "typos in 
+* CLOUDSTACK-573  "NPE at 
 when create network from the network offering having NULL provider for the 
+* CLOUDSTACK-572  SG Enabled Advanced Zone - Not able to deploy a VM in an 
account specific shared network.
+* CLOUDSTACK-560  Usage server doesn't work in 4.0.0 due to missing db changes
+* CLOUDSTACK-556  Erratic window behavior in Quick View tooltip
+* CLOUDSTACK-553  "SRX - When adding SRX device make ""Public Network"" - 
default to ""untrusted"" and ""Private Network"" - default to ""trusted"" as 
un-editable fields."
+* CLOUDSTACK-552  ]Quick view details for a volume displays scroll bar in 
place of name of the volume when the name of the volume has more no of 
+* CLOUDSTACK-539  Cropped Text in UI under Quick View
+* CLOUDSTACK-536  remove citrix cloudpatform from 4.0 build - CloudStack is 
ASF project
+* CLOUDSTACK-527  List API performance optimization by using DB views and 
removing UUID conversion.
+* CLOUDSTACK-522  Log requests in cloudmonkey's log file
+* CLOUDSTACK-520  Dependency jar names mismatch with
+* CLOUDSTACK-518  API refactoring -- change @Parameter annotation and remove 
the @IdentityMapper annotation
+* CLOUDSTACK-514  Marvin and Cloudmonkey don't work when an API target uses 
https or an alternate path
+* CLOUDSTACK-510  Add button not visible when adding public IPs to physical 
+* CLOUDSTACK-508  CLVM copies template to primary storage unnecessarily
+* CLOUDSTACK-507  fix api docs for listSSHKeyPairs
+* CLOUDSTACK-504  Duplicate guest password scripts in codebase
+* CLOUDSTACK-501  Apidocs and marvin does not know how to handle Autoscaling 
+* CLOUDSTACK-500  Passwd-server iptables rules are dropped on domr on fresh 
start or on reboot
+* CLOUDSTACK-499  cloudmonkey CLI can't accept complex parameters
+* CLOUDSTACK-493  2.2.x-3.0 DB upgrade support for Advance SG enabled networks
+* CLOUDSTACK-481  Installation Guide Doc Error
+* CLOUDSTACK-467  Developer's Guide points to for API reference
+* CLOUDSTACK-465  French language file quotes are dropping javascript syntax 
+* CLOUDSTACK-464  "Regression in AWSAPI docs, entire sections removed"
+* CLOUDSTACK-462  A few corrections to make to the 4.0.0 installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-459  [Optional Public IP assignment for EIP with Basic Zone] 
Associate IP Checkbox in Create Network Offering Dialog is Displayed When 
Elastic LB is Selected
+* CLOUDSTACK-456  License tag in SPEC isn't what RPM is expecting
+* CLOUDSTACK-448  SSVM bootstrap failure on XenServer hosts with E3 CPU
+* CLOUDSTACK-446  "Host going to alert state, if you are adding already added 
+* CLOUDSTACK-441  Running mgmt server using jetty fails to start api server
+* CLOUDSTACK-435  Vmware network labels are ignored when creating a Zone using 
basic networking
+* CLOUDSTACK-427  Change hardcoded step number references to dynamic links
+* CLOUDSTACK-424  Updated userdata not propagating to the VR.
+* CLOUDSTACK-417  Handle password server securely to run on port 8080 on VR
+* CLOUDSTACK-416  XCP 1.6beta2 (61002c) - can't add a host
+* CLOUDSTACK-404  Update docs on the usage of cloud-setup-databases
+* CLOUDSTACK-398  Install Guide: Section 11.17.3 (Using VPN with Mac OSX): Not 
+* CLOUDSTACK-397  Install Guide: Section 11.1 (Guest Traffic): Diagram is the 
wrong diagram
+* CLOUDSTACK-390  Install Guide: Section 4.5.7 (Prepare the System VM 
Template): Links go to
+* CLOUDSTACK-378  mavenize marvin on master
+* CLOUDSTACK-377  provide deployment config access to marvin's testcase
+* CLOUDSTACK-373  "static NAT and Firewall is not working on external firewall 
device SRX, it needs to be implemented"
+* CLOUDSTACK-369  ASF 4.0 - unable to support XenServer 6.1 host
+* CLOUDSTACK-364  Docs point to for AWS API script
+* CLOUDSTACK-361  Wrong creation of guest networks on a KVM host in Multiple 
Physical Networks with guest traffic
+* CLOUDSTACK-359  PropagateResourceEventCommand failes in cluster configuration
+* CLOUDSTACK-357  "ISOs can be deleted while still attached to a running VM, 
and they subsequently cannot be detached from a running VM"
+* CLOUDSTACK-355  "Fix ""count"" in a bunch of API commands"
+* CLOUDSTACK-348  deleteNetwork does not clean up network resource count 
+* CLOUDSTACK-347  listNetworks API: return vlan information only when the 
caller is ROOT admin
+* CLOUDSTACK-346  Cannot add Vmware cluster with class loader conflict 
+* CLOUDSTACK-335  KVM VPC load balancer not working
+* CLOUDSTACK-333  When Datacenter name in VCenter has spaces Primary Storage 
(VMFS) discovery will fail
+* CLOUDSTACK-332  """count"" property in list* API response should be equal to 
how many entries in database, not how many objects in API response"
+* CLOUDSTACK-318  Adding XenServer Host Fails - 6.0.2 fails with 4.0.0
+* CLOUDSTACK-304  Add synchronization for createSnapshot command per host basis
+* CLOUDSTACK-293  "We do awful, hacky things in our spec file for client"
+* CLOUDSTACK-290  3.0.0 template also needed for 2.2.14 to 3.0.5 direct 
+* CLOUDSTACK-284  listVirtualMachines does not return deleted machines when 
zone is specified
+* CLOUDSTACK-279  deleteProject fails when executed by the regular user (works 
fine for root/domain admin)
+* CLOUDSTACK-274  Two error codes mapped to same value in API
+* CLOUDSTACK-271  updatePhysicalNetwork dies with an NPE when the vlan range 
is empty
+* CLOUDSTACK-256  "vpn:As an admin user , not able to delete VPN user which is 
present in a regular user's network."
+* CLOUDSTACK-250  Incorrect description of maintenance mode in admin guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-249  Add host id to failed VM deploy alerts
+* CLOUDSTACK-235  Network rate can be set in 2 places. Clarify docs on how 
this works.
+* CLOUDSTACK-232  Zone infrastructure chart -- disable resource total display
+* CLOUDSTACK-228  UI provides an option to reconnect a disconnected host - 
ServerApiException is thrown on an attempt
+* CLOUDSTACK-227  ReconnectHostCmd: NullPointerException: Unable to get host 
Information for XenServer 6.0.2 host - on intentionally changing the traffic 
labels on the physical network
+* CLOUDSTACK-226  UpdatePhysicalNetworkcommand failed due to 
java.sql.BatchUpdateException ; Tried to extend the existing Guest VLAN Range 
of one physical network into the Guest VLAN range of the other physical network
+* CLOUDSTACK-225  API Docs: Request params repeated with different descriptions
+* CLOUDSTACK-222  Admin UI prompts to restart Management server with cancel 
edit operation
+* CLOUDSTACK-178  Expose name parameter of VM in list Vm view.
+* CLOUDSTACK-130  Clarify docs on tags parameter in API reference
+* CLOUDSTACK-119  Move Agent-Simulator in to the hypervisor plugin model
+* CLOUDSTACK-118  "Status of host resorce stuck in ""ErrorInMaintenance"""
+* CLOUDSTACK-95   IP address allocation not working when a user tries to 
allocate IP addresses in a Project.
+* CLOUDSTACK-70   Improve Network Restart Behaviour for Basic Zone: Restarting 
Network Fails
+* CLOUDSTACK-46   Remnants of mycloud remain
+Security Fixes:
+ * CVE-2012-4501: Apache CloudStack configuration vulnerability
+Version 4.0.2
+This is a maintenance release for the Apache CloudStack 4.0.x series, with no 
new features.
+Issues fixed in this release:
+* CLOUDSTACK-354: Display of storage statistics is wrong.
+* CLOUDSTACK-397: Install Guide: Section 11.1 (Guest Traffic): Diagram is the 
wrong diagram
+* CLOUDSTACK-398: Install Guide: Section 11.17.3 (Using VPN with Mac OSX): Not 
+* CLOUDSTACK-462: A few corrections to make to the 4.0.0 installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-524: http proxy used by ssvm (secstorage.proxy) NOT working
+* CLOUDSTACK-587: MEMORY_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATIONMemory limits must satisfy:
+* CLOUDSTACK-803: HA gets triggered even when the host investigator is unable 
to determine the state of the host
+* CLOUDSTACK-810: Make DirectAgent thread pool size configurable
+* CLOUDSTACK-976: unable to start cloudstack (error: 
+* CLOUDSTACK-988: HV version must be updated in hypervisor_version column of 
host table
+* CLOUDSTACK-990: Documentation issue with libvirtd.conf tcp_port configuration
+* CLOUDSTACK-1088: EnableStaticNat error will clear the data in database
+* CLOUDSTACK-1106: Missing documentation for cloud-setup-databases
+* CLOUDSTACK-1110: Documentation missing "Management Server Load Balancing"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1112: Errors in "Prepare the System VM Template"
+* CLOUDSTACK-1137: Force reconnect of a disconnected state complains about the 
state of the host.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1150: Documentation for libvirt on Ubuntu 12.04
+* CLOUDSTACK-1151: vmware systemVm template upgrade is missing in 4.0 upgrade
+* CLOUDSTACK-1211: Network operations are Blocked for the Read-only file 
system of Virtual Router
+* CLOUDSTACK-1265: logrotate dnsmasq configuration is wrong
+* CLOUDSTACK-1291: duplicate arguments in commands.xml prevents 
to run to completion
+* CLOUDSTACK-1298: typo in deb package setup
+* CLOUDSTACK-1299: Errors in 4.5.5 section of installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1300: section in wrong order in installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1341: URL for the KEYs file is wrong in the installation guide
+* CLOUDSTACK-1419: Apache-ify and apply trademark logos in the UI
+* CLOUDSTACK-1420: Ensure trademarks are properly attributed in publican brand.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1589: Ubuntu 4.0 packages depend on non-existent chkconfig
+* CLOUDSTACK-1629: Need to move location or conflict with antlr
+* CLOUDSTACK-1642: Add support CentOS 6.4
+* CLOUDSTACK-1648: Unable to add KVM host
+* CLOUDSTACK-1652: /etc/hosts error in virtual router when deploy instance 
with the name same to previous instances
+* CLOUDSTACK-1666: KVM VPC NetworkUsage doesnot work
+* CLOUDSTACK-1668: IP conflict in VPC tier
+* CLOUDSTACK-1761: Available local storage disk capacity incorrectly reported 
in KVM to manager.
+* CLOUDSTACK-1845: KVM - storage migration often fails
+* CLOUDSTACK-1846: KVM - storage pools can silently fail to be unregistered, 
leading to failure to register later
+* CLOUDSTACK-2003: Deleting domain while deleted account is cleaning up leaves 
VMs expunging forever due to 'Failed to update resource count'
+* CLOUDSTACK-2090: Upgrade from version 4.0.1 to version 4.0.2 triggers the 
4.0.0 to 4.0.1. 
+* CLOUDSTACK-2091: Error in API documentation for 4.0.x.
+Version 4.0.1-incubating
+This is a bugfix release for Apache CloudStack 4.0.0-incubating, with no new 
+Security Fixes:
+* CVE-2012-5616: Local Information Disclosure Vulnerability (See 
+Bugs fixed in this release:
+* CLOUDSTACK-359: PropagateResourceEventCommand fails in cluster configuration
+* CLOUDSTACK-374: When running cloud-setup-databases, it auto chooses the 
highest priority nic (lowest number ie: eth0)
+* CLOUDSTACK-389: Install Guide: Section 4.5.5 (Prepare NFS Shares): Confusing 
statement about iSCSI
+* CLOUDSTACK-395: Primary Storage and Secondary Storage sections missing 
+* CLOUDSTACK-411: Add another step during kvm agent installation on Ubuntu 
+* CLOUDSTACK-415: restartNetwork call causes VM to be unreachable when Nicira 
based SDN is used.
+* CLOUDSTACK-422: XSL files missing license header.
+* CLOUDSTACK-426: SetVPCStaticNatRules unimplemented for KVM.
+* CLOUDSTACK-448: SSVM bootstrap failure on XenServer hosts with E3 CPU.
+* CLOUDSTACK-465: French language file quotes are dropping javascript syntax 
+* CLOUDSTACK-473: API Doc for uploadCustomCertificate doesn't explain how to 
use the optional parameters well.
+* CLOUDSTACK-480: Installation Documentation error: Section needs to 
mention nfs-kernel-server.
+* CLOUDSTACK-481: Installation Guide Doc Error
+* CLOUDSTACK-498: Missing dependency in RPM of KVM Agent.
+* CLOUDSTACK-502: VPC router needs to resolve its hostname.
+* CLOUDSTACK-505: cloudstack logs the private key in plaintext.
+* CLOUDSTACK-507: fix api docs for listSSHKeyPairs.
+* CLOUDSTACK-515: NVP installation.
+* CLOUDSTACK-536: remove citrix cloudpatform from 4.0 build - CloudStack is 
ASF project.
+* CLOUDSTACK-560: Usage server doesn't work in 4.0.0 due to missing db changes.
+* CLOUDSTACK-580: Packages are named with 4.0 with 4.0.1 build.
+* CLOUDSTACK-591: Wrong vnet in iptables on KVM hypervisors after VM reboot.
+* CLOUDSTACK-595: Recreate root volume scenarios doesn't work in VMware
+* CLOUDSTACK-603: Upgrade from 4.0 to 4.0.1 is not enabled.
+* CLOUDSTACK-605: Host physical CPU is incorrectly calculated for VMware host
+* CLOUDSTACK-622: In the add primary storage dialog in the ui the RBD fields 
don't disappear when changing from RBD to another protocol.
+* CLOUDSTACK-683: Image is missing in the Accessing VM Section
+* CLOUDSTACK-685: CloudStack 4.0 Network Usage is ZERO
+* CLOUDSTACK-938: s2s VPN trouble
+* CLOUDSTACK-961: Installation docs don't detail dependencies for building RPMs
+* CLOUDSTACK-995: Not able to add the KVM host
+Version 4.0.0-incubating
+This is the first release of CloudStack from within the Apache Software 
+Build Tool Changes:
+ * The project now uses a combination of maven3 and ant for building
+ * License header auditing is now implemented via the Apache RAT Maven plugin
+ * Some integrations have been disabled in the default build, due to the 
license types of our dependencies (See for details on how to build 
with the optional capabilities)
+New Features:
+ * Inter-VLAN Routing (VPC)
+ * Site-to-Site VPN
+ * Local Storage Support for Data Volumes
+ * Virtual Resource Tagging
+ * Secure Console Access on XenServer
+ * Added the ability to create a VM without immediately starting it (via API)
+ * Upload an Existing Volume to a Virtual Machine
+ * Dedicated High-Availability Hosts
+ * Support for Amazon Web Services API (formerly a separate package)
+ * AWS API Extensions to include Tagging
+ * Support for Nicira NVP (L2)
+ * Ceph RBD Support for KVM
+ * Support for Caringo as Secondary Storage
+ * KVM Hypervisor support upgraded to work with Ubuntu 12.04 and RHEL 6.3
+Security Fixes:
+ * CVE-2012-4501: Apache CloudStack configuration vulnerability

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